Rise of Humanity

The Beautiful And …

The Beautiful And …

Suddenly, their course was offset and evaded the rocky star. Gu Hongzi cast out a spider-like insect magnate and controlled the magnate to form a huge net around them and spurted out a spidersilk toward the rocky star.     

The insect magnate clenched his teeth on the spidersilk and held hard on it, this has greatly slowed the speed of the experts but the insect magnate's divine gold teeths were starting to break off.     

Moments later, they have finally halted their speed, while that insect magnate has fallen into a swoon due to the overbearing pain.     

Gu Hongzi kept the insect magnate while the experts flew toward that rocky star. They stood above it and heaved a breath of relief, needless to say, this was an experience none would like to go through once again anymore.     

It was too terrifying and too unpredictable, no one could tell what would happen next.     

"That should be the Celestial Earth Star.", Fang Jiange thought, he looked at the huge planet and said, "If the Earth Innate Spirit Body is here, he would be able to cultivate at an incredible speed, but what a shame…"     

He shook his head, the Earth Innate Spirit Body was Feng Wuji, traitor to the human race and the current high priest of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. Back in the days, Feng Wuji was the closest friend Fang Jiange ever have, but they have parted ways ever since Feng Wuji turned against the human race.     

Tian Yanzhong said abruptly, "The next planet will be the Celestial Wood Star, Junior Martial Sister Qiu is the Wood Innate Spirit Body, if she can cultivate in the Celestial Wood Star, it would be very beneficial to her!"     

However, Qiu Jin'er shook her head and said, "The Celestial Wood Star is the territory of the Kun Peng Celestial Race, we can't enter it. Furthermore, it's too far from us now, and the Ancestral Star is even further than that. Just how long would it take to fly back to Ancestral Star?"     

The experts sighed, such a distance would require a full ten years for them to arrive back in the Ancestral Star. While before then, the air in their Yuan Shen secret realms would be long depleted and they would die of suffocation halfway in the journey already.     

Zhong Yue cleared his throat, he said, "Jin'er, did you forget my teleportation array formations?"     

As he spoke, a cold chill was sent down the spines of the experts.     

They were teleported once, and once was more than enough to terrify their weak hearts. If they were to make a list of things they fear of, Zhong Yue's teleportation array formation would surely be listed in it.     

"The pathway that links the insect planet and Ancestral Star is still there and our gods took a great hit. We don't know when would the insect race arrive at the Ancestral Star and we are trapped here on our own.", Bai Canghai sighed and mumbled, "The Ancestral Star is on the verge of total destruction."     

The experts turned solemn, no one asked him to shut up this time as what he said were all facts. Although they survived the insect planet, the other over three thousand Qi Practitioners and over ten gods didn't!     

The Ancestral Star only have less than thirty gods and if over ten of them were lost in the insect planet expedition, how could the rest of the gods fight against the insect gods?     

Furthermore, even if Zhong Yue and the other experts somehow made it flying back to the Ancestral Star, that would be at least ten years later already.     

By that time, the insect race has already been ten years on the Ancestral Star, their people were long dead already.     

"Wait, we can make use of the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis and power a star toward the Ancestral Star.", Zhong Yue thought and he suggested, "The Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis can move such a huge planet like the insect planet, then it can surely move a small star faster than the insect planet. With the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis, we will be able to reach to the Ancestral Star!"     

Gu Hongzi mulled and he said, "This might work … Junior Martial Brother Bai, you keep your mouth shut!"     

Bai Canghai who was just going to speak quickly kept quiet as he heard Gu Hongzi.     

Zhong Yue immediately removed a Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis from the copper lamp and suddenly, Saint Concubine said, "Dar … darling, if you can use the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis to move the little stars, can you move some toward the insect planet?"     

Zhong Yue nodded, "Of course I can, but I'll first have to run some simulations to calculate the course of the insect planet. Wait a second, you mean…"     

His heart shuddered as he immediately knew the underlying plan in Saint Concubine's question. If a small star was to clash with the insect planet, it wouldn't be possible to break the whole insect planet but it sure can wipe out most of the insect experts, even the insect gods wouldn't be able to survive if they were hit directly!     

Most importantly, they might just be able to aim at the mother queen's mouth pathway and break it away!     

Zhong Yue's heart was thumping but Qiu Jin'er shook her head and said, "But how are we going to calculate the speed and course of the insect planet? Not only that, we still have to calculate the speed and direction of the small star. There can't be a single mistake or they would slip past one another. It's too hard to do that."     

Although the insect planet was big in size, it was still just like a little sesame in this endless universe, a flying sesame. To hit a flying sesame with an even smaller flying sesame, one could infer the difficulty in it.     

"I can do that!", rays flashed across Zhong Yue's eyes, he turned to Xin Huo in his psyche ocean and asked, "Xin Huo, can the [Great Cosmic Localization Art] calculate the course and speed the insect planet?"     

Xin Huo nodded while Zhong Yue quickly said, "Teach me, I want to repay the insect race with a huge present!"     

"It's not easy to learn the [Great Cosmic Localization Art], even though it is just a subsidiary art to the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Art], it's still incredibly complex. You would need at least half a year…", Xin Huo suddenly stopped and proceeded in imparting the [Great Cosmic Localization Art] to Zhong Yue.     

He thought, I told him that he would need a year or two to learn the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Art] and he built a teleportation in two months. I'd better not say too much this time, else I'd be humiliated if this brat learnt it in a day or two…     

The [Great Cosmic Localization Art] was indeed complex. The stars and planets in the universe changes every second, they were all constantly moving around and it was hard to locate the exact position of any of the astronomical bodies. This was because the lights you see now might be the lights given out by the stars a thousand or even million years ago, it was already long gone by the time the lights reaches to you.     

During the intergalactic teleportation, one would have to calculate the precise location of the teleportation endpoint. The theories and principles involved were incredibly complex and even harder to actually calculate it. If the destination was too far, the calculation even have to take in the factors in and out of the environments along the teleportation path.     

After ten days, Zhong Yue stood up and opened his divine third eye. He looked toward the insect planet and surged his psyche out. Little blinking lights appeared around him and the solar system was visualized by him, the insect planet could be seen only quite a distance away from the Ancestral Star.     

The stars and planets were moving around, orbiting on their set course while the insect planet was like an outsider, an intruder that has stormed into the system without invitations. This has greatly disrupted the gravitational balance of the stars and planets.     

Arms grew out from Zhong Yue's mortal body, the fingers waltzed in the air as he started the calculations. After some time, there were over a hundred arms around him, his mortal body was tall and long like a human centipede, while he was calculating the orbiting course of the stars, planets, sun and moon, so to ensure take everything into the picture.     

"Done!", all of a sudden, Zhong Yue laughed and he dispersed all of the arms. He walked to the other side of this rocky star and placed a Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis on the ground. As soon as the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis was removed from the copper lamp, it has crashed into the rocks and siphoned the energy from the rocky star at a crazy rate.     

The flower bloomed and light rays blasted out into the space. The rocky star has been detached from the Celestial Earth Star's star rings and flew into the endless space.     

Zhong Yue stared intently at the rocky star, closely observing the speed and course of the rocky star while he lash out one skill after another toward the rocky star, adjusting its course.     

The rocky star was moving at an increasingly faster speed while its course was being constantly adjusted by Zhong Yue.     

Zhong Yue checked for another time and he flew toward the experts who have left the rocky star and were hovering in the space. The experts landed on another smaller star and Zhong Yue said, "I need this as well."     

The experts were shocked and Tian Mo Concubine shouted, "You are going to crash the insect planet with two stars?"     

"Not two, but twelve!", Zhong Yue replied in frigid tone. He took out another Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis and placed it on the star. After some time, this smaller star has also flew out from the star rings into the space.     

With the same method, Zhong Yue has sent another ten stars out into the endless universe.     

Fang Jiange and the others were shuddering in cold, one star was enough to wipe out ninety percent of the insect race. If there were twelve stars all together, probably only the insect gods were able to survive, provided if they were all on the dark side of the insect planet.     

While if the insect gods were at the planet's core, some of them might even be killed as well!     

"Senior martial brother, when the these stars clash with the insect planet?", Qiu Jin'er asked.     

"Two months later.", Zhong Yue gave an answer.     

Gu Hongzi sighed and said, "How I wish we can stay and witness such a magnificent event."     

They found another smaller star and Zhong Yue placed two Flowery Corpse God Chrysalises on it. The small star shuddered and moved toward the Celestial Wood Star.     

There were originally over seventy stars in the star rings of the Celestial Earth Star, and after they left, only sixty-three stars were left behind.     

The little star traveled in the universe, it was moving at an increasingly faster speed and was drawing nearer to the Celestial Wood Star. Two months later, it was already very close to the Celestial Wood Star.     

While in the insect planet, the insect race has conducted a two-months long feast. The Ancestral Star gods were blood sacrificed to the mother queen to summon her spirit down back from the Void World.     

As long as the mother queen's spirit has descend down from the Void World into her own mortal body, she would be able to lead the insect army and launch a total invasion into the Ancestral Star. With the mother queen on their side, nothing in the Ancestral Star would be able to stop them, they would be unstoppable!     

At this day, the bloods of the Ancestral Star were boiling on the altar. The ancestor of the insect race, the mother queen's spirit was descending from the Void World through the blood-paved pathway.     

Meanwhile, twelve stars were aligned in a straight line and appeared in the high sky above the insect planet. From far, they were like a line of pearls falling from the sky. It was truly a magnificent view.     

But the insect experts were all kneeling on the ground and worshipping the arrival of their grand ancestor. Only a few insect experts noticed the magnificent view.     

The stars were drawing nearer and the whole insect planet was brightened up in bright rays coming from the twelve stars. The countless insects have forgotten the worshipping rituals as they were all looking into the sky, dazed by the incredibly picturesque scenery.     

"It's so … beautiful…", a mother insect mumbled.     

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