I Am A Prodigy

I Might Have Defected…

I Might Have Defected…

Winning against the odds!     

Little Green and Little Grey's appearance surprised the crowd.     

At that moment, they were staring at the two wolf pups. Baffled and speechless at what they just saw.     

Taking advantage of that chance, Little Green and Little Grey ran back into the forest, disappearing from their sights.     

Meanwhile, sounds of sirens could be heard as the rescue team rushed over in a Jeep, arriving at the scene.     

"Please move aside and be cooperative." The person leading the team had a serious look on his face. When he witnessed what happened at the scene, he was caught off guard by the unexpected outcome.     

Despite his surprise, he still quickly set up some ropes and descended. Holding onto the kid, he then pulled himself up the slope.     

"Tiantian!" The parents of the kid immediately rushed forward. They were holding the kid in their embrace as they were crying tears of joy. The kid's grandmother too finally recovered from her daze and kowtow three times respectfully on her knees, thanking all the gods that she could think of.     

Soon after, another black sedan arrived at the scene. Director Xia and others hastily approached the kid, liaising with the family members.     

"Good that he's safe." Director Xia let out a sigh. "Let's head to my office for some tea to calm you down. Also, please accept our sincerest apology on behalf of the safari!"     

"Director, those wolf pups of yours, what breed are they? Were they trained?" asked someone from the crowd.     

Director Xia laughed out loud. "I'm sorry, but this is our safari's secret. Please take care of your safety during your tour."     

While everyone was talking about Little Green and Little Grey, Ye Lingchen's trio stealthily drove away.     

"Lingchen, will Little Green and Little Grey be fine? Why aren't they coming back yet?" Xiao Feifei was worried. She constantly looked around, trying to locate Little Green and Little Grey.     

"Sister Feifei, relax. They are very healthy!" Ye Lingchen laughed without care. "They should be here soon."     

"You're such a cold-hearted person. I'm no longer confident you can take care of them." Xiao Feifei pouted. When she watched Little Green and Little Grey's fight, she was worried sick.     

"They're here!" Sister Lin's eyes brightened and pulled over by the road. They then opened the door to let the wolf pups back in the car.     

Their bodies were still covered in blood, but they were still overflowing with excitement with their big puppy eyes.     

The first thing they did was to jump into Ye Lingchen's arms, happily groaning away.     

"Daddy, did you see it? We're very strong!"     

"Wahahaha, those six trashy hyenas were not our match at all!"     

"A fist to the left, a kick to the right[1]. That felt great! Hahaha, fighting feels great. I'm a champion!"     

"Don't let me see them again next time. I'll beat them up whenever I see them, hahaha…"     

Ye Lingchen was speechless. He flicked a finger on each of the wolf pups' forehead. These wolves were definitely mischievous.     

"Lingchen, why are you hitting them!?" Xiao Feifei was triggered. "Look at how well they've done. Furthermore, they're injured."     

Looking at Little Green and Little Grey's wounds, Xiao Feifei was pained, especially with Little Green's front limb showing a deep wound from the bite earlier. Although the bleeding stopped, it was still horrifying.     

"It's good to let them have some training," said Ye Lingchen as he took Little Green and Little Grey into his arms, massaging them. "You need to learn from experience. What a shame, having so much trouble fighting some hyenas."     

Little Green and Little Grey went through daily training with Ye Lingchen. Furthermore, they practiced Eight Extremities Brute Training with Ye Lingchen, giving them a strong physical foundation. They were outstanding in all aspects, but during a fight, they were easily influenced by their natural ferocity, frustrating Ye Lingchen.     

Little Green and Little Grey closed their eyes comfortably under Ye Lingchen's massage.     

The wounds looked serious but were not much of an issue for them due to their physical conditions.     

They drove steadily out of the safari. Along the way, discussions of the two mythical wolf pups were constantly heard.     

After Director Xia comforted those involved, he immediately rushed back to his office, asking urgently, "Did you guys find out anything about those two wolf pups? Where did they come from?"     

The employees shook their heads with a bitter smile. "Director, our safari surveillance does not cover the entire area. Although we have captured several photos of those wolf pups, their quick and erratic movements threw us off. We do not know where they went."     

"These two wolf pups don't belong to our safari." One of the elders there had known for some time. He took a deep breath, then said, "They must've been trained by some specialist. To be able to train the wolves to that extent, that person is definitely a rare talent."     

Wolves were one of the most difficult animals to train. They were proud, and at times would rather die than submit to a human. However, not only were the wolves trained, they had even saved a life. Most importantly, they were strong! That was a miracle on its own.     

If not for them witnessing it in person, they would never believe that someone could train an animal like that.     

That level of animal taming was far beyond their safari, or even the world's level!     

Director Xia nodded with a serious look on his face, sighing, "It's a shame we can't find out where the wolf pups came from."     


Meanwhile, Little Yuan had finally finished watching Huo Yuanjia and walked out of the cinema.     

However, she had a terrible expression, one filled with conflicting emotions. She was at a loss, as though her worldview was just shattered.     

Her original intent was to nitpick the flaws in Huo Yuanjia, coming for the show with a bias, trying to criticize the movie!     

In just a few minutes into the movie, she looked down on the production quality. The characters were all ugly. A bad review was confirmed!     

A few more minutes passed, she thought to herself that the fighting scenes were just average.     

Nonetheless, 10 minutes later, she was pulled into the movie, forgetting her own goals for watching this movie. There was only one thought in her mind, and it was to focus on the movie!     

She had never felt that way before. It was because previously, everything she watched was aimed at Wu Han, to see his looks. If it were any other scenes, she would not even bother watching. Never once was she immersed in the movies, yet this plot was just too perfect, not at all watered down.     

It was to the extent that when thought back of the scene where Huo Yuanjia fell, her eyes would water and the urge to cry would well up within her.     

The passion and tragedy!     

How could a movie be that good?     

Furthermore, the fights in the movie and the exciting scenes left a strong impression within her, one deeply rooted in her mind forever!     

Finally, she could not hold it in anymore. Taking out her phone, she went into the class group chat. After taking a deep breath, she announced, [I'm not sure if you guys have watched Huo Yuanjia, but...I might have defected…]"     

[1] Yep, your eyes are not misleading you. The author did use fist and leg here. It's still the same wolves though.     

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