Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Number Two that Must Not be Offended? Still Going to Offend!

The Number Two that Must Not be Offended? Still Going to Offend!

"Yes, yes." That young man in green robes, Gu Feiyu, quickly responded looking at Jun Moxie carefully again. "This Mo Junye, at one glance, is barely of the basic standards of Mystic Qi cultivation, completely ordinary. With such a level of cultivation, he is letting the reputation of the legendary Free and Natural Physique down. Furthermore, this person is unlikely to have seen much of the world yet; it's very likely that he was brought up by wild beasts in the mountains, and he looks completely like a country bumpkin… Appearance wise, he looks as if he is particularly vulgar. Overall, I do not like this person; it is an insult for the white robes of Misty Illusory Manor to be donned by him…"     

The girl in yellow frowned. "Gu Feiyu, you have never interacted with him before. How could you criticize him like that? You must know that whether a person is good or bad is never determined by his appearance. Just like you, Gu Feiyu. Aren't you a carefree and elegant young master on the surface? But who would know that you are secretly capable of all evil, thinking of doing all sorts of vile acts? What are your intentions in criticizing him like this before me?"     

Gu Feiyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Little Sister Xiaomiao, is this brother so unacceptable as you described?"     

The girl in yellow nodded her head affirmatively and said slowly, "Perhaps my choice of words was not accurate, because… you, compared to what I just said…, may be even more intolerable."     

Gu Feiyu was utterly speechless, and he didn't know how to respond anymore.     

Coincidentally at this moment, footsteps could be heard coming from the stairs. It was Jun Moxie and Little Beansprout.     

Jun Moxie understood instantly why he was recognized immediately. Before that girl in yellow clothes, on the table, laid a drawing of a man, only half of his body drawn, but in the ratio of a life sized human.     

The drawing was naturally of his current appearance. And the resemblance was uncanny, as if another Mo Junye was born on the paper. Even his expression and the look in his eyes was imitated to perfection. There was no difference from the real model himself!     

On the bottom of the drawing scroll, there was a line of annotations written in small font. Mo Junye, eighteen years old this year. Native of Mystic Mystic Continent; birthplace unknown, parents unknown, origins unknown, had a former Master but not known in detail. Has the legendary Free and Natural Physique, the best prodigy for Mystic cultivation! Brought into the Misty Illusory Manor by Cao Guofeng.     

This person seems to be honest and considerate, but there is a faint bit of shrewdness to him; simple-minded on the surface, but he is actually nimble and adaptable. If carefully groomed, he'll definitely be where the future hope of Misty Illusory Manor lies. But if he came with intentions, what he is after would…"     

Jun Moxie had only read till this point when the scroll suddenly rolled up completely. Then a melodious voice rang out. "Mo Junye, Young Master Mo! The prodigy with the Free and Natural Physique… This lady offers her greetings."     

Jun Moxie looked over and instantly confirmed that the girl that was speaking was definitely that most beloved granddaughter of the Palace Lord of the Misty Illusory Manor, the third person Cao Guofeng mentioned, but the number one person that he must not offend, that female ancestor: Miao Xiaomiao!     

The beautiful girl before him was donned in light yellow clothes. Proud and aloof, there was an unapproachable air around her despite her dazzling beauty. Behind the veil, a pair of bright eyes were silently looking at him. There was no curiosity but no contempt, in her look. As if she were looking at someone that didn't matter, as if she didn't care whether the person before her lived or died.     

She, only because of some reason, came to take a look, just one look, and that was all.     

As to that young man in green beside her, Jun Moxie instantly recognized him. This person must be the second person Cao Guofeng nagged at me not to offend in the Misty Illusory Manor. Beneath that handsome appearance, there was an exceptionally strong air of lasciviousness hidden, and both his eyes are full of evil intents. Someone like this is also worthy of following Miao Xiaomiao about, aside from him… there is probably no one else?!     

"This untalented person is Mo Junye. May I ask who this young lady is? Why are you looking for me? I was fortunate to be brought to this prestigious land by Senior. It is my first time here, andI am unfamiliar with the place. I am willing to offer my help, but it may not be of much use!"     

Jun Moxie had a look of nervousness and awkwardness on his face, but he also seemed to be pretending like he was very carefree. And that last sentence, conveying his great ambitions but lack of talent, was thoroughly expressed.     

"This young lady is called Miao Xiaomiao, and he is Gu Feiyu." A look of slight disappointment appeared in Miao Xiaomiao's bright eyes. This person is really fortunate enough to have a spiritual physique, but he knows nothing at all. He may be honest and simple, but it'll be difficult for him to be taken seriously by others.     

But Miao Xiaomiao still politely introduced herself. "I've heard the elders of the family talk about Young Master Mo's gifted abilities, so this little sister got curious and specially came to meet you. I happen to see that Brother Mo was sightseeing nearby. I wonder if the scenery of the Misty Illusory Manor is worth Brother Mo's journey?"     

This Mo Junye may not be a big deal currently, but he still ultimately had the Free and Natural Physique. As long as it was groomed appropriately, his future achievements would know no bounds. so Miao Xiaomiao made an exception and addressed herself as 'Little Sister'. To her, this person's future achievements will be significant, so she did not find anything inappropriate in treating him with due respect. But she did not notice that at the same time she said this, a look of complete jealousy appeared in Gu Feiyu's eyes.     

With Miao Xiaomiao's proud personality and her influential background, how many people did she ever address as 'Little Sister' to? What sort of worth did this country bumpkin have to receive Little Sister Xiaomiao, lowering her status like this?     

"I dare not…" Jun Moxie acted like a country bumpkin had suddenly met the mayor. He scratched his head awkwardly and laughed dim-wittedly. "The Misty Illusory Manor is very big, and pretty, cough cough… the people here are also very pretty… Young Lady Xiaomiao, you… are even prettier…"     

Then, he even blushed, as if he were at a loss as to what to do.     

"The Misty Illusory Manor… is very big, right?" An eerie voice asked, from the side. It was Gu Feiyu, and there was a strong tinge of jealousy and ill intent in his tone.     

"Yes, it is indeed very big."     

"Very beautiful, right?"     

"En, it is indeed very beautiful."     

"Never been here, right?"     

"Yes, I indeed had never entered this place before."     

"Haha, haven't seen it before, right?"     

"En, I indeed have never seen it before."     

"Then, you'd better take a good look and learn well! Carefully… get rid of that smell of soil that you are covered in, understand?" Gu Feiyu scoffed and looked at Mo Junye in disdain, brazenly mocking him. With a strong scent of vinegar…     

"Yes yes, after I get rid of the smell of soil from my body, maybe I'll be just like you." Jun Moxie looked at Gu Feiyu in envy. "Look at your elegance, how it stands out from the masses ah. When I get rid of this smell of soil from me, when I look at others, I'll smell sour all over, more sour than the vinegar you dip dumplings in. How truly sour ah…"     

"You!" Gu Feiyu slammed the table and said, "Mo Junye, don't think that just because you are lucky and have some bullsh*t Free and Natural Physique, and the entire Misty Illusory Manor treats you as a treasure, that you can behave so brazenly! You must know that there are a lot of people in the Misty Illusory Manor that even your Senior cannot afford to offend!"     

"Is it? I wonder if those people whom Old Cao cannot afford to offend includes you?" Jun Moxie asked modestly.     

Gu Feiyu was instantly at a loss for words.     

Gu Feiyu may have a fierce reputation, being listed as the number two person of the three who must not be offended in the Misty Illusory Manor by the younger generation of the Misty Illusory Manor. But he was ultimately still a younger generation and had limited power. Without his background, that was all he had. So how could he dare to say that third level Saint Emperor Cao Guofeng could not afford to offend him?     

How extraordinary was a Saint Emperor expert? If Cao Guofeng decided to fall out and offend his entire family clan, it was hard to predict what the outcome of the battle would be. And Saint Emperor Cao was not one who fought alone; there were six sworn brothers who were also Saint Emperors. If they intended to deal with Gu Feiyu's family, even if Gu Feiyu's forces were not ordinary, they'd have to suffer the consequences for it!     

The reason why Saint Emperor Cao had repeatedly reminded Jun Moxie not to recklessly stir up trouble was not because he was scared of the so-called 'three who must not be offended' juniors, but because Saint Emperor Cao was kind hearted and not willing to cause internal strife for no reason, damaging the Misty Illusory Manor's strength!     

Gu Feiyu turned mute when Mo Junye turned around and questioned him directly.     

"Why aren't you talking? Could it be that you aren't included in it?" Jun Moxie laughed honestly. "I was looking at how confident you were and thought that you really didn't care about anyone. I had even suspected that you are the Big Boss of the Misty Illusory Manor… Turns out that the numerous existences that even Saint Emperors cannot afford to offend… actually don't include yourself. This really left me surprised ah… Since it doesn't include you… then may I ask… why are you trying to show off? Or rather to say, what about you is worth showing off?!"     

Gu Feiyu was extremely furious, but he didn't dare to recklessly respond. This country bumpkin looked plain, and his speech was ordinary, but he didn't expect there to be traps hidden in every single sentence of his. As long as I step into it, it'll guarantee that I'll become the butt of criticism by the younger generation of the Misty Illusory Manor tomorrow, and the joke of the older generations. Even my family will be embarrassed by me…     

Things like talking big were not something these children of influential families like him were capable of.     

Miao Xiaomiao was obviously very interested in watching these two people banter. But she had not expected that the one who would fall first would be Gu Feiyu, who was known for his sharp and vicious tongue. Her eyes couldn't help but wander over to Jun Moxie. This Mo Junye of the Free and Natural Physique didn't appear as simple and honest as he did on the surface ah…     

This fellow had been going with Gu Feiyu's flow, but when Gu Feiyu had the upper hand, at the most crucial moment, he suddenly struck and left Gu Feiyu speechless. And every single sentence afterwards was wicked and malicious, full of traps, completely capable of sowing dissension. Even with Gu Feiyu's eloquence, he could only suck it up and had no room for rebuttal, or rather, didn't even dare to rebut!     

Miao Xiaomiao was instantly surprised. She couldn't help but see this prodigy with the Free and Natural Physique in a different light: This person may be simple and honest, but he is not completely simple, and even, is definitely not one to be messed with!     

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