Rise of Humanity

Crush and Kill Those Who Defies Me!

Crush and Kill Those Who Defies Me!

Bai Canghai was also shocked and he kept quiet quickly. Initially, instead of him being the one that brought bad luck, he thought the those around him was just plain unlucky but now, it seems like he really is a Comet Innate Spirit Body according to Chan Dongyuan!     

"His Yuan Shen should be a huge snake and that snake is called the Cursed Luck True Spirit."     

The more Chan Dongyuan looked at Bai Canghai, the more he grew fond of him and he said, "What a shame, I have no understanding on the way of cultivation of such innate body or I would take him as my disciple."     

Zhong Yue gave Shi Buyi a signal and Shi Buyi quickly asked, "I beg your pardon, senior martial brother, but is there expert out there on this field?"     

Chan Dongyuan thought for a moment and he said, "There is only a little Curse Spirit Body out there and I have yet to hear anyone with Curse Spirit Body even in us Prison Realm. I lack the knowledge in this particular field but the thing is not the same when it comes to Emerald Heaven Dharma King. She possess incredible knowledge and she probably know the cultivation technique of such innate spirit body. After this, if you all managed to obtain a good score, you will be granted a chance to see him. As someone who view talented individuals heavily, Emerald Heaven Dharma King will be more than happy to guide you but first of all, you must all be alive."     

Chan Dongyuan looked at Zhong Yue, then Qiu Jin'er and Jun Sixie and he praised, "Three innate spirit bodies! Both of you are all Imminent Deity level Qi Practitioners and this one right here is even more incredible! Your cultivation level may be slightly lower but you are actually a Sun and Moon Innate Spirit Body! You all actually managed to find such talented human subspecies!"     

A talented human subspecies?     

Zhong Yue was speechless as Chan Dongyuan was obviously talking about him but the term "subspecies" made him lost his words.     

Chan Dongyuan laughed and said again, "Everyone sent out their best students in this great event and the elites of we Prison Realm Left Fang Galaxy are all here today. My dear senior martial brothers, it would be difficult if your students want to shine brightly today! It is hard to tell if the four of them could survive or not but if they died, it really is a shame."     

"A huge event? What kind of huge event?"     

Zhong Yue and the others were all confused and they all thought, Judging from what he said, this event seems to be quite dangerous, why did they sealed this twin planets and what are they waiting for?     

Though confused, they did not asked Chan Dongyuan directly and they continued to pretend that they knew about this and acted like they were here to attend this event.     

"The Prison Realm is incredibly vast and the Left Fang Galaxy was the galaxy where the teeth of Pan Gu Six Path Celestial Being located."     

Chan Dongyuan said proudly, "Tho we demon race lived in the Prison Realm, we are nowhere weaker than the Celestial Realm of the celestial race! After this event, the disciples that triumphed will still have to fight with the little brats from Celestial Realm to see who is stronger!"     

As Chan Dongyuan kept saying, questions kept pop out in the mind Zhong Yue and the others and they all thought, What is this Celestial Realm and Prison Realm? Where are they from?     

Though their questions remained, one thing they were sure of was that they have been teleported to one of the Six Paths World but they still have no idea on which of the Six Paths World they arrived on and how far more are they away from the Zi Wei Imperial Star.     

"Back then, we have always been at the bottom as we ranked number 2,999th among the 3,000 Six Paths Worlds. The former first Six Paths World that has been deserted long ago or we would be on the number 3,000. Thus, we aimed our eyes on getting a better ranking and those right there are the elites among the elites!"     

Chan Dongyuan pointed at the disciples of the other gods and he whispered, "These guys came here with great sheer force of will! Their disciples were cultivated by them with thousands of years, resulting in incredible disciples and among them, there is one that managed to achieve the extreme state in each level! Haha, this guy is very strong and he is definitely representing us!"     

Zhong Yue immediately figured it out and he thought, So we have been teleported to the number 3,000th Six Paths World and it is called the Prison Realm? With a few hundred demon gods here in the Left Fang Galaxy, it seems like they are quite a huge faction too.     

Not long later, through Chan Dongyuan who had a lot to talk about, Zhong Yue and the others managed to obtain quite some information from him.     

First of all, this world was much stronger than they imagined and it is divided into the Heaven Realm, Earth Realm, Celestial Realm, Elemental Realm, Myriad Realm, and finally, the Prison Realm.     

The Heaven Realm was the living place for the supreme celestial race;the Earth Realm was for the royals; Celestial Realm for the royals among the supreme celestial race; Myriad Realm was slightly more complex as all races lived together and Elemental Realm were for those with an even lower level bloodline.     

Whereas Prison Realm was the worst as it was the last realm in the Six Paths World and those living in this place were often criminals that once committed unforgivable sins and crimes and their descendants will never be able to leave this place.     

Thus, the Prison Realm was also called the Sinner's Realm, a world filled with criminals.     

The Prison Realm's surrounding was extremely harsh; the three solar systems they are standing on right now are considerate quite a nice place while the other places were just like hell, there were no heaven and earth spiritual power and there were barely anyone that managed to thrive.     

Hence, being punished into the Prison Realm was the heaviest punishment to everyone.     

This was all because once being banished into the Prison Realm, one will never be able to get back eternally, which also means that once the livings died in Prison Realm, they will return back into the Prison Realm to suffer after they reborn in the next life.     

Meanwhile in the other five worlds, even the low class living beings in Elemental Realm had the chance to reborn into the Heaven Realm, Earth Realm or Celestial Realm, and obtain extraordinary bloodline and power.     

Thus, not being able to reborn into the other worlds became the biggest punishment to those in the Prison Realm.     

Besides, since the ruler of this Six Paths World was one from the celestial race which caused him to carry negative emotions towards the demon naturally, thus, those being banished into the Prison Realm were mostly those from the demon race. As a result, the demons became the major race in the Prison Realm and those living in Prison Realm mainly cultivated demonic arts.     

Though the environment in Prison Realm was harsh, the livings in this place formed a formidable faction too strong to be ignored; the Left Fang Galaxy was a part of the Prison Realm and it was a middle level faction under the lead of Emerald Heaven Dharma King.     

Apart from the Left Fang, there were still the Right Fang, Heaven Eye, Left Divine Eye, Right Divine Eye, Left Guard, Right Guard, Heaven Mouth, Center Body, Left Divine Hand, Right Divine Hand, Left Nipple, Right Nipple and many other galaxies in the Prison Realm, all named after the body parts of Pan Gu Six Path Celestial Being,     

The rulers of the realms were called the Realm Lords while the conqueror of this whole Six Paths World was the Realm Monarch who reside in the Heaven Court in the Pan Gu Celestial Being. The Realm Monarch was fully in charge of the Six Path Reincarnation and he possess the power to control who still lives and who will die.     

Thus, even though this 3,000th Six Paths World had a low ranking, they were still a power far beyond Zhong Yue's imagination!     

And this time, Zhong Yue and the others coincidentally ran into the ranking event of the Six Paths World.     

This was not a contest between the Realm Monarchs of different worlds nor the contest between gods but a fight among the Qi Practitioner to determine the ranking of their own world!     

They represented the future of their own world and the win and loss of their battle determined how strong their world would become in the future.     

Back then, the Qi Practitioners would fight each other ferociously, killing each other to climb higher in the rankings but each time, the Prison Realm was the last as there wasn't even one Qi Practitioner that represented them.     

This time, the Realm Lord of Prison Realm wanted to win, thus, he said that whoever that won the Qi Practitioners from the other worlds, that Qi Practitioner will be granted a chance to leave Prison Realm and reborn into the Heaven Realm and gifted with the best bloodline!     

Immediately, the entire Prison Realm was shook.     

Who would be able to stand being a puny peasant eternally?     

Thus, from the weakest to the strongest individuals in Prison Realm, they have all worked hard and prepared themselves for a tough fight just to get a chance to obtain a chance to have their disciples to participate in this battle!     

And the battlefield of Left Fang Galaxy was in the twin planets.     

So that's how it is.     

Finally, after obtaining the required information, Zhong Yue, Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin'er exchanged eyes and he said, "We came from the Ancestral Star and if we don't disguise ourselves, we would attract unnecessary trouble easily. It'd be best if we hide ourselves with a local identity but the problem is that I have no idea if we could win the others as the cultivation heritage of our first Six Paths World is flawed."     

Zhong Yue was confident that we was not weaker than the others but as compared to the other Six Paths World, the former first Six Paths World's Six Path Reincarnation was destroyed, resulting in the loss of certain laws of cultivation and this greatly impacted the living beings born in the former first Six Paths World.     

Besides, there were even an evil and sinister existence keeping a close eye and restricting the Ancestral Star, causing further impairment on the cultivation heritage in Ancestral Star, hence, increasing the difficulty of improvement among the Qi Practitioners in Ancestral Star.     

Shi Buyi's eyes rolled around and he said, "Senior martial brother Chan, what should we pay attention of in this great event? Will these battles be a friendly match or?"     

"Of course!"     

Chan Dongyuan gave Shi Buyi a cruel laugh and he said ferociously, "They could do whatever they want! If one possessed such capabilities, he could even destroy his opponents' bodies, suck their soul dry and do whatever he wants! Don't hold back and don't be worried, after all, the lives of Qi Practitioners in Prison Realm are nothing since they would reborn in this world again!"     

His words caught Shi Buyi, Bai Canghai and the others off guard and they started to worry.     

Chan Dongyuan then summoned his disciple, also one from the Heaven Toad Demon Race and he was incredibly strong; he had reborn four times, which means that he had been cultivating all the way from the bottom four times and this means that his base is extremely solid!     

With all of these factors, even if he was not an innate spirit body, his overall strength was already on par with Qiu Jin'er and Jun Sixie!     

"If he died in this battle, then so be it, he could just come back in the next life!"     

Chan Dongyuan grinned and said, "Chan Fangzhen, come, tell our dear senior martial brothers what did I taught you!"     

Chan Fangzhen also put up a fierce expression and said, "Crush those who do not bow before me! I will kill those standing in my path!"     

Chan Dongyuan then laughed and said to Zhong Yue and the others, "Without such resolutions, one would not be able to survive in this place!"     

"Big toad, you are exaggerating again! Such big words coming from you!"     

A demonic god with cow head suddenly said, "Who do you think you are? My son will freaking kill all of you!"     

Suddenly, a god in golden armour appeared; he waved a huge banner and the totem carvings shrouding the entire twin planets disappeared and he said, "The time has come! Now, Qi Practitioners from Left Fang Galaxy, get down there and shed some blood!"     

The god in golden armour also put up a ferocious expression and he shouted, "Emerald Heaven Dharma King said that only ten Qi Practitioners will be representing us Left Fang Galaxy to fight with the others from the other world, which means that the event will only end when only ten remain standing in the battle!"     

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