Am I A God?

Instant Kill

Instant Kill

Hundreds of spirits floated above the Zhao Yao trio. Matsuo immediately sobered up from his drunken stupor. His face turned pale as he stared at the sky full of spirits and muttered to himself, "It's Momo. She found me."     

Momo was a supercat raised by the real Matsuo. She had the terrifying ability to take away part of a debtor's soul to create a spirit. Momo had sent Matsuo to Jianghai to open a money-lending platform, resulting in a spirit accident back then.     

Hundreds of spirits circled above the trio. Among them, a spirit resembling a young girl broke from the circle and shouted, "Matsuo, what happened? Why was the Spirit Army in Jianghai completely wiped out? Even the money-lending platform has been seized for investigation."     

"You… you are Momo?" Matsuo stared at the spirit in the sky with a terrified look. He glanced towards Zhao Yao as he was being questioned, which made him even more terrified.     

Both Momo and Zhao Yao terrorized him. He could not afford to offend either of them so he could only reply, "I don't know. It was all done by the Chinese government. They destroyed the Spirit Army in Jianghai and closed the money-lending platform."     

"The Chinese government?" the young girl narrowed her eyes and an ominous glint flashed in her eyes, "Take him."     

It was late at night and there were few people on the streets. But because they were in the city center some people took notice of the strange occurrence. The young girl waved her hand and signaled the spirits around her to fly down and take Matsuo back with them. She wanted to question him properly.     

The young girl glanced at Zhao Yao and Bai Quan who were beside Matsuo and thought to herself, "I don't recognize these fellas. Are they Matsuo's accomplices?" She gestured towards them and said, "Take all of them and bring them back with us."     

The spirits laughed sinisterly as they dived downwards and charged towards them. Matsuo screamed and immediately transformed into his spirit. He looked like a ball of smoke cowering behind Zhao Yao.     

"D*mn!" Hideto Kuroko frowned. No matter what, Zhao Yao was still Ms. Nanako's guest. It was not be good if he got taken away.     

Raised in the Kujyo family as a female servant and bodyguard, she was a good fighter with a black belt in karate. However, she was not an apostle. It didn't seem like she would be able to fight against the infamous Spirit Army.     

Hesitation flickered across Kuroko's face. But as she saw the mob of spirits about to engulf Zhao Yao and his trio, Kuroko clenched her teeth and put down Cannon before she rushed to their aid.     

"The odds are against us if we fight them head-on. The only way is to bring him with me and escape."     

Just as she was thinking this, she saw the Chinese man named Zhao Yao casually glance at the sky of spirits and…     

"Get lost!"     

Accompanying the scornful shout, an invisible force field spread through the air, visibly bending the air together. It caused the hundreds of charging spirits to scream in agony as they all disappeared into thin air.     

When spirits disappeared, they returned to their original owners. They regain their soul's original bodies.     

Wiping out the spirits in a single blow, Zhao Yao looked up to the sky and stared at the young girl floating above him.     

Gasp! The young girl stared wide-eyed, frightened by the scene before her. When she saw Zhao Yao staring at her, she shrieked and tried to escape. Once his eyes flashed red, she realized she had already been immobilized.     

Zhao Yao gestured lightly with his finger. The young girl watched herself fly towards Zhao Yao helplessly, his stare made her hair stand.     

"You're Momo, right?" Zhao Yao looked at the spirit in front of him, "Let me just say this once. Don't. Come. And. Bother. Me."     

The young girl looked terrified as her spirit self exploded into stardust, returning to the body of its original owner.     

As he watched the explosion, Zhao Yao quickly swept it away with his hand. He didn't want to feel as if he were being scattered with ashes.     

Bai Quan had been calm since the start. To him, these spirits could not even break through his defense, let alone fight with Boss.     

He just frowned slightly and asked, "Boss, if you let threats go like that, that Momo might not give up easily. Shouldn't we strike first and destroy them?"     

Zhao Yao shook his head. "You have no experience in this… No, I mean, we do not have enough evidence at hand. Don't talk about fighting and killing someone just like that. Who knows, these spirits look devilish, but they might be just like the good citizens of Tokyo that go around helping everyone."     

In Zhao Yao's eyes, wiping out these spirits without a mission was too much of a waste. It was not as if they were living off him anyway. He decided to spend a few days holidaying in Tokyo first to see if he could receive a mission.     

He turned and saw a pretty girl running up to him. Zhao Yao frowned. "Troublesome."     

Kuroko stared at Zhao Yao in shock. She never expected that the Spirit Army, which she thought to be so powerful, would suffer an instant loss at his hands. Just as she was about to say something, a glimmer of red light flashed in Zhao Yao's eyes. Kuroko lost the ability to control her body.     

As she watched him walk towards her, Kuroko felt a sudden surge of fear as she thought to herself, "What is he going to do?" Looking at the wretched look on his face, many different evil scenarios flashed across her mind.     

She felt her vision turn black and lost consciousness.     

Zhao Yao opened his mouth and Elizabeth and her family jumped out. As it was late at night, Diana and Elizabeth both looked sleepy.     

"Both of you, wake up! It's time to start working. Elizabeth, erase the last three minutes from these guys' memories," Zhao Yao said while casting a Deflective field that caught Cannon and two other passers-by from afar.     

He did not want to become the target of the Japanese police during his first few days here in Tokyo.     

Elizabeth and her family erased the memories of the passers-by one by one. When it was his turn, Cannon started to resist and struggle violently.     

"Meow meow meow! Don't steal my memories! I know who attacked you just now!"     

Elizabeth and the other supercats looked at Zhao Yao, who shook his head and said, "Continue."     

Cannon continued to shout, "They were all sent here by Momo! Momo won't let you rest since you killed all of them!"     

Catherine walked up to Cannon and said, "Look at me."     

"No!" Seeing how Kuroko and the others had all fainted after looking this ragdoll cat in the eye, Cannon refused to follow suit. He immediately closed his eyes and screamed, "The Spirit Army is currently the strongest superpower organization in all of Tokyo. I am the cat that knows Momo the best, so I will definitely be useful to you all!"     

Zhao Yao rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, open your eyes; we won't erase your memories."     

"Really?" Cannon still did not dare open his eyes as he asked, "You're not lying to me right?"     

Zhao Yao looked at the golden exclamation mark on top of Cannon's head and laughed as he said, "Why would I lie to you? I can't wait to help you actually."     

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