Rise of Humanity

No One Can Stop Him Now

No One Can Stop Him Now

"Senior martial brother, I want to stay in the Celestial Wood Star, to cultivate.", suddenly, Qiu Jin'er said, "I want to stay here. There are many moons around the Celestial Wood Star, I can choose one and cultivate there. As long as I don't enter the Celestial Wood Star, the Kun Peng Celestial Race wouldn't know I'm here. Staying here allows me to cultivate faster and it's more beneficial to my Wood Innate Spirit."     

Zhong Yue startled, he said, "But you don't have much air to breath…"     

Qiu Jin'er covered her mouth as she chortled, "Did you forget that I'm the Wood Innate Spirit Body? My Yuan Shen secret realms and filled with immense life force, plants and trees grew all over the place. I don't have to worry about the air."      

Zhong Yue was dawned, it was true that breathing air wasn't any issue to Qiu Jin'er. She was the Wood Innate Spirit Body, she was able to control the plants and these plants would generate the waste air into breathing air for her. Even when she would be wandering the universe on her own, she wouldn't have to worry about running out of oxygen at all.     

"Well then, Jin'er you can stay if you want to.", Zhong Yue mulled and said, "But we have to keep in contact constantly with the totem pillars. After I return to the Ancestral Star, I will sharpen my knowledge in the teleportation array formation. When you are bored of this place and wanted to come back, I will come with the teleportation portal and take you home."     

Qiu Jin'er gave a sweet smile, she leaped away from the star and flew toward a moon around the Celestial Wood Star. Her voice could be heard saying, "Senior martial brother, during the period of time where I'm not around you, please remember to walk out away from the flower bushes!"     

"Flower bushes?", Zhong Yue was puzzled and he thought, Jin'er is afraid that I'll be stuck with the pretty girls? Haha, she is worrying too much, I'm not that kind of person…     

Tian Mo Concubine and the other demon ladies were overjoyed, they waved their hands at Qiu Jin'er while saying out loud, "Sister of the Qiu family, we are not flowers, we are pretty little bees! Even if you senior martial brother don't come to us, we will fly to him too!"     

Ji Xiang Concubine chortled and said, "We demon ladies aren't like you humans, we speak what we think, we are never ashamed to voice our loves toward the men!"     

Saint Concubine was also waving goodbye at Qiu Jin'er, she said, "When you are back, your senior martial brother will be filled with bees around him!", she blushed coquettishly after she said.     

Qiu Jin'er was piqued in anger, suddenly, she smiled brightly and waved her hands back at them, "No matter how many bees are there, I will take all of them away from my senior martial brother!"     

Tian Mo Concubine and the other demon ladies looked at one another, one of them said, "This girl, what a confidence she has there. Does she really think that she can fight against all of us?"     

Zhong Yue was speechless. He watched as Qiu Jin'er arrived safely at the moon of the Celestial Wood Star and his unsettling heart was eased.     

The star they were traveling on flew at a faster rate, the gravitational field of the Celestial Wood Star has pushed the speed of the little star to its maximum and abruptly, the star has detached from the gravitational field and shot out toward the Celestial Fire Star.     

With such an immense speed they were traveling at, it would only take a month for them to reach to the Celestial Fire Star, and from there, it would only take a few days to arrive back in the Ancestral Star!     


"Ey? There is a moon palace on this Celestial Wood Star's moon?", Qiu Jin'er landed on one of the moons, just as she was going to find a place to settle down, she noticed something odd in the surrounding.     

Qiu Jin'er inhaled a deep breath of air and blew toward the front. The moondust was blown into the space and a grand palace was revealed in front of her.     

"When was this palace built? And who is its owner?", the young lady was piqued in interest and she walked toward the palace.     

The palace door was tightly shut, there were godly rays moving on the surface of the door. It seemed like a kind of seal, a door seal that stops any uninvited intruders from going into the palace.     

The seal was incredibly ancient, it has been loosened in the passage of time. Qiu Jin'er cast her Yuan Shen out and as soon as she tried to break the seal, it has crumbled on it own and the door opened.     

"Weird, why did the seal dispel on its own…", Qiu Jin'er was curious. While as soon as the seal was broken away, a huge wave of life force has gushed out from the palace, one that was incredibly similar to her own air.     

"This is … the air of the Wood Innate Spirit!", Qiu Jin'er exclaimed.     

She walked into the palace and the air brewed stronger within the hall. Clearly, this was the palace of a Wood Innate Spirit Body, one who has cultivated into the deityhood and has shifted his palace to the Celestial Wood Star.     

The palace was long sealed, awaiting the arrival of another Wood Innate Spirit Body to bring it into the lights once again.     

"Senior?", Qiu Jin'er asked, her voice echoed through the palace halls. There were no answers.     

Qiu Jin'er glanced around, the palace was clean and tidy as though it was new. There was a tea hall, a cultivation hall, a treasure vault and a piece of garden. The divine herbs in the garden were nowhere to be seen but the godly soils remained. There was also a tea tree growing in the middle of the garden, emanating a faint and yet, refreshing fragrance.     

Other than that, there were words left behind on the walls of the palace halls. Whoever the god was, he was a mad cultivator. After he has left from the Ancestral Star to the Celestial Wood Star, he has spent over two thousand years just to study the secrets of the Wood Innate Yuan Shen.     

"This senior, he is one of those who are listed in the Lesser Void World's Legendary Board!"     

Qiu Jin'er was stunned, this Wood Innate Spirit Body has been listed in the Legendary Void World when he was still a Qi Practitioner. While after he has ascended into the deityhood, he started studying the ultimate abstrusities of the Wood Innate Spirit. He moved to the side of the Celestial Wood Star and recorded every finding he has on the palace walls.     

Not only that, Qiu Jin'er has also found the god's discoveries on the medicinal pellets in the medicinal hall, the god's attainments in the cultivation techniques in the cultivation hall, the understandings in forging weapons in the treasure vault and also the god's enjoyment of teas in the tea hall.     

"What a strange man, but why wasn't his name left in the history of the Ancestral Star?", Qiu Jin'er was puzzled.     

"However, this is the perfect place for me to cultivate. Senior martial brother's progress is way too fast, not only that I couldn't catch up to him, the gap between us is getting even bigger now. If this continues on, I will not be able to walk alongside with him anymore, till one day, we will part on our own ways."     

Qiu Jin'er calmed her mind and she prepared some tea for herself. She watched at the steam coming out from the teapot as she mumbled, "Just like Ting Lanyue and the other ladies, they were close to senior martial brother once but as their cultivation progress couldn't catch up with senior martial brother, they have strayed further apart from him already. Even if they are to bump into senior martial brother, there weren't much topics they could converse anymore. If I want to stay with him, I have to cultivate as hard as I can to be on his side. That way, he wouldn't stray far away from me."     


A month's time has passed in a flash, the star Zhong Yue and the others were at has flew into the Celestial Fire Star's gravitational field, orbiting around it.     

The Celestial Fire Star was smaller than the Ancestral Star, the star orbited around the Celestial Fire Star and has disrupted the balance of its gravitational field. This has caused the Celestial Fire Star to move around like a drunkard, probably only when the star has left would the Celestial Fire Star's gravitational field regain its usual balance.     

If the Fire Innate Spirit Body is here, he would be able to cultivate at an incredible speed. What a shame Lei Hong died in Feng Wuji's nefarious plans, what a shame…     

Zhong Yue sighed, he looked at the fire-red star and suddenly, a hand suffused with the air of darkness rose within the blazing fire ball while reaching for the star they were at!     

"What is this!?"     

The experts were shocked as they watched the demonic hand moved closer to them.     

Sounds of explosions came from the demonic hand as it moved deeper into the space, closer to the experts. Totem patterns formed around it and weaved together. As the hand opened, its palm was at least a thousand miles long from one end to the other and the star the experts were at was in its grasp!     

"Brat! I finally caught you!", a voice of anger came from the Celestial Fire Star. It rammed in loud and clear into Zhong Yue's ears and it said, "How dare you scheme against me, how dare you!"     

A demon god rose high underneath in the Celestial Fire Star, it was a thousand miles tall and stood astride on a piece of fire desert and a rock canyon. The demon god's head was nearly piercing out into the space!     

The demon god has three heads with expressions between laughter and tear. They were utterly strange and atrocious in looking. Zhong Yue was just maneuvering the course of the star and when he saw the faces, he exclaimed, "Shi Tuo!?"     

"Yes, it's me!", the demon god roared, his fingertips barely scratched on the star, wounding the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis's flower petals.     

The Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis has lost control and spurted out light rays in random directions. Immediately, the star was tossed off balance and moved randomly in the space.     

Without any hesitation, Zhong Yue has cast the Divine Wing Saber and slashed down on the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis. Then, only did the star regained its balance.     

Fang Jiange and Gu Hongzi heaved a breath of relief, if Zhong Yue has hesitated and acted any slower, the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis would push the star into the Celestial Fire Star and they would all end up dying in there!     

However, with the Flowery Corpse God Chrysalis taken away, the star has lost its drive, it was impossible to run away from the demon god Shi Tuo anymore!     

With the strength of this demon god's spirit, there was no doubt he could kill them all in just one strike!     

Suddenly, Zhong Yue opened his mouth, his psyche surged out into the Celestial Fire Star and converted into voices as he said, "Senior Martial Brother Feng, congratulations on taming the demon god Shi Tuo! However, can you ask him to keep quiet?"     

"Not an issue. Shi Tuo, my junior martial brother has spoke his will, you will then keep quiet."     

A placid voice reverberated the sky. Shi Tuo who was chasing the star instantly stopped, his eyes were burning in fire as he stared intently on Zhong Yue. Shi Tuo raged as he shouted, "If it's not you, how would I end up in this position!? I swear, I will make you pay for this!"     

Zhong Yue heaved a breath of relief, rays flashed across his eyes and he mumbled, "I'm correct then, it's Senior Martial Brother Feng Xiaozhong down there. But if he is here in the Celestial Fire Star, then, that means…"     

His eyes thumped and he finished the sentence, "... his Yuan Shen is already in the Pure Yang state!"     

"Feng Xiaozhong has ascended into the deityhood? He is a god now?", the experts were in shock. They all looked down and saw a white-robed man in his prime age standing beside Shi Tuo's huge body. He was so small in their visions that they didn't even notice his existence before this.     

The man manned himself like a gentle scholar, his eyes were clear like the crystals and his aura deep like the abyss, it was as if he couldn't be perceived by the senses of the experts if he didn't want to.     

"Feng Xiaozhong, he is really a god now!", the experts' faces turned solemn.     

Although Feng Xiaozhong was a human, he knows no evil nor virtues, there were only two general types of classifications in his eyes, living beings that can be his research materials and livings that aren't worth to be researched on. The only thing he ever cared for was to explore and discover, attain and understand the fundamental of the universe and the principles of life and death.     

Back in the days where the old headmaster was still alive, and when the gods were strong than him, Feng Xiaozhong has already caused a huge disturbance across the whole Ancestral Star. However, as the old headmaster was now gone and he himself a god now, no one would be able to stop him anymore!     

"I'll send you all back to the Ancestral Star first.", Zhong Yue stiffened up his face and he said solemnly, "When you have reached the Ancestral Star, stay on the moon first and wait for me to come back. But I don't think I can return so soon. Also, whatever you do, do not go near the moon palace."     

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, can you send me to the Celestial Gold Star?", suddenly, Fang Jiange said.     

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