Rise of Humanity

Nothing Can Be Done Anymore

Nothing Can Be Done Anymore

About half an hour later, the blood red beam launched from the altar on Black Mountain finally arrived at the Wood Celestial Star.     

The blood beam then turned into a huge radiant light ball that floated on top of Wood Celestial Star; in the ball was the bloodline curse of Zhong Yue and millions of Kun Peng Celestial Race's people looked at the ball.     

This light ball was extremely alluring and it looked incredibly dazzling.     

Then, nimbus emerged around the radiant ball and started descending into Wood Celestial Star.     

These nimbus grew larger and larger and surrounded the star; the nimbuses appeared in the colour of pale red, and they sieved around the living beings on Wood Celestial Star one after another time.     

Weng weng weng—     

After a few hundred nimbuses, the radiant ball faded after the energy in it was depleted.     

The Kun Peng Celestial Race's people were all shocked, worried and the strong ones stayed behind quickly examined themselves and all of them failed to discover anything; everything remained the same, the blood flowing in them was still the Kun Peng bloodline and nothing was sealed.     

Everything seemed unchanged and normal but in truth, the bloodline curse will only apply on their descendents and after generation after generations, the bloodline curse's effect will be amplified to a level beyond solving.     

And after ten generations or perhaps even more, the godly bloodline in them will be fully concealed and they will lose the almighty power of the celestial race as their bloodline power is sealed.     

"Lion, the injuries on Wen Changgong's chest are not treated." said Zhong Yue as he spun the scale mirror and faced it at Wen Changgong.     

Right away, Shi Buyi looked at Wen Changgong and lunged towards him while Wen Changgong's expression changed dramatically. The injuries on his chest were inflicted by Old Man Six Paths and they were still there up until now, which made his chest his biggest weak point!     

Lord Dragon sheathed his sword, got to the side of Zhong Yue, looked at the mirror and his expression changed right away. He kept quiet for a moment and he asked Zhong Yue with a deep heart, "Did the mirror exposed the weakness of Lord Kun just now?"     

At the back of Zhong Yue, Huang She, Shang Zhen, Kua Fu and the others walked up and they did not dare to act recklessly after seeing Lord Kun being sacrificed and Lord Dragon who stood beside of Zhong Yue.     

Zhong Yue then replied Lord Dragon's question by saying, "The death of Lord Kun was not caused by this mirror but his worry over the future of his own race."     

With a tone filled with complicated emotions, Lord Dragon said again, "I've been in conflict with him since the Bi Xie Era; we fought when we were still alive and we still fought each other even after our death. Time passed quickly and it has been five million years now and I couldn't do anything about him. But now, I won because of this mirror but I feel… I feel that this was not a fair fight. Zhong Yue, this mirror of yours is unbelievably strong. It's so strong that it shouldn't even be allowed to exist, it's so strong that even if the heaven allowed it to be here, the gods out there wouldn't!"     

Zhong Yue then shined the mirror at Zhu Jiumu with hesitation, his lips moved but in the end, he did not say a single word and he was a little bit unwilling to tell young Xuan Yuan about the weakness of Zhu Jiumu.     

Through the mirror, Zhong Yue got to know the weak point of Zhu Jiumu and if he told Xuan Yuan about this, with the power of the divine sword, Xuan Yuan could cut Zhu Jiumu down with just one strike!     

Zhong Yue was once friends with this old man, thus, he was unwilling to kill him.     

He then shined the mirror at the other gods, starting from Shang Zhen, then Huang She, Kua Fu and the others; while Lord Dragon who saw what was shown in the mirror sighed and said, "Such item really shouldn't be allowed to exist in this world!"     

Whatever shown in the mirror was the infinite details of everyone; Lord Dragon saw even the tiniest details about himself, from the weakness in his skill, to his art then his divine weapons and others.     

Even when attacking someone, the arrangement of his power, the flow of his energy and the changes in the totem carvings array were all shown clearly in the mirror.     

It was like every cover of his was stripped away and all of his secrets were exposed.     

Such item was never known by the others, not even someone like Lord Dragon; it was beyond his comprehension and thus, the saying of such item shouldn't be allowed to exist.     

From Lord Dragon's point of view, this is an item beyond comprehension and an item that shouldn't be here!     

Meanwhile, Shang Zhen, Huang She and the other gods who stood behind Zhong Yue were all very wary of Lord Dragon; if Lord Kun was still alive, they would still be able to put up a fight but now, they are all stuck in between.     

Zhong Yue however, ignored them while the three divine eyes swiped across the altar of Black Mountain which sacrificed over 500 godly spirits, gods, divine weapons, Lord Kun and Xiao Mang Grand Ancestor. Right now, the power gathered around the altar was way too scary.     

Gigantic totem carvings surrounded Black Mountain while lightning rained from the skies, creating an area filled with lighting, lighting up the surrounding and making loud noises.     

Blood rain was still raining from the skies and washed the ground with blood.     

Even so, with such tremendous power, Patriarch Nature's body was still partially intact and around his body were totem carvings that tried to withstand the power of the ritual.     

Zhong Yue then shined the mirror at the entire City of Nature, exposing the complicated totem carvings around the city; even with the mirror, it was still tough to fully decipher the totem carvings within Patriarch Nature's body and its structure.     

"A Deity Overlord's spirit, how much power will Lord Dragon be able to preserve even with the dragons worshipping him?" murmured Shang Zhen as he looked at the Kua Fu God.     

This Kua Fu Celestial Race's god whose name was Kuafu Anshan thought for awhile and replied, "Between the Pure Yang Gods and Heavenly Gods, with a full prayer, he would be able to return to his maximum strength which is equivalent to a Heavenly Deity! However, I heard that the dragons had moved into the Kun Lun Realm and if they prayed towards him from a different dimension, he might not be able to return to his full strength."     

The five gods all felt relieved upon Kuafu Anshan's word and Huang She God said politely, "If Lord Dragon could be generous enough to tolerate with us a little bit more, we would all be more than grateful."     

Lord Dragon on the other hand, did not say anything as he continued to examine Patriarch Nature's body shown in the mirror and when he saw some parts of Patriarch Nature were blurry and some were not, he laughed and said relievely, "Seems like this mirror was not as strong as I imagined. I must have been overthinking."     

Zhong Yue replied with a smile, "To shine upon and reveal all? How is that possible? Perhaps any artifacts leaked out from the Emperor's Tomb would also be quite challenging for this mirror."     

Meanwhile, one of the remaining five gods said, "Lord Dragon, there are five of us and together, you might be no match for us, so why all the fuss helping Zhong Yue?"     

Lord Dragon however, ignored them again and he asked, "The mirror can't identify the details of those items from the Emperor's Tomb? So you have actually seen one?"     

Zhong Yue replied, "I had the luck to see one, but not the luck to possess any."     

Lord Dragon sighed and said again, "Even so, you are considered lucky enough to be able to met with one."     

Shang Zhen on the other side smirked and said, "Lord Dragon, we are trying to reason with you and being polite but aren't you acting a little bit too arrogant? You think we are afraid of you? We just didn't want to cause any uneccessary troubles!"     

Lord Dragon frowned immediately while Kuafu Anshan said with a grin, "You dragons also entered Kun Lun Realm and if you offended us, beware that we might not give you the chance for your race to establish your own ground in Kun Lun Realm!"     

To their dismay, Lord Dragon turned around, burst out laughing and said, "I did not want to destroy the gods in Ancestral Star nor offend any gods in Kun Lun. Back off right now, return to Kun Lun and nothing will happen or I'm afraid that you might all die here."     

Suddenly, Shang Zhen swung her hands, used her sleeves as whips that struck towards Lord Dragon and she said, "How dare a godly spirit of a Deity Overlord act so arrogantly!"     

As soon as she acted, the other gods were left with no options and they all unsheathed their divine weapons and charged towards Lord Dragon/"     

Lord Dragon immediately raised his sword and said with a laughter, "Zhong Yue, why not shine your mirror at Lord Demon?"     

Zhong Yue then immediately faced his mirror towards the location of Lord Demon while Lord Dragon laughed happily, moved in an usually fast speed and pierced Shang Zhen with the Coiling Dragon Divine Sword and sliced her apart!     

Another god beside her shrieked as a bloodied hole appeared on his forehead and he fell onto the ground!     

Huang She God lost his cool immediately, roared angrily and swung his divine weapon as he charged towards Lord Dragon. In the next moment, he felt that his vision started to rotate quickly and he saw a beheaded body standing in front of him; he was decapitated and that body standing there was his own!     

Kuafu Anshan on the other hand, possessed ultimate strength that could perhaps shatter the heaven and earth; he relied on his incredible body, engaged with Lord Dragon in a close quarter combat but suddenly, Lord Dragon landed his sword on Kuafu Anshan's body for a few thousand times.     

Right away, cracking noise came from Kuafu Anshan's body and he suddenly burst apart!     

At this moment, Lord Dragon pulled his sword out from the last remaining god's body and suddenly, he vanished from the spot and a figure could be seen running towards the Black Mountain's altar; Lord Dragon was charging towards Lord Demon in uncanny speed and he performed a sword dance when he was charging towards his target!     

At the same time, Huang She God's headless body suddenly creeped and a head grew out from the legs of his body and a pair of legs grew out from the neck before he lunged towards Zhong Yue!     

As a twin headed godly snake, he survived even after one of his head was severed by Lord Dragon and now, he took his chance to launch a surprise attack on Zhong Yue!     

Suddenly, Zhong Yue who was facing his back towards Huang She God said, "Huang She God, do you know why Lord Dragon didn't kill you?"     

"Why?" asked Huang She God as he quickly stopped his attack.     

"Because he was wary about me and he wanted to have me killed through your hands." replied Zhong Yue.     

He continued the ritual, hurling the corpse of the gods into the altar to be sacrificed and he said calmly, "Through the mirror, Lord Dragon knew everything about you but he only cut off one of your head just to keep you alive so you could kill me off guard. Little did he know that how can you actually manage to catch me off guard? You will be dead immediately once you attack me!"     

Huang She God's expression changed immediately and he quickly fled from the Black Mountain.     

Meanwhile, Lord Dragon who was attacking Lord Demon had already killed Tuz Bawk, thrown his body into the altar and when he saw Huang She God that ran away, he frowned.     

Huang She God did not take this chance to kill Zhong Yue, what a coward! Can't he see that Zhong Yue was just pretending to be calm? Useless!     

Lord Dragon was starting to feel uneasy of Zhong Yue's growth; Zhong Yue's altar and ritual that bloodily sacrificed the gods, sealed the bloodline power of the other races were just way too astonishing, along with Lord Kun's death, the scale mirror, his growth was just too fast. Thus, Lord Dragon kept Huang She God alive so that he could kill Zhong Yue but Huang She God actually got scared off by Zhong Yue.     

Feng Wuji too, quickly led the other gods away as soon as Lord Dragon came charging out of the altar of Black Mountain. Huang She God quickly chased after them and he shouted, "High Priest Xiao, Gong Yang God! Hold up! We shall go to Swords Gate, kill Zhong Yue's entire clan, force him away from the ritual to save his people and with that, no one will be hosting the ritual!"     

Gong Yang God and the other Kun Lun God quickly stopped running and their eyes brightened up.     

Feng Wuji however, immediately rejected this proposal and he said, "We mustn't! There are still a large amount of strong Qi Practitioners in Swords Gate! You will all die!"     

His words fell onto deaf ears as Huang She God did not believe him but instead, he smirked and said, "Lord Dragon is here, what else do Zhong Yue have left in Swords Gate? My hatred will not be calmed if I don't destroy Swords Gate and kill his entire race!"     

Then, Huang She God and the other two gods charged towards Swords Gate in lighting speed without saying anything more.     

Feng Wuji bit his lips and he murmured with a grin, "So be it, you are all dead meat! Nothing can be done anymore now and seems like I have no place here in the Ancestral Star anymore. It is still possible for me to run away now…."     

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