Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Kill You till Your Soul is Completely Annihilated!

Kill You till Your Soul is Completely Annihilated!

Zhan Tianji had always been confident in his own abilities. He always believed that the place where he was at was definitely the safest place! Since I was born, there has never been any enemy who managed to successfully scheme against me!     

Because he was the Son of Heaven's Secrets!     

But right now, this moment, this absolute mishap had really appeared!     

And the price for this mishap was going to be Zhan Tianji's own life!     

The sword light came cutting down with an intensity of crushing everything in its way!     

Zhan Tianji only hand time to think. The thing that I'm looking at, that is the tip of a sword?!     

But… how could there be such a dazzling sword in the world?     

Before he could think of anything else, that sword had already stabbed deeply through Zhan Tianji's heart!     

Zhan Tianji screamed and howled in agony!     

His voice may be hoarse, but the volume was shocking!     

Right now, he was as good as blind, but he knew that he had already sustained a heavy injury that was enough to be fatal. And due to the overuse of his strength prior to this, there was no more Mystic Qi for him to use to defend against the enemy…     

But Zhan Tianji was still a Saint Venerable!     

The sword had suddenly stabbed into his heart and the killing intent on the sword exploded within his body, completely shattering his heart and dantian! And the forceful Mystic Qi had smashed and churned his internal organs into powder in an instant!     

But this sort of injury was not enough to be fatal to a Saint Venerable!     

In other words, Zhan Tianji still had a hope of surviving!     

As long as he managed to get an opportunity! There was a chance!     

For the sake of getting a last chance at survival, Zhan Tianji, who was facing adversity, took a gamble! With a flip of his body palms, two short swords radiating dazzling light appeared from them! At the same time they appeared, they shot out like venomous dragons shooting out of the water!     

A chilly radiance went flying forward at high speed along with the blades! This was the last attempt at striking that Zhan Tianji was trying as a Saint Venerable! Even if it people on Cao Guofeng's level faced this straight on, they'd die instantly! And they would have their souls completely annihilated!     

In fact, Zhan Tianji never thought of trying to kill his enemy before him! He did not dare to have such delusions!     

That sort of thinking was too luxurious! It was not practical!     

Since the other party is capable of mounting a sneak attack like this on me so successfully, then his strength is definitely not weak! At the very least, he must be on the same level as myself! And even, most likely… much stronger than me! Otherwise, there is no way he could have achieved all this without me noticing!     

Zhan Tianji's wish was simple. It was very small. He really hoped that the opponent would duck!     

Yes! They just need to duck!     

Even if they do not pull their sword out of my body, just long as they loosen their hands from that sword, I'll be able to use that short time to channel all my cultivation into a Holy Infant and escape from this body! As long as I am able to successfully turn into an infant, then I can instantly escape from this stone room!     

After that, I'll just pick a body from one of the members of the Zhan Family and all will be good. I only have to practise for a hundred years worth of cultivation and I'll be able to return back to the level I am at today!     

To a Saint Venerable, a body was just an external layer to contain the soul! There was no big deal changing from one to another!     

Perhaps this wish was too small—the opponent had really duck!     

Zhan Tianji may not be able to see, but with the senses of a Saint Venerable, he could distinctly feel the opponent loosening his grip on the sword and ducking to the side.     

Zhan Tianji was elated!     

He instantly activated his art and plopped to the ground heavily. A long sword remained stabbed in his battered and torn body. But this sword was no longer a threat to him!     

Because he had already successfully coagulated a Holy Infant!     

Even if this sword chopped his entire body into minced pie, as long as the Holy Infant was able to escape, then Zhan Tianji would remain as Zhan Tianji!     

The reason why he was so confident was because the speed of a Holy Infant was incomparable in the world!     

But Zhan Tianji quickly fell into despair!     

The speed of a Holy Infant may be incomparable, but it didn't mean it was invincible and could not be hurt!     

When Zhan Tianji had successfully coagulated the Holy Infant, he was overjoyed. He instantly fled from his shredded body! But he instantly realized that he was not moving as quickly as he expected? After carefully looking down, he realized that on the body of his tiny Holy Infant form, the long dazzling sword was still there!     

And this sword was emitting spiritualistic human emotions of mockery…     

Yes, he was not wrong!     

This sword was mocking him!     

Zhan Tianji's mind instantly went into a state of chaos. Isn't the Holy Infant state formless and traceless? Isn't it completely impossible to be discovered?     

Then why is there a real sword stuck here?     

Zhan Tianji was racking his brains anxiously. Then he noticed another terrifyingly, despairing matter: the sword that was stuck on his Holy Infant form was releasing a horrifying sucking force! Like a whale drinking in water, it quickly devoured all of the power in his soul from his years of cultivation!     

In the next instant, he noticed a young man in black standing silently in the void not far away. Both his hands were empty, but he wore a cruel grin, silently watching him…     

"No! I don't want to die! I beg you! Spare me… I am the legend of mysteries, the Son of Heaven's Secrets, I am willing to be your slave… I am willing to do anything for you, spare me… ah…" Zhan Tianji was hysterical, his little Holy Infant form begging and flailing about. His face was full of fear… and tears…     

But that youth in black was unmoved. He still stood there, aloof and unaffected. His gaze was focused on that long sword. And this sword never ceased in sucking and absorbing all the energy from his body…     

"No…." Zhan Tianji cried hysterically, his tiny little form finally fading from existence, completely devoured by that sword! It all became the purest energy for the Blood of Yellow Flame!     

Zhan Tianji, for his entire life, had been battling against the secrets of heaven and fate. Even when he was losing his life, he was still trying to defy the wills of the heavens and alter his fate! But there was no one else above the secrets of heaven, so how could it be battled by a mere human? The secrets of the heavens were a profound mystery; how could it be altered by humans?     

So Zhan Tianji ultimately died in the secret of the heavens that he had altered with his own hand!     

And the secrets of the heavens… still remained the secrets of the heavens…     

The Blood of Yellow Flame let out a satisfied cry! The nourishment this time had allowed it to gain plenty!     

All the strength of a Saint Venerable—how could it be small?     

"You must have had your fill this time." Jun Moxie smiled, but grumbled. "This time, really… all the advantages went to you, and I didn't get a single thing…"     

The Blood of Yellow Flame let out a long, crisp cry, thankfully, circling him slowly.     

Then, Jun Moxie pointed and the Blood of Yellow Flame went flying. With a loud explosion, the cauldron on the platform burst open and all the black-purplish pungent objects within splattered everywhere…     

After that, the Blood of Yellow Flame continued to fly without stopping, to the ceiling. With a couple of strikes, that picture on the ceiling was instantly punctured with holes and came falling down…     

Right now, the sound of robes fluttering in a rush could be heard coming from the outside.     

Jun Moxie rolled his eyes and pressed his right hand, which was glowing yellow, downwards. Hong! The entire ground turned about and all the soil beneath it surged up and buried all the corpses!     

Let's bury them first!     

After doing all this, Jun Moxie returned back to concealing himself.     

Then, he commanded the Blood of Yellow Flame to make a cut in the top left corner of the stone chamber. A peculiar gust of air came surging out and vanishing repeatedly…     

Another cut to the right top corner. This time, it was countless of red mist-like air that came out, vanishing without a trace…     

The Zhan Family's giant conspiracy had gone on for god knows how many years and generations with countless people sacrificed for its accomplishment. It was completely destroyed and ruined by these few acts tyrannical vandalism by Young Master Jun! Even the Zhan Family's fortune was significantly damaged…     

Heaven watched as man went about his deed. It was fine if the heavens made one commit a sin. However, one mustn't commit a sin on their own initiative!     

If the Zhan Family knew that the root of the matter today was because Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu had offended Jun Moxie, causing this calamity to befall them, they'd definitely be very regretful. Why did they plot their designs on that Free and Natural Physique owner…     

There was no hope of recovery even if they redid the formation in this space. Even if they tried to make arrangements, they'd have to start from scratch. Jun Moxie kept the Blood of Yellow Flame, activated the Yin Yang Escape, and hid himself within the stone walls!     

The sounds of footsteps rang out.     

The first one to rush in was Zhan Lunhui!     

He had just returned back to his room. Hearing all the reports that were coming in, he was fuming with rage!     

"We still can't find any trace of the intruder."     

"We didn't find anything on the left…"     

"Nothing found on the right. It seems that the person has already secretly left…"     

Hearing all these reports, Zhan Lunhui's expression became darker and darker. Since when was the Zhan Family this incapable? Even when there is an intruder in our most secret place, when we've deployed everyone, we can't find a single trace of the person!     

Could it be that the person had really left?     

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