Rise of Humanity

Stirring Up a Hornet's Nest

Stirring Up a Hornet's Nest

Those are … devil souls!

Zhong Yue looked down, around the black coffins were giant devil souls levitating, they traversed across the coffins as they were non-physical entities. They were precisely the devil souls he once saw in the dark haze!

In the round pit, devil souls were as numerous as the number of coffins that laid in it. Zhong Yue had a rough look and estimated there to be at least 2000-3000 coffins in the round pit!

That meant there was also a matching number of devil souls!

Thousands of gods and devils had died here and were sealed by the gods, what is all this? Why is there a sword inside the Swords Gate Mountain, why is it piercing the heart? And whose heart would this be?

Zhong Yue was filled with questions that could not be answered, The eruption of Devil Soul Yin Effluvium ... these devil souls are scraping every inch of land around Swords Gate Mountain in search of something. What are they looking for? Surely not this heart nor the sword, what is it that is so important to these fallen gods and devils that they would turn their resentments, grudges, and obsessions into devil souls to continue searching for it even after their deaths?

A myriad of thoughts streamed through his mind, but no one could ever give him the answers he wanted.

Xin Huo was even more baffled than Zhong Yue, in fact, he was on the verge of going crazy, "Who can tell me, what the heck happened all these years when I was slumbering? Who buried all these gods and devils here, and what are they fighting for? How much of the action have I missed out on…"

This was the core of the Devil Soul Forbidden Land, countless flesh cars shuttling sixteen giant meatballs on it roamed around the massive blood veins. The flesh cars were large in number. There were at least a few thousand of them!

A few thousands of flesh cars, each shuttling sixteen meatballs which are actually corpse demons…

A shudder went through his body, other than the patrolling flesh cars. There was another peculiar-looking being that came into his sights; it was a big and malevolent-looking furry meatball hovering in the air.

It was around four feet in diameter, but its fur was about 10 feet long, and they extended outward like tentacles. All of a sudden, it's skin split in half down the middle to reveal an eye.

The furry meatball was actually an eye!

Zhong Yue was terrified. Those evil eyes hovered in the air, and when they opened and their eyeballs, laser-like death rays would shoot out of them and blast onto the giant sword. The sword was red hot as the beams continued to strike it.

The eyes were simply uncountable, but in front of the massive blood veins, they were as small as specks of dust in the air. Zhong Yue himself was no bigger than that petty dust.

The perilous flesh cars, horrifying corpse demons, and wicked evil eyes had filled the landscape, but the source of real terror came from the giant beasts crouching beside the massive blood veins.

These giant beasts only had their skeletal frames, and yet they moved around like live beings, watching over the patrolling flesh cars. From time to time, they would open their mouths and howl.

One after another, when the flesh cars passed by the giant beasts, there would be meatballs falling off from the wagon. However, they did not turn into the corpse demons as usual, but instead, these meatballs would attach themselves onto the giant beasts' bodies, becoming a part of the giant beast's muscles and blood veins!

While in mid-air, the hovering evil eyes would attach themselves into the giant beasts' eye sockets, acting as the beasts' eyes, they would roll around unnaturally and gaze vigilantly at the surroundings.

When the giant beasts shook their bodies, these meatballs would fall off from them and once again roll onto the flesh cars. The evil eyes would also hover into the air and whiz around.

These giant beasts, they were the mounts of the gods and devils, and are now the guardians of their masters' coffins, if they spotted me…

Zhong Yue's heart was palpitating, he whispered, "Xin Huo, if these beast skeletons were to get muscles and eyes, how strong would they be?"

Xin Huo pondered for a moment and answered, "Without a doubt, their prowess will not be of the headmaster's match, but they were, after all, the mounts of the gods. Every one of them was equivalent to a pseudo-beast god. Attaching these creatures as body parts would make them much stronger, albeit not as strong as they were in the prime of their lives! These were most likely the things that the Swords Gate's previous headmasters died from."

Zhong Yue forcefully suppressed the shock in his heart, the mounts of the fallen gods and devils were still active beneath the Swords Gate. With such strength, their existence turned this place into the paradise for devil souls. Any living being that dared to invade would have to face their deadly wrath!

Xin Huo once said that Swords Gate was established on top of an active volcano, and he is indeed right. If this forbidden land ever erupted, the whole of Swords Gate, including the Great Wilderness would perish in no time!

Xin Huo whispered lowly, "Brat Yue, I can sense the position where the seal is cracked, be careful not to alert the flesh cars and evil eyes. Also, don't let the giant beasts and coffins spot you. Just sneak your way out of this place."

Zhong Yue nodded, he followed Xin Huo's instructions and scaled the flesh walls, taking the form of a Xiang Dragon. He could climb like a gust of wind, and with high speed, he made his way toward one of the tunnels.

In mid-air, the evil eyes hovered in the air and floated around. They would intermittently open their eyes and blast death rays right at the massive sword.

"Strange, these devils soul are so strange, they don't seem to be completed…"

Xin Huo measured them with his eyes. He pondered deeply; just right when Zhong Yue was on his way entering the tunnel, one of the eyes suddenly turned around and opened widely where Zhong Yue's image reflected on its pupils,The big evil eye was stunned for a second, and then it released a shrill and sharp noise.

All of the evil eyes suddenly stopped moving, and countless eyeballs directed their cold stares at Zhong Yue in unison.


Zhong Yue shuddered in fear, he mustered all his strength and erupted with his maximum speed. The next moment, the Xiang Dragon had entered into the tunnel as countless death rays interweaved to from a net of death flying straight for him!

Zhong Yue ran with all his might, the death rays behind him pierced through the flesh walls and melted the mountain rocks into magma!


The mountain rocks were littered with tiny perforations, as if they were created in the heart chamber. From the holes, burning hot and viscous lava trickled down in rivulets!

Although they were described as small, it was only in comparison to this gargantuan underground world. Each hole was in fact, at least as big as a water bucket. Any one of them could punch a gaping hole in Zhong Yue's body!

Zhong Yue sprinted deep into the tunnel along the way when all of a sudden, he reached a junction. Behind him, countless evil eyes hovered in the air and flooded into the tunnel.

"Xin Huo, directions! Which way?"

Xin Huo was getting anxious, the Sui Sovereign behind Zhong Yue held onto the weathered lamp, the little flame stuck his head out of the lamp and said, "Third from the left!"

Zhong Yue sped up and rushed into the third tunnel. He accelerated again and again—Krong! A loud deafening boom was audible as he broke through the sound barrier and bolted away!

Behind him in the tunnel, the evil eyes swung their tentacles and fluttered in, they followed along the way while incessantly blasting out laser rays of death!

At the same time, the massive heart in the middle of the heart chamber thumped, one after another, the meatballs on the flesh cars fell off onto the ground and turned into corpse demons, they set off with a fast gait and leaped around toward the tunnel!

The tunnel was wide and spacious, the corpse demons ran on the ground and crawled around the walls, but their speed was high, not any slower than Zhong Yue's!

They were equivalent to Qi Practitioners that only cultivated the physique-refining arts. One could tell how swift their seed was, even Zhong Yue could not shake them off.

In contrast, the furious evil eyes were a degree slower; but all of a sudden, the evil eyes gyrated their tentacles in the air and flew toward the corpse demons. They landed on the corpse demons' head, making it seem as if they had large peculiar eyes growing on their heads!

At the same time in the heart chamber, a giant beast crouching on the massive blood veins rose and trotted off, it was heading toward the tunnel Zhong Yue was in!

The white skeletal giant beasts had its bones engraved with totem carvings, while it was running, the totem carvings glimmered brightly, catapulting its speed to a higher point!

Along the way, the corpse demons jumped down from the flesh walls onto the giant beast. They weaved themselves into the thigh muscles on the white skeletal giant beast!

On the other hand, the tentacular evil eyes crawled along the giant beast's bones and entered its eye sockets, many eyeballs clumped together and formed the eyes of the giant beast!

As the giant beast broke off into a sprint, the corpse demons that were littered around it would crawl and jump onto its bones. Its muscles enlarged, and its limbs eventually took form. Its speed rocketed as its legs grew with every grotesque augmentation offered by the corpse demons that it subsumed.

The giant beast's four limbs were entirely covered in muscle. With a sudden burst of strength—Krong! It also broke through the sound barrier and was quickly gaining on Zhong Yue with insane speed!

"Brat Yue, faster, a little bit faster!"

Xin Huo turned and looked back. The tunnel was quaking, and it was clear that an unimaginably massive creature was on their tail. Even the corpse demons could not maintain their position and were shaken off of the flesh walls. Xin Huo immediately knew that things were quickly getting worse as his situation approached dire straits. He promptly said, "A big guy is coming!"

The white skeleton giant beast came into their sights—Hong! It rammed into the flesh wall, crushing countless corpse demons in between and stomping those beneath its feet into minced meat!

While at the same time, corpse demons continued to jump down from the wall onto the giant beast as its muscles.

Zhong Yue hastened his pace without wasting any precious time and energy even to turn his head around. Lightning could be seen crackling beneath his feet, and he bolted out forward. Every burst of electricity would bring with it a small boost in his speed. The winds blew directly across his face, and the friction created sparks of fire against his dragon scales!

His speed was at its peak, and he could not go any faster. But behind him, the giant beast was still closing in, its massive eye shimmered and galvanized its energy to form a large destructive light beam that blasted straight at Zhong Yue!

"U-turn! First right!"

Zhong Yue mustered all his strength, the dragon scales around his limbs bristled up like blades, abruptly he forcefully changed his inertia and rammed into the first tunnel on his right.

Behind him, the light beam, that was capable of wanton destruction, liquefied the mountain rock, scorched the air, and ignited a huge conflagration that threatened to engulf the world!

As the tunnel trembled and quaked vigorously, the giant beast dashed out from the curtain of flames. It howled fiercely, but there were no sounds. It was because its vocal cord had yet to be formed by the corpse demons, rendering it incapable of audibly expressing its mad insanity for slaughter.

It was at this time that the other massive eye on the giant beast started glimmering, and another beam of death rays was on the verge of blasting out!

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