History's Number 1 Founder

The Two Strongest Magic Treasures Belong To The Same Person!

The Two Strongest Magic Treasures Belong To The Same Person!

When the Book of Collapse appeared, everyone's hearts skipped a beat. It exuded such a terrifying aura that the reflected light from the Supreme Heavenly Mirror instantly dimmed.     


The light rays of the Great Way vibrated incessantly inside the Spirit Sea's realm, with the streams of radiance seemingly taking on a mottled appearance.     


The giant golden lake at everyone's feet suddenly churned up waves, setting off ripples and tides. The network of light flow from the Origin Golden Cup connected to the golden lake also began shuddering.     


With Lin Feng's power, the rays of light manifested from the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth linked up with the Book of Collapse conjured from the Bell of Destiny, and surprisingly created a cycle, simultaneously depicting the endless mysteries of creation, life and death.     


Upon witnessing this sight, everyone's hearts sank a little. "It's different from the Heaven-Destroying Sword …"     


With a flash of an idea, the Destiny Kid holding the Book of Collapse started flipping the pages with a faint smile.     


All of a sudden, obscure and confounding gushes of air propelled out from the book and charged towards the Supreme Heavenly Mirror!     


The air currents expanded continuously throughout the void space. Wherever the air currents occupied, the omnipresent treasure mirror slowly began experiencing changes.     


The formless and shapeless yet clearly existent treasure mirror began showing itself in the void space. A treasure mirror appeared in every indescribable location, as though tens of thousands of Supreme Heavenly Mirrors suddenly appeared in the realm, and the numbers were increasing continuously. The area occupied by the treasure mirrors expanded into the distance, with astronomical quantities of Supreme Heavenly Mirrors appearing before everyone's eyes.     


However, the glow from these visible treasure mirrors dimmed considerably.     


Previously mystifying and unpredictable, the reflected light became incredibly blinding but its brightness decreased exponentially until it became dark and obscured.     


A layer of dust masked the surface of the treasure mirror, wearing it down.     


The horrific influence of the Book of Collapse dispersed outwards, exposing countless treasure mirrors concealed in the void space, polluting them and sending them down a path of decay.     


Inside the Great Void Nine Heavenly Palaces, the various powerhouses of the Great Void Sect felt chills in their hearts. The Tai Yi Holy Man and Lin Daohan both changed their spells and reached out their hands, gently tapping their fingers in the air.     


A tremor erupted through the heavens and lands, and in the following instant, every corner of spacetime in the Spirit Sea was suddenly occupied by uncountable numbers of Supreme Heavenly Mirrors. All the mirrors released resplendent streams of light, illuminating all corners of the Spirit Sea.     


And even more conspicuously, the entire Greater World outside the Spirit Sea was also quaking!     


The true upheaval of the Greater World astonished everyone. It wasn't just the cultivators who could sense the disturbances in the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth and the changes in the spiritual energy waves. Even ordinary humans could detect that their world was undergoing drastic changes.     


Storms churned up in the skies as countless meteorological phenomena manifested at the same time.     


And within the Spirit Sea, which was closely connected to the Greater World outside, every corner of the void space flickered with figures of light.     


At this moment, the Greater World seemingly overlapped completely with the Spirit Sea as the countless Supreme Heavenly Mirrors projected countless scenes of creation in the Greater World.     


All the reflected mirror light forged as one, and the portion of treasure mirrors stained by the Book of Collapse's mana now regained its former radiance, almost akin to a rebirth.     


The spot-like traces of decay gradually vanished as the mirror surfaces restored their luminosity and grew brighter and brighter, finally becoming lustrous and eye-catching.     


But under the effects of the Book of Collapse, the previously stained treasure mirrors could not regain the mysterious and unpredictable qualities they possessed before, and did not project the images of the Greater World like the other treasure mirrors.     


There wasn't a single sound in the Spirit Sea, yet it displayed an astounding contest of power between two formidable forces as both sides entered a deadlock.     


The billions of lighted figures projected from the Supreme Heavenly Mirrors flickered in and out of view amidst the void space.     


As the Destiny Kid calmly flipped the pages of the Book of Collapse in his hands, rays upon rays of seemingly ordinary yet extremely frightening Qi of chaos and destruction flew out from the book.     


Lin Feng smiled. He appeared relaxed, seemingly unfazed by the developments, but everyone else was flabbergasted, including his own disciples and the White Tiger Grand Sage in his custody.     


The scene before them looked mild, but who was the exact opponent of the Book of Collapse?     


It was the strongest magic treasure in the Grand Celestial World ever since its appearance at the dawn of the Antiquity Age, and has existed for countless ages since ancient times - the Supreme Heavenly Mirror!     


It was the strongest magic treasure in the Grand Celestial World before Lin Feng's second successful cultivation of the Heaven-Destroying Sword and Xuan Li's re-appearance during the recent War of the Two Worlds, unrivalled by anything else!     


The Supreme Heavenly Mirror has always shaken the entire Grand Celestial World for countless ages since ancient times.     


Even though there were occasions in its long history when it sustained severe damages and became brittle and weak, it was nonetheless formidable enough to repel any reckless ideas of numerous powerhouses in its vulnerable stages.     


The Emperor of the Dead, the Emperor of Violence - last Emperor of Man in the Antiquity Age, the Ancient Satanic Sect leader Jiang Shaoyang - the Supreme Master of the Satanic Way in the Middle Age, and countless other great demons, all proved this point with their own lives.     


The Illusory Sun Hades looked at the Supreme Heavenly Mirror and recalled the fall of the Hades Emperor during the War of the Two Worlds over 4600 years ago.     


The Origins Dragon King looked at the Supreme Heavenly Mirror and was instead reminded of the fall of Emperor Jue during the Antiquity Age.     


Even the Monkey was reminded of the Emperor of Extremity who suppressed him during the Middle Age.     


For the most formidable Holy Demonic Emperors in history, the three strongest demons in the Grand Celestial World, also regarded as the three most powerful forms of existence in the history of the Grand Celestial World - Emperor Jue, the Emperor of Extremity and the Hades Emperor - all their defeats were greatly attributed to the Supreme Heavenly Mirror.     


The Heavenly Charms Grand Sage and the Emperor of the Dead stared at the Supreme Heavenly Mirror in trepidation. Even the Cosmic Marble Buddha could not ignore its existence.     


But shockingly, such a powerful existence was stopped by a magic treasure in the Mahayana realm!     

Yes, a magic treasure merely in the Mahayana realm!     


When everyone witnessing the spectacle realized this, their expressions became extremely conflicted, their hearts overwhelmed with indescribable feelings.     


This was not the Supreme Heavenly Mirror which could never restore its former power. It was the Supreme Heavenly Mirror which has reached the peak of its strength once again. Even the terrifying Heaven-Destroying Sword could only match its power and not surpass it. Furthermore, both the Heaven-Destroying Sword and the Supreme Heavenly Mirror outmatched all other magic treasures by miles. Even among the magic treasures in the Destiny realm, there was never a third treasure capable of rivalling them, not to mention all the other treasures in the lower realms.     


But now, one of the two strongest magic treasures in the Grand Celestial World, the Supreme Heavenly Mirror, has been suppressed by a magic treasure only in the Mahayana realm!     


Even the usually placid Cosmic Marble Buddha looked at the seemingly ordinary Book of Collapse with vigorous eyes flashing with radiant glows.     


Inside the Great Void Nine Heavenly Palaces, everyone's expressions, including the Tai Yi Holy Man's, turned incredibly tense. The mood was extremely heavy.     


The Xuan Lin Holy Man commented monotonously, "This magic treasure of his rarely appears, but there were traces of it before."     


During the Battle of Xiling City, the Door of Life Creation in the Gestation realm and the Spiritual Troops in the Immortal Soul realm managed to suppress the Dual Polarity Heavenly Mountain in the Mahayana realm with an unimaginable formation!     


During the Anti-Celestial Sect War, the Mount Shu Battle and the subsequent War of the Two Worlds, the River of Time in the Metaplasia realm made several fleeting appearances. But on every occasion, it displayed different sides of its extraordinary and mysterious power, not overshadowed by Destiny magic treasures like the Great Heavenly Wheels, the Crucible of the Divine Lands, the Great Void Holy Pavilion!     


Now, this magic treasure has finally advanced from the Metaplasia realm to the Mahayana realm, while the might of the Bell of Destiny in the Mahayana realm sent tremors in all directions when it morphed into the Book of Collapse.     


Everything seemed to fall into place, but it still looked unbelievable to everyone watching the spectacle.     


After the appearance of the Heaven-Destroying Sword, another magic treasure has surfaced, capable of matching the Supreme Heavenly Mirror.     


Throughout the long history of the Grand Celestial World, the Supreme Heavenly Mirror has always stolen the show as the Destiny magic treasure nurtured by the Greater World. But now, its superiority was being threatened by not one but two magic treasures. Both these items has appeared simultaneously in the same time period, both capable of rivalling the Supreme Heavenly Mirror's power!     


And furthermore, both these magic treasure belong to the same person!     


All the people present were the most elite group of cultivators in the entire Grand Celestial World. They have experienced countless hardships, boasting virtually unshakable rock-hard wills, and yet, all of them were dazed for a single moment.     


… And, can the Bell of Destiny reach another new level of power?     


In the next instant, everyone regained their composure. Everyone except the Monkey charged towards Lin Feng and the Destiny Kid.     


This time, none of them could afford conserving any ounce of their strength. They had to combine their forces and execute an all-out attack, otherwise they would definitely lose the battle for the Spirit Sea!     


The terrifyingly overwhelming assault propelled towards Lin Feng. The light rays of the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth in the Spirit Sea vibrated incessantly as the streams of radiance in the sky tore apart. The water in the giant golden lake tossed about violently, releasing shots of blinding light.     


At this moment, the gap in the Spirit Sea, which was previously mended by everyone's collective efforts but left slightly incomplete, was now showing signs of splitting apart once again!     


Even with Lin Feng's Origin Golden Cup and Sky-Shielding Umbrella stabilizing the spacetime, these terrifying forces still caused violent disturbances in the Spirit Sea, showing highly blatant signs of repulsion.     

The Illusory Sun Hades and the others did realize this, but they could not afford to be bothered by this.     


The worst-case scenario would be the Spirit Sea's slit opening up again, with everyone repelled out of the Spirit Sea. And that would still be better than having the Spirit Sea land into the hands of the Celestial Sect of Wonders.     


Upon noticing this, Lin Feng appeared unfazed and instead cracked a faint smile. Another of his Dao Fruits appeared in front of him to greet the incoming attackers.     


Without the Supreme Heavenly Mirror targeting him, Lin Feng's physical existence became indiscernible and erratic again. He truly transcended the limits of space and time to achieve omnipresence throughout all spacetime.     


This time, he no longer greeted a specific opponent face-to-face, instead appearing simultaneously in front of all his attackers in a single instant!     


He sliced towards the Origins Dragon King with a single sword!     


He pointed at the Illusory Sun Hades with a single finger!     


He pinned the Heavenly Charms Grand Sage down with a single palm!     


He seized the Emperor of the Dead with a single hand!     


He threw a punch at the Cosmic Marble Buddha with a single fist!     

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