Rise of Humanity



Swords Gate, in front of the old headmaster's tomb.     

A silhouette walked toward the tomb silently, he lit up the incense sticks and placed them into the censer. Then, he knelt down respectfully and kowtowed three times.     

"Old man, your son is already a god now.", Zhong Yue laughed softly, he said, "He is really more talented than you, but is still the same as before, never changed not even the slightest bit. He named his son Wuji[1], I guess he is hoping that his son can be like him, be free of burdens and limits."     

"However, you are still the invincible father in his heart, I can tell that. In the hearts of the children, their father is always the best, strongest and unstoppable figure in the world."     

"He has gone to walk on the path he has chosen himself, he asked me to come and visit you for him, to kowtow for him. He said, he can't come because in his heart, one day he didn't see your tomb, one day you will be alive still…"     



Unbeknownst to Zhong Yue when did it happen, a lady has been standing beside the tomb. She watched quietly as he conversed to the late headmaster, waited patiently like a girl fallen in love to the young man instead of the strong and dominating headmaster she usually was.     

After a long time, Zhong Yue stood up and walked toward her. Jun Sixie quickly cleared the girly expression off from her face and has regained the imposing manner of a headmaster. She smiled and said, "Junior martial brother, it's good to see you come back alive."     

Zhong Yue walked alongside her, he replied with a smile, he said, "Senior martial sister, aren't you curious of what happened?"     

Jun Sixie has already knew the incidents and experiences they have been through from Zuo Xiangsheng and TIan Yanzhong. But somehow, her heart shuddered for a second and she has unknowingly nodded softly, she said, "Of course I do. Tell me what happened there in the insect planet. I'm so worried. This is the first time the gods had taken such a huge loss, only two of them survived back to the Ancestral Star. Both of them have flew in the space to come back."     

Then, Zhong Yue told her of whatever happened there in the insect planet. Zuo Xiangsheng and Tian Yanzhong couldn't have told too clearly of the incidents unlike Zhong Yue. While hearing the story, Jun Sixie sometimes exclaimed in shock, sometimes she tensed up her heart, sometimes she clenched tight on Zhong Yue's palms.     

Whatever happened there couldn't be told in anytime short. While when Zhong Yue was telling some of the dangerous experiences, Jun Sixie has also felt the imminent danger pressing on her heart, it was as if she was there with him. At this moment, she was just an ordinary girl who fear the fear of the young man beside her; she didn't look like a headmaster at all.     

Shui Zian climbed the hill in search for the two of them. From far, he saw them sitting shoulder to shoulder on the verdant grass, conversing in their own world. The grand elder startled for a second, he suddenly smiled and left quietly.     

I almost forgotten about it, it's about time for Headmaster Jun to find a shoulder to rely on. Those who are fit to be together with our Swords Gate headmaster isn't too many, thankfully, we have just one in our Swords Gate.     

Shui Zian thought in his heart, Then might as well let her be. Hmm, what a coincidence, little Qiu is not here and headmaster came close to that brat at this point in time, is this counted as taking advantage of little Qiu's absence … Oh, I have forgotten about the work I need to do!     

He was here to ask how should they arrange the insect magnates Zhong Yue and the others have brought back. There were over twenty of them all together and were all temporarily placed in the inner hall.     

At first, these insect magnates were feared by many Swords Gate disciples but as time passed and they were proven to possess no threats, the Swords Gate disciples have swarmed in to have a look at the insect magnates.     

While the Heavenly Dharma insect experts brought back by Zuo Xiangsheng and TIan Yanzhong have also attracted many Qi Practitioners.     

These insect experts would greatly boost the strength of Swords Gate, allowing them to have enough strength to protect the Great Wilderness. However, the proper arrangement of the insect magnates would have to decided by the headmaster after the necessary discussions.     

Furthermore, Zhong Yue and the others have survived back in the insect planet, and they have brought back so many insect experts. The other races will surely know about this already and troubles will come very soon, Shui Zizan frowned, he pondered and thought, Even the gods have only two survived back and yet, Zhong Yue and the others have returned safely, nearly unschated. This will give rise to suspections and wild claims … Sigh, another calamity will come if we don't handle this well. I wonder if the gods will come out and interfere…     

Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie conversed for a very long time, tiredness struck the two of them and Jun Sixie stood up. She raised her hand to pull Zhong Yue up from the ground and invited him to continue the conversation in her cave dwelling.     

Headmaster Jun's thoughts were weird as well, she didn't ask Zhong Yue to the Golden Summit palace because it was to solemn in there. She has invited Zhong Yue to continue in her cave dwelling, a place where she was most comfortable with, her own little paradise where she could be her own true self.     

After a few days, Zhong Yue has finally finished telling her of the expedition in the insect planet. Jun Sixie asked a few more questions and it took some time longer for them to end the conversation.     

Weird, why is Senior Martial Sister Jun appears to be much closer to me now than before?, Zhong Yue was curious, he couldn't understand why. Before this, the relation between him and Jun Sixie was just moderate like friends. The closest they have even been were the days he saved Jun Sixie out from the claws of the monster race.     

But ever since she has became the headmaster, their positions were distanced like the sky and earth. Although they were still maintaining a good relation, she was after all the headmaster.     

But after these few days of conversation, their relationship has suddenly gotten closer. It was truly a bizarre phenomenon to Zhong Yue.     

Little did he know that for a man to chase a girl, it would be like hiking a mountain while for a girl to chase a man, it would be like walking through a layer of silk curtain. It was far too easier for the women to pull the relationship closer to the men than the opposite.     

"Junior martial brother, can you send me to the Celestial Water Star?", Jun Sixie asked when heard that Fang Jiange was sent to the Celestial Gold Star and Qiu Jin'er has stayed in the Celestial Wood Star's moon.     

"Send you to the Celestial Water Star?", Zhong Yue was shocked and exclaimed, but was immediately dawned right after.     

Jun Sixie has acted as the headmaster ever since the death of the old man, although she has cultivated even harder than before, there were just too many things happening around that requires the headmaster to handle the situation herself. At the end of the day, her cultivation progress was inevitably stalled by her responsibilities. Fang Jiange was a cultivation mad man who only cares and focuses on his path of sword and nothing else; Qiu Jin'er was hard working as well and has followed Zhong Yue traveling around many places, she has been through many challenges and of course her cultivation progress was incredible.     

While Qiu Jin'er and Fang Jiange were both at their best place to cultivate, Jun Sixie didn't want to be left out too far away from them. Thus, she has thought of cultivating at the Celestial Water Star as well.     

"Not that I can't do that…", Zhong Yue hesitated for a second and said, "I have been studying the teleportation array formation recently and is of course better than when I am in the insect planet. This teleportation portal wouldn't be as unreliable as before. But, are you sure you want to do this? Do you really dare to use my teleportation portal?"     

"Why not?", Jun Sixie smiled.     

Zhong Yue was stunned for a second, he suddenly laughed and said, "Alright, if you are daring enough to do so, then I will place a teleportation array formation now. Let me send you to the Celestial Water Star!"     

Jun Sixie was overjoyed and it was this moment, a series of dry coughings came outside of the door. Shui Zian cleared his throat and intentionally made it louder than usual, he then said, "Headmaster, the elder council has been waiting for you for days. We intend to discuss about the arrangements of the insect magnates and the divine weapons Elder Zhong has brought back with him…"     

"Elder Zhong?", Zhong Yue mumbled puzzlingly.     

Jun Sixie smiled and said, "You are already a Heavenly Dharma expert and your prowess is stronger than most of the magnates. The elder council has decided to raise you as an elder already, but they couldn't make it in time to notify you. Also…"     

Her face blushed red and she suddenly whispered softly, "... I will go our first, then you will leave when no one else is around. Otherwise … otherwise, people might get the wrong idea….".     

After she finished saying, she didn't even dare to turn back and look at Zhong Yue anymore. She quickly hastened her pace and left on her own.     

Zhong Yue was stunned, he shook his head and mumbled laughingly, "We didn't do anything, what is there to be misunderstood of?"     

Jun Sixie walked out of her cave dwelling, she saw Shui Zian holding a weird expression while standing in front of the door. Jun Sixie's heart throbbed faster for a split second, she quickly calmed herself and said, "Grand elder, let's go."     

But the old man didn't answer, he was moving his head around, trying to look into the headmaster's cave dwelling but to no avail. Then, he turned and followed behind her while saying in a pervy smile, "Headmaster, you hide goodies in your home."     

"What goodies in my home?", Jun Sixie burst out in extreme anger due to ashamedness.     

"Well, it's good to keep the goodies within the family.", Shui Zian continued saying.     

Jun Sixie glared a pair of angered eyes at him, but the old man could tell the lack of confidence in her as she said, "I'm not goodies!"     

"I didn't say you are. Elder Zhong is inside, isn't?", Shui Zian smirked and said, "Don't pretend he's not, I saw it all, with my own eyes."     

Jun Sixie grew even more diffident, while Shui Zian laughed and said, "Elder Zhong is the goodies I'm referring to. Rather than giving him out to the other races, why don't headmaster you claim him first. Hmm, I'd totally agree with it, in fact, I think this is the best I can think of…"     

Jun Sixie's heart pounded anxiously, she shook her head and walked away faster while she answered, "Grand elder, you sure like to simply talk about things."     


After the discussion with the elders, the whole Swords Gate started bustling. The insect magnates Zhong Yue have brought back were sent to the borders of the Great Wilderness. While there were sixteen more cities that were built in the Great Wilderness, each of them were guarded by an insect magante.     

In addition, every border keeps and cities were given a divine weapon each, dedicated to be used to protect the keeps and cities, to stop the threats from targeting at them.     

Other than that, Swords Gate have started a round of selection for the best candidates to act as the city lords and keep lords.     

These city lords and keep lords would lead the residences inside of the cities and or keeps to worship the clan spirits and divine weapons. Whenever the sky darkens down, the sixteen cities and eight keeps would shine bright in rays. It was truly marvelous.     

While Zhong Yue was still studying the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Scripture], attaining the totem patterns and abstrusities in it so the same mistake like the one before wouldn't happen anymore.     

When Jun Sixie and the Swords Gate higher-ups have finished settling the tasks and matters, Zhong Yue has also finished completing the teleportation array formation.     

This teleportation array formation was weaker than the one in the insect planet. This teleportation array formation could only teleport one to the moon and if the destination was any further, the accuracy would be distorted. Zhong Yue was also afraid that he would send Jun Sixie into the rocks of the moon or some other bizarre places.     

While after she arrives on the moon, Jun Sixie would be able to fly to the Celestial Water Star on her own. Although, that would take a little more time, it would be safer this way.     

"Headmaster, you need to prepare more air, and also, the Celestial Water Star has no waters, it is a planet of lavas instead.", Zhong Yue prompted Jun Sixie.     

Jun Sixie smiled and said, "I'm proficient in the art of water. I have skills that can break down the waters and with that, I can get air as well. There is no need for you to worry about this."     

Zhong Yue was stunned, he sighed and thought, The innate spirit bodies really have their own marvelous uses.     

Before she left, Jun Sixie handed Swords Gate to Shui Zian and Zhong Yue, and disappeared within the array formation.     

Shui Zian watched as the teleportation array formation was deactivated. He praised in a smile, "We Great Wilderness is finally rising. Elder Zhong, this round of selection has really dug out a lot of talents."     

Zhong Yue was piqued in interest, he asked, "What sort of talents?"     

"There is a young man from the Hou Gang Clan who goes by the name of Jie, he is really talented and has two pair of eyes. The Feng Clan also has one man called Feng Hou. Then there is another one man called Ju Song, he has a wide knowledge.", Shui Zian introduced some of the talents, he said, "There is also Feng Ju from the South Barren and Qi Bo from the West Barren. A young boy called Li Mu who possess great strength and other than them, there is also Chang Xian and Wang Hai."     

[1] Wuji means 'no taboos'.     

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