The Record of Unusual Creatures



Before the First Born could be removed from the planet, Hao Ren had to first set up the receiving container. The scary,volatile monster had to be suppressed at all times in a prison. So, Hao Ren and Raven 12345's shadow a.k.a avatar first teleported into the Plane of Dreams.     

At the moment, it was dawn in Alamanda, the desolate City of Gold. Arriving at the square, Hao Ren saw the first bright ray of sunshine shining on the city at a low angle from the horizon, scattering its radiance across the ancient ruins. He had a feeling that the Tannaeans possessed a different visual capability from the people of Earth—because when the weather was good, their city was just too dazzlingly bright.     

But in any case, starting the project at such a glorious moment seemed to be a good sign.     

"I'm going to set up the research station on the orbit of Tannagost." Hao Ren lifted his finger, pointing to the sky. "Tannagost is getting a large satellite."     

The planet did not have a large natural satellite like the moon. There were only three tiny rocks orbiting it. The three satellites were too small and obviously not suitable for accommodating the First Born's prison. Hao Ren believed that once the "container" was established, it would become the brightest light in the night sky of Tannagost.     

Raven 12345 looked down at her hands, and she saw layers of ripples spreading away from her. She could feel somewhere in the depths of the universe... or in a certain frequency, there was a hidden force. This force was reacting to her visit.     

The goddess groaned. "Tsk, I can't believe it; it's already weakened to such an extent, but there's still a reaction. It's freaking sensitive."     

"Huh?" Having not heard what she said, Hao Ren turned his head around.     

"Nothing. Let's not waste any time." Raven 12345 waved her hand and grabbed Hao Ren by his clothes. They then teleported to Tannagost's synchronized orbit right away.     

After identifying the most ideal location for the "container", Hao Ren took a few steps back. Raven 12345 swiftly snapped her fingers; even though it was in a vacuum, her voice still spread like a resounding soul. "Let there be light."     

The dark space was instantly filled with light. It was so overwhelmingly bright that it spread across the entire galaxy.     

"Dang, it's too bright. I'll work better in the dark."     

The light was turned off and the space returned to darkness.     

Cold sweat trickled down Hao Ren's forehead as he marvelled: the power of the goddess was really awesome, but... was she really serious?     

It did not matter how skeptical Hao Ren was, Raven 12345 had begun to create the foundation of the research station. She was going to create a container with divine property, and the container's shell had to be able to withstand the damaging attacks of the First Born perfectly, so as to avoid jailbreak. This was not a very easy job for her considering her current state.     

She focused her mind, and used her own ideas to bend the rules of the region.     

Light emerged out of nowhere in the space, and Raven 12345 connected her mind with the underlying data of the universe, directly modifying the data to create a miracle that defied any known laws of Physics within a limited range. Energy and materials appeared out of thin air, while weird crystals began to form in the space, and joined to create a massive dome.     

She also created a number of floating, crystal-like platforms and a massive pit in the center of the floating platforms, which were then covered with crystal domes right above. She connected the floating platforms together with huge, gleaming giant beams that not only held them in place but enabled exchange of data between the platforms. In the process of this rapid formation, there were a large number of runes glowing in blue on their surface, as if they were pulsating with life.     

It was the most wonderful, spectacular, and magnificent scene Hao Ren had ever seen: crystal mountains emerged in space and grew rapidly. In just a few blinks of the eye, the crystal mountains and domes had grown so massive that they were almost blocking out the sun. And on these rapidly growing crystals and metals, mysterious runes, which no one could understand flew around. They formed the control and computing center of the entire facility.     

During this entire process, the Raven 12345's avatar was fading rapidly. Her one-off body double would soon be gone.     

Bending the rules of the universe was very energy-consuming, especially when it was a special universe like the Plane of Dreams.     

After the main part was completed, Raven 12345 stopped. Now the entire crystal facility had become a giant man-made object. Its width was similar to that of the moon, and it was made up of more than a dozen symmetrically distributed, ellipsoidal domes that were misaligned. They were separated by two semi-ellipsoidal structures of different sizes, and the huge container inside was enough to accommodate the First Born. Some of the domes were expandable, whereby they could fit even larger things.     

The appearance of this facility had now ceased to change and grow. However, light was still being emitted inside it. It was improving its own structure and "growing" the necessary research facilities. Raven 12345 looked at her creation with satisfaction. She gently gifted it its initial orbit and reset Tannagost's position to prevent the sudden emergence of this big guy on the orbit from causing undue influence on the planet's ecology—after all, this crystal mountain range was enough to influence the orbit of other planets.     

"Although it was created in a hurry... it looks good," Raven 12345 boasted. "My intuition in design isn't just hype. I once won the main award in the City of Shadows Art Competition, especially... Let's not to talk about that, it reminds me of the lost planet. I wonder where that child is now."     

Keeping his awe of the crystal mountains to himself, Hao Ren drifted up to Raven 12345 and looked at the almost transparent avatar body. "Are you okay?"     

"What problem do you think I have?" The goddess blinked, realizing her situation. "Oh, you're talking about this. Well, like I said, I won't be able to be involved in the Plane of Dreams for a long time. This avatar can only remain here for 30 minutes because of the recent adjustment I made to the balance of the two universes. Now do you understand why as powerful as I am, I have to delegate this job to you?"     

Hao Ren frowned. Deep inside, he already had some vague ideas. "What if you get too involved in the Plane of Dreams?"     

"Look at the starlight in the distance, and you'll know." Raven 12345 shrugged and pointed at the starry sky.     

Only then did Hao Ren notice that the distant stars were displaying a strange phenomenon: the starlight was distorted, and various cosmic rays were dragging their long tails in that direction. It was as if the universe was encapsulated in a spherical glass. It made the universe appeared twisted.     

"For now, it's just an optical distortion. What happens next won't be just about the distortion of starlight, but the body of the stars themselves." Raven 12345's avatar was getting fainter. She shrugged while she helplessly said, "Do you know that when a normal universe contains a sickly parasitic body, it's a very challenging job to be a god here? It's like being on tenterhooks. Any intervention from me in the Plane of Dreams—it could be an observation, or even just a stare—is enough to make this universe experience a spasm. Even with just a little projection of myself here, it is enough to destroy this place in just 31 minutes."     

Hao Ren was stunned.     

"...So, I must delegate tasks to the right people. Now that's called work specialization." The goddess waved her hand at Hao Ren. "This is my first time helping you in the Plane of Dreams, and probably the last time too. My involvement in this world ends here, and you'll have to take up the rest..."     

As her words trailed off in Hao Ren's mind, Raven 12345's avatar finally vanished into space. The next moment, the stars in the entire universe were restored back to their respective positions.     

Hao Ren scratched his head as cold sweat ran down his spine.     

The world was only 60 seconds from total destruction a while ago.     

"Dang, that was serious... You should have mentioned it earlier," Hao Ren complained to the empty space, before he curiously muttered, "But... what's that parasitic body about?"     

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