Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Give a Plum in Return For a Peach

Give a Plum in Return For a Peach

After speaking, he stretched out his hand without waiting for Young Master Jun to reply. After that, a large warm hand appeared on Jun Moxie's head.     

Jun Moxie's heart nearly leapt out of his chest. Truthfully, with the alertness of an assassin, Young Master Jun had always actually been monitoring the surroundings with his spiritual sense . The instant he detected anything that could be disadvantageous to himself, he would instantly jump into the Hongjun Pagoda. But even with Young Master Jun's powerful spiritual sense, he didn't even know how that hand came to be above his head. If this Miao old fellow truly had nefarious intentions, he would most likely be dead long ago…     

Closely following that, he felt a strangely pure Mystic Qi gush into his body like a dam with the flood gates opened!     

Young Master Jun wanted to tell him: this brother isn't cultivating Mystic Qi ah, you should stop wasting your strength… but with the tyrannical Mystic Qi surging through his body, he couldn't say a single word at all! And at the same time, Jun Moxie discovered to his surprise that Miao Qingcheng was actually infusing the purest Heaven Earth Essence Qi into his body!     

As the unimaginably bountiful Mystic Qi flowed through his meridians, the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune began to revolve, transforming the huge amounts of Heaven Earth Essence Qi into Primal Chaos Purple Qi and redirecting them into his meridians to assail the sixth level of the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune!     

At this time, a strange look began to appear on Miao Qingcheng's face. This kid's meridians was simply like a bottomless hole! He had clearly infused enough Qi to stuff three Fourth level Saint Emperors to the point of explosion, but now, he could clearly feel that this kid's meridians were not even completely filled yet!     

In other words, he hadn't reached the point of being achieving a breakthrough!     

This was a completely inconceivable matter!     

He could clearly feel that this kid had been on the verge of a breakthrough, with only a slight push to reach the next level. But why was this seemingly simple push so hard to do?     

An intense gleam flashed in Miao Qingcheng's eyes, and he instantly increased the output of essence Qi!     


"It's done!" Miao Qingcheng retrieved his palm as he looked at Young Master Jun in a greatly shocked manner.     

He could feel that this kid's meridians had already been completely filled and could no longer contain any more energy. However… why were there still no signs of a breakthrough?!     

Just what kind of strange technique was this kid cultivating?     

Jun Moxie did not seem to know this, but Miao Qingcheng knew very clearly himself that he had already expended about a thousand years' worth of bitter cultivation energy in just this short one hour!     

What kind of concept was one thousand years of Miao Qingcheng's cultivation strength? Using the most conservative comparison, if it were Miao Xiaomiao sitting here instead of Jun Moxie, this amount of energy would have been enough to propel her all the way to the Fourth level of Saint Venerable in one stroke without any side effects!     

One should know that Miao Xiaomiao was only a Venerable right now! There was still the Saint realm, Saint Emperor, Saint Venerable realms to cross before she could reach that level of strength… that was 40 to 50 levels of cultivation…     

But what Miao Qingcheng didn't know was that…     

Jun Moxie's cultivation technique was completely different from any schools of martial arts in this continent! With the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, external energies could only have a strengthening effect on him at most and could not be used to breakthrough! If he wanted to breakthrough, he could do so instantly the moment he comprehended the next level… But if that kind of good fortune did not appear, even if Miao Qingcheng transmitted all of his cultivation to him, it would not be able to help him breakthrough even one minor level…     

Because that kind of comprehension dealt directly with the next level's breakthrough of the Hongjun Pagoda and was not something that mere human power could overcome…     

Rather than letting Jun Moxie enjoy the advantage, it was more accurate to say that Miao Qingcheng had let the Hongjun Pagoda enjoy the advantage this time…     

Still, under the dogged transmission by Miao Qingcheng, Jun Moxie had also arrived at the edge of a breakthrough! Right now, there was only that final paper-thin barrier between him and the next level…     

After promising to help a junior breakthrough, yet ultimately failing to do so…     

With Miao Qingcheng's status, he naturally felt a great loss of face…     

A long while later...     

Jun Moxie finally awoke from his meditative state. The energy in his body was filled to the brim, and even the strength of his spiritual sense had improved beyond what it used to be. The original golden colored Qi in his meridians had all turned into a faint purple now…     

It was a huge profit!     

From the looks of it, the day that he would breakthrough to the sixth level was already within sight!     

"You should go back up… the cultivation technique you are practicing is truly too weird; even with this old man's abilities, I can't help you. You can just take it that this old man had broken my promise to you." Although there was nothing different with Miao Qingcheng's voice, Jun Moxie could hear the strangeness in his tone.     

"Senior is too courteous! This junior gained a lot today because of Senior. If this junior manages to have some accomplishments in the future, I will definitely help Senior with this Heavenly Punishment!" Jun Moxie said with a serious smile.     

He could clearly feel that with this crazy infusion of energy by Miao Qingcheng, some unknown changes had happened to the Hongjun Pagoda…     

"Many thanks!"     

After hearing his words, Miao Qingcheng looked deeply at Young Master Jun for a long time, before nodding and saying. Not only did he not display any suspicion to his words, he thanked him instead.     

It was as if he had some trust towards Jun Moxie's promise of helping him resolve the Heavenly Punishment…     

After he finished with his words, his body dissolved into a puff of mist, disappearing in the great hall.     

"You should exit now; there are truly too many secrets on your body! If you stay here for too long, this old man might not be able to resist trying to probe your limits… That… is not good for you or me." Miao Qingcheng's voice drifted out.     

"Yes." Jun Moxie answered, and his body suddenly floated up. In an instant, he'd already crossed an unknown distance.     

When he opened his eyes again, he'd already landed before Miao Jingyun, Miao Dao, and Miao Jian.     

When they saw Young Master Jun appearing so abruptly, the three of them jumped with shock.     

This had nothing to do with courage; a big living human had suddenly appeared in front of their eyes from thin air… anyone would jump with fright. Moreover, the manner in which Jun Moxie had appeared was too unexpected…     

"Brat, you've returned? How was it? What did the old ancestor tell you? Did he give you any instructions?" Miao Jingyun asked anxiously.     

"…" Before Jun Moxie could answer, Miao Jingyun's face changed color in an instant, and he abruptly disappeared on the spot, much like how Young Master Jun had appeared.     

Miao Dao and Miao Jian looked at the empty spot where Miao Jingyun had been a moment ago and sweat poured out of their brows. These two truly did not let down the word 'twins'; their actions were actually so in sync, even down to the second when they wiped their sweat away.     

After another short period of time, Miao Jingyun once again appeared in front of them. His expression was exceedingly strange, as if he were smiling and crying at the same time. The way he looked at Jun Moxie also became much more complicated.     

The four did not say anything as they made their way out.     

Miao Jingyun was pondering over the words that Miao Qingcheng had spoken to him when he pulled him in a moment ago. Basically, the content of those words was regarding Jun Moxie. Although Miao Qingcheng had not revealed Jun Moxie's true identity and his purpose, he had seriously warned Miao Jingyun: "… That little fellow, if you can avoid provoking him, you must try your best to not provoke him. Give him the utmost assistance, as much as the Misty Illusory Manor can bear. Also, his achievements in the future are impossible to measure, and he will not be a person that our Misty Illusionary Manor can satisfy. So, do not try to control or use him; the priority should be to try to befriend him…     

"As for the matters in the Misty Illusory Manor from now on, just let nature take its course. There's no need to force things unnecessarily. As the Manor Lord, your most important job should be to control the situation and see the bigger picture. As for the other battles, you should not involve yourself in them. Everything shall move as fate directs."     

Miao Jingyun could not make heads or tails out of those words. Although Mo Junye had the same Free and Natural Physique as the Nine Nether First Young Master, and his future path was inestimable, he was still only a weak little fellow right now.     

If there were really any dangers, they could just move to kill him directly. Why did a deity-like legendary character like the old ancestor view him with such great importance? To even ask him to try to please the little fellow as much as possible, with all that the Misty Illusory Manor had to offer? That was truly a little too much!     

But although he couldn't understand, he still chose to trust in Miao Qingcheng's judgement fully!     

Besides, even if that brat became more powerful in the future, this son-in-law… was destined to not be able to escape from his palms… As for the other stuff, he'd just let nature take its course. The stronger he became in the future; wouldn't that be more beneficial for the Miao Family…     

Jun Moxie also did not speak throughout the way. At this moment, he could clearly feel all the changes in his body, and he was both surprised and excited. The harvest this time was truly large to an inestimable level!     

The so-called harvest was not just the huge flood of pure cultivation energy that Miao Qingcheng had given him. To Jun Moxie, although that energy could be considered difficult to obtain, it was not that important. Because, Young Master Jun had countless precious spirit herbs and a Heaven Earth Spirit Vein that could be turned into unlimited energy!     

As long as he wished it, Jun Moxie could use the heavenly treasures to upgrade his strength endlessly! Of course, that was only in terms of cultivation energy, and not cultivation realm.     

Truthfully, because the external aid of using heavenly treasures to raise his strength could not help him breakthrough, he did not use such a speedy method of growth.     

But whether intentionally or not, this energy transfusion by Miao Qingcheng had actually contained some of the cultivation comprehensions that he had experienced in these 10,000 years!     

And this was exactly the stuff that anyone would want to have! Although his comprehensions in Mystic Qi cultivation could not completely be applied to the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, there was a saying that all roads lead to the same Dao!     

And Jun Moxie naturally understood this reasoning as well!     

Although the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune was an incredibly profound cultivation technique and the intricacies were something that even Miao Qingcheng might not be able to understand, Jun Moxie's current strength was still low, and his comprehensions were still lacking. So Miao Qingcheng's 10,000 years' worth of cultivation comprehensions was more than enough to make up for Jun Moxie's deficiencies, allowing him to not lack the required knowledge for at least a long period of time!     

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