Rise of Humanity

The Affectioned Demon Ladies

The Affectioned Demon Ladies

Zhong Yue has asked the experts to enter his Yuan Shen secret realms while he calmed himself. Zhong Yue strode on the surface of the moon and his pace grew faster in every second.     

In just a few moments, he has raised his speed to its limit, five times faster than the speed of sound!     


All of a sudden, Zhong Yue took a huge step and crouched his legs, web-like cracks emerged centering around him and he was blasted out like a nocked arrow let loose!     

He stepped in the air, but there weren't any surfaces he could step on anymore. Suddenly, marvelous totem patterns emerged beneath his feet and formed into an altar with nine demon gods bowing down around the altar.     

As such, Zhong Yue continued striding toward the Ancestral Star. Meanwhile, the Golden Crow wings have spanned out on his back and fluttered in the space. But it wasn't air that the wings were fluttering on, it was the fire and lightning totem patterns that powered the wings.     

His speed was still steadily increasing, he was now six times the speed of sound!     

Every step he takes, there would be an altar that emerged beneath his feet; every fluttering of his wings were concomitant with the fire and lightning.     

Soon, he was already ten times faster than the speed of sound and was still going faster increasingly.     

Eleven, twelve, thirteen…     

In the end, the rate of increase in his speed has turned slower, and air started to appear around him as he drew closer to the atmospheric layers of the Ancestral Star.     

Now, he was already nineteen times faster than the speed of sound, just a little more and he would be able to rush into the Ancestral Star without being struck by the Pure Yang lightnings.     

However, at this speed, it would be a great challenge to his mortal body the moment he enters the atmospheric layers. Any mistake and he would perish into ashes in a split second!     

Furthermore, he would have to take immense caution on his direction; or otherwise, he could be like a stone skipping above a pool of water, the atmospheric layer could repel him off and shot him away into the endless space.     


Zhong Yue plummeted into the atmospheric layer. The immense impact force has deafened his ear, blood trickled out from the seven apertures of his head and the friction force has ignited him into flames.     

Meanwhile, thunders rumbled within the cloud layers as the Pure Yang lightning zone has sensed the air of his Yuan Shen.      

Krong, krong … Ka-cha…     

The clouds brewed darker and in the blink of an eye, a flash of Pure Yang lightning has struck right at Zhong Yue.     

It was like a sign of war, Pure Yang lightnings have formed together into a Leize dragon god and was getting clearer with every second!     

Zhong Yue bellowed out loud, he mustered all of his strength and pushed through his limit. His mortal body was nearly torn apart by the immense friction force. He plummeted straight through the atmospheric layers like a falling star into the Ancestral Star!     

Behind him, the Pure Yang lightnings rained on him. These lightnings were like golden snakes and dragons, slithering and soaring down at Zhong Yue.     

While that Leize dragon god has raised its gigantic claw and shaded Zhong Yue underneath its shadow. At that instant, Zhong Yue appeared to be no bigger than mosquitoes to the dragon god.     

"We are dead!", inside of Zhong Yue's light wheel secret realms, Bai Canghai gave a shrill cry and shouted.     

Gu Hongzi and the other experts were also no any better, their faces were pallid as they watched at the incoming lightnings. While suddenly, Tian Mo Concubine and the demon ladies heard Bai Canghai, they patted their chests and said happily, "With Senior Martial Brother Bai saying like this, we can all be relaxed."     

Bai Canghai's face blushed red in anger and he shouted back, "I'm not joking! We are really dying!"     

"Then we are all good, no problem!", Gu Hongzi, Tian Yanzhong and the others comforted one another, they said, "With little Bai saying like this, we will definitely be alright!"     


Zhong Yue roared, and his speed grew even faster. He was fully engulfed in flames and from far, he looked like a meteor striking down to the ground, dragging a long tail of light rays behind him.     

At that moment, it felt like as though time has stopped. The distance between him and the lightnings remained the same and even the Leize dragon god's claw wasn't getting any closer even for an inch.     

In this moment, Zhong Yue was traveling at a speed as fast as the lightning, not even the Pure Yang lightning could chase up to his speed.     

Zhong Yue finally made it out from the upper sky lightning zone, the mountains and rivers grew larger in his eyes and he flew past above them while crashing toward the Eastern Sea.     

He wanted to slow his speed down but his efforts weren't bearing, his speed was way too fast for him to cast any skills out.     

At this rate, it would be no different for him to slam into a piece of metal board than crashing into the Eastern Sea.     

Gu Hongzi and the others quickly realized the condition they were in as well. Gu Hongzi quickly cast out the monster god Yuan Shen and with the wings spanned out outside of Zhong Yue's light wheels. Immediately, Zhong Yue's speed has slowed down a little but it was incredibly fast still.     

In the sky, a ray of light drew a beautiful arc across the sky and crash into the Eastern Sea. A thousand feet tall tidal wave rose on the sea surface and billowed in all directions.     

The crashing point was near to the Sulphur Island, making it the first unfortunate victim of the huge tidal wave. The whole Sulphur Island was swallowed in the water and suddenly, the protective array formation of the island was activated to push against the water wave. But it only lasted a few seconds and was crushed by the water wave's impact force. Countless monsters were washed into the ocean.     

While a thousand miles away from the Sulphur Island, the Jin Xiu Island was also struck hard by the tidal wave. Further away from the two islands, the Feng Sha Island was no exception to the sudden arrived disaster as well.     

"Brat! Who are you, how dare you ambush on the three islands!?"     

The three islands were caught unexpected and the island lords flew out into the sky. They rushed over but before they could get any closer, Gu Hongzi, Zuo Xiangsheng, Bai Canghai and the others have cast out the divine weapons. While beside them, there were many bizarre looking insect magnates hovering above the sea surface, around thirty of them.     

Without any hesitations, the three island lords have turned and bolted away.     

What a joke, how could ever fight against so many insect magnates?     

Not to mention that even Gu Hongzi and the other experts weren't easy targets as well, more so when they have so many divine weapons with them.     

"Hmm … there is that Zhong Shan Clan member there with them, he looks gravely wounded. Are Gu Hongzi and the others joining hand together to kill the Zhong Shan Clan member?", the Sulphur Island Lord made a wild guess.     

Jin Xiu Island Lord mulled and said, "Didn't the Zhong Shan Clan member and the others went to the insect planet? Why are they suddenly here? I heard that the insect planet expedition has been a failure and only two gods managed to made it out. How do they survive? From the numbers alone, they are more than the gods…"     

Feng Sha Island Lord shook his head and said, "These juniors have grown strong enough, we aren't their match anymore. We should stay away from them, just let this incident slip to the back of our minds. After all, we didn't go head on with them, we aren't humiliated yet."     

The three island lords discussed together and decided to turn around back to their own islands. Suddenly, Tian Yanzhong's voice came from the back, he said, "Weird, why did the three monster island lords came and left so quickly? Are they afraid of us?"     

The three island lords staggered and Sulphur Island Lord sneered coldly, he said, "They are trying to piqued us in anger, do not fall for it. If we turn back and fight with them now, do you think we can survive them?"     

The other two lords nodded and concurred, "Yes, yes. We three island lords are the most generous and kind and magnanimous of all, we mustn't lose our composure and be angered by those little juniors."     

"Haha, we are the three most gentle monsters of the whole monster race, we will forgive him for being rude."     

"Name and reputation are nothing for us, we never cared for those as we are pure and free of these burdens!"     


"These three brats ran so fast, we can't see them already!", Tian Mo Concubine said.     

Thankfully Gu hongzi and the others have came out and help reducing the speed, Zhong Yue didn't suffer too much of injuries as expected. With the Immortal Body, he would be able to recover in no time.     

The experts all heaved a breath, they never really expected to be able to live back in the Ancestral Star. Whatever happened in the insect planet was like a total opposite to the peaceful ambiance in the Ancestral Star.     

The dangers, the battles, the enemies and the imminent deaths, all of these they have experienced couldn't even be told to the others as no one would believe the extraordinary journey they have traipsed through in the insect planet.     

While teleporting out from the insect planet and crashing twelve stars onto the insect planet, totally wiping away the insect race; such events doesn't even make sense to the world, not to them either if they weren't the little few who witnessed it all.     

Also, no one would believe that they have traveled all the way from the insect planet back to the Ancestral Star, and also the unexpected encounter with Feng Xiaozhong and Shi Tuo on the Celestial Fire Star.     

But after they have all returned to their races, the seniors wouldn't not ask them of what happened, that would be a very hard question they would have to answer.     

"Senior Martial Brother Zhong, I'll return to the North Barren now.", Bai Canghai was engulfed in sorrow once he thought of the death of his clan's god, Bai Yuncang. He bowed at Zhong Yue and said, "I will never forget the deeds you have done for us, you will always be remembered and if there is anything you need at all, I will do my best to help you. See you, senior martial brother."     

After Bai Canghai, Gu Hongzi flew up into the sky and said, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, I will see you again."     

"Senior Martial Brother Gu Hongzi, wait!", Zhong Yue quickly stopped him and then hurled the serpent spear toward Gu Hongzi while saying, "This is the monster god Yu Wenju's divine weapon, it's no use with him and I thought it'll be better for it to be in your hands!"     

Gu Hongzi clenched on the serpent spear, he startled for a second and suddenly waved his hand, disappearing into the clouds.     

Tian Yanzhong and Zuo Xiangsheng first looked at one another, then they looked at Zhong Yue and finally looked at the demon ladies. The two human experts suddenly burst out in laughters and they left together, they said casually, "Junior martial brother, we will leave first. See you in Swords Gate!"     

Zhong Yue nodded and he turned at the demon ladies. Suddenly, Tian Mo Concubine chortled and said, "Darling, where is our darling Mister Bo Xun?"     

"Bo Xun is here.", a cold voice came within Zhong Yue's light wheels and Mister Bo Xun walked out from his Yuan Shen secret realms.     

Despite being Zhong Yue's demon incarnation, Mister Bo Xun's handsomeness was beyond Zhong Yue's reach. After all, this demon was known as the most handsome demon for the past ten thousand years of the demon history.     

Immediately, the demon ladies have swarmed over and surrounded Mister Bo Xun in the center, pushing Zhong Yue out from Mister Bo Xun's side.     

Laughters and chortlings came from the demon ladies while one of them abruptly shouted happily, "All we want is Bo Xun, the Zhong Shan Clan member is not needed."     

The ladies surrounded Bo Xun and they left. All of a sudden, Zhong Yue spoke.     


Tian Mo Concubine stopped moving and was instantly left out from the crowd, she turned her head and gave a bright smile.     

Zhong Yue hesitated for a second and he said, "Tian'er, you should know very well that Bo Xun is just my demon incarnation, you all…"     

Tian Mo Concubine suddenly chortled and stopped Zhong Yue from saying, she said, "The Zhong Shan Clan member has his own home and his own people, he has his own burden and responsibility and even if we had fell in love for the Zhong Shan Clan member, all we get will just be a shadow we can only see from the back."     

Zhong Yue startled, Saint Concubine also turned around and continued saying in a placid tone, "While Mister Bo Xun doesn't have so much burdens on him, he is also a demon in nature and our perfect other half, our lover. We are willing to fall in love with him. He is the part of the Zhong Shan Clan member but isn't fully the Zhong Shan Clan member as well. He has your fortes and good points but is also a loving demon."     

Then, Ji Xiang Concubine stopped and tilted her head back, she smiled brightly and said, "You are loving as well, but your love isn't suitable for us, but his is the perfect one we needed."     

At that moment, a realization hit Zhong Yue, he was dawned and he stood there for a very long time. By the time he recollected his thoughts, the demons were already long gone.     

Zhong Yue shook his head and said while smiling, "These demon ladies…"     

He raised his hand and felt the breeze of wind with his fingers as it blew over, his sleeve swayed with the breeze and he turned and left.     

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