Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Romantic Healing...

Romantic Healing...

Miao Huanyu forcefully tugged on his wife's hand, ignoring her constant turning back and dragged her downstairs.     

Although Little Beansprout was still upset, she also obediently went out, closing the door shut. She stood outside the door, perking her ears, afraid that she couldn't hear the summons from the inside. She only knew that the Young Lady was not in a good state, and this baddie Young Master Mo was perhaps the last chance the Young Lady had now…     

Jun Moxie let out a long sigh and reached both his hands forward, pressing his hand gently onto Miao Xiaomiao's chest, right above her heart.     

The moment his hands came into contact with it, he only felt an indescribable feeling of softness and elasticity, and his fingers sank right into supple, fleshy mounds. It was such a tantalizing feeling that Jun Moxie's body was on the verge of trembling all over…     

Although he wasn't sure of the reason, Young Master Jun still felt a certain part of his was on the verge of losing control… He inhaled deeply and chanted the Heart Mantra repeatedly a few times before he finally managed to quell the fire in his heart…     

Looking at Miao Xiaomiao, Jun Moxie could only laugh bitterly in his heart. No matter what, I have already taken great advantage of you… From today on, I'm afraid… Things will really be complicated, and this matter is not something that can be resolved by being upset for some time anymore…     

He connected his mind with the mysterious little tree in the Hongjun Pagoda. Using his own body as the medium and his spirit energy combined with the Power of Wood, he allowed it to quickly circulate within his meridians…     

The small, shiny green sparkles from the mysterious little tree begin to deviate from it's free-falling path and advance along his meridians, slowly proceeding forward, ultimately surging out of the right palm that Jun Moxie had pressed on Miao Xiaomiao's soft breasts and into Miao Xiaomiao's heart…     

These green sparkles seeped into Miao Xiaomiao's body. All the injuries Miao Xiaomiao's body had sustained began to heal at a shocking speed…     

Injured vital organs, an injured heart, and a Primordial Spirit that was drifting away… all these injuries that were enough to be fatal could be treated by this mysterious little tree. But only the last 'double coma' was tricky to deal with.     

This little tree could only ensure that Miao Xiaomiao remained alive at most. And make her even healthier than before she had fallen into this coma, but it was unable to make her wake up…     

If he wanted to make Miao Xiaomiao regain consciousness, it still required a different and unusual way of calling out to her…     

If he really used it… the entanglement between him and Miao Xiaomiao in this life would really be impossible to undo anymore… But right now, Jun Moxie had already made up his mind, and even if the heavens falls and earth rends… F*ck it all!     

Let's take it one step at a time!     

Right now… he really could not afford to be bothered so much anymore…     

Jun Moxie was so concentrated in his treatment that he did not notice that while he was using the little tree to treat Miao Xiaomiao, there was a wave of extremely faint spirit fluctuation from underground, beneath the Miao Residence. No one would have noticed it because it was only through his meridians.     

At the same time, a silent voice spoke into the Manor Lord of the Misty Illusory Manor, Miao Jingyun's ears. "What has happened up there?!" It was not loud, but it was extremely strict!     

Miao Jingyun's expression changed. He quickly gave a detailed account about what has happened here through the voice transference technique.     

After he was done, that voice remained silent for a long time before slowly saying, "When the treatment is over, let that person come and meet me. Remember… you absolutely must bring that person to me!"     

Miao Jingyun hurriedly agreed. He waited for a long time, but that voice never spoke again. But a thin layer of cold sweat had already formed on Miao Jingyun's face…     

After a long time, Jun Moxie finally stopped and looked at Miao Xiaomiao on the bed. Right now, the rosiness had returned to Miao Xiaomiao's complexion, and her breathing was stronger now…     

Jun Moxie was just about to call for Little Beansprout to come in when Miao Xiaomiao suddenly began to furrow her brows in agony, two trail of tears flowing from the corners of her eyes…     

Could it be that she's going to wake up with this? If it is really the case, than that'll be great! Maybe we can skip all the troublesome things in the back!     

Jun Moxie was elated, immediately leaning forward. But all she heard was Miao Xiaomiao's pitiful crying and begging. "…Jun… do you really not want me anymore?"     

Jun Moxie was stunned. He looked at this beauty before him blankly, his thoughts in a whirl…     

"Jun… you have a wife… you have a wife… Then I… Then I'll be your concubine… will that do? I only beg that you don't reject me… I… really don't wish to become… a tool ah…" In her unconsciousness, Miao Xiaomiao begged sorrowfully, her brows tightly knitted, her tears falling constantly. Yet she had said out the words she had been mulling and struggling with in her heart for the longest time and did not have the courage to say out loud…     

Couldn't a deep love like this move an individual whose heart was made of stone?     

Jun Moxie finally could no longer hold back. He gently took Miao Xiaomiao's small hands and pressed it against his own face. He said, "As long as you wake up… I'll want you! I'll want you… for your whole life!"     

Right now, all the apprehensions in Jun Moxie's heart had all disappeared!     

F*ck it! Is there really nothing that I, Jun Moxie, cannot resolve in this world? Isn't it just a Misty Illusory Manor? As long as you don't regret it, even if I have to snatch my bride, I'll snatch you back with me!     

I want to see who dares to make you suffer!     

With his mind made up, Jun Moxie quickly recovered his usual decisiveness. He raised his head and yelled, "Little Beansprout, come in!"     

Little Beansprout came charging in at high speed.     

"Close the door."     

Little Beansprout quickly replied and carefully closed the door. Then, she crept over to the bed. Looking at the rosiness that has returned to Miao Xiaomiao's face, she couldn't help but feel elated and exclaim, "Is the Young Lady alright already?!"     

"There is still a bit more to do, and I'll need your help for what follows next… Cough, cough…" Jun Moxie carefully pondered over the words he should use, but he still found it a little difficult to say it, so he awkwardly coughed a few times, but he still could not manage to say it…     

"What help? Hurry up and tell me, ah." Little Beansprout obviously was an impatient person, seeing how Young Master Jun was hesitating, she began to feel even more anxious. "As long as it can make the Young Lady wake up, I'll do whatever you ask of me!… You, you… You hurry up and spit it ah…"     

"Um… it's like this…" Jun Moxie lowered his voice and whispered into Little Beansprout's ears.     

"Ah?! What?!" Little Beansprout's eyes widened in shock and she looked at Jun Moxie in shock. Suddenly, her entire face flushed bright red and she chided in anger and embarrassment. "Lecher! You lecher!"     

"You absolutely must remember: there must be no error!" Jun Moxie's face was also burning up, but he forcefully continued to speak as if he weren't embarrassed. "Also, don't make a fuss, and don't be alarmed, don't… this is the crux of making her wake up…"     

"But if you… then isn't that the same as destroying our young lady's… innocence? Then how do you want our young lady to marry others in the future? You already have a wife!" Little Beansprout reproached with a red face.     

"Bullsh*t! Who is she going to marry?! Isn't she still going to marry me?" Jun Moxie glared. "What big deal is there for a real men to have three or four wives or a concubine!… And don't forget, you are going to be my linked room maidservant in the future; what is there to be embarrassed about? This young master doing that… is a matter of course!"     

Young Master Jun was a little stammering and inarticulate at the beginning, but he began to become more fluent as he spoke; ultimately, he even became bold and confident. This sort of matter, after the most difficult start was over, everything else became easier…     

"This… this… this…" Little Beansprout had never imagined that a certain someone could be so thick skinned, to be able to say such things so outrightly. Her face turned even redder. And when she recalled him saying 'you are going to be my linked room maidservant in the future'… she couldn't help but feel her heart thumping and her body going weak. She completely couldn't move anymore…     

"What this this this? At a time like this? Hurry up, get ready! The earlier we proceed, the earlier Xiaomiao can get better!"     

Little Beansprout's face turned as red as the apples in autumn, specifically the red Fuji apple. Gritting her teeth, she stared at her shoes, slightly nodding her head to indicate her agreement. But her neck also turned red…     

"Good! Let's begin!" Jun Moxie took in a deep breath and said.     

Little Beansprout snuck a glance at him before shuffling over to Miao Xiaomiao's bed. She whispered into her ear: "Young Lady, Young Master Mo Junye has come to propose his marriage here at the Miao Residence… Do you… accept or not?"     

After repeatedly saying it three times, Miao Xiaomiao's body moved slightly, but there was still no signs of waking up…     

Jun Moxie sighed. Looks like I have to use that last resort. He gave Little Beansprout a warning look before leaning in…     

Little Beansprout completely forgot to continue calling out to Miao Xiaomiao from shock, her mouth hung wide open as she stared at this lecher in shock… This b*stard… He he… had actually used his lips to… softly… kiss our Young Lady's cherry lips…     

And the moment he kissed, he never stopped. He… just continued to kiss her lovingly, and even used his tongue to part her lips… Aiya, this is really too embarrassing…     

It wasn't good for Young Master Jun too. Under such alluring provocations, the fire in his heart that he had just suppressed using the Great Compassion Mantra instantly reignited. And even little Moxie came to join the fun… Looks like the suffering I have to deal with before Miao Xiaomiao regains consciousness in this last step is a little too big… Forcefully endured the pleasure coming from his lips and did his best to control his 'part' before opening his eyes to look at Little Beansprout: Aren't you going to hurry up… Continue ah…     

With her face completely red, Little Beansprout gritted her teeth, her entire body trembling slightly as she continued to call out gently. "Young Lady… Young Master Mo Junye… is here to propose marriage… tonight… is the wedding night… of the two of you… Young Lady…"     

Jun Moxie sighed again… he stretched his right hand out and suddenly put it under Miao Xiaomiao's clothes…     

The solution that Jun Moxie had thought of was very simple. Right now, Miao Xiaomiao's body had already regained its regular functions—only her heart was shut. The only way to wake her up from her dreams was by using the thing she desired the most…     

And Miao Xiaomiao had fallen unconscious because of the setback in her love, so the thing she desired the most was definitely having a happy and perfect ending for her love… So the method for waking her up was simply fulfilling this wish of hers, in other words… love!     

But it seemed that Young Master Jun was really a little impatient…     

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