Otherworldly Evil Monarch

For the Sake of the World, Please Accede to My Request!

For the Sake of the World, Please Accede to My Request!

"The Misty Illusory Manor has spent thousands of years patrolling the world! We've always been fair when it comes to handling matters; could it be that you do not trust me?" The man in yellow pled sincerely. "The purpose of Misty Illusory Manor is to restrain the acts of three Holy Lands and to monitor their behavior! Today, they will definitely accept my mediation! I can assure you this!"     

Jun Moxie couldn't help but instantly understand why there was such a strange discord between three Holy Lands and Misty Illusory Manor. No wonder! With three Holy Lands's great influence and power, how could they just accept being under someone else's supervision?     

But this person is a little too naive, isn't he… Answering honestly and truthfully to a question asked on a whim, not even attempting to lie…     

Looks like the Misty Illusory Manor was just a simple world, with no rivalry; even if there was, it would be pretty rare. Perhaps, only a pure, simple place as such would be able to produce such a naive individual like this…     

Jun Moxie was struck with the realization. If that's the case, then dealing with Misty Illusory Manor shouldn't be as difficult as he thought!     

"Always fair? Patrolling the world? Then how could you not be aware of the incident that befell the Jun Family ten years ago?" Jun Moxie looked at him cynically.     

"We have never intervened in small matters of the world, Jun Moxie. If we were to interfere in every unjust incident, we wouldn't have enough power to right everything." The man in yellow hesitated for a while before managing a response.     

"You have your reasons for making such a statement, and I do understand. Alright, then I'll now let you know! Whatever I'm doing is the follow-up of this 'small matter of the world' you speak of!"     

Jun Moxie continued. "Everything began because of that incident ten years ago. Since you did not intervene back then, you don't need to intervene now, and even more so, you don't have any reason to interfere! So please hurry on to mind your big matters and have a safe trip!"     

The man in yellow was stunned, and he stood rooted to the ground. Since he appeared in the pugilistic world, as long as he brings up the great ambition of doing something "for the sake of the world", no one would deny him. Afterall, no one wanted to be the villain in history, to oppose humans when they couldn't become the hero of the continent.     

Furthermore, with his high and solid Mystic Skills, everything has always been smooth. Regardless of what sort of matter, it was always smooth sailing. It was only when he met Jun Moxie that he learned of the existence of someone who didn't give a flying sh*t.     

"But… this is for the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens that happens in just two years' time! A war that concerns the future of mankind!" The man in yellow looked angrily at Jun Moxie. "How could you be so senseless toward the greater good?"     

"Yes, actually I'm doing this for the War for Seizing the Heavens too! I'd also like to ask, you won't be participating in the War for Seizing the Heavens, will you?"     

The man in yellow was taken aback and snapped irritably. "The Misty Illusory Manor has never and will never participate in the War for Seizing the Heavens!"     

"That's great, that's great. You see, I'll definitely be participating in it, but my current martial arts are still too weak; it's highly likely that I'll die if I go. It's not a big deal if I were to die, everyone dies in the end. But it'll affect the overall outcome of the War for Seizing the Heavens. As such, when the world faces imminent threat, the lives of everyone will be in danger…"     

Jun Moxie mourned dramatically, sighed, and said, "Thus, Mr. Ambassador, for the safety of the continent and the sake of the world, I humbly beg of you to transfer all your martial arts to me via the Guan Ding Technique!"     

"I definitely won't disappoint your hopes for me! I'll destroy the grotesque outsiders! For the sake of peace and harmony for the world, I will do my part! What do you think?" Jun Moxie spoke with a face full of high hope and holiness, with a genuine sincerity in his attitude.     

The man in yellow felt like fainting, and he was almost swept along by Jun Moxie's words…     

"I do know the Guan Ding Technique, but how could I do so!" The man in yellow replied in realization. "Even if your intentions for partaking in the War for Seizing the Heavens are commendable, if I were to transfer all of my martial arts cultivation to you, wouldn't I disappear into a puff of smoke immediately?"     

"For the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens! For the sake of the world! What's the harm in making this sacrifice!" Jun Moxie said harshly. "Since you won't be participating in the War for Seizing the Heavens anyway! Then won't all those splendid Mystic Skills you have go to waste? Won't they just be brought with you into your grave? Isn't that meaningless? Why don't you make your sacrifice right now! Then you can aid my chances of victory in the War for Seizing the Heavens! As such, I believe the entire continent would forever remember your great, selfless sacrifice today! The world would worship your valiant soul forever! You shall become the timeless hero of the world! How's that? Will you still refuse me?"     

"No way! No way!" The man in yellow shook his head furiously. "How could I do that! This is just fooling around! There are other measures that can be taken for the War for Seizing the Heavens, not such a method that will harm the interests of others! I've painstakingly cultivated and practiced my whole life; it did not come by easily! Definitely no! No matter how convincing and smooth-talking you are, it is impossible!"     

"It's really impossible?" Jun Moxie's expression turned serious, despairing as if his heart is broken. "You mean you are willing to become that villain in history? Are you really so senseless for the greater good? Where's your conscience?"     

"Definitely not possible!" Perspiration was dripping down from his nose, and he wiped it away pathetically. "I am sorry, but I really cannot be of any help."     

Jun Moxie sighed, changing his tone, he asked, "Then what is your purpose of coming here?"     

"I'm here to convince you few families to put everything on hold temporarily for the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens, for the sake of the world, for the greater good! This… This…" The man in yellow was stumped by the words he was saying.     

He suddenly realized that all these reasons and great meanings were said by this youth just a few moments ago! And he had just outrightly refused this "noble" plea…     

Although the other party had made an outrageous request of him, wasn't it the same of his request to the other party? Honestly making a comparison, if he himself was unable to accept the other party's request, what sort of reason did he to request the other party then?     

He let out a loud sigh and turned to Mei Xueyan. "Venerable Mei, what are your intentions then?"     

"My intentions are her intentions!" Jun Moxie said firmly.     

"I'm not asking you!" The man in yellow sighed, slightly raising his arm. A cloud of eerie, milky white mist scattered, and Jun Moxie suddenly realized that he could no longer move.     

Jun Moxie was taken by surprise! He was currently a solid level two Venerable; to think that someone was able to restrain him in a second with such ease—what level of Mystic skill would that require? A technique of such a level easily surpassed Mei Xueyan's World Cage, and by a few folds!     

Mei Xueyan let out a soft sigh before bowing slightly. "This great Saint, it is just as Moxie said; his words are as good as mine. Moxie can make any decisions on my behalf! Regardless of timing or matter! I will always stand by him, even if it's a choice that concerns the War for Seizing the Heavens!"     


Mei Xueyan addressed this man in yellow as "Great Saint!"     

The man in yellow laughed bitterly, obviously dejected. "If that's the case, looks like I was asking for contempt then. I shall take my leave now!" He got up and exploded into a blinding dazzle without a single noise. That light disappeared in a second, so did that yellow clad figure.     

Mei Xueyan couldn't comprehend Jun Moxie's actions today, even finding it difficult to accept, but until the end, she still chose to support him without turning back. Especially before others, she would not throw Jun Moxie's face.     

"Hehe… Little Xueyan… Such an obedient girl… Let older brother dote on you!"Jun Moxie, who had finally regained his freedom, immediately huddled over to Mei Xueyan ingratiatingly.     

Actually, the restraint the man in yellow had casted upon him only had temporary effect. Jun Moxie just had to activate the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune to remove the restrains instantly. But even then, Jun Moxie had broken out in a cold sweat. Because in that short moment, if the other party had wanted his life, they could've easily killed him ten times over.     

So Jun Moxie quietly decided in his heart that he had to be more cautious from now on. There were no limit to the universe; there will always be someone stronger.     

Then hearing Mei Xueyan's words, he couldn't help but feel touched. After all, he wasn't very nice in his tone and words earlier. All the people had already been killed anyway, so there was no other issue… that's why he shamelessly sought comfort by being chummy.     

Mei Xueyan let out a sigh of contempt, saying coldly, "Weren't you very heroic just now? Didn't you say: 'A mere woman, stand aside and wait'? Why are you bothering with this woman now? Aren't I the silly one? It's okay if I'm silly, but what if I make the clever Young Master Jun silly with me?"     

Jun Moxie chuckled and went behind her, skillfully massaging her shoulders, laughing apologetically. "Actually, I didn't finish that sentence earlier; I meant to say: 'Aside from Xueyan, all the other women, get out of the way!' but I was in a rush and missed out many words. It's true, please believe me…."     

"Hmph!" Mei Xueyan turned around to avoid his massage, her face as cold as ice. "Don't bother about me!"     

Jun Moxie grinned, and suddenly his palms slid down quickly, kneading and copping a feel of her round mounds, before retracting his hands and standing still with a stoic and serious expression.     

Mei Xueyan shivered, face turning completely red. Feeling her entire body going weak, she fell backward.     

Jun Moxie caught her quickly, but exclaimed, "Aiya… T-this… In a public place like this… T-this     

it is improper for men and women to have contact… This lady, please get up quickly… I'm a proper and pure person!"     

His mouth might have been speaking of his purity, but his limbs were acting otherwise, completely hugging Mei Xueyan tightly, refusing to let go.     

Mei Xueyan was so embarrassed her entire face was burning red, and she struggled. "Let go of me quickly!… So many people are watching!"     

"Oh? That means… if not so many people are watching, I don't have to let go? No problem, I can wait till then!" Jun Moxie grinned, playfully blowing into her ear.     

Mei Xueyan felt her entire body going weak again, her cheeks and ears bright red. "You're still not going to let go?!"     

"I'm not going to let go!" He blew another warm puff of air at her ear. "Do you still dare be this fierce next time? What? I'm incapable of punishing you?"     

"Let go first! Then we talk!" Mei Xueyan struggled with all her might.     

"We talk first! Then I'll let go!" Jun Moxie was firm and refused to let go. The warmth of his palms passed through the garments on Mei Xueyan's waist and seeped into it. On the way to Dongfang Family, Jun Moxie had completely mastered a thorough understanding of Mei Xueyan's "weak points", and he utilized this knowledge fully at this moment, causing this Venerable Mei to be weak and breathless.     

Mei Xueyan was left without a choice, so with a blush, she whispered into his ear, "I..I won't dare to anymore…" Her voice was as quiet as a mosquito.     

"Good girl!" Jun Moxie laughed deviously in satisfaction, only letting her go after he had landed a hit on her buttocks.     

With a whoosh, Mei Xueyan instantly distanced herself away from Jun Moxie before turning around, her face still red from embarrassment.     

She was met with the sight of all the Mystic Beasts—whom under the command of the Beast Kings—stood at attention with their backs facing them, pretending that they did not see anything. But all their ears were perked up!     

"Y-you you you…. You've gotten me killed!" Covering her face, Mei Xueyan ran toward the Jun Family.     

Jun Moxie grinned and was about to follow her when Big Bear huddled over, wearing a smile. "Brother-in-law… are you done?"     

"What? Am I done?" Jun Moxie was confused for a moment, but then understood what Big Bear was asking. Relishing in the aftertaste of the short encounter earlier, he couldn't help but rub his palms that were still tinged in a pinkish hue. "Yeah, I'm done."     

"Amazing!" Big Bear gave a thumbs up. "Brother-in-law, I really admire you! You're truly manly! Even Big Sister is at your mercy! All of us are completely in awe! Really!"     

"Of course! That's how men should be! If you can't handle your own wife, how could you be called a man!" Jun Moxie added gleefully. "Big Bear, let me tell you; when it comes to handling your wife, you have to be stricter! If she's disobedient… Hmph! Kicks and punches are nothing; most of the time you should use a rod to spank! Spank till they beg for mercy! That's what it means to be masculine!"     

"Yes, yes, yes! Brother-in-law is wise! I will definitely remember this teaching!" Big Bear replied humbly, committing this revered teaching for disciplining a wife into his memory.     

"Well, you can continue slowly experiencing it! I'll head over there first." Jun Moxie left in a hurry.     

Of course, Jun Moxie was anxious after hearing what Jia Qingyun said about Heavenly Scent.     

But he knew that being anxious would not help the situation. So much time had already passed; if it really happened, even if he rushed over now, he would still be late. If it hadn't happened by now, then it would not happen!     

The only correct solution was to completely settle the affairs here as quickly as possible, then rush over. If he were to mess up now, both sides will be held up, then there will only be loss and no gain!     

So regardless of if something happened at Heavenly Scent, and what sort of matter, it would have to wait.     

Jun Moxie firmly believed that with his Grandpa's wits, he would definitely be able to hang in there. Furthermore, there were still all the arrangements he made before he left.     

If there are any mishaps, then I will make this entire world join Grandpa in his grave! What is the War for Seizing the Heavens even worth? It can't even be compared to even a single strand of hair on Grandpa's head!     

I will only care about those I choose to care about!     

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and made this vow in his heart.     

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