Rise of Humanity

Show Them What We’ve Got!

Show Them What We’ve Got!

"Feng Hou, another Feng Clan?", Zhong Yue was shocked, he exclaimed, "It is truly a blessing that the Feng Clan still persists. But what is about this Hou Gang Clan member? Four eyes, it's really rare."     

Shui Zian nodded and said, "We have checked, Jie is an authentic human, he just have a bizarre looking."     

Could he have awakened some of the Leize blood?, Zhong Yue thought curiously in his heart.     

While Shui Zian was saying laughingly, "They are all talents, their foundation are well structured and were all in the Inner Core level already. Other than the Awakening level, they have cultivated the extreme states in the others. These talents are no any inferior than Zuo Xiangsheng and Tian Yanzhong. Other than them, there is also another one called Rong Cheng, he is already on his way to the Kong Tong Keep."     

Zhong Yue said curiously, "Where are they? I want to have a look at them."     

"They are just in Swords Gate, waiting to move to their respective cities."     

Then, Shui Zian surged out his psyche and notified the talents to come over, while he said in a smile to Zhong Yue, "Headmaster Jun asked me to teach them in their cultivation path. But I can only manage to guide the mediocrities, these talented ones are a little too challenging for me. You are an elder now and is also acting as one of the temporarily headmasters, you don't have to go to them. I will ask them to come over."     

Zhong Yue nodded. Soon after, eight talented young men have rushed to the Golden Summit. They were all waiting outside of the palace and were puzzled of why Shui Zian has summoned them,     

Zhong Yue and Shui Zian walked into the palace, they looked at the eight talents.     

Feng Hou has inherited the gentleness and spirit of the Feng Clan, he stood straight like a sharp sword and eyes glimmered in rays of intelligence. Zhong Yue looked at him and praised in his heart, This Feng Hou's Fuxi blood isn't that strong but is already not far away from Feng Wuji. The Feng Clan is indeed a strong clan.     

Then, he looked at Hougang Jie and was shocked. Jie was just like what Shui Zian has described, he has a huge face, a bulging swelling meat on his forehead and an additional pair of eyes above the usual ones. It was truly bizarre.     

While Ju Song was like a scholar, he looked no different than the ordinary human but manned himself in a courteous and scholarly air.     

Feng Ju and Qi Bo were slightly older than the others, they were two middle-aged men. They would be those talents who needed time to grow strong to show their brilliance, which was why their values were only noticed now.     

While Chang Xian, Wang Hai and Li Mu were three strong and muscular warriors. Among the three, Li Mu was the most conspicuous. He donned in clothes made from the beast hides and had metal chains curled around his beast-like mortal body.     

Zhong Yue glanced at the talents, he was overjoyed. The Great Wilderness human race has finally shown signs of rising. Just give them another few more years and it wouldn't be the insect magnates and divine weapons that would be protecting the Great Wilderness anymore. By that time, these talents would be strong enough to guard Swords Gate under their wings already.     

"Feng Hou (Hougang Jie) (Ju Song) (Feng Ju) (Qi Bo) (Chang Xian) (Wang Hai) (Li Mu) greets Teacher Rain!"     

The eight of them saw Shui Zian and quickly greeted him. Zhong Yue asked puzzlingly, "Teacher Rain?"     

Shui Zian smiled and answered, "I'm from the Shui Tu Clan, I teach them the arts and skills of water. Thus, they call me Teacher Rain."     

Zhong Yue was dawned, "I see."     

"Ease yourselves, this is Elder Zhong from the Zhong Shan Clan.", Shui Zian raised his hand, he said, "Elder Zhong is the youngest elder of Swords Gate. His prowess is strong and all of the cultivation technique you have today are arranged by Elder Zhong. The divine weapons and the divine herbs are also earned by him."     

The eight of them quickly bowed and greeted Zhong Yue again. They raised their heads and looked at Zhong Yue in shock, they thought, So young, he looks even younger than us!     

In the hearts of Swords Gate disciple, Zhong Yue has already been like a legend in Swords Gate. There were many rumors about him, some said he was rectangular in looking, some said he has three heads and six arms, some said he would devour three hundred celestial experts and two hundred demon experts for one meal, three times a day.     

Some even said he was huge like a giant dragon, that when he opened his eyes, the sun and moon would appear and when closed his eyes, the world would turn dark completely. These rumors consisted of nearly everything and anything at all.     

But when the eight talents saw Zhong Yue in person on their own, they were all puzzled. The Zhong Shan Clan member was no different than the ordinary humans, just like him but slightly younger. There weren't anything special about it.     

While Zhong Yue shook his head and said, "I'm not the youngest elder, Elder Qiu is. She is just twenty one and I'm already twenty five."     

Shui Zian said, "Well, you are the youngest of all the male elders. Elder Zhong, come, you will teach and guide them in their cultivation path, they will be your students, is that fine with you?"     

Zhong Yue shook his head, he said, "They have their own advantages and fortes, I cannot teach them much. The Hou Gang Clan member has many totem patterns hidden in his four eyes, including the celestial and demon totem patterns, understanding them all will already make him a strong cultivator. While Ju Song has a widespread of knowledge, his understanding in the totem patterns are even more deeper than Hougang Jie.     

"Feng Hou has mastered the wind totem patterns and has cultivated it into a very deep stage; Chang Xian is proficient in the arts of sound and music; Li Mu, Wang Hai is proficient in taming the monster beast; Qi Bo strong in concocting the medicinal pellets; and Feng Ju is a master of array formations. They are all walking on their own paths already, it's very hard to be their teachers."     

One must say, Shui Zian was shocked, he exclaimed, "How did you know? Can one really tell just by looking?"     

Zhong Yue gave a smile. All these days, he has refined Yu Wenju's inner core and was able to raise the Fuxi blood in him to a higher level. As a result, the divine eyes in his left and right eye were awakened. Thus, it wasn't a big deal for him to see through the eight talents.     

"I can tell, but I can't teach … Why not like this…", Zhong Yue mulled, he suddenly raised a finger pointed at the eight experts' forehead.     

Zhong Yue smiled as he said, "I only have so much knowledge in the music and art, array formations, totem patterns, medicinal pellet concoctions and some other miscellaneous knowledge. I will pass them all to you and you can study them yourselves, there is no need to learn under me."     

Feng Hou and the others could feel as though their mind was bombarded with countless attainments and knowledge, all sort of skills and arts, filled with things that they didn't thought would exist, things that appeared to be absurd with their current and even things that they knew were re-explored in a deeper and greater aspect. All of these information were scattered all in their minds, waiting for them to truly turn it into their own understandings!     

Zhong Yue kept his finger and looked away into the sky, he suddenly said, "We have guests coming."     

"Guest?", Shui Zian was puzzled, he squinted his eyes but couldn't see anything. He turned to the Four Ken Beast and saw the beast laying slothful on the ground, it didn't alert the arrival of anything at all.     

Then, Zhong Yue said, "They are still far away from us. Rest here, I will go and bring a treasure over."     

"A treasure?", Shui Zian and the others were puzzled. Zhong Yue walked out of the Golden Summit while Shui Zian turned to the talents and asked, "What have Elder Zhong imparted to you all?"     

"Too much, way too much.", Li Mu said, "We will take at least ten to twenty years to finish gobbling them all."     

The others nodded and concurred, they said, "Elder Zhong's knowledge and attainments are already levels beyond us."     

"Elder Zhong, his wisdom is unimaginable!", Feng Hou said.     

Shui Zian was left in shock, he thought, This brat, how dare he still say he can't teach them, he is just finding excuses to not do so many work! Lazy ass!     

Feng Hou, Li Mu and the others have their own respective fields they venture into, it was hard to earn the respects of all eight of them in the fields they were expert in. Yet, Feng Hou and the others were now saying that whatever Zhong Yue has passed to them in their respective fields, it would require them to spend nearly twenty years to attain!     

Clearly, Zhong Yue was more than capable to be their teacher, but he was just being a lazy brat and didn't want to do so.     

All of a sudden, the Four Ken Beast on the top of the Golden Summit said, its voice shuddered the sky, "Grand elder, guests coming in from different directions. But none of them looked friendly to me."     

Shui Zian was shocked, he quickly went to the side of the Four Ken Beast and the beast showed the images of the incomers, vesseling in carriages, warships and clouds.     

These experts come from various races, the vessels hung different banners to differentiate themselves and among them, there were the Zhong Li Celestial Race, Kun Peng Celestial Race from the south, monster race from the north, dragon race and demon race from the east, and the many other celestial races including the Xiao Mang Celestial Race and Shan Shen Celestial Race coming in from the west.     

Shui Zian's eyelids throbbed, he saw many clan masters, high priests and leaders of the races, there were even also the treasures of their races!     

Right at this moment, the totem pillars started shuddering in his Yuan Shen secret realms. He took them out and there were the border generals that notified him of the arrival of the guests. The many experts have requested to enter the Great Wilderness and meet with the headmaster!     

Zhong Li, Kun Peng, Xiao Mang, dragon, demon, monster … They have all came together at the same time., Shui Zian thought and he suddenly gave a cold hum, If they are here to ask why Elder Zhong can come back safely from the insect planet, they wouldn't have to bring so many experts and the divine weapons, more so coming all together at the same time. It seems like they are here more to start a war!     

Zhong Yue has arrived back in Swords Gate for nearly a month now, it was more than enough for the races to ask of what happened in the insect planet. Yet, they didn't came at all and all of a sudden, all of them have came together to see the headmaster, no one would believe they were here with no intention of stirring any troubles!     

The headmaster is not here and Elder Fang is also not here. Swords Gate only have me and Elder Zhong now, we are weak in prowess at this moment. Exclude Elder Zhong's safety aside, even Swords Gate and Great Wilderness will be greatly threatened!     

Just as he thought about it, Zhong Yue has carried a little child in his arms back to the Golden Summit. While there was also a bright sword hovering behind them, following closely at the little child.     

"You sure we can make it?", Shui Zian whispered, even he was feeling anxious.     

"Don't worry, there's nothing I can't do.", Zhong Yue's face turned frigid, he said placidly, "We Swords Gate aren't the same as before anymore. Those days where the other races come can with just a few warships and carriages with divine weapons and make troubles in our Great Wilderness as they like are gone! Grand elder, tell the cities and keeps to worship the divine weapons! Tell all of Swords Gate, worship the banners and we will show them what we've got!"     

Although Shui Zian was already a man half a step away from death, he was still piqued by Zhang Yue's words. He laughed out loudly and in a voice filled with imposing manner, he gave the orders out to all of the human race.     

In the Great Wilderness, the warships and carriages were flying over at a slow and yet steady speed. The experts unleashed their auras out to suppress the humans and clouded the sky above. Although they were guests, they acted even more presumptuous than the owners.     

"Humans, not different than bugs.", a celestial elder looked down at the humans and shook his head while smiling coldly.     

All of a sudden, of the eight keeps and sixteen cities, godly auras burst out into the sky as the divine weapons hovered up high. These divine weapons have linked their auras together and suffused the whole Great Wilderness in their immense power!     

Immediately, the experts changed their faces drastically. While right after the divine weapons emerged, there were over ten divine weapons burst out around Swords Gate, they shone bright in marvelous rays and stagnanted the air around. Then, four banners flew out into the sky from the center of Swords Gate and fluttered in the winds. Images of the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird and Black Tortoise soared high in firmaments, roaring and whistling imposingly.     

Now, even the clan masters, high priests and leaders of the races changed their faces pallid, while the other experts were shivering in fear and terror.     

A loud laughter came from the tip of Swords Gate Mountain, it said, "Hahahaha, guests from afar, it's our carelessness that we did not welcome you all outside of our border. I hope you would forgive us for that!"     

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