Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Rule of the Evil Monarch

The Rule of the Evil Monarch

"But they're truly wholeheartedly fighting for the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens, even if they were despicable in the past and behaved shamelessly! Their cause is noble and honorable! Now that they've been forced into a corner, why can't you leave them a path out? Even if we kill them after the War for Seizing the Heavens after they've outlived their usefulness, it's still better than killing them right now. At the very least, they can still be used to contribute a point of effort towards the War for Seizing the Heavens." Mei Xueyan pressed with a loud voice.     

"Aren't you also wholeheartedly fighting for the War for Seizing the Heavens? But you've never behaved despicably and shamelessly! Your cause was similarly noble and honorable! Yet, they still did not spare any methods and were relentless in dealing with you! When you were forced into a corner, did they leave you a path out?"     

Jun Moxie looked at Mei Xueyan with exasperation as he sighed. "In the hearts of these people, today's hatred can only be appeased with blood! A debt of blood can ultimately only be washed clean with fresh blood! If it were us in their place, it would be the same as well. Lass, you are still too naive! You're simply too pedantic!"     

Mei Xueyan's figure slumped, and her tone finally softened as she said in a pleading voice. "Moxie, just let them off this one time! For the War for Seizing the Heavens, for the people of the mainland! Moxie, I'm pleading with you; be noble this one time! Believe in humanity this one time!"     

"No way! To talk about humanity with people without any humanity is the stupidest thing one can do! You've already been dragged down by the War for Seizing the Heavens for so long; why are you still insisting so stubbornly? Could it be that a tragedy must really happen before your eyes before you will wake up?!" Jun Moxie shook his head slowly and decisively. His face remained as cold and expressionless as a statue.     

"In the future, I will also participate in the War for Seizing the Heavens!" Jun Moxie raised his head and looked at the clouds floating about the sky. "However, I only wish to fight alongside my comrades and not my enemies! Because… I dare not trust my back to these people! Back then at Tian Nan, the war between humans and Mystic Beasts was filled with betrayal and treachery because of this very reason! I do not wish to have to experience it personally!     

"The Three Holy Lands are not necessarily indispensable for the War for Seizing the Heavens!" Jun Moxie continued coldly. "Even if all of them are dead, there's still me—Jun Moxie!"     

"Since I've killed them, I will naturally make up for the deficit! My purpose is not to just contend against the Outsiders in the War for Seizing the Heavens. I want to completely annihilate them, erasing the need for a War for Seizing the Heavens in the future!     

"It's not for the sake of a so-called 'noble purpose'! I just don't want the world to be plagued with so much hypocrisy!" Jun Moxie said sharply. "I detest pretentiousness! I'm especially disgusted with people who commit evil acts for their own benefits while pretending they're serving a noble cause!     

"I don't just want to kill these people! When I have enough strength, I will personally go and wipe out those three 'Holy' Lands!" Jun Moxie smiled lightly. The chilly wind swirled around him, causing his hair to dance atop the mountain peak. He stood confidently with a detached attitude, his voice cold and emotionless. "There's one thing that I'm sure you don't know. The greatest threat to this continent is not the external forces, but the internal conflicts!     

"External enemies can never truly destroy a country or a world. However, internal battles can destroy everything very quickly!     

"And today, the three Holy Lands have already become the very source of all major conflicts in the continent! Even if Heavenly Punishment is gone, and you and I are removed from the equation, the three Holy Lands would still eventually fight against each other! They would fight for the title of number one under the heavens and the ultimate glory of being at the peak of the world! Since it's like that, I might as well just claim that glory for myself!     

"So, I must kill!     

"My original intentions never involved the safety and peace of the world! I'm not such a noble person. However, if people think that they can bully me, that's impossible! Not the three Holy Lands, and not the Outsiders! The same goes for a Venerable expert or even a Saint! Even if the Nine Nether First Young Master came back to life, he can forget about dictating my destiny!"     

Jun Moxie smiled stubbornly, putting emphasis on each word. "My destiny is directed by me… not the Heavens!     

"If I fight, I will fight to the end! As long as I'm alive, I will be upright and indomitable! If I die… then there's naturally nothing to say!     

"I'm not a good person, but I'm not a bad person either! I'm not a noble gentleman, but I'm not a base person! But at the very least, I will not be a hypocrite!     

"I am the Evil Monarch! The Monarch of ten thousand evils! Sovereign of kings!     

"Above, is my… Rule of the Evil Monarch!"     

Mei Xueyan took a step back heavily. She was clear that at this point, there was already no more meaning in saying anything else. To think that her man… was actually such a unique person!     

At this moment, she suddenly felt as if the person in front of her was not Jun Moxie. Instead, he was like that domineering and unrestrained Nine Nether First Young Master! This odd feeling caused her to feel some fear and even some unfamiliarity! The Jun Moxie who was standing opposite her seemed somewhat distant. Even if you feel wronged, even if you don't understand, can't you… just condone it this time? Mei Xueyan could not grasp this point even until now.     

But she had overlooked one thing; her seemingly merciful condoning could perhaps be repaid with relentless suppression! Her tolerance was the best excuse for her enemies to grow more bold! Her moment of mercy was more likely to end with irreparable despair and remorse!     

Between mortal enemies, there were never any morals or justice to speak of!     

Take herself for instance. If she had been more ruthless and directly killed the ten experts who encircled her the first time, then even if the three Holy Lands were more unbridled, they wouldn't be aggressive to such an extent!     

Condonation was the best habitat for breeding evil!     

This point was something that Jun Moxie, who had experienced two lives, understood better than anyone else!     

Thus, he would not leave his enemies with any chance to retaliate! Nobody could affect his decision this time! Not even Mei Xueyan, whom he loved dearly!     

Across from him, the experts of the three Holy Lands had already stood up, their hatred and anger surging to the skies. Roaring savagely, they charged forward with the momentum of one who wished to perish with their enemies!     

"Vengeance for Venerable Mo!"     

"Vengeance for our fallen brothers!"     

"You want us to kill ourselves? How could there be such a free thing in the world?! Brothers, let's fight it out with them!"     

"Fight with your lives! If we each kill one, we'd have broken even. If we kill two, we'll have profited!"     


Jun Moxie did not move and watched them charging over coldly. His face was as calm as an ancient stone statue and his eyes blazed with a chilly gaze as he slowly raised a hand. All of a sudden, a loud roar rang from his mouth!     

"Kill! Strike hard and fast; do not leave a single one alive!"     

Mei Xueyan closed her eyes painfully and turned her face away.     

Accompanying Jun Moxie's bloody command, a mighty blizzard instantly blazed in the air as 1, 500 peak Ninth level Mystic Beasts and Beast Kings roused into action at the same time! Charging and diving, all the Mystic Beasts rushed forward with the momentum of a mighty thunder!     

They had already grown impatient long ago! Their blood had been boiling uncontrollably since long ago! What they needed was a battle! Only battling—continuously battling! A hot-blooded and enjoyable battle!     

To them, it didn't matter whether those people from the three Holy Lands were good or bad people. In fact, it was completely meaningless. What does that War for Seizing the Heavens thing have to do with us?! If we're required to go, we'll go! If you don't want us to join, then we won't! It's really not a big deal.     

They only knew one thing: these people had harmed their brothers and tried to kill their boss!     

This was an enmity that they would not permit to live under the same sky! Only by tearing these people apart would they be able to vent their anger!     

Wretched cries rang out ceaselessly.     

Jia Qingyun roared loudly, rushing madly into the fray. His palms smacked out repeatedly, sending over a dozen Beast Kings flying. His entire body was drenched with blood, and he charged in front of Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan, laughing madly.     

"What are you laughing about? Do you think there's still a chance for you to leave this place alive?" Jun Moxie furrowed his brows with annoyance.     

"HAHA… I'm laughing about how you're still not aware of your death even though death is already knocking at your door!" Jia Qingyun laughed wildly, crazily gasping. His face was savage as he continued happily, "This old man exhausted all my Mystic Qi to rush here just to tell you one thing! Do you think that the three Holy Lands sent just this one group to deal with you? HAHAHA, Jun Moxie, so what if you killed all of us today? You will pay the appropriate price for this! Just wait, when you return to Heavenly Scent, just prepare yourself to send your grandfather off! HAHAHA…"     

"Nonsensical words of a fool. I'm afraid you people still don't have that ability!" Jun Moxie scoffed coldly.     

"I know! This old man knows that your mysterious master is residing in Heavenly Scent! But do you know who's going to Heavenly Scent? Haha…" Jia Qingyun looked cruelly at Jun Moxie. "Yes! You are ruthless, and you are decisive! You are emotionless! However, the ones who went to Heavenly Scent are the Saints of the three Holy Lands! A total of nine Saints! Your master is powerful, but so what?! Can he cover the entire sky with one hand?     

"Saint realm experts! Do you know what that is? HAHA… little brat! Do you think that that master of yours is some heaven-shocking character? Hm? Even if he's formidable, could he be more formidable than nine Saints combined? Don't look at me like that. I reckon that by now, Heavenly Scent City's Jun Family has already been turned into a pile of rubble! Your grandfather Jun Zhantian should be nothing but a pile of rotten meat now, emitting a disgusting stench! HAHAHA… Jun Moxie, this is your retribution! Your retribution!"     

Jia Qingyun clutched his stomach and laughed madly.     

Mei Xueyan's face dropped in an instant!     

Jun Moxie's body flashed and his hand shot forward with a speed akin to lightning. Grabbing swiftly, he clutched Jia Qingyun's shirt by the collar and pulled him forward. "Are those words… true?!"     

Jia Qingyun was already a spent force. In order to approach Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan, he had exhausted the last bit of strength in his body. There was no resistance when Jun Moxie grabbed him! However, he never intended to resist in the first place and allowed himself to be grabbed by Jun Moxie. Smiling crookedly, he tilted his head and asked, "What do you think? Why don't you try to make a guess? You said you wanted to protect your family? I'd like to see how you'll do that! After today, not only the Jun Family; all the families that ever lent the Jun Family any aid will be completely annihilated! I'll be waiting in the Yellow Springs for your arrival! I believe that this day will definitely not be far off. HAHAHAHAHA…"     

His laughter had not yet faded when Jia Qingyun suddenly roused all his remaining Mystic Qi. His body shuddered violently and a series of explosions rang out from his chest. He had actually destroyed his own five organs, killing himself! His body slumped weakly downwards, hanging by Jun Moxie's arm. He had clearly ended his own life.     

But although his breath was gone, his face still maintained the same evil smile. His deathly grey eyes still shone with a venomous glint!     

It was as if his hatred had been avenged!     

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