Rise of Humanity

Si Ming Leaving

Si Ming Leaving

Xin Huo was stunned, he opened his fingers and counted, indeed, it was a total of three different things. Immediately, embarrassment flowed into his heart, he shouted in anger, "Don't mind the details! What's so proud of you all for counting right?"     

Si Ming stared deeply at the little flame as she asked, "So, you rather choose him, a twenty-percent awakened Fuxi instead of me, a pureblood Fuxi?"     

The expression on Xin Huo's face clearly showed a lack of interest, he shook his head and answered, "There isn't any human warmth in you, why do I have to choose you?"     

"Human warmth? What kind of reason this is?", Si Ming was puzzled, she asked, "All of my conditions are better than him, it is easier to teach me than him, I can learn and adapt to your teachings more easily, I have a greater chance in recovering the glory Fuxi Sovereign Race. If you have considered more thoroughly, you should know that I am your best candidate."     

"Little girl.", Xin Huo straightened his listless body and raised his head up in pride, he said, "I come from the Fire Order Era, I have experienced the days of two eras, witnessed the rise and fall of many races and watched as the mightiest heroes turn into piles and piles of ashes and dusts. But one thing I have never seen dying is time. All the talents, all the techniques, all their bodies and spirits, nothing could outrun time itself. Only I, lived long enough to race with it.     

"You see, I was there with those great figures when the books of history talk about them, some were even taught by me. I have seen many talents, more than you can ever imagine; celestials or demons, monsters or any others. Whatever your conditions are, they don't seem to impress me much. The inheritors I choose to take in, other than the great talents and incredible intelligence, they should also have a virtuous heart. Which, I now call it, the human warmth, something I don't see in you."     

Disappointed, Si Ming shook her head and replied, "Human warmth…? It's just an unnecessary burden in my quest. To recover the glory of the Fuxi Sovereign Celestial Race, to make the Fuxi rise again, human warmth isn't going to work. Since, the Great Preceptor you insist on staying with him, then, I shall see what he is capable of in the future. Xin Huo, you will regret your decision today."     

She was placid all these while, for a moment there, Zhong Yue even thought that she didn't have any emotions. Yet, hearing Xin Huo's words now, even the seemingly emotionless Si Ming was also discomforted by the little flame and shifted the discomforts onto Zhong Yue.     

It was clear as bright day that her conditions and qualifications were much better than Zhong Yue's and yet, Xin Huo insisted to choose Zhong Yue. This has piqued her will to contend against Zhong Yue, she want to prove that she was better and stronger than Zhong Yue, to prove that Xin Huo's decision was a mistake.     

Zhong Yue, on the other hand, was touched. Xin Huo's words have warmed his cold heart.     

Xin Huo shrugged and flew back into Zhong Yue's psyche ocean while saying, "Anything you say, I won't choose you anyhow."     

Si Ming sneered coldly, in just a second's time, she has regained her usual composure and said placidly, "Imperial bell, let's go."     

"Just a second.", the little fatty smiled and replied, "My body is coming."     

As soon as he finished his words, a rift cracked across the galactic space. A bell sized like the insect planet was slowly moving out from the space rift, its appearance has shuddered the space around and tossed all of the livings in the insect planet in utter terror. The imperial aura was so immense it made all of the livings bow to the bell and worshipped it.     

The little fatty spoke, and the bell shuddered in resonant, "We can go now!"     

Si Ming leaped into the sky, she flew toward the imperial bell and in just a few moments, she has alighted down on the top of the bell. The Fuxi lady was small like a tiny dust standing on top of the bell.     

While Zhong Yue shouted loudly, "Si Ming, bring your insect planet away! Are you still trying to let the insect planet destroy the Ancestral Star?"     

"It is not mine to claim, the insect planet is just a vessel I have boarded on my quest.", the lady stood there frigidly, she shook her head and said in a placid tone, "Even without me, the insect race will sooner or later find your Ancestral Star. Didn't you just said, the Ancestral Star is yours? Didn't you just told me that the Ancestral Star have you guarding over it? If the Great Preceptor has chosen you, then you must be able to protect your Ancestral Star."     

The bell rang and the space rift enlarged wider as the imperial bell disappeared into the darkness.     

Zhong Yue smiled, he mumbled, "And so I just thought that she is emotionless like a cold star. It seems like she also gets angry and affected by her emotions. Don't you worry, the Ancestral Star is mine and none shall ever harm it! However, Shao Hao Bell has been brought away by Si Ming, meaning I can't borrow his power anymore, this is going to be more dangerous to me in the future battles."     

"Xin Huo.", Zhong Yue look into his psyche ocean and saw the little flame, he said touchingly, "You didn't choose her and has chosen me instead, I…"     

Xin Huo suddenly lunged over and hugged on his leg while crying out loud. Zhong Yue was shocked and completely clueless.     

"I have just let a pureblood Fuxi slipped away from my grasp, she might just be the last pureblood Fuxi in this world left!", the little flame was crying so hard, he sobbed and said, "And I have even forgotten to make her stay to make some pureblood Fuxi babies with you! I'm so wrong, I have made such a huge mistake! I should have asked her to make a mountain of babies before she leaves … Zhong Shan Clan member, you pay me back my pureblood Fuxi inheritors!"     

Suddenly, the little flame stopped crying and glared a pair of bright eyes at Zhong Yue, he shouted, "I have let go a pureblood Fuxi because of you, you have to repay me another one!"     

"I will, I will, I will make sure I pay you back a pureblood Fuxi.", Zhong Yue nodded unceasingly, he answered while smiling, "From today onwards, I will listen to Master Xin Huo and make more babies, I will try my best to make a house of the pureblood Fuxi!"     

"That's the spirit!", Xin Huo stood up straight, he waved his hand and said, "Your children must be stronger and better than this Si Ming, she mustn't be let all arrogant and proud, not in front of me!"     

Zhong Yue thought about it and he felt something weird in it, he quickly asked, "Xin Huo, didn't you chose me as your inheritor? Why are you looking into my children now?"     

Xin Huo gave him a pair of puzzled eyes as the little flame replied, "Since when did I choose you?"     

"You just said that Si Ming didn't have the human warmth you are asking and Si Ming said that you chose me instead of you…"     

"You think too much, young man of the Fuxi Clan.", Xin Huo raised his little finger and poked into his nostril as he said, "We have just met with a pureblood Fuxi today, which means that we might meet with another one in the future. On the Zi Wei Imperial Star, there might just really be a Fuxi, even if there isn't, you are still listed on the third priority. The second is still a pureblood Fuxi among your children…"     

Zhong Yue was stunned, then he shouted in anger, "I am still the third?"     

Xin Huo nodded while comforting him, "Yeah, it's a very good position to be in already. Look, that Fuxi lady isn't even on the third priority. You should be proud of yourself! Oh, back to the real matter, when are you going to have a house of babies?"     


"Come on, you promised! You said you are going to work hard and make a house of them!"     


Zhong Yue looked into his mortal body and Yuan Shen, there weren't any traces of injuries or wounds in him. More so, he could tell that his cultivation base has even further increased. Zhong Yue couldn't help but admire Si Ming's prowess.     

She look young, it wouldn't be too long a time she has started cultivating. Just how did she cultivate to such a stage within such a short time?     

It was Si Ming's divine third eye that has recovered all of his injuries, saved him from dying. It was truly amazing.     


I need to work hard as well, for one day, I will catch up to her and prove to her I am no any inferior than her! No, not only that I will catch up to her, I will surpass her and surpass all of the other Xin Huo inheritors as well. I will prove myself to Xin Huo as well!     

Zhong Yue said to himself. He raised his hand and kept Husan Weng back in his Yuan Shen secret realms. Husan Weng has played a huge role in saving his life and was gravely wounded as well. Even so, Husan Weng never left his side and has even fought with him until the end.     

Husan Weng was truly a friend loyal to its friends.     

Zhong Yue glanced around and reclaimed the Divine Wing Saber, he placed it back into the copper lamp. Then, he moved toward the monster god Yu Wenju's corpse, removing the three divine weapons and kept them in his Yuan Shen secret realms.     

Zhong Yue thought, My willow leaf jade sword is in Princess Jin Xiu's hands after she killed Bo Xun and if Yu Wenju has eaten Princess Jin Xiu, where will the demon sword be at now?     

He focused his senses and suddenly, opened the monster god's mouth and walked into Yu Wenju's body.     

Yu Wenju's corpse was incredibly huge. After he was killed by Si Ming, he has turned back into his true form, an over a few hundred miles long godly serpent.     

Zhong Yue walked for nearly a hundred miles far into Yu Wenju's body. There were mountains and rivers, green grasses and clear waters all over the places, it looked like a paradise in here.     

Suddenly, he raised his head up and saw five light wheels revolving in mid-air above him. Yu Wenju's Yuan Shen secret realms were well hidden in the mortal body, the entrance was these five light wheels. Without the willow leaf jade sword, it would be incredibly hard to locate these five secret realms.     

Zhong Yue flew up and entered one of the five secret realms. It was because he could sense his willow leaf jade sword in this Yuan Shen secret realm, that's how he could find the Yuan Shen secret realms.     

When he has entered the secret realms, Zhong Yue's heart shuddered. There were godly lights flowing all around the place, tens of divine weapons were hidden in this Yuan Shen secret realms. Among them, there was a jade sword shaped like the willow leaf, it was Bo Xun's demon divine weapon,     

While the other divine weapons were mostly the insect divine weapons of the insect experts died in Zhong Yue's hands!     

Zhong Yue has killed them in a bloody battle, he didn't have the time and extra energy to retrieve the divine weapons. Yet, who knew these divine weapons would appear inside Yu Wenju's Yuan Shen secret realm.     

These insect divine weapons are mostly probably retrieved by Princess Jin Xiu and when she was eaten away by Yu Wenju, he has claimed these treasures and kept them in his Yuan Shen secret realms.     

Zhong Yue looked around and found many other treasures piling up on the sides. There were the divine golds and godly materials piling up like mountains, these would be the lifetime treasures collected by Yu Wenju.     

Furthermore, there were tens of thousand insect corpses on the other end, they were all forged from the divine golds. Seems like Yu Wenju was also collecting the divine golds and expanding his vault while he was escaping in the underground.     

Zhong Yue flew into the other Yuan Shen secret realm and saw mountains of medicinal pellets. The fragrance of these medicinal pellets suffused the air, most of these medicinal pellets were concocted by the divine herbs.     

He walked into another secret realm again and found the five elemental Qi refined to their finest in it. The metal Qi turned into mountains, the wood Qi formed the trees, the earth Qi condensed into the earth, the fire Qi rose into the sky as the sun and the water Qi flowed like an ocean.     

Yu Wenju's secret realm is just like a divine vault, no, five divine vaults!     

Zhong Yue praised. These five divine vaults were too great a treasure. Not to go far, if he could bring only the divine weapons back to Swords Gate, he could equip every elder with a divine weapon each!     

But how to wipe away the markings of the insect gods on the insect divine weapons? If their markings aren't wiped away, they can always sense it and control it even from a far distance…     

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