Rise of Humanity



The extreme state of the Heavenly Dharma level was to strengthen the cultivator's power with the utilization of the heaven and earth's power!     

However, it wasn't the power of heaven and earth that Zhong Yue was utilizing now, it was the divine rays of the three suns.     

He broke the balance of the superimposed magnetic fields to let the divine rays in so that his sabers could absorb the divine rays and grow strong beyond limits.     

It truth, Zhong Yue was weaker than Reverse Emperor. Although, their arts and skills seemed to be on par with one another, Reverse Emperor was much stronger in the control over his attacks.     

After all, Reverse Emperor was a emperor in his past life, there was plenty of time for him to delve and attest his arts and skills. Moreover, his experience and knowledge were simply beyond Zhong Yue's current reach.     

Zhong Yue was already at his best performance when he cast a seamless flow of [Sun Burst] and [Moon Tide]; but even so, Reverse Emperor was able to break them away.     

Reverse Emperor's arcane energy and cultivation base was stronger than his and in addition to his extensive experience, Zhong Yue wouldn't be able to defeat him even with the third style!     

However, he has a distinct advantage right here right now—the solar storms were happening, and they were in the center of it all!     

The burning sunfire filled all over the place, but all he could feel was warmth and comfortness. The sunfire was deadly to the others, but for a cultivator of the Innate Golden Crow True Spirit, the sunfire would only fuel his power further!     

In his hands, the two divine sabers grew stronger.     

"Six wheels, open!" Zhong Yue shouted, his blood essence burst out vigorously and the six Yuan Shen secret realms opened behind him.     

"The sixth wheel!" Li Tianxing's eyes flared brightly as he stared at Zhong Yue's sixth light wheel, this was the first time he ever showed any fluctuations of expressions!     

Even when Zhong Yue slaughtered the Qi Practitioners with the [Moon Tide], the young demon only praised of the marvelous skill. However, the fact that Zhong Yue has also opened the sixth wheel couldn't help but to shudder his placid emotions.     

Although the Prison Realm has a complete Six Paths Reincarnations, the number of Qi Practitioners who could've opened the sixth Yuan Shen secret realm was still incredibly rare. Those who had were usually spared and brought out from the Prison Realm to the higher realms like Heaven Realm, Earth Realm or even the Celestial Realm. More so, one might even be talented enough to be picked as a disciple by the greater figures from the Zi Wei Imperial Star.     

Before this, Li Tianxing was the only known cultivator with the sixth Yuan Shen secret realm.     

Zhong Yue's blood essence billowed violently, the Nine Revolving Inner Core flew out and his third eye opened with a sun and Innate Golden Crow True Spirit in his divine first eye, a moon and the Innate Star Toad True Spirit in his divine second eye.     

As he now casts everything he has, the power of the two sabers were doubled in an instant!     

Reverse Emperor's face grew solemn and he suddenly moved; with Zhong Yue now utilizing the force of the solar storms, he was already strong enough to pose a great threat to him!     

After all, the solar storms were far too strong for a cultivator to handle, even a slight surge of it would be able to threaten his life!     

As of now, the sunfire, Solar Cosmic Rays and Metamagnet Divine Rays were scattered all around them. In the midst of the sunfire, Reverse Emperor dashed forward while his body started morphing.     

A smaller body of his own suddenly grew out from the top of his head, like a mini Reverse Emperor above him.     

It was the Immortal Body!     

Clearly, Reverse Emperor has also cultivated an art like the Immortal Body that allows the mortal body to morph and change forms!     

The mini Reverse Emperor on his head held on the Blood Banner and swung it heavily, using the Blood Banner to hinder Zhong Yue's blood essence and power.     

Whereas Reverse Emperor clenched on the Blood Axe and brought it down in a slashing motion with great battling will. It was an ancient skill with unparalleled strength, so strong that all who dared to stand against it should be sentenced to death!     

It wasn't just a skill, it was the resemblance of the demon emperor's undefiable will!     

Blood ray extended out from the axe and cleaved the sunfire into halves like waves in front of him.     

Amidst the blood rays, there were the souls of the dead swarming over at Zhong Yue!     

"Reverse Emperor has amended the flaws in his past life." Bi suddenly said, "This is his strongest skill. It was cast in the last battle of his past life, but a flaw in it was seized by his opponent and it lead to his death. But now, it seemed like he managed to patch the flaw in this skill."     

An nodded, but shook his head again just seconds later, "But it was only the flaw in this particular skill that is fixed, there isn't much improvements in his arts."     

Zhong Yue's clothes fluttered in his own billowing aura, the hairband disintegrated away and set his white hairs loose in the air.     

The young man gave a loud cry, his muscles bulged out, and an additional two arms grew out from his body. He clenched on the divine sabers with two arms each, and swung them in toward the center like scissors!     

The twin sabers were like two soaring dragons, shearing Reverse Emperor's skill away in an instant and left a deep crack on the Blood Axe. Reverse Emperor muffled a deep groan, and he could feel a peculiar force of energy pummeling through the axe into his hands and exploded within his muscles.     

"Is this the third style of the [God Slaying Three Styles]?" Faces of the experts changed drastically and they grew solemn as they said, "Strong, how strong! This skill is capable of crushing almost every skills!"     

Yet, little did they know that this wasn't the third style of the [God Slaying Three Styles] nor was it created by Zhong Yue. This skill has proven to be unstoppable in many battles, and was created by a cultivator whose talent and dedication were beyond comprehension!     

Reverse Emperor was struck hard, the mini Reverse Emperor on his head suddenly fluttered the Blood Banner and concomitant with a loud boom, Zhong Yue's mortal body exploded and his blood essence sucked toward the banner like a stream of river!     

The solar storms only enhanced the power of the twin sabers, while his mortal body remained to be the same. At such a close proximity, the Blood Banner was strong enough to greatly affect and even siphon his blood essence out from him.     

Zhong Yue's mortal body was wrinkling at a great speed, but his gaze remained tranquil as he pulled the sabers back as a single beam of light which eventually formed into a glowing light scabbard.     

The light scabbard glowed brighter, and as Zhong Yue drew out the Metamagnet Divine Saber, the Metamagnet Divine Rays were emanated into the surroundings. The space around them were distorted and its balance toppled, causing countless tiny space rifts to emerge around him!     

Second style of the [God Slaying Three Styles]—[Moon Tide]!     

Reverse Emperor swung the the Blood Axe and parried the Metamagnet Divine Saber; however, the Metamagnet Divine Rays around the saber were unaffected and continued to pummel on him, creating space rifts right within his body!     

Meanwhile, the Blood Banner has sucked all of Zhong Yue's blood essence out from his body, inflicting severe damage to Zhong Yue as well. He was practically like left like a mummy on the spot.     

"I may be severely wounded, but you are left with no blood essence anymore. Death is the only way out for you!" Reverse Emperor laughed loudly, he parried the incoming Metamagnet Divine Saber again and was further wounded, but he neglected it all. Instead, he grew happier and was filled with greater battling will as he cleaved the axe toward Zhong Yue's head, "Your cultivation base will be useless without the blood essences, can you still parry my axe? Your third style is no secret to me now, how do you think you can defeat me with a skill that can't kill me?"     

All of a sudden, sounds of thrumming came within Zhong Yue's body; the Fuxi divine heart thumped vigorously and pumped an abundance of energy throughout his body, regenerating his mortal body to its peak state.     

Zhong Yue clenched on the Metamagnet Divine Saber and parried the Blood Axe just in time, while the other pair of hands raised the gleaming Solar Divine Saber high up and slashed it down!     

Before the saber was even slashed down, the light rays from the Solar Divine Saber were already shot down like a barrage of javelins!     

It was the [Sun Burst]!     

The Blood Axe clashed on the Metamagnet Divine Saber, nearly breaking the saber into halves. Its immense impact force pressed the saber into Zhong Yue's left shoulder while the Blood Axe cleaved into Zhong Yue's skull.     

Meanwhile, the [Sun Burst] also engulfed Reverse Emperor in its blinding lights. Reverse Emperor's Yuan Shen flew into the mini Reverse Emperor and it bolted out from the saber lights.     

After the [Sun Burst], the mini Reverse Emperor returned to the mortal body, and Reverse Emperor spurted out a mouthful of blood.     

Although his Yuan Shen managed to evade the strike, the arcane energy, psyche and totem patterns in his mortal body were greatly impaired. The [Sun Burst] wasn't a skill that targets on the physical mortal body, instead it would only strike on the totem patterns in the mortal body, the internal organs and cultivation base.     

Thus, even though the [Sun Burst] did not inflict any physical wounds in Reverse Emperor's mortal body, it was in fact destroyed beyond repairment!     

Shit, my Immortal Body's been broken!, Reverse Emperor's heart thumped in shock, but the Solar Divine Saber had beheaded him before he could react to it.     

The Blood Axe fell to the ground, and the Blood Banner slipped away from his hands. Zhong Yue stretched his hand out and grabbed on Reverse Emperor's skull, he twisted Reverse Emperor's neck and plucked his head off.     

It was at this moment, the three suns tardily moved away from one another, and the solar storms started to cease.     

Outside of the twin planets, the demon gods looked down and looked at the battle. Li Tianxing and the others were the first to enter their eyes, then following by Zhong Yue and Reverse Emperor's head in his hand.     

"Reverse Emperor… is killed by a mere human!?"     

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