A Valiant Life

The public opinion is out

The public opinion is out

Zhao Mingqing's sons and daughter also called back to ask their mom about this matter. They didn't dare to call their dad because of what had happened earlier.     

When they found out that their dad had gone mad, they were stunned. Something bad was going to happen.     

Their father was a conservative person but he actually did something like this after having a mentor.     


They wanted to call their dad and tell him to stop it as it would get him scolded. However, when they thought of their dad's temper, they thought twice about it. They were extremely anxious after seeing their dad sinking deeper into this mess.     

They felt that their dad was definitely going to get scolded online.     

At the hospital's research lab.     

The team of professionals was extremely busy and they couldn't even do anything in such a short time. They could only use the most basic methods to continue their treatment.     

Director Zhang was the main doctor for Wang Lili and he was waiting for the team's solution to the problem but there was no progress. They only thought of basic treatment methods and it probably wouldn't be effective at all.     

"Specialist Chang, is there any solution?" Director Zhang asked. He was being pestered by Wang Lili's mother and that was all he could do. He had to ask the team of professionals about it. He had seen the news online that the Chinese medical doctor, Zhao Mingqing, was trying to cure anorexia too.     

He didn't believe the piece of news at all. He thought it was just an act and that it wasn't possible for Chinese medicine to cure anorexia.     

"Wait, wait. We're still researching about it," Specialist Chang said.     

He was a little anxious too. Recently, the reporters had been watching this matter closely. Especially after the director of the Shanghai's Chinese Medical Academy had spoken about it, it was as if the reporters had gotten a big piece of news. They had been camping outside the entrance of the hospital and as long as there was something new, they would rush to interview them.     

The reporters' main target was Wang Lili's mother. The reporters wanted to get something useful out of her, such as whether the team had come up with something effective or whether the patient, Wang Lili's condition was improving or not.     

If not for Zhao Mingqing's abrupt post, this matter wouldn't have blown up. However, the reporters now saw it as a battle between Chinese and Western medicine.     

Director Zhang didn't know what to say at all. The team of professionals didn't have anything at all. They couldn't do anything about the treatment. Only the professional team could do something about it.     

"Specialist Chang, the reporters are waiting outside. If it's possible, please go out and speak to them. If not, they would stay here and it would affect the operations of the hospital," Director Zhang said.     

Specialist Chang nodded and went there.     

He hadn't expected this matter to blow up so much and the reporters were watching it so closely.     

The reporters charged towards Specialist Chang when they saw him walk out of the building.     

"Specialist Chang, may I know your current progress? What do you think of Director Zhao Mingqing's post on Weibo?"     

"Do you think it's possible for Chinese medicine to overcome anorexia?"     

"Specialist Chang, please say something."     

Specialist Chang waved his hand. "Everyone, I have to say that Wang Lili's anorexia case is far more serious than any other one. Therefore, the treatment has to be unique. Our team of professionals is currently researching it. I can assure you that it won't take long for a conclusion. I do not wish to speak about the Chinese medical doctors but I feel that everyone has to be responsible for their words. I recognize that Chinese medicine is a national treasure but Western medicine is more scientific and is based on more evidence."     

The reporters listened closely to Specialist Chang's words.     

Shanghai's First Chinese Medical Academy.     

Lin Fan and Zhao Mingqing were in the research lab and it was filled with the pungent smell of Chinese medication. They kept trying to combine different ingredients.     

There should've been a person to test the medicine but Lin Fan could tell if the medicine was good enough just by looking at it.     

Zhao Mingqing tried his best to take down notes in his notebook. He would make a conclusion every time he failed by writing down the reasons behind it.     

Then, a noise came from outside.     

Lin Fan raised his head and saw some students behaving sneakily outside. It looked like they were spying on them. "Mingqing, go out and have a look."     

Zhao Mingqing immediately agreed and went out.     

"What are you guys doing?" Zhao Mingqing opened the door and saw a bunch of students hiding there. He frowned and shouted.     

The students were shocked when they heard him. Then, they just stood there. "Director Zhao, we… we…"     

They didn't know what to say at all. They didn't even know if they should say that they were there to spy on them.     

Zhao Mingqing didn't want to waste his time on these students. He waved his hand. "Leave here now and do not come here again."     

"Okay." The students nodded and ran after saying goodbye to Zhao Mingqing.     

"That was scary."     

"Yeah, we actually got caught by the director. What do you think they're doing?"     

"Who is that young chap? Could he be a Chinese medical doctor too?"     

"How could it be? I think he's a test subject."     

"It can't be. A person being the test subject? That's scary."     

"Did you take any pictures just now?"     

"I did. It'll definitely cause an uproar when I post these pictures."     

The students were satisfied. They had filmed what they wanted to find out. At the same time, they were curious. The room had been filled with smoke and when Director Zhao had opened the door, a strong aroma of Chinese medicine had almost choked them. It was horrifying.     

"Teacher, a group of students was spying on us," Zhao Mingqing said.     

Lin Fan nodded. "Alright, it's okay. You have to be careful with this medicine. This medicine has a great impact and if you put too much of something, the patient will definitely not be able to take it. It'd be better for you to replace it with something else."     

Zhao Mingqing lowered his head and thought about it. His old and wrinkly face suddenly lit up and he gasped, "Teacher, I thought of it!"     

"We can use Gou Huang to replace it."     

Lin Fan nodded. Although Zhao Mingqing was pretty old, he was smart. He had thought of it in a matter of seconds. This was also because he had a strong foundation.     

The others were looking at it as a battle between Chinese and Western medicine. However, to Lin Fan, he was just teaching Zhao Mingqing.     

The faster he helped Zhao Mingqing realize it, the faster he could leave him.     

However, he felt that it was not quite possible. Zhao Mingqing couldn't learn everything with his current standard of medical skills. Still, Lin Fan could definitely help to improve his standard.     

Then, a video suddenly appeared online.     

The video only appeared on the school's web forum but people downloaded it and posted it elsewhere online. It attracted a lot of attention.     

'The Director of Shanghai's First Chinese Medical Academy, Zhao Mingqing, used a human as a test subject for the medicine. It's as if he has gone mad.'     


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