Rise of Humanity

How Nice

How Nice

Zhong Yue cracked his head and still couldn't figure out how to wipe away the insect gods' markings on the divine weapons. If the markings on the divine weapons weren't wiped away, it would be like looking to die wielding the insect divine weapons. These divine weapons were refined by the insect gods and they have left their markings on it, as long as they were able to sense their divine weapons, they would be able to control it and easily kill whoever was wielding the weapons!     

I'm still too weak…     

Zhong Yue shook his head and kept the insect divine weapons in the copper lamp while keeping Yu Wenju's three divine weapons in his Yuan Shen secret realms.     

When Yu Wenju has cast the venomous fangs on me, their powers have already stabbed on me before the weapons did. These are the attacks that strike mainly on the psyche level, it is very rare to come across one.     

Zhong Yue raised a venomous fang up in his hand, the divine weapon was looking similar to Long Yue's Fang Blade. Both the divine weapons were forged from the monster gods' fangs. However, the venomous fangs were stronger than the Fang Blade, this would most probably be that Yu Wenju's prowess was stronger than the Xiang Dragon god.     

Furthermore, the venomous fangs contained incredible venoms that could even numb the gods!     

These two venomous fangs were undoubtedly two strong weapons!     

Long Yue has his weapons now, along with the Fang Blade, he will have three divine weapons already. From then onward, Long Yue can definitely take a firm position in the monster race already!     

Zhong Yue kept the two venomous fangs and he looked at the serpent spear. It was forged from Yu Wenju's tongue and the two tips of the spear were terrifyingly sharp and there were barbs all across the spear. Zhong Yue clenched on the spear and swung it in the air, he shook his head as he realized the serpent spear wasn't suitable for him. Furthermore, his cultivation technique, the [Celestial Demon Tai Chi Art], has little to none of the monster element, he couldn't unleash the power of the serpent spear.     

Senior Martial Brother Gu Hongzi has a godly spirit Yuan Shen and is still lacking a divine weapon, this serpent spear suits the best for him.     

Zhong Yue kept the serpent spear and gazed at Yu Wenju's corpse, he thought, In the monster race, the serpent, snake-like monsters usually walk on a path of evolution toward the Jiao Dragon and hopefully, the orthodox dragons. Such as Chi Liannv and Lian Xin were both monster snakes and have tried to breakthrough by evolving into the Jiao Dragons. But why did this serpent god wasn't the same and has become a god with the serpent mortal body instead?     

Suddenly, Xin Huo said in his psyche ocean, "Brat Yue, this serpent god has part of the Huaxu bloodline, his mortal body is incredibly beneficial to you!"     

Huaxu bloodline?     

Zhong Yue's body shuddered and he exclaimed out in shock, "No wonder he can become the monster god, he has the godly blood of the Huaxu Clan!"     

The Huaxu Clan was the innate snake gods and the Leize Clan was the innate dragon gods. Both of these races were on par with the Fuxi Clan and were all part of the eight sovereign races!     

The grand ancestor of the Fuxi Clan was the direct descendant of Huaxu and Leize. Thus, the Fuxi Clan has both the power of the Huaxu blood and Leize blood, making them incredibly strong to be able to start the Earth Order Era.     

While before Zhong Yue has broken the blood seals in his body, he has earned a few drops of Ancestral Dragon blood that have greatly helped him in refining the Fuxi blood in him. The Ancestral Dragon was exactly a Leize Clan dragon.     

Although, he has never met with any of the Huaxu Clan members yet.     

It was truly a surprise that Yu Wenju was a serpent with part of the Huaxu blood in him!     

"Tho, the Huaxu bloodline in him is faint.", Xin Huo inspected the monster god's corpse and said, "But still incredible enough for the Ancestral Star livings. Take out his monster god inner core, you can refine the Huaxu blood from it and further awaken your Fuxi bloodline!"     

Zhong Yue was overjoyed, his heart was thumping heavily. Quickly, Zhong Yue surged his psyche out into Yu Wenju's psyche ocean and removed the monster god inner core from there. This monster god inner core was smaller than the beast god inner core he had but when Zhong Yue has acquired the beast god inner core, most of the essences in it have already dissipated in thin air.     

While this monster god inner core was in its peak state, the essences in it were fully intact and thus, it has a few times stronger than the beast god inner core!     

Most importantly, the blood essences in this inner core were refined by Yu Wenju, there weren't any impurities in them. This has allowed Zhong Yue to extract the Huaxu blood out more easily!     

With this inner core, I will be able to strengthen my Fuxi bloodline!     

Zhong Yue thought, he placed the monster god inner core into his psyche ocean. Instantly, the monster god inner core has been refined and the essences in it were extracted out. Waves and waves of energy billowed in Zhong Yue's body and the level of his Fuxi bloodline was also slowly increasing.     

This Yu Wenju, what a fortune figure he is to me…     

Zhong Yue praised in his heart, he was really grateful for the dead monster god. From one side of the insect planet to the other, the monster god has traveled far to reach to him and 'present' the monster god inner core to Zhong Yue. Such great deeds, no words could really describe how grateful Zhong Yue was now.     

Yu Wenju's five secret realms can be refined into five ring soul weapons, they will be incredibly strong.     

With a change of thought, Zhong Yue's psyche has surged out and carried the monster god's corpse into his Yuan Shen secret realms. Yu Wenju's mortal body was huge but Zhong Yue's Yuan Shen secret realms weren't small either.     

The monster god was stored in the Yuan Shen secret realms, his mortal body was huge like a mountain ridge and godly aura has suffused the air.     

"Mister Zhong, can I have some godly blood?", Husan Weng raised its head looking at the monster god and asked.     

"You can even bathe yourself in the godly blood.", Zhong Yue laughed, he made a hole on Yu Wenju's head and blood filled into the hole. Husan Weng quickly leaped into the pool of blood and bathed itself in it.     

"How nice of you, sending your godly blood over for me…", Husan Weng looked at the monster god's head and said while feeling grateful.     

I wonder if Senior Martial Brother Fang, Junior Martial Sister Jin'er and the others have escaped?     

Zhong Yue bolted away while he fissioned another inner core, cultivating the [Mystic Duplication Technique].     

Although he plundered many treasures, the death of Bo Xun has cost him gravely as well. Bo Xun was the demon incarnation he has spent many efforts in nurturing, more than just a few years of time.     

It wouldn't be easy to re-cultivate the demon incarnation. Zhong Yue was only able to cultivate Bo Xun so quickly the last time all because of the help of the lotus saint herb. But as he has finished consuming the lotus saint herb, it would take a longer time to re-cultivate another demon incarnation, another Bo Xun.     

Thankfully Yu Wenju has some of the best medicinal pellets in his secret realms. These medicinal pellets are able to greatly shorten the time to re-cultivate Bo Xun. Sending his lifetime collections to me all the way from the other side of the insect planet, what a nice god he is…     

The Zhong Shan Clan young man was feeling incredibly happy, more so after he consumed a god-leveled medicinal pellet.     

A few days later, he flew out from the dark side of the insect planet, finally seeing gleams of light shining down from the sky.     

Very soon, he has encountered an insect tribe and has furtively refined an insect expert into his own Gu insect. He hid in the insect expert's Yuan Shen secret realms and vesseled in it.     

Swords Gate have many treasures, but too little experts. This will only bring us calamities, I need to refine more of these insect experts so they can be of great help to our Swords Gate!     

Rays flashed across Zhong Yue's eyes, he ordered the insect expert to search all around. He found an insect magnate and ambushed the latter, suppressing the insect magnate and refined him into his own Gu insect.     

After tens of days, more than twenty insect experts were lingering around in the insect planet. Most of these experts were magnate cultivators and their bodies were forged from divine golds.     

Another month passed, Zhong Yue has finally reached to the side where the sun was right above him, but the number of insect experts under him was still the same, just over twenty of them, nothing more, nothing less.     

Controlling the insect experts and refining them into the Gu insects requires a high standard on the cultivator's psyche and Yuan Shen. All of these insect experts Zhong Yue has captured were all magnates and some of them were even stronger than he himself. If he had tried to refine more of the other insect experts, he wouldn't be able to handle the control on these Gu insects and this possesses a great threat that might lead to the betrayal of the Gu insects.     

This … what a terrifying godly battle!     

Suddenly, Zhong Yue's heart shuddered and he ordered the Gu insects to stop. The insect magnates have stood alongside one another in a line and in front of them, it was a barren land of over ten thousand miles, filled with the leftover skills of the gods.     

Evidently, this was where the gods have battled. Some of their skills were still lingering around the place and transformed the landscape and environment all at once.     

Zhong Yue suddenly frowned as he could vaguely perceive some snowflakes snowing down from the sky.     

Then, he saw the aftermath of the Ice Frost Mirror and the Glacial Frost Palace.     

Bai Canghai isn't strong enough to wield and unleash these three lord-leveled divine weapons, then it can only be the Bai Zhe Clan god, Bai Yuncang.     

Zhong Yue furrowed his brow and he meticulously inspected the surrounding, he thought, By the looks of it, Bai Yuncang and Bai Canghai must have come across more than one insect gods, which explains why the battlefield is so terrifying. Bai Canghai should still be alive as if he is dead, the Pure Yang Qi I have left in his body will return to me, but it didn't. If Bai Canghai is still alive, has he left the insect planet and gone back to the Ancestral Star already…     

Moments later, Zhong Yue's face turned solemn, he inhaled deeply and walked out from an insect magnate's Yuan Shen secret realms. He surged his psyche out and kept all of the insect experts into his Yuan Shen secret realms while he strode into the war torn-like godly battlefield.     

The Xuan Yin Banners flew out and revolved around him, forming layers and layers of circle guarding him in the center.     

Zhong Yue moved carefully in the godly battlefield, there were still the godly skills bursting out powers. Even with the array formation of the Xuan Yin Hundred Banners protecting him, Zhong Yue was still often time struck hard by these godly skills left behind.     

The deeper he goes, the more terrifying the conditions were. Any single skill here could be over a hundred miles long, these were left by the greater skills and or divine weapons. A moment of inattention could cause his life in here, not even the banners could save him when that happens.     

While even the smaller ones were thousands of feet long. Although these skills were weaker in power, they could still hit hard enough to injure him gravely.     

Zhong Yue walked cautiously along the sides of these skills. He observed the skills with the divine third eye and avoided many dangers because of that. But even so, it was unavoidable for him to be wounded anyhow.     

He took a total of over ten days for just ten thousand miles long distance.     

Another few days passed spent in leg works, suddenly, Zhong Yue stopped and he glanced around, furrowing his brow.     

He looked at one of the godly rays around him and he said, "Brother Canghai, are you here?"     

A light wheel abruptly emerged within the godly rays and revealed a saintly Yuan Shen secret realm where an injured Bai Canghai flew out from. Battle marks, scars and wounds crawled all over Bai Canghai's body, he saw Zhong Yue and collapsed to the ground crying in tears as he said, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong…"     

Zhong Yue quickly moved forward and supported Bai Canghai up on the arms, he glanced around and finally looked at the light wheel. Zhong Yue frowned and he said stammering, "Senior Bai Yuncang…"     

"Died, just to save me!", Bai Canghai could hear his sobbing voice, and feel the immense pain that felt like his heart was being torn apart. He was crying as he said, "The ice pathway was a trap, the insect gods have been there waiting for us all. The other gods were also killed, only ancestor has brought me out but who knew, we still couldn't escape…"     

A trap…?     

Zhong Yue's heart sunk, he quickly took out a totem pillar and connected to Qiu Jin'er. Moments later, the totem pillar shuddered and Qiu Jin'er replied, "Senior martial brother, do not go for the ice pathway!"     

Zhong Yue heaved a breath a relief knowing they were all safe, moments later, his heart shuddered in cold as he came to a realization, If we can't go back through the ice pathway, doesn't that mean we are all trapped in the insect planet…?     

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