Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

The Heart of a Monster

The Heart of a Monster

Meng Chao gazed deeply at Lu Siya.     

He branded the wisps of black flame in his heart.     

Then he swallowed the blood that had filled his mouth from biting his lip and the tip of his tongue.     

He used the blood, which was as hot as lava, to cool his nerves, blood vessels, and spirit meridians that were getting hotter and hotter.     

Then, with a low roar, he forcefully pulled out his legs that had seemingly gotten tangled in the tree roots and pounced toward the escape route that Lu Siya had opened up.     

Numerous Green Tides and blood veins appeared around Lu Siya's right eye.     

They pounced on the black flames one after another.     

Her right eye became crystal clear again, and it was as red as blood.     

She had turned into "Lu Siya" once more.     

Then, she tried to crush and pull out the two stalactites that had pierced into her body.     

However, in the depths of the green armor, the last bit of stubborn power was still active, desperately interfering with her movements.     

She had just pulled out the first stalactite.     

The second stalactite pierced even deeper and stuck itself firmly in the crevice of her bones.     

With great difficulty, the second stalactite was crushed, and the sharp edges of the crushed stones were picked out one by one. Her feet were unwittingly extended up, and the stalagmite with interlaced canine teeth bit down on them.     

By the time she finally got rid of all the rocks that had held her down...     

Meng Chao's figure had already disappeared from the karst cave and blended into the depths of the crevice.     

Meng Chao heard an angry roar from behind him.     

He sensed that the entire underground karst cave group was trembling and could collapse at any time.     

Thousands of vines and Green Tides chased after him like a flood or a fierce beast.     

But he could not turn back.     

He could only use his hands and feet to climb forward as much as he could.     

He climbed over sharp rocks and sharp stalagmites and forcefully squeezed through gaps that were only as wide as a palm.     

Even if the friction turned his flesh into a bloody mess, all his wounds that had just scabbed burst open, and the last drop of blood was squeezed out of his open wounds, he would not hesitate.     

He could not feel fatigue and pain.     

He could not feel fear and despair.     

The only thing that lingered in his mind and supported his body, which long dried up and was about to evaporate and spontaneously combust, was his shimmering golden faith.     

He would definitely be able to escape.     

He would escape and find a strength that was ten times, no, a hundred times stronger.     

Then, he would return and blast the monster mastermind, Mother 1, or whatever it was that originated from the ancient era or the future, hell or the starry sky, the gods or the demons, into pieces. He would save Lu Siya!     

That faith released an extremely powerful driving force.     

His body, which was withering due to the effects of Ultimate Burning, could adapt to the meandering and extremely narrow gaps.     

The air in front of him was getting wetter and fresher.     

The rumbling sound of the river was getting clearer and clearer.     

He could even see a flash of fiery red light not far away.     

The night had finally passed.     

Dawn had already arrived.     

Even after a month of torrential rain, the intensity of the rain had unknowingly weakened. It was as if it was bowing before the unyielding will of humans!     

Meng Chao was only a few dozen meters away from touching the warm light.     

At that moment, a piercing pain came from his left ankle.     

It felt like a poisonous vine had tightly wrapped around his ankle and injected deadly poison into his body.     

He did not care about being caught by the vine. He kicked it hard and pulled it. Then he rammed into the edge of the sharp rock and shattered the poisonous vine. He also tore off a large piece of skin around his ankle.     

He could not feel his left leg.     

But that was not important.     

As long as he could climb out of the crack and jump into the Red Dragon River, it did not matter even if he had to replace his legs with chassis and tracks.     

Meng Chao's knees and elbows were already worn out.     

There were only ten meters left before the exit.     

He could even feel the warmth of the rising sun caressing his face.     

However, in the darkness behind him, there was the sound of mountains collapsing and the earth cracking.     

An overwhelming shock wave caught up to him at lightning speed and completely drowned him.     

It was not a physical shock wave.     

If it had been an actual shock wave, it would only blow Meng Chao out of the crevice and into the ceaseless river.     

Instead, it was a spiritual shock wave.     

It was the strongest mental attack that Meng Chao had ever encountered in his previous life!     

In an instant, an illusion appeared before Meng Chao's eyes.     

He seemed to see a jungle banshee with a head full of snake hair. She had somehow circled to his front and blocked the exit of the crevice.     

While he instantly realized that it was just an illusion, his cerebral cortex had been affected by the other party's brainwaves. His vision, hearing, and even his tactile nerves had been hijacked and planted with false information.     

From there, he condensed the blade of the heart and hacked the snake-haired banshee into pieces.     

However, behind the snake-haired banshee who had been torn into pieces and turned into wisps of green smoke, the hole had disappeared.     

The crevice in front of him seemed to have been stretched tenfold.     

The fresh air, the rumbling of the river water, and even the warm light had all disappeared into the depths of the darkness.     

Not only that, even the crevice itself had undergone a shocking transformation.     

What had originally formed the crevice was only hard rocks and stalagmites that protruded like fangs.     

But now, the material that had formed the entire endless crevice had turned into bones.     

The bones of monsters.     

The bones of thousands of monsters that were endless, distorted, and highly compressed.     

It was not only the modern monsters that the people of Dragon City had encountered.     

There were also the bones of ancient ferocious beasts that appeared in the images of the ancient war that Meng Chao had retrieved through the brain.     

Deep underground in the sinkhole, it seemed to have become a graveyard of monsters that had a history of hundreds of millions of years.     

Meng Chao was like a tomb raider who passed through the tunnel with great difficulty but was discovered by the spirits guarding the tomb.     

He had no other choice but to grit his teeth and continue moving forward.     

However, the gap in front of him gradually closed as the monster bones expanded, multiplied, and squirmed.     

Meng Chao hit a wall in front of the layers of monster bones.     

No matter how he roared and punched, ground his own flesh and blood, and shattered his finger bones, he could not break through the seal of the monster bones.     

That's right, he clearly realized that this was an illusion.     

But the other world was originally a boundary between matter and consciousness, a blurry place.     

As long as one's spirit power was strong enough.     

An illusion could also kill people.     

A deep laugh came from behind Meng Chao.     

He sensed that the walls made of bones around him were rapidly collapsing and pressing toward him.     

He could only turn around.     

He saw a horrifying scene.     

He had already climbed through hundreds of meters of crevices.     

Now, these crevices were all swallowed by a huge karst cave.     

Of course, it was a karst cave made of billions of monster carcasses.     

The karst cave was at least thousands of meters in diameter, and the walls were filled with countless twisted monster carcasses that were baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. They crazily tore, roared, and struggled, forming a relief sculpture called "Hell."     

In the middle of the cave stood a towering peak.     

It was a giant spirit god formed by countless monster carcasses.     

The monster carcasses formed its skeleton. Blood patterns interweaved into its blood vessels and nerves. The green tide that multiplied endlessly covered it with layers of steel-like muscles, skin, and armor.     

It sat there motionlessly. Two huge scarlet crystals were rolling in its eye sockets that were as deep as black holes. They were emitting a soul-stirring light as they stared straight at Meng Chao.     

On top of the two huge red crystals, dozens of vines that looked like brain nerves extended from between the skeleton giant's eyebrows, tightly wrapping around... Lu Siya!     

Compared with the skeleton giant, Lu Siya was so small and fragile, as though she was an exquisite toy.     

Dozens of vines were wrapped with sharp poisonous thorns that pierced through her limbs, spine, neck, and even her temples, deeply piercing into her body and wrapping around her blood vessels, nerves, bones, and soul.     

She was like a marionette that was tightly bound by steel wires.     

Even so, Lu Siya still endured the excruciating pain and struggled desperately. She would rather open her skin or even break her bones than stretch her body according to her own will.     

Meng Chao was extremely shocked when he sensed Lu Siya's determination to throw herself into the fire and destroy everything.     

He knew that it was Lu Siya's spiritual projection.     

It was also Lu Siya's true self in the deepest part of her heart.     

Similarly, the skeleton giant in front of Meng Chao was also the spiritual core of the monster mastermind of the mother.     

It was not a big deal to call it its "soul."     

The other party had dragged Meng Chao and Lu Siya into the deepest part of his spirit world.     

It was a last resort.     

Since the battle of the soul had its own unique characteristics, it might not be directly proportional to the strength of the body of flesh and blood.     

The mental attack went both ways. When their brain ports connected, the monster mastermind would continuously release spirit power to Meng Chao and Lu Siya. Meng Chao and Lu Siya would also have the opportunity to launch the most fatal attack at the other party's consciousness or even subconscious.     

If it weren't for Lu Siya's desperate resistance, the monster mastermind wouldn't have been able to physically drag Meng Chao back underground.     

It would never use a double-edged mental attack.     

After all, even the monster mastermind didn't want humans to see its true heart.     

But knowing this didn't seem to help the outcome at hand.     

After all, the other party was a powerful carbon-based life form that had survived from the era of the ancient war until today.     

Even if most of the time it was dormant and dormant, its spirit power was still not something that Meng Chao and Lu Siya, mere mortals, could compare to.     

Lu Siya was being wrapped tighter and tighter by the thorny vines. Gradually, sharp spikes protruded from the blood vessels that coiled around her pinky finger.     

Meng Chao was also trapped in the constantly multiplying corpses of the monsters, unable to extricate himself. The twisted white bones had already drowned his instep, ankles, calves, and thighs, and were about to devour his waist and chest.     

They could not find a flaw in the depths of each other's consciousness.     

Nor could they find a way to shatter the illusion and escape from the monster mastermind's spiritual world.     

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other.     

The two of them gritted their teeth and tried their best to reach out their arms to each other, hoping to work together to break free from the entanglement of the vines and the bones and escape from this damn illusion.     

The skeleton giant stared at them without moving.     

It allowed them to struggle and get closer and closer.     

It was not until their fingertips were only a few centimeters away from touching each other that two evil lights flashed in the giant scarlet crystal-like eyes.     

The speed and strength of the vines suddenly increased.     

The monster skeleton under Meng Chao also grew sharp fangs.     

The two couldn't help but moan at the same time.     

"It's meaningless."     

The skeleton giant let out a thunderous sigh and stated emotionlessly, "Your struggles are meaningless."     

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