Rise of Humanity

The World of Mortals

The World of Mortals

"Mount Tai?" Zhong Yue startled for a moment before he praised, "What a good name."     

Shi Buyi turned around and looked at the now Mount Tai with complicated thoughts, This brat even changed the name of our monster race's glorious Black Mountain! But, this is no big deal as the monster race will surely be able to triumph over the human race in the future. We will dominate this world, and by then, we can still change the mountain's name back to Black Mountain!     

The three of them returned to Swords Gate, while the blood rain still hasn't stopped.     

It took another ten days for the blood rain to stop; while in this ten days, Zhong Yue has recovered his lost prowess. Then, he used the next three months to sort and arrang all of the arts and techniques, skills and knowledge he learned, and left them behind for Swords Gate.     

"It's time." Zhong Yue mumbled.     

He summoned Xuan Yuan over and asked, "After I leave, what will you do if there are enemies trying to invade the human territory?"     

Xuan Yuan answered, "I will educate the people, and teach them the cultivations. That way, the number of Qi Practitioners will grow exponentially, and we will be strong enough to ward off the invaders on our own."     

"Then, what if your opponents are the gods?"     

Xuan Yuan mulled for a second before saying, "If it happens within the next tens of years, I will ask for help from the Western Mother Empress. However, if it happens a few tens of years later, the Swords Gate will already have many gods, including myself. We will be strong enough to even rule the world."     

Zhong Yue laughed, "You still have a competitor if you want to rule the world. I have cleansed the West Barren celestial race, but the Eight Barren demon race is untouched. The demon race is located across the sea, the totality of their powers are not much affected, and they have also many talents. Someone will be able to stand against you."     

"Uncle Zhong, what am I afraid of when I have this divine sword with me?"     

Zhong Yue shook, "What if one day Nong Sovereign is no longer here to help? Then, you will have to wield the Xuan Yuan Sword solely on your own, and that won't be enough for you to defeat the demons!"     

Xuan Yuan frowned and asked curiously, "Then why didn't Uncle Zhong cleansed the demon race as well?"     

Zhong Yue sighed, he pointed at his white hair as he replied, "I have done far too much for the human race. I couldn't even remember how many lives have I killed, or how many things I have done, and I am now left with only just a few hundred years to live. Do you want me to die here?"     

Xuan Yuan quickly said, "No uncle, I don't want that!"     

"A metal that is not forged will never be a weapon good enough to kill; I have left behind the demon race so that you and the others can ascend into the deityhood. Look at you now, if all you ever knew of was to rely on the power of the Xuan Yuan Sword or helpers from the outside, you will never be able to become a god anymore. I cannot stay in the Ancestral Star, or you will never be a god; I cannot eradicate the demon race as well, or you will also never be a god. If I had taken out all the enemies in the Ancestral Star, the human race will never be able to grow stronger than ever. You will have to learn to rely on your own prowess, the humans will have to learn to rely on their own; to overcome the hardships, and to triumph over our enemies!"     

Xuan Yuan quickly nodded.     

Then, Zhong Yue asked again, "There are ten Sun Innate Spirits in the Ancestral Star now; when I'm here, they will never dare to come out and stir troubles. But after I leave, how will you handle them?"     

"I am a few years earlier in cultivation and is stronger than them, even after Uncle Zhong has left, they will still have to bow before me. They will never be able to stir any troubles as long as I am here."     

Zhong Yue nodded, he asked again, "Then what after you've left?"     

"After I've left?" Xuan Yuan was stunned, he asked puzzlingly, "Where will I be going?"     

Zhong Yue took out a piece of godly wood, he surged his psyche and carved it into an incense stick engraved with marvelous totem patterns. He handed it over to Xuan Yuan and said, "The day you become a god, ruled the world and bring peace upon this land, you will burn this incense stick and I will bring out away from the Ancestral Star."     

Xuan Yuan quickly kept the incense stick, he smiled and replied, "Before I leave, I will pick a successor strong enough to suppress the ten Sun Innate Spirits."     

Zhong Yue shooks his head and said, "Can your successor really suppress them? The Sun Innate Spirit Body is the strongest innate spirit body, it is even stronger than your Earth Innate Spirit Body. The ten of them will become incredibly powerful! Your successor will not be stronger than you when you leave, surely they will rise against him."     

Xuan Yuan pondered deeply, while Zhong Yue shook his head and took out a bow with ten arrows, he said, "This is the divine bow left behind by Zhu Jiumu, I have forged the moon core into it and added the totem patterns specifically against the Sun Innate Spirits, while this ten arrows are made from the Sui Tree's tree branches. You will continue nurturing the arrows and bow stronger, and pass it over to your successor before you leave. If the Sun Innate Spirits made any troubles, shoot them down with the arrows.     

Xuan Yuan quickly kept the bow and arrows, and thanked Zhong Yue.     


A thousand years later, the human race and demon race both became the two strongest race in the Ancestral Star. The strongest demon god, Chi You, led a total of 81 experts, including his brothers and the demon race eight grand ancestors, waged a gory war against the human race as to conquer the Ancestral Star.     

The human leader Xuan Yuan fought back with the humans and monsters under his command. Ying Dragon Long Yue, Teacher Rain Shui Zian, Great Goose Gu Hongzi, and the others have also participated in the war, and they were recorded in the history of mankind as the legendary figures.     

Then, the Kun Lun gods also left their names in the historical records. Huang She God and Kua Fuding allied with Chi You's army, while Zhong Yue's demon incarnation, Bo Xun has also led many experts in the war.     

The Ying Dragon killed Chi You, while Kua Fuding and Huang She God chased after Bo Xun. Bo Xun morphed into the form of a sun, and flew to the west where Ying Long was silently waiting to ambush Kua Fuding and Huang She God.     

It was recorded into what the renowned has stated, Across the land of mortals, a giant named Kua Fu held a yellow snake with two heads, and he chased after the unreacheable sun. Lakes and rivers were drained as the giant drank them away, but not even the gushing Yellow River could quench his thirst for water. Died of dehydration, the giant couldn't last long enough before reaching to the next water source far in the west.     

After the war, the human race has ascended as the ruler of the world, and Xuan Yuan enthroned as the Yellow Emperor.     

Five hundred years after the war, Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan went to Mount Tai and hosted the great ritual again. Then, he announced that Zhong Yue to be titled as the Tai Sovereign, and a rule that all human leaders in the future would have to host the great ritual.     

Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan burnt the incense stick left by Zhong Yue, and a dimensional rift was seen tearing open by a giant dragon claw. Dragon whiskers were lowered from the void, and the Yellow Emperor mounted on the dragon while his cronies grabbed and hung themselves on the dragon's whiskers.     

Tens of the strongest human gods were brought away by the giant dragon. There was a rumor that speculated the dragon as tje Ying Dragon's true form.     

Which was coincidentally true as Ying Dragon Long Yue's true form was Zhong Yue.     

When Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan left with the dragon, a bow fell from the sky and passed down to his successor. A few dozen years later, the ten Sun Innate Spirits have emerged and stirred troubles among the society, and the human leader shot down nine of them with the divine bow and ten arrows.     

Meanwhile, Jiu Ranteng has became a god. He established a religion in the west with himself as the supreme god in his religion. However, he dare not to spread his religion to the east as the human race was far too strong.     

Many years later, a talent from the celestial race who goes by the name of Xiang Liu has brought about a series of calamity to the world. The human leader, Yu the Great has requested Ying Nv from the Kun Lun realm to help. At that time, Ying Nv was already a god, but Xiang Liu was also a god who can't be killed. Left with no choice, the human race could only build a godly paragon where he was imprisoned under.     

A few centuries later, a war broke out between the Qi Practitioners, and it marked the end of all cultivations. The Qi Practitioners grew lower in number, so little that the remaining survivors were even regarded as the legendary beasts or even 'immortals'.     


Zhong Yue stood up as he saw the glimpse of figures coming toward them. They were his friends, seniors and juniors; they were here to send him off.     

Ting Lanyue, Gu Hongzi, Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzhong, Li Mu, Chang Xian, Rong Cheng, and the many other Swords Gate disciples; even Bai Canghai and Bai Shuyue have came.     

Bai Canghai followed his people over to Kun Lun, while Bai Shuyue has decided to stay and take care of those that were unwilling to leave, even when that means she would have her descendants sealed from the power of the Bai Zhe bloodline. In fact, even when she died of age, she still wasn't married nor had a child at all.     

When Yellow Emperor was battling against Chi You, Bai Shuyue gave Xuan Yuan a marvelous book that recorded every knowledge known in the world; that was why he was able to defeat Chi You.     

Other than them, Jiao Qingtu and Jiao Fenglou from the dragon race, Chi You and the eight demon grand ancestors from the demon race, Ying Nu with Chi Xue's hand-written letter, and the demon concubines were also here.     

Even Clan Master Xia and a few strong races have sent their messengers over, some were truly here to send him off, some can't wait for him to leave; nevertheless, it was truly a lively day.     

Zhong Yue thanked everyone and drank with the old friends while Qiu Jin'er has been accompanying him on the side.     

But eventually, the time to leave has come. Qiu Jin'er looked at Zhong Yue and the young man nodded softly. The young lady walked to the front of Madam Qiu, knelt down and slammed her head solemnly on the floor; the mother and daughter both hugged and cried together. Then, before she leaves, Madam Qiu whispered softly at her ears, "When both of you got married, remember to place your clothes on him, that way, he won't be able to bully you."     

Qiu Jin'er nodded, and walked back to Zhong Yue. Then, the two of them walked toward the teleportation portal on the Golden Summit.     

Bai Canghai was seen whispering with Bai Shuyue, and moments later, he has suddenly rushed toward them while smiling, "I'm leaving with the two of you! My sister has agreed to let me go!"     

Zhong Yue turned back, and clearly saw the complicated emotions in her eyes when they both looked at one another. Bai Shuyue shifted her gaze away from him just a split second later and sighed.     

Zhong Yue glanced around, from Shui Zian to Fang Jiange, Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzhong, Ting Lanyue, Yu Feiyan and finally, his eyes settled on Jun Sixie.     

The lady headmaster was no longer manning herself like a mighty heroine; but instead, her eyes turned red and her heart were heavy.     

She wanted to say something, but she can't seemed to make up to her mind.     

Zhong Yue nodded softly at her, he turned and asked, "Lion, are you sure you want to go with me?"     

"Of course, I will leave with you even if you don't want me to!" Shi Buyi sneered back coldly.     

Jun Sixie opened her mouth, but no words came out from it.     

"Headmaster, please let me advise you to not leave any regret behind as it will consume all the joy and happiness from the rest of your life."     

Jun Sixie quivered lightly, she turned around and was met with Shui Zian's warm smile as the old man continued saying, "Don't worry, I am still here with Swords Gate. The Swords Gate has owed you far too many, it shouldn't burden you with any responsibilities any longer."     

"I'm also here with Swords Gate." It was incredibly rare to see Fang Jiange who was always holding a dead man's face forcing out a smile, "I've learned the [Great Boundless Sword Qi] as well. I promise that I will not let it go extinct."     

Tears rolled down the headmaster's cheek, and she suddenly bolted out for the teleportation portal. She was crying but also smiling jubilantly at the same time. As she ran, she took off the headmaster's robe from her shoulder, threw the headmaster's seal back to the Swords Gate disciples along with the Great Boundless Divine Sword.     

From this moment onward, she was no longer the headmaster of Swords Gate, she was now nothing more than just a young lady chasing after her own happiness.     

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, wait for me!" a series of happy laughters resounded the sky as she disappeared in the teleportation portal.     

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