Rise of Humanity

All Killed In One Strike

All Killed In One Strike

Suddenly, a lady asked, "The Emerald Heaven Dharma King gave her order to kill the Zhong Shan Clan Zhong Yue. I wonder if this sad child right here among one of us?"     

"That Zhong Yue comes from a small place, I think he don't even know what is a solar storm. He is now most probably killed by the solar storms already."     

All of a sudden, an unwavering voice answered, "The Zhong Yue you are looking for is right here."     

The experts gazed over and saw a young man standing placidly before them.     

Beside Zhong Yue, Bai Canghai suddenly felt his blood started boiling, and he nearly couldn't suppress the desire to battle in his heart!     

It took only just one man and a single sentence to attract the attention of all the experts, and made a clear sign to the outbreak of a blood-curdling battle!     

Bai Canghai was always seen to be a gentleman to the world, he came from a great clan, and was able to hold a somber demeanour at all times.     

In addition to the Bai Zhe Clan's clan rule of never interfering in the worldly affairs, and having nearly zero conflict with the other races, Bai Canghai was seldom seen to unleash his power.     

However, deep down in his heart, he was still just a young cultivator filled with wild battling will, he longed for the battles, to fight all he can at will and let loose of the restrains impressed on him by his clan!     

And all of this desires were released by just one sentence!     

"Junior Martial Brother Bai is still rather unfledged, being able to be easily affected by the battles. You'll get better if you follow around senior martial brother for a little longer." Qiu Jin'er smiled and said.     

In turn, she was placid and calm as though they were just casually having a picnic. But that wasn't too surprising at all as she has been fighting by Zhong Yue's side more than anyone else, she has more experience than Bai Canghai despite her being younger in age.     

She even carried Zhong Yue all the way out from the West Barren, slaughtering hundreds of Zhong Li experts and celestial Qi Practitioners along the way.     

Whereas Jun Sixie had no change of expressions even though her spirit was burning vigorously in an intense battling will.     

The ex-headmaster of Swords Gate was after all the leader of a race. She evaluates and assess situations from a wider and larger aspect, she see things clearer than the others and had a prestige far beyond the Prison Realm Qi Practitioners in the Ancestral Star.     

She has always manned herself at a greater position than the ordinary Qi Practitioners, and was truly rare to see any emotional fluctuations in her.     

Thus, she was in fact the calmest out of the three.     

"Young man of the Zhong Shan Clan!" Countless pair of eyes glared over, especially those who've cultivated the divine eyes. The divine eyes were incredible, their strengths varies from one to another, some were able to see through the fakes, some were able to inject hallucinations, while some others were strong enough to kill!     

Yet, when these eyes were looking at Zhong Yue, they brought no harm to him at all, other than causing his clothes to sway gently in the wind.     

"Human Zhong Shan Clan, your head is wanted by the Emerald Heaven Dharma King!"     

A demon demigod roared, his muscles bulged out in great strength and he strode toward Zhong Yue while saying frigidly, "Are you going to take it down and hand it over yourself, or do you prefer me to personally behead you?"     

Zhong Yue ignored him, he glanced around and suddenly, his eyes stopped as he looked at a lady among the Qi Practitioners.     

Zhong Yue squinted his eyes slightly. The lady Qi Practitioner seemed to be insouciant to the Emerald Heaven Dharma King's order, she has been holding an expressionless face and was in her own world ever since she arrived.     

Is she Consort Han or Zhen Yao? More likely the latter as Consort Han is the Realm Monarch's mistress, she has been together with the Realm Monarch and would carry a royal air with her. However, the aura around this lady is colder than ice and devoid of emotions, this can only be attained by going through the vicissitudes of life. That being said, she would be Zhen Yao who was said to have reincarnated for over a 50,000 years.     

Then, he shifted his gaze away and was quickly attracted by a pair of male twins. The two of them were incredibly slender, their pupils were jade-green in color, their limbs longer than usual and they have golden furs growing across their faces.     

Although they were twins and looked identical, the auric field around them were nearly two total opposites. One felt as though he was an unworldly immortal free from worries and the other like a commoner tumbling endlessly in the worldly affairs.     

Bi an An, Zhong Yue thought in his heart.     


With the demon demigod lunging toward Jun Sixie, it marked the start of a bloody battle; all of the Prison Realm experts have swarmed over to kill Zhong Yue!     

Jun Sixie strummed her zither and fought against the demon demigod while Bai Canghai and Qiu Jin'er each selected an appropriate opponent for themselves.     

Zhong Yue looked away and saw another brawny man; in just a glance, Zhong Yue could sense the deadly air repleting around him, and the picture of an emperor sitting high up in the throne with countless bodies buried beneath appeared in his head.     

Reverse Emperor, Zhong Yue immediately knew who he was. Meanwhile, he was strolling across the countless attacks, casually waving his hands around to parry and kill the Prison Realm experts as he continue glancing around.     

Then, he saw an elegant lady; she has the faint air of royalty, but her eyes showed no happiness. Without doubt, she would be the mistress to the Realm Monarch who was banished to the Prison Realm, Consort Han.     

Then the other one would be Li Tianxing, Zhong Yue opened the divine eye, and the flash of godly ray from his divine third eye bore through an incoming expert. Right after, the six-eyed Star Toad Innate True Spirit emerged behind him and roared the Prison Realm experts behind him to death.     

The six eyes from the Star Toad True Spirit suddenly rolled rapidly and shone bright like six moons, causing a strong wave of attraction that contorted the dimensions. Suddenly, a space rift opened behind Zhong Yue, and fresh blood with fractured bones flowed out to the ground.     

Zhong Yue fixated his eyes on the last young man who hasn't moved at all. For the first time ever, Zhong Yue didn't felt nice and was discomforted. Although the young man's gaze was warm and pleasant when looking at him, Zhong Yue could sense many pairs of eyes staring at him whenever he turned away.     

Li Tianxing was like a young god, possibly the brightest star of all the Qi Practitioners; even Reverse Emperor couldn't have done any better than him.     

He has opened and cultivated all of the extreme states, including the reverse-opening of realms, Six Paths Wheel, and Innate True Spirit!     

Not only that, but he was also an Imminent Deity magnate who has cultivated the Extreme Weapon as well. He has two extreme states more than Zhong Yue, even if they were in the same cultivation level, he was also one extreme state stronger!     

This was something that has never happened for a long time for Zhong Yue!     

What an appalling expert, Zhong Yue looked away. The Innate Golden Crow True Spirit flew out and torn an Imminent Deity demigod into pieces while he brought his hand down in a slashing motion.     


The [Shao Hao Bell] crashed down from the sky and pinned an expert in it, then burning the expert into ashes.     

Li Tianxing, Reverse Emperor and the others didn't move, they were spectating the battle and grew more interest in Zhong Yue as time passed by.     

Although Zhong Yue appeared to be just casually waving his hands and casting the skills, every strike he made was done in full strength; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to kill the experts in one strike either.     

These experts were weaker than him, but they were not easy targets to fight with. Most of them have lived more than one life, they were incredibly experienced and fierce in attackings.     

However, the battle in the Divine Battlefield allowed Zhong Yue to attain a godlike mindframe. Even though he was casting the skills at his fullest power, that didn't impress any pressure to him at all, neither mentally or physically.     

Furthermore, his Fuxi divine heart was continuously providing him with an abundance of blood essence that was even stronger than Prince Shi Yun!     

Thus, he was able to maintain his strength in his peak form at all times!     

The [Tai Chi Art] repleted ever corner in his perimeter, some were cast to defend, some were cast to attack, and some for other uses.     

The more Li Tianxing and the others looked at him, the more interested they were; All of a sudden, Reverse Emperor strode toward Zhong Yue.     

Immediately, Zhong Yue could 'see' a giant demon god treading across a blood ocean with a sky of darkness toward him!     

Before Reverse Emperor has gotten any closer, his aura was already pressuring down on Zhong Yue!     

Zhong Yue stretched a hand out brimming in godly rays; and within the godly rays, comes a 10,000 feet long saber sheath made of the Solar Cosmic Ray.     

Zhong Yue raised his other hand, he clenched on the saber hilt and slowly unsheathed the saber.     

Blinding lights rushed out of the saber hilt, converting into endless saber will that surged all across the place like a raging ocean under the moonlight.     

As soon as Zhong Yue started pulling the saber out, Reverse Emperor's aura was penetrated through by the overpowering saber will, and had no choice but to stop moving any closer.     

Not only that, but the saber will even asundered the Prison Realm experts around him!     

Faraway, the experts suddenly groaned in pain, they could be seen covering their eyes with blood trickling down their hands as they were blinded by the saber light!     

And all of this was done when Zhong Yue's divine saber was still not yet fully unsheathed.     

"Strong skill, impressive weapon!" Reverse Emperor praised while furtively tensing up his heart, "Your skill will be fully unleashed when the divine saber is unsheathed; these weaklings of the Left Fang Galaxy will all die for sure! Your divine saber is already an Extreme Weapon, the only thing that is lacking now is your cultivation level. What's the name of this skill?"     

Zhong Yue stopped pulling the saber, he smiled and said, "A skill I've created myself. This is the second style of the [God Slaying Three Styles], [Moon Tide]. Reverse Emperor, do you want to test it out yourself?"     

Rays flashed across Reverse Emperor's eyes, they turned red like the color of blood, and reflected the images of the corpses of the gods he has killed.     

"Yes, I do. Show it to me!"     

Zhong Yue pulled the saber out, the saber will and saber light brewed thicker and stronger. At the instant the divine saber was fully unsheathed, the experts in the superimposed magnetic field were crushed into pieces, all of them!     

When the saber will reaches to them, the divine saber has already slashed past as well!     

Second style of the [God Slaying Three Styles] ,[Moon Tide] has unleashed its full power!     

As a result, all of the Prison Realm Qi Practitioners were killed in one strike!     

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