Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Talk about Marriage!

Talk about Marriage!

The place where Han Fengxue had stayed in for a long time seemed to have a lot of something that seemed like the Soul Replenishing Jade. And it was much bigger and more than that few pieces of Soul Replenishing Jade the Xiao Family had combined.     

After wiping out the entire Xiao Family, Jun Moxie had already secretly retrieved the Soul Replenishing Jade from Xiao Xingyun's possesion.     

At this moment, not only was the Hongjun Pagoda reacting, but even the Soul Replenishing Jade in Jun Moxie's possession began to turn warm for no reason.     

Han Fengxue stumbled back in shock, looking at this young fellow who appeared in his face suddenly in surprise. Upon seeing a greedy, somewhat lecherous look upon the lad's face, he frowned and said warily, "What do you want?"     

Doesn't this fellow already have a few soulmates? Why is he looking at me like this? I may not look exactly old, but I'm a solid elderly from head to toe! What are his intentions?!     

"I did not have any intentions; I was merely admiring the superb cultivation that Old Master Han has." Jun Moxie smiled. Suffering the Hongjun Pagoda's blow of waves in his head, using all his power to prevent himself from losing self-control.     

He was very surprised; what sort of magical object would make a heavenly treasure like the Hongjun Pagoda so thirsty with desire? This was too peculiar! Was there some other mysterious secret in these huge snowy mountains?     

Suddenly, a memory from the day he infiltrated the underground of Blizzard Silver City flashed across his mind. The area where he had encountered resistance when he tried to pass through it… could it be there? Jun Moxie unconsciously started to grin evilly, stroking his chin.     

"What's there to admire? You are at a higher cultivation level than me currently! Are you praising me or insulting me?" Han Fengxue was even more wary now. Does this fellow know how to talk? Does anyone even praise others the way you do? The more he looked, the more he felt like this fellow was harboring some sort of ill intent!     

"Did Blizzard Silver City disappear? Isn't it still there? Haha, isn't it easy to just rebuild it!" Jun Moxie laughed, rubbing his chin.     

Han Fengxue pretended that he did not hear a single thing, taking it as if this fellow had just released a fart! Even if it's a fart, you could still hear the sound and smell its scent! But this guy's words are just pure sarcasm!     

It had taken four generations to develop to the scale Blizzard Silver City was at! How could rebuilding it be something easy? This fellow actually said it would be easy?!     

Perhaps it's easier for you to choke on your own sarcasm!     

Han Fengxue was extremely displeased. If not for the sake that they had just improved relationships with the Jun Family, making it inconvenient to take actions, he really wanted to discipline this person on the spot!     

Umm… Although it looks like I can't beat him… But this fellow looks like he perhaps might not dare to fight back?!     

"Actually, an incident like Blizzard Silver City collapsing is truly the will of the Heavens! Just as the saying goes, 'The Heavens are watching the acts of men'. An incident of such a massive magnitude—if the Heavens are toying with us, which human being can do so?" Jun Moxie made another remark that had caused the Old Master Han's face to turn even darker.     

The old man was fuming, and lowering his voice, he said, "Heaven's will? What bullsh*t! Although I do not know what sort of method you used to cause the Sword Peak to collapse, if the Sword Peak had not collapsed, would the entire Blizzard Silver City be implicated and turned into a ruined city?! Obviously, you were the main culprit behind all this, but you dare to talk to me about Heaven's will? What Heaven's toying? Acting innocent like this, perhaps I should pay a visit to the Jun Family and demand an explanation from your grandpa!"     

Didn't you drive us crazy when you demanded an explanation from the Han Family? Now that we are all in-laws, I'll go and find your grandpa! I may not be able to discipline you, but there must be someone else who can!     

"Do simmer down Old Master Han; I had no ill-intentions. Listen me out, you'll understand." Jun Moxie put on an expression of peddler and said enticingly, "Look, the entire Blizzard Silver City has always been under both the Han and Xiao Family. But the Xiao Family heartlessly rebelled; although they have been wiped out, Blizzard Silver City is filled with their remnants. Probably Heaven was annoyed, so he simply unleashed an earthquake, allowing the Blizzard Silver City which was full of the heinous aura of the Xiao Family to collapse! Which is a good thing, for new things cannot come if the old ones don't go! When I put it this way, you'll definitely understand right?"     

Han Fengxue let out a heavy sigh of contempt and looked away while crossing his arms, completely pretending that Jun Moxie was just air and did not exist. Otherwise, Han Fengxue was sure that he would be driven to his death by this youth!     

Understand? What the f*ck did I understand! What sort of bullsh*t is this! What filled the heinous aura of the Xiao Family? Does Blizzard Silver City only have the aura of the Xiao Family? It definitely wasn't lacking in the aura of the Han Family! Going by your logic, now that the entire Xiao Family has perished and every one of them are dead, aren't you just cursing the entire Han Family to perish as well?!     

I'm a magnanimous person; I can't be bothered to be angry with you! As expected, your mouth is incapable of saying anything decent….     

On the other hand, Xue Shuangqing, Dongfang Wenxin, and Jun Wuyi had come to an agreement. The more Xue Shuangqing looked at Jun Wuyi, the more pleased and satisfied she felt. But her stare had managed to make this blood general turn entirely red in the face from embarrassment.     

The more the mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, the more interested she became. Now that all the matters had been resolved, Xue Shuangqing's mood returned to a pleasant state. Who cares if the Blizzard Silver City is gone; it's not like it can't be rebuilt… The most important thing is: The Xiao Family no longer exists! That is the most delightful matter! So of course it is time to consider her daughter's happiness…     

Xue Shuangqing secretly nudged Han Zhanmeng's arm and whispered, "No wonder Yao'er fancied him; this Jun Wuyi is really so much better than that Xiao Han. Be it in terms of appearance or character, manners and demeanor, he is much better than Xiao Han by many folds! And his Mystic skills are not ordinary, but I am unable to determine its depths. Truly a rare find between heaven and earth…"     

Han Zhanmeng nodded silently; from the look in his eyes, it was clear that he was very satisfied—he had finally rounded up one of his biggest worries. There was no longer any obstacle in his eldest daughter's marriage, and she could finally get what she wanted. Even the traitorous Xiao Family had been eradicated, although Blizzard Silver City had collapsed along with the Xiao Family… but all in all, it was still a good thing!     

At least they did not have to worry about the past, and this son-in-law looked very reliable…     

"This… Lady Jun…" Although Xue Shuangqing was an elder to Dongfang Wenxin in terms of seniority, Jun Wuyi and Han Yanyao had yet to wed, so she was a little embarrassed to address her directly as sister-in-law. What more was that they were not far apart in terms of their age, and her youngest daughter seemed to be interested in her son… This.. this was too complicated to be put into words.     

So Xue Shuangqing didn't know what form of address she should use and only felt as if her brain was tied up into a knot. After racking her brains for a long time, she decided to address her as "Lady Jun"…     

"What can I do for Lady Han?" Dongfang Wenxin also felt the same conflict over what to address Xue Shuangqing as, so she followed the same way Xue Shuangqing had addressed her.     

"I.. have a matter…" Xue Shuangqing looked at her youngest daughter and let out a sigh of resignation, before continuing. "There's a matter that I'm afraid I need Lady Jun to help make a decision."     

Looking at her expression, Dongfang Wenxin more or less could guess what it was about. "Do speak, Lady Han."     

Xue Shuangqing first sighed before speaking. "Actually, these are just small matters regarding the children, but they've really given me an headache all these years due to the poor decision made by us parents—Yao'er had suffered for ten whole years. I have also finally become more clear-minded, and I feel like I should leave the happiness of my daughters to themselves. As parents, we are powerless; as long as they feel blissful, that is greater than anything…. Better than worrying ceaselessly day and night but remaining unable to do anything about it, we might as well let go and let it be done according to their wishes…"     

"Yes, one will never understand the woe of being a parent until they've become one themselves… These children have really cost us much effort…"     

Dongfang Wenxin nodded in agreement, letting out a deep sigh before continuing with much satisfaction. "Luckily our Moxie has always been an honest boy; he was very obedient and well-behaved from young, always obeying what he was told, saving me a lot of worry…"     

Suddenly Jun Wuyi, who was beside her, let out a pfft. He turned away quickly with an odd expression, as if he had suffered an internal injury from suppressing himself.     

What? Honest? Well-behaved? Obedient? Save you from worrying? It's not that these words cannot be said, but… how could such beautiful words be used to describe a brat like Jun Moxie? If you had known what sort of nonsense your son has been doing all these years, I can promise that your face will turn green from anger! I really must pity all the parents in the world; for the sake of praising their own child, they are not afraid to say anything! Even a gentle and gracious woman like Sister-in-law knows how to talk blindly now; this is really not easy…     

"Isn't that the case! As long as the children are obedient, it'll be much easier for us parents. I'm really envious of you, to have such a capable son who is so obedient…" Xue Shuangqing was lying when she had made this sentence. Side-eyeing Jun Moxie, who behaved as if he was the top of the world and carried an air of a ruffian and villainy… no matter how she looked, she couldn't see where the "honest, obedient, well-behaved" son Dongfang Wenxin spoke of was…     

It seems more like this fellow carries an air of untamable from head to toe… whatever, which mother wouldn't pick better things to say when praising her son…     

"Um, today, Yao'er finally got her wish and has found a reliable partner for the rest of her life. The two of us have finally put down a huge worry of ours…" Xue Shuangqing continued haltingly. "But this youngest daughter of mine gives me a greater headache…     

"Meng'er is sharp and intelligent, well-behaved, adored by everyone, and beautiful like a fairy. Why would she give you a headache?" Dongfang Wenxin pretended to look surprised. Hmph, my son is now a precious treasure. If your daughter wants a share of it, you'll have to be the one to come over to ask. Either way, I won't be the one to initiate it! Dongfang Wenxin was extremely firm.     

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