Rise of Humanity

When The Paths End, The Misfortunes Never Come Singly

When The Paths End, The Misfortunes Never Come Singly

Lang Qingyun's fear-filled face stiffened up and his eyes dimmed down, the last though that flowed across his mind was, If only I chose to fight to death instead of bowing down to the insects, I might still be able to embrace a good name after my death…     

His middle head was cleaved open by the demon sword and his other two heads were all struck dead by the willow leaf jade sword's demonic aura. Bo Xun was an expert not any weaker than Lang Qingyun and the willow leaf jade sword was the divine weapon forged by Demon Saint; it wasn't a surprise that he could have kill Lang Qingyun in one ambush strike.     

After the willow leaf jade sword has killed Lang Qingyun, it reached to Princess Jin Xiu's forehead like a flash of lightning. But a huge banner has abruptly appeared in front of her and stopped the willow leaf jade sword.     

The fluttering banner has unloaded the sword's power and in the next second, Bo Xun has dashed over to the front. He clenched on the jade sword and struck at Princess Jin Xiu continuously.     

While on the other side, Zhong Yue called Husan Weng and said like an ill patient, "Husan Weng, give me some carrot juice…"     

Husan Weng heard him and it hopped up from the ground while shouting, "You want my blood?"     

"I'm dying, your blood can save my life.", Zhong Yue mumbled as he forced himself to speak, "Husan Weng is most loyal to his friends…"     

"Alright, alright, I get it, I'm the most loyal friend one can ever ask for.", seeing that Zhong Yue was really dying, Husan Weng heaved a long breath and raised its hand. There weren't any fingers on its palm as they were all plucked by Zhong Yue. With a face of immense pain, Husan Weng made a small wound on the middle of its palm and pressed out some carrot juice into Zhong Yue's mouth.     

Zhong Yue's face turned better and bestirred himself, he said, "Carry me, and run."     

Husan Weng turned back and look at Bo Xun, it said puzzlingly, "Then he…"     

Zhong Yue shook his head in reply, "This incarnation of mine is no match for Princess Jin Xiu."     

Husan Weng quickly carried Zhong Yue on its back and hesitated as it look at the Divine Wing Saber, "This saber, it's too heavy I can't…"     

Zhong Yue shook his head and said, "Leave it, let's go!"     

Husan Weng turned and bolted out as fast as he could. Zhong Yue was in a really bad state now, he forced himself to open his eyes so he wouldn't fall asleep. Even when there was the help of Husan Weng's blood, the injuries in him were still to immense to be suppressed, bloods were still streaming out unceasingly.     

He didn't dare to sleep, because if he had slept, no one would control over Bo Xun and the demon incarnation would be killed by Princess Jin Xiu in an instant. By then, their end wouldn't be far from them anymore.     

He opened his eyes as wide as he could, persisting and fighting against the somnolence. The longer Bo Xun could stall Princess Jin Xiu, the further they can escape away from death.     

"Husan Weng, why are you moving slower than before?", Zhong Yue smiled bitterly and said.     

"How dare you speak of this!? Do you know no shame!", Husan Weng was piqued in anger and he said, "I bet you can't be any faster than I am now if you don't have your toes as well! All because of you who has eaten away all my toes!"     

Zhong Yue was coughing blood out as he said while smiling, "Relax, I will repay you once we get back to Swords Gate. A huge repayment."     

Husan Weng smirked and said, "I want ten times more godly soils that the others … Hey, don't sleep, please, don't sleep. Talk to me! If you have slept, who is going to be there to stall that mother insect?"     

Zhong Yue was struck with a wave of dizziness and suddenly, he opened his eyes again. For a second there, he almost lost his consciousness and in that split second, Bo Xun's movements were staggered. A flaw emerged in Bo Xun's stance and was immediately seized by Princess Jin Xiu, allowing her to suppress him in the battle.     

"Mister Zhong, you can't sleep, you mustn't!", Husan Weng was bolting away at a great speed. The huge carrot saw that Zhong Yue was going to fall asleep again and it has grit its teeth hard. Husan Weng pulled down one of his arm and threw it into Zhong Yue's mouth.     

"Mister Zhong, my life will either end in your hands, or in your mouth. You can't sleep now, if you have slept, who am I going to ask for the godly soils…"     

With the carrot's arm, Zhong Yue was feeling a lot better and was able to stop the injuries from worsening. Husan Weng was moving at a great speed, they traveled past mountains and rivers and the carrot was also panting in exhaustion.     

But Husan Weng was still moving forward without stopping to rest for a single second. It was a divine herb in nature and the divine herbs couldn't cultivate, thus, Husan Weng wasn't able to fly in the air and could only run.     

After some time, Zhong Yue suddenly sighed and he said bitterly, "Husan Weng, let me down. Bo Xun … is dead."     

He stopped for seconds and said, "Let me down, you can still make it on your own…"     

Husan Weng grit its teeth tight and moved forward without answering Zhong Yue.     

Zhong Yue sighed, he didn't have much energy to speak anymore. He turned his head back and saw many patches of clouds in the sky. Princess Jin Xiu stood on the clouds formed by the insect experts as they carried her on their backs. At this rate, it wouldn't be long for her to catch up to Zhong Yue and Husan Weng.     

While the other patches of clouds have formed together to carry the Divine Wing Saber on their backs. It was truly a magnificent view.     

His Bo Xun incarnation was also killed by Princess Jin Xiu and thus, the willow leaf jade sword has fall into her hands as well.     

Zhong Yue was silent, Husan Weng was still running. But it was after all a divine weapon, it couldn't be any faster than Princess Jin Xiu.     

Finally, the insect clouds were all above them. The insect experts descendent from the sky and surrounded them in the center.     

All over the places around them were filled with insects, there wasn't any more room for anything more.     

Husan Weng stopped, it glared its eyes around and prepared to fight until the end of its life.     

Zhong Yue was placid, he said, "Let me down, Husan Weng."     

Husan Weng placed Zhong Yue down to the ground. Although Zhong Yue's injuries weren't worsening anymore,they were still as severe as before. The direct clashes with the insect magnates have broke his totem patterns in and out of his body and Yuan Shen. It was already a miracle he could still survive till this point in time.     

Husan Weng's medicinal efficacy could stop the injuries from worsening but it couldn't rejoin the broken bones nor repair the damaged totem patterns. Not to mention that it wouldn't be that easy to remedy the wounds and return back to his peak state.     

"Zhong Shan Clan member, where can you run now?", Princess Jin Xiu walked over. Her injuries were relatively better than Zhong Yue. The mother insects were a mini country themselves; there were many insects living in their Yuan Shen secret realms, all descendents of theirs.     

So long these insects were still in her Yuan Shen secret realms, Princess Jin Xiu would be able to devour them to recover her own prowess.     

"Just one man, and you have killed so many experts of mine. Zhong Shan Clan member, you are really incredible, do you know that?", Princess Jin Xiu praised, she said, "We insects have been wandering around in this universe for our whole lives. Along the way, countless planets were destroyed and countless livings were killed. While you, you have the balls to come to us on our land and kill over two hundred magnates of the insect race, you are really amazing!"     

She praised Zhong Yue openly in front of all the other insects, it was as if the victims that died in Zhong Yue's hands weren't her peers but some unrelated bugs instead.     

Zhong Yue smiled, he replied, "You are overpraising me, princess."     

"You know, by right, I should be killing you. But seeing that you have killed so many of my people, I have a different plan for you now.", Princess Jin Xiu laughed back and her eyes were brightening up, she said while smiling, "I want to upgrade you, modify you into an insect and to prevent you from turning you back on us, I will let my child parasite in your brain. Relax, it will just eat some part of your brain away and act in place of those missing parts."     

She opened her hand and revealed a whitish bug twitching in her palm.     

Zhong Yue laughed, "I have to say, it looks delicious, it will make a good food if its fried and flavored with some seasonings."     

Princess Jin Xiu was smiling, "You still have the guts to laugh now, I really admire your bravery. But soon, you won't be able to laugh anymore."     

She strode toward Zhong Yue and Husan Weng was stressed, the huge carrot stepped forward and stood on her path.     

Zhong Yue's heart sank and just as he was going to connect with the Shao Hao Bell, the earth around them quaked violently. An ice mountain abruptly sank into the ground.     

Princess Jin Xiu was shocked as she looked over, she saw a huge snake slithering out from the underground.     

The snake was over a few hundred miles long, it slithered out from the underground and reached to the dark side of the insect planet. On its body, there were many wounds and injuries, but it was still lively in energy.     

"Monster god, Yu Wenju?", Zhong Yue's heart thumped heavily.     

The snake was filled with godly aura and the monstrous Qi. It was also shocked when it saw so many insect experts around but heaved a breath of relief as soon as it realized there weren't any gods around. The giant snake casually swung its tail over and killed countless insect experts in just that one swing of tail.     

"Finally, I managed to escape. Hei, those bugs, do they really think they can stop me? Don't they know the snake gods are masters in traveling underground? As long as I can leave the insect planet, it'll just take a few years time to return back in Ancestral Star … Hm? Little brat of the human race!"     

The monster god noticed Zhong Yue and rolled its snake eyes. Then, it looked at Zhong Yue and Princess Jin Xiu in shock.     

"You are still alive!"     

The monster god's body turned into the figure of a middle-aged scholar looking man. Yu Wenju scrutinized Zhong Yue from tip to toe and he exclaimed in shock, "How are you still alive! You brat! The gods of Ancestral Star were nearly all dead and even I struggled through many predicaments to reach here. How can you still be alive until now?"     

Zhong Yue wanted to answer but he suddenly burst into a series of coughings. He spurted out a mouth of blood and answered while smiling, "It's a miracle to see Senior Yu to be able to survive the insect gods as well. Senior Yu, this insect expert is a princess of the mother insect race, I plead the senior to kill her."     

Princess Jin Xiu's face changed drastically, she furtively took a few steps back.     

However, Yu Wenju didn't look at her as he stared closely at Zhong Yue, his face was changing continuously and suddenly, he hissed and said, "What can that bug be? But you, you are the biggest enemy to the monster race. The insect planet is too far from us but the Great Wilderness is just in front of our doorstep. If you have ascend into the deityhood, the monster race will take great impacts from you. By that time, I don't think I can be strong enough to stop you anymore…"     

Princess Jin Xiu's eyes brightened up, she heaved a breath and thought, It seems like this monster god wants to kill Zhong Yue more than killing me. This is my chance to escape!     

She moved back for a few miles and abruptly, spanned out her cicada-like wings and flew away.     

Princess Jin Xiu was airborne and was overjoyed as she made her way out. All of a sudden, a long tongue has shot over and curled her in it. Yu Wenju rolled his tongue back and swallowed Princess Jin Xiu into his stomach. He hissed and said, "This little girl is so naive … Now, it's time for you to go, Zhong Shan Clan member!"     

A wave of godly aura burst out from the monster god. Yu Wenju cast out a venomous fang and thrust it down on Zhong Yue, while he smiled and said, "What a lucky day, I can kill you and plunder half a Divine Wing Saber in one go!"     

In Zhong Yue's psyche ocean, Xin Huo shouted out loud, "Brat Yue, what are you waiting for? Call that little fatty Shao Hao Bell … Wait!"     

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