Am I A God?

Monitoring and Encounter

Monitoring and Encounter

Cannon rolled along the ground and slammed into the corner of the table, shrieking in pain, "Bastard! You will regret this!"     

Seeing Cannon in pain, Zhao Yao frowned and realized that it wasn't so simple. His kick had taken into account the other party's superpowers.     

"Hey, don't you have superpowers? Unless…" Zhao Yao looked at Cannon disdainfully, "Did you lose your virginity? Which explains why you cannot use your superpowers?"     

"No!" Cannon was like a vampire being bathed in sunlight as it exclaimed, "Don't accuse me! I'm still a pure little kitty!"     

Before long, Zhao Yao brought Bai Quan and Matsuo and left the coffee house, giving little regard to Cannon's superpowers.     

Cannon took off the maid's outfit and followed behind Zhao Yao and the rest, plotting secretly, "No, I can't let this chance go. It's a miracle to meet this virgin genius and he will be the key to my revenge!"     

At this point, Cannon decided to follow them.     


On the other hand, in the mansion where Nanako was at, Sylvie picked up the phone and asked, "Kuroko, where are they going?"     

Kuroko was a maid from the Kujyo and replied, "After leaving the hotel, they first went to a maid café, then a high-class sushi restaurant and they've just entered a nightclub. From the looks of it, they're still not done. This guy is pretty rich."     

"Miss promised to reimburse their expenditure." Sylvie commented, "Oh right, has he discovered you guys?"     

"Probably not. The places he's been to are all very crowded so he couldn't have noticed someone watching him. We're also taking turns to watch."     

Sylvie nodded, "You should still be careful. He was strong enough to beat Hidekazu Sato."     

"Got it."     

Hidekazu Sato once led a team to raid Zhao Yao's home with the intention of attacking him and retrieving the traitor Nanako. He was considered one of the strongest in the Kujyo's storm organization.     

"It must be tough on you, Kuroko. But this is a crucial moment and we cannot afford any slip-ups so please do continue monitoring him. I'll treat you to a big meal when you're back." Sylvie hung up after finishing her sentence and started thinking.     

The current Kujyo was on the verge of chaos, not to mention Zhao Yao beating Hidekazu Sato.     

Ishida, who had previously gone to China in search of Nanako's whereabouts, was caught up in the loan incident and detained by the Chinese officials.     

Not long later, Shuiichi Nanno also headed to China for the supercats auction but the auction was raided by the officials and she was now missing.     

In Tokyo, beneath the calm appearance of the city, there was a storm brewing in the superpower realm. Drastic changes were happening regularly and powers were changing hands rapidly, and even the Kujyo was caught up in this mess.     

Compared to the situation in Tokyo, the one with Zhao Yao was considered a very small setback. Deploying Kuroko and the rest to monitor him was sufficient and he could now focus his attention elsewhere.     


Sylvie turned around to Nanako, who was wearing a gorgeous pink kimono and said, "Let's go. Don't we need to attend some party?"     

Sylvie commented, "Miss, you're gorgeous today."     

Nanako nodded expressionlessly.     

Seeing Nanako's reaction, Sylvie couldn't help but be concerned, "Miss, are you ok?"     

Nanako smiled, "Don't worry, Sylvie. Although I dislike that man, growing up in the Kujyo has given me something normal girls would never get in their lifetime. This is the truth. And since the family is in trouble now, it is time for me to repay my debt."     

Sylvie reassured, "Miss, your sacrifice will not be for naught. Master Hideki is the most talented man in all of Kujyo's history and as long as we overcome this hurdle, he will lead the rise of the Kujyo family."     

Nanako sighed. "Let's hope so."     


Meanwhile, the night was quiet and even the streets in the city were rather empty.     

Zhao Yao, Bai Quan and Matsuo were walking happily on the streets of Ginza. Slightly flushed from the alcohol, they had just left the nightclub and were exclaiming about where to play next.     

In the rear corner, Cannon's head popped out and was relieved to see that Bai Quan was still emitting the power of sacred virginity.     

The next moment, he stared at Zhao Yao, "This jerk! How dare he bring him to such a place! What if he loses his virginity?" Cannon was worried sick outside the nightclub.     

Seeing that they were not done playing, Cannon wanted to stop them immediately but the presence of Zhao Yao meant that he probably couldn't do so.     

"Damn it, what should I do?"     

At this moment, a slender palm grabbed hold of Cannon's throat and lifted the cat up.     

"Meow!" Cannon let out a shriek as a girl appeared in front of him. Frowning, she asked, "Are you a supercat? Why are you following them?"     

The girl holding Cannon captive was Kuroko, a maid from the Kujyo who was in charge of monitoring Zhao Yao. Incidentally, she noticed Cannon appearing around Zhao Yao's vicinity frequently and decided to catch and question him.     

Cannon immediately faked ignorance and let out an innocent meow.     

Kuroko scrutinized the cat in front and her eyes were filled with suspicion.     

Cannon was raging inside. "Damn it. If not for the loss of my sacred virginity powers, why would I be scared of a little girl."     

At this moment, Cannon's eyes opened wide and witnessed multiple dark shadows flashing past in the sky above, "Spirits? Crap, am I discovered? Are these people here to kill me?"     

At the thought of that, Cannon started to struggle frantically as Kuroko stared weirdly at the struggling fat cat. It was then when she noticed the shadows in the sky too.     

"The Spirit Army? Why are they here?"     

In the next moment, Cannon witnessed over a hundred spirits arriving on the streets and they marched towards Zhao Yao and the rest.     

Cannon was shocked, "They aren't here for me but to find them? What's going on?"     

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