Am I A God?



Southern China, Huadu City.     

One of Ivory's strongest members who possessed the ethereal body, Midnight, stood in front of the sofa, coldly sizing up the King of Death who was languidly slumped in his sofa.     

"Hey, it has already been so many days, have you found the location of the headless horseman?"     

The King of Death powerlessly replied, "Soon, soon."     

Midnight angrily grabbed him by the collar, dragging him out of his comfortable position at the sofa, as he fiercely said, "You better start looking then! I did not loiter and spend my days here just to pass time with you."     

The King of Death violently raised his index finger as Midnight got agitated, before saying, "One more minute, just give me one more minute and I'll get up."     

"Damn." Midnight threw the King of Death on the floor as he exclaimed angrily, "You have been saying this for almost an entire week already!"     

The King of Death lazily replied, "Don't be anxious, there is no issue if we start searching a little later."     

Clearly, the King of Death is still in his infinite flow of idleness and had not awakened from that state; he still needed more time to adjust and recover.     


Meanwhile, Zhao Yao safely arrived in Tokyo. As he left the airport, he ran into someone who was waiting to welcome him.     

Zhao Yao looked at the foreign teenage girl with a frosty look, and with icy blue hair. He then carefully looked at the signpost she was holding up, she was really the one that was receiving him.     

"Hi there, I am Zhao Yao, you are?"     

The teenage girl coldly scanned Zhao Yao with her eyes, and sighed while saying, "Hello Mr Zhao Yao, I am Sylvie, Nanako's personal maid. The hotel's already been booked and the car is outside, let's go."     

Zhao Yao followed her in and sat in the luxury car, as they made their way to the best 5-star hotel Tokyo had to offer.     

In the car, feeling that the atmosphere was rather awkward, Zhao Yao started a conversation, "What about Nanako? Why didn't she come and pick me?"     

Sylvie glanced at him, eyes full of disgust. She quietly replied, "Miss has a lot of things that she is busy with. If you want to meet her, I have already booked a restaurant for you two to meet during lunch for half an hour two days later."     

"Oh." Seeing that Sylvie was simply being distant and courteous only because she had no choice, Zhao Yao shrugged his shoulders and gave up on talking, as there was no point in any small talk. Once they arrived at the hotel, Sylvie helped him with all the check-in procedures and followed him into the hotel room.     

The moment Zhao Yao entered the hotel suite, he smiled satisfyingly.     

This was not any ordinary single or double hotel bedroom. This one that Nanako booked for Zhao Yao was over a hundred square meters in area, and had a living room, bedroom and even a study room. The bathroom was very large as well, with a jacuzzi installed. He nodded contently.     

"Mr Zhao Yao, I have already planned your itinerary. Would you like to follow our schedule, or would you like to travel freely by yourself?"     

Zhao Yao waved his hands and said, "No, it's alright, I already made plans for myself, I can explore this area by myself. Just pass me the address of the restaurant where I am supposed to meet Nanako for lunch."     

When she heard what he said, Sylvie eyes looked more relaxed and at ease, as she had no interest in spending time with the Chinese punk.     

After sending Sylvie off, Zhao Yao excitedly jumped on the hotel bed, happily exclaiming, "Hahaha, I can finally travel and explore by myself! It is already so hard to be able to travel, how can I still be supervised by a woman?"     

Zhao Yao started to vomit; Bai Quan came out first, followed by Matsuo.     

The extradimensional belly now only contained a few people. Some of them sadly shook their head, as they continued to shovel.     

Matsuo and Bai Quan walked by the window of the hotel suite, as Bai Quan excitedly exclaimed, "Are we really in Japan now?"     

Matsuo said in a trance, "I never imagined that I'll actually return."     

"Enough, enough. Stop moping around, let's all have fun together!" Zhao Yao excitedly said as he clenched his fist.     

Bai Quan nodded his head. "Oh, let's get ready, we'll have dinner at a famous restaurant tonight since there are so many to choose from. Boss, would you like to eat sushi, sashimi or ramen first?" he said, as he whipped out his handphone and scrolled through the list of restaurants.     

"What do you mean by which restaurant!" Zhao Yao replied, eyes burning with strong flames of desire. "I want to go to a maid café first!"     

Bai Quan and Matsuo were speechless.     

Bai Quan reluctantly asked, "Why do you want to go to a maid café?"     

"Do you not understand? Bai Quan, you really disappoint me." Zhao Yao excitedly exclaimed. "Aren't we opening a café? Don't you also feel that our cat café business is stuck at the bottleneck with no improvements lately? We just got this rare opportunity to come to Japan, so we should go around trying their specialty cafés, learn from their strengths, in order to improve our business when we go back."     

Zhao Yao pointed at Matsuo and said, "Hurry and bring me to a maid café."     

In exasperation, the two had no choice but to leave the hotel with Zhao Yao. Bai Quan was clueless when it came to looking for maid cafés, but thankfully, Matsuo was skillfully able to bring them around in the subway, finally reaching the foot of a building.     

Looking at the maid signboard put up on the entire building, Zhao Yao was surprised and said, "Don't tell me that the entire building is made up of maid cafés? Damn, I will go back and buy this entire mall!"     

Zhao Yao and Bai Quan followed Matsuo and entered the building like two white mice, as they saw maid posters covering the entire walls of the mall.     

Zhao Yao looked at the pictures of the maids, and once again exclaimed, "You mean this place has over 200 maids? That's more maids than my cats, are Japanese people crazy?"     

Matsuo wiped his sweat on his forehead as he replied, "Oh… that's because maid cafés are really popular and hot in the Tokyo area."     

While the three of them were looking at the maid posters, a few cute and beautiful ladies that were probably maid café maids that just finished their shift walked past them.     

One of them with maroon hair suddenly noticed Matsuo and asked, "Hey isn't that Mr Matsuo? I have not seen you in a long time!'"     

Matsuo scornfully waved at them, as he watched them leave their workplace.     

Zhao Yao glanced at Matsuo, saying, "I couldn't tell that you were a frequent customer here?"     

Matsuo guiltily replied, "Sorry, I have not had a girlfriend for such a long time, so the maid café was the only place that helped me experience warmth and love. After I came to my senses, it was too late, as I was already used to coming here to play every week."     

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes, as they entered a café. A young lady immediately greeted and welcomed them as they entered.     

"Welcome, Master!"     

As they followed the maid to their seats, no matter where Zhao Yao and Bai Quan looked, they could only see the various maids walking around. Their bodies stiffened up as they felt awkward.     

Zhao Yao said, "Is the atmosphere of a maid café really supposed to be like that? I feel like we're being stared at by so many maids, and it's making me feel uncomfortable all over. What must I do before I loosen up and look like I am a frequent customer here?"     

Suddenly, his eyes shifted to Matsuo, who was waving to a maid, as he casually sat on his seat, ordering dishes while having a great conversation with a popular maid. He was even making a cute flirty expression with her.     

"This rascal… How much has he spent in here already!"     

After the three of them sat down, the café's mascot, another maid costume clad cat poked his head and gazed at seated Zhao Yao and Bai Quan without looking away.     

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