Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Such an Explanation

Such an Explanation

The moment they heard these words, they understood straightaway. The entire conflict had most likely started from this sentence. Although this sentence was not considered scolding or even an insult to Cao Guofeng, the disdain and contempt in his words were clear to see.     

Which disciple could possibly hold their anger after hearing their master being talked about in that manner? If they could maintain their cool, that disciple would be a straw bag!     

As expected, Jun Moxie continued with some righteous indignation. "Saint Emperor Cao has treated me very well, and even saved my life at great peril to his own. Junior… junior did not forget master's teachings, but was truly unable to endure at the time. Thus, I asked Young Master Gu; of those people whom Saint Emperor Cao could not afford to offend, is he included among them?     

Gu Yunyang's face darkened in an instant. In contrast, Cao Guofeng's originally stormy expression lightened into a faint smile as he felt a gratified feeling in his heart. So all his efforts had not been for nothing. In that moment, the both of them could easily imagine the rage that Gu Feiyu must have felt when he heard that question!     

That was the equivalent of a bare faced slap! With Gu Feiyu's weak cultivation, how could he be a person that Cao Guofeng could not afford to offend?     

"… After that, Young Master Gu seemed to have the intention to teach me a lesson. He took out his sword and placed it against my throat. Although he didn't really pierce it through my neck, it still pricked my skin… It was truly painful, and I even thought that he'd stabbed through my neck…" Jun Moxie recounted with some fear as his pupils trembled lightly.     

Cao Guofeng snorted heavily, and his expression turned even more unsightly. Although Young Master Jun was standing completely unharmed in front of him, that situation earlier had been too dangerous. How could he not be worried!     

Gu Yunyang's face also changed… this grandson of his was unconvinced by other people's talent, became jealous, and then insulted the other party's master. After being questioned in return, he actually took out his sword like a hooligan and even started to curse aloud… this kind of behaviour was truly somewhat too overboard! It was not too much to call him shameless and despicable!     

In such a situation, even if the other party exploded in rage and killed him, it would be hard to blame them…     

On the side, Miao Xiaomiao furrowed her brows lightly, thinking to herself that this Mo Junye's words were too deceiving. However, she couldn't exactly point out where his words were wrong. Because he was recounting the events exactly, not adding or subtracting anything…     

But truthfully, he had subtracted a lot of core information! This Young Master Mo Junye had never said anything about what he said and how he provoked and fueled Gu Feiyu's rage, edging him on. The most important factor that he'd conveniently left out was actually his involvement in this matter. However, the sly and smooth tongued him had subtracted the importance of his involvement, making himself the innocent party…     

In addition, his current expression was confused and honest, tinged with a hint of lingering fear. No one would have believed that this simple and scared youth had from a position of disadvantage, forced a third level Spirit Mystic expert to sustain heavy injuries…     

But this simple account of the events had indeed obtained the desired effect: Cao Guofeng had grown angrier and angrier, while Gu Yunyang became more and more ashamed, unable to even lift his head to look at Cao Guofeng…     

"At that time, I was truly scared stiff, thinking that Young Master Gu was going to kill me… But if I begged for mercy, the humiliation that followed would undoubtedly be even worse. In fact, it would affect Saint Emperor Cao's name! Although I'm very scared of death, Saint Emperor Cao's esteemed name is more important to me!"     

Gu Yunyang and Cao Guofeng both nodded with understanding. They both knew that if he'd bowed down in such a situation… how would there be any good results?     

If word spread out that the legendary Free and Natural Physique cultivator that Cao Guofeng had brought back was actually just a cowardly and spineless bumpkin… It would undoubtedly become the joke of the entire Misty Illusory Manor! There was no doubt about it!     

"So I steeled my heart and directly took a step forward, saying: You dare to kill me? If you dare to kill me, go ahead then!" Young Master Jun re-enacted the situation earlier and took a firm step forward.     

Gu Yunyang sighed lightly and shook his head when he heard this. As he looked at this unconscious grandson in his arms, even his desire to take revenge had diminished. In fact, a disappointed feeling arose in his chest instead. This youth with the Free and Natural Physique was currently at the crucial phase where his status is so great that just touching him would end up with one being scalded. Why would you go and provoke him for no reason?     

Cao Guofeng could picture the wretched look on Gu Feiyu's face as he held a sword against his disciple's throat, yet not daring to pierce it through. A moment ago, he was still filled with worry. However, he was now completely at ease, even having the leisure to smile happily.     

Kill this kid with the Free and Natural Physique? Not to mention Gu Feiyu, even the current Gu Yunyang would not dare to!     

"I'm not sure what Young Master Gu was thinking, but he never stabbed forward in the end. At that time, I was extremely frightened, but I was more afraid of implicating Saint Emperor Cao, so I stood my ground and refused to back down. But Young Master Gu also did not back down. In that way, this junior and Young Master Gu simply stood there in a stalemate… Both of us were riding atop ferocious tigers, unable to descend…"     

Jun Moxie had a wronged expression on his face as he continued. "Unable to retreat or break the stalemate, I decided that I might as well take another step forward. Because if I didn't advance, that would be…"     

"There's no need to continue! We roughly understand the rest of the situation now!" Gu Yunyang interrupted hurriedly. If he continued speaking, it would come to the matter of his own grandson insulting Cao Guofeng. "This old man will only ask you one more question. How many times did you advance in total? How many steps? And Fei Yu… how many steps did he retreat?"     

"This…" Jun Moxie scratched his head in an embarrassed manner: "This junior's head was completely blank at that time, only remembering the movements. But I can't exactly remember the exact numbers now."     

Gu Yunyang nodded and turned to look at Miao Xiaomiao.     

Miao Xiaomiao thought for a moment and confirmed. "Young Master Mo pushed forward a total of 17 times, for 17 steps! From that position over there, all the way to this wall. And Young Master Gu… also backed off 17 times! Each time, he would be filled with rage, wanting to stab with his sword… and at the 17th time, you all arrived…"     

Miao Xiaomiao's words perfectly matched up with Jun Moxie's words, proving the authenticity of his account! And Jun Moxie also left this opportunity for Miao Xiaomiao to explain… proving the matter further and further!     

"17 times! Sss…." Gu Yunyang and Cao Guofeng both felt a chill in their teeth as they both sucked in a deep breath of air! The way that Gu Yunyang looked at Jun Moxie changed once again, this time with wariness and seriousness!     

This simple and honest-looking youth had actually forced his opponent backwards 17 times, while the tip of a sword was poised against his throat!     

What kind of a concept was this?     

Miao Xiaomiao and the rest were still young and might not know the fearsomeness of something like this. But Gu Yunyang and Cao Guofeng were very clear about it in their hearts. How steadfast must a person's heart be to look death in the face so unflinchingly like that? Even if one was forcefully bracing himself, it was still an extremely rare matter!     

One had to know that in each of these 17 instances, Gu Feiyu could have killed him at least 1,700 times! The feat that this brat achieved had been the equivalent of stripping himself naked and sealing his cultivation while dancing atop a bed of knives, strolling right in front of the doorsteps of the gates of the netherworld, and placing one foot past the line every so often…     

Cao Guofeng suddenly realized the situation and said, "Gu Yunyang, you should also understand now. Your grandson's injuries had been self caused! In other words, it was him forcing himself which resulted in heavy internal injuries!"     

Gu Yunyang had a dry look on his face as he nodded…     

To draw one's sword in rage, the sword must have been infused full of Mystic Qi. But if that Mystic Qi was not unleashed and ended up flowing back into one's body, it would undoubtedly form a backlash! From what Miao Xiaomiao had said, Gu Feiyu had activated his intent to kill every single time of the 17 times, but he'd forcefully endured!     

This meant that his own Mystic Qi had, in a short time, formed into a backlash against his body 17 times! In addition, there was the rage, killing intent, and aggrieved emotions which culminated into this strange injury…     

Gu Yunyang was rendered speechless, and his face was bitter. The facts were right before his eyes, so who could he find to settle the scores? There wasn't a suitable person who could be blamed!     

It was very clear that all this was trouble that his own grandson had provoked. It was him who started scolding and humiliating the other, even drawing his sword to threaten others, resulting in this situation… The two of them had heard for themselves how vicious Gu Feiyu's words had been… After seeing this, what else was there to say?     

Look for Mo Junye to settle the scores? The other party was the victim…     

Or Miao Xiaomiao? She was the most innocent one, seemingly having only been an onlooker…     

However, if he really couldn't find someone to blame, was this matter supposed to just end like this?     

"Gu Yunyang, this old man shall say a word in fairness. You should be glad because your grandson is at least not dead!" Cao Guofeng said coldly. "If he weren't unconscious right now with heavy injuries, this old man would definitely seek an explanation from him as well! Can this old man's name be something that a mere child can sully and slander as he pleases? Otherwise, right now, him being able to keep his life while in such a wretched state, is definitely something that this old man will find hard to guarantee!"     

Gu Yunyang was immediately enraged, but he quickly cooled down and asked slowly, "By Brother Cao's words, does that mean you do not intend to pursue the matter?"     

Cao Guofeng looked at him and snorted coldly. "Your grandson is already in such a state; what else can this old man pursue? However, Gu Yunyang, you still owe this old man an explanation! Who knows what those juniors of your Gu Family have been saying behind this old man's back! This explanation you must give to me!"     

Gu Yunyang's mouth twitched, and he nodded with a sigh. "Brother Cao, please calm. This old man will surely give you an explanation. If there are anymore slanderous words going around regarding you, this old brother will bear responsibility!"     

After saying that, he thought deeply for a moment and sighed heavily as he turned to Miao Xiaomiao and said, "Miss Miao, today's matter is indeed Fei Yu who was in the wrong. This old man had been simply too worried about the boy and offended Miss Miao. Right now, this old man wishes to express my sincerest apologies to you. If Yu Fei manages to recover in the future, this old man will make sure to discipline him with greater efforts, preventing him from staining Miss Miao's purity.     

Miao Xiaomiao hurriedly returned a bow. "Grandpa Gu is surely too serious with your words! This Miao is truly undeserving."     

"No matter." Gu Yunyang smiled forcefully and continued. " Only… Fei Yu's current condition, if he doesn't get treated quickly, his path might truly end here today. Thus, this old man hopes that Miss Miao can help me with something. What do you think?"     

"Help with what?" Miao Xiaomiao's eyes instantly shone with caution.     

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