Rise of Humanity

There Were No Kind Souls Here In Prison Realm

There Were No Kind Souls Here In Prison Realm

Zhong Yue sheathed his saber and as his saber was fully sheathed, the last corpse fell from the skies and the corpses all got lifted up by the magnetic field of the Metamagnet Divine Saber.     

The blood flowed silently, severed body parts floated and while thunder and lighting struck around outside of the magnetic field, creating loud noises that shook the heaven and earth, it was completely silent within in dimension.     

Now, only ten of them remained standing; apart from Reverse Emperor, Li Tianxing, Bi, An, Zhen Yao, and Consort Han, there were still Zhong Yue, Jun Sixie, Qiu Jin'er and Bai Canghai.     

On the outside was the burning celestial sunfire and the rampaging metamagnetic celestial ray, on the inside were countless corpses and blood. The blood here was very strange, they gathered together and turned into blood balls that floated in the air. The blood of the True Spirit and Imminent Deity level Qi Practitioners was very thick and rich as they were all refined throughout the time and each drop of blood could turn into a pool of blood.     

Now, after their deaths, their blood flowed out and the blood balls formed by the blood were incredible huge and the corpses of these Qi Practitioners floated on top of the blood ball or sunk into the bottom.     

The three solar storms became even more violent as the surface of the twin planets started to melt and turned into two scorching larva planet.     

This explosion would last for two hours but it has only been fifteen minutes now.     

"What a nice saber!"     

Reverse Emperor praised; Zhong Yue only showed him his sword, let him witness the second strike of his[God Slaying Three Styles], the second style[Moon Tide]and this attack was not directed to him at all.     

The scene where the lunar shine that shined on the ground however, still managed to amaze everyone.     

"It is indeed a nice saber." nodded Bi and An.     

Li Tianxing and Zhen Yao too, acknowledged this and they said, "Marvelously amazing!"     

The second strike of the [God Slaying Three Styles] was utterly amazing!     

It was so beautiful that even Li Tianxing, Bi, An, Zhen Yao got amazed; the attack was as beautiful as the moon but at the same time, it carried horrifying power like the rogue tides created by the gravitational force exertion of the moon.     

And this was the wonderful part of the Metamagnet Divine Saber.     

This saber was formed with the metamagnetic celestial ray that attracts everything in this world, including any divine and demonic divine weapons or even the living beings.     

This saber strike might have shined the earth with his saber presence but the crucial part was still on the tides; the magnetic force of the saber drew and stimulated the blood in the enemies, triggering the magnetic power in their body while the saber struck as the tides formed, destroying the body and brain.     

Zhong Yue hacked his saber and the more times he hacked, the stronger the Metamagnet Divine Ray and the stronger the power of the sword, amplifying the saber's aura even more.     

[Moon Tide], was the second saber ultimate art he created in four years.     

Reverse Emperor praised, "Young human, you are incredible to cultivate your saber art to such level! You merged your soul weapon, saber aura, energy and power into one, turning them into something extraordinary. You said you created a total of three moves in four years? I am sure that you will have a glimpse on the even higher level in the future for you actually managed to reach this level with the lowly human bloodline."     

He too, bore the appearance of young man but held the deamanor of an elder; thus, making things looked very natural when he called Zhong Yue a young man. After all, Reverse Emperor was an reborned demon emperor and this was his second life. Together, his age was incredibly old so Zhong Yue was indeed a young man in front of him.     

Zhong Yue immediately stood up straight, hid his saber away and said humbly, "You're flattering me, Reverse Emperor."     

His sabers could appear at anywhere at anytime, making them very hard to be noticed.     

Reverse Emperor stared at Zhong Yue's hand in an attempt to find out where Zhong Yue hid his saber but after a while, he shook his head and said, "I am not exaggerating. You already possess your own unique traits and without these traits, one will not be able to achieve much in the future. However, if one's achievements are limited as well if that person gets to calculative at everything! Did Emerald Heaven Dharma King give the order to kill you just because you killed her son? With such attitude is deadly to one's cultivation path, she will not walk any further in the future."     

Immediately, Zhong Yue had a very good impression on Reverse Emperor even though the way he speak was a little arrogant but what he said was true.     

Zhong Yue too, agreed to what he said.     

How a person sees things greatly affect the person's future; a person who is narrow minded will never walk far in the future.     

A person must be able to see far into the future but at the same time, he or she must not lack the corresponding capabilities to do so; if that person do not possess a strength strong enough to support him, he will not be able to achieve much even if he has an open minded.     

Other than that, Reverse Emperor managed to realize the amazing and unique trait of Zhong Yue's move in just a short time.     

There were barely any Qi Practitioners that cast their skills with their soul weapons or divine weapons; majority of them merely attacked using the power of the weapons themselves while only a few of them synced themselves with their weapons and skills, turning the weapons and skills into part of them.     

And there were also only a few gods that managed to achieve this!     

Zhong Yue's [Moon Tide], Solar Divine Saber, Metamagnet Divine Saber were something that can not be absent; the moon reflected the sunlight, the Solar Divine Saber as the scabbard and the Metamagnet Divine Saber in the scabbard that amplified the radiance of the Solar Divine Saber.     

At first glance, it looked like Zhong Yue was unsheathing Metamagnet Divine Saber but in truth, he was activating the power of the two sabers; with his saber presence that he merged with the two sabers, he created the second style, [Moon Tide].     

And Reverse Emperor saw through it immediately.     

To be able to do this, Reverse Emperor was indeed very terrifying and amazing and he made himself a formidable foe.     

He looked around, landed his vision on Qiu Jin'er, Jun Sixie and Bai Canghai as he said calmly, "What a nice move, you wiped out the insects around us and leave only the ten of us behind. Seems like you want your three partners to survive so you tried your best to keep them alive but have you ever thought that how could insects stand on the same level as us?"     

Jun Sixie and the others who were being stared by Reverse Emperor shivered immediately as they felt that they were being preyed by a hungry beast.     

This Reverse Emperor had turned into a hungry beast, staring at them as if they were food, trying to eat them alive and this hungry beast did not plan to spit out anything it ate!     

Zhong Yue frowned and asked, "What do you want, Reverse Emperor?"     

"I want to see the other two moves!" shouted Reverse Emperor     

His expression changed rapidly as he shouted. Then, with a horrifying expression, he laughed and said, "Your moves! I sensed tremendous battle intent and confidence in them! I've been killing for my entire life and I killed countless geniuses. I want to slaughter you! You are still so young and you managed to create something like this and god knows how much you could achieve in the future? If you and I represented the Left Fang Galaxy, everyone will have their eyes on you and who else would give a damn about a reborn demon emperor?"     

He smirked and said, "As long as you slightly performed better than your usual self, no one will pay much attention to me anymore even if I contributed more than you or if I'm stronger than you."     

"But don't be worried, I won't force you to act first. I'll kill those you hold dear to, make you challenge me and no one will accuse me of being jealous if I killed you in that situation."     

Previously, he was behaving like a caring senior but in the next moment, he showed his true form; a cunning and sinister demon emperor.     

There were no kind souls here in the Prison Realm.     

Those who got imprisoned in this realm were all criminals with blood on their hands. Perhaps, as soon as you started to grow fond of them and believed them, they would back stab you in the next moment, condemning you into the abyss!     

Zhong Yue immediately felt relaxed and as he smiled, he said, "If that's the case, then I won't feel bad killing you anymore."     

"What did you just said?" Reverse Emperor startled for a second, he couldn't believe his ears.     

"I too, want to kill you." Zhong Yue laughed happily, "From the moment you took a step toward me, I have decided that I will take you down to the ground. I need to do something big and grand that will spread my name across the galaxies so the Emerald Heaven Dharma King will be too afraid to touch me. I felt a strong surge of killing intent coming from you when you stepped forward, and so, I have decided that it will be you, you make a perfect sacrificial lamb. However, as I converse with you, I realized that it might be a shame to kill a gentleman like you; but it seemed that I am wrong, you sure deserve to die!"     

The blood rays in Reverse Emperor's eyes billowed like an ocean, if one looked deeper, there was even the images of the godly corpses undulating in the blood ocean in his eyes. He gave a cold sneer and said in a rumbling tone, "You dare to challenge me? Young child, you are strong, but still far from my stage. Don't be too braggy just because you have created a few strong skills, do you think I don't have skills that can counter yours, skills that are stronger beyond your level? You are still too inexperienced, you need to see more and learn more, but do that only in your next life!"     

Zhong Yue laughed back aloud, he placed his hands on the back and said placidly, "Reverse Emperor, you just said that the Emerald Heaven Dharma King is too niggard, but now you act no different than her. Millions of gods died and their blood essence sucked into your blood ocean, but that is all you can do. The kinds like you will never transcend far even if you have a thousand lives to live!"     

Reverse Emperor's pupils shrunk like needle, the blood ocean burst out behind him and the tides rose thousand over feet high above the ground while the godly corpses were undulating in the waves. Reverse Emperor leaned back and and a throne covered in blood emerged. The countless godly corpses floating on the blood ocean's surface bursted out laughing before they all stood up and said together, "Brat, you're still sprouting such nonsense? Do you know that nothing can stop Reverse Emperor if he wants to kill you!? Even people like us got killed by him, not to mention someone as weak as you! Now, come, come join us in this happy carnival!"     

As calm as usual, Zhong Yue replied, "Reverse Emperor,I suppose you can do something more than just this?"     

On the other hand, on the throne surrounded by undeads, Reverse Emperor plunged into the air and jumped towards Zhong Yue!     

Bai Canghai's face changed drastically and exclaimed in shock, "This old brat is strong! Brother Zhong is in great trouble!"     

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