Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Humiliation! They Couldn't Even Choose Death!

Humiliation! They Couldn't Even Choose Death!

In the palace, the wine cup in the hand of His Majesty fell to the ground with a snap. Suddenly, his whole body trembled like he was sieving grains and only stopped after a while. Between his eyebrows, there was a gloomy color and he murmured, "Jun Moxie… you have finally found the Blood Sword Hall! Are you… finally coming? I am not afraid of you! I won't be afraid of you!     

"I am the emperor! I am the most respectable person in Heavenly Scent!" he roared, grabbed the wine jar, and poured all the wine into his mouth again. Suddenly he stopped and muttered, "The empress might know about the Blood Sword Hall… is she not dead? She told Jun Moxie?"     

His eyes suddenly glowed in an abnormal brilliance. He crazily kicked and overturned the table before him and roared, "Why are you not dead? Murong Xiuxiu, why didn't you die?! How can you not die!"     

He roared for a while, then suddenly retracted his whole body back into the dragon chair. His fingers trembled, he held his head, and suddenly whispered with relief, "Fortunately, you're not dead! You are not dead… that's good! Xiu Xiu… Do you know, I… am not willing to let you die, I'm reluctant. That's good… good…"     

It was a very complex and distorted feeling that no one, including the emperor himself, understood. No one knew what he really wanted…     

The bustling New Year's Eve was the past. The emperor had waited anxiously for someone to come and seek revenge, but no one came even when the sun had risen up again…     

Why don't the Jun Family come for me? You have found the Blood Sword Hall, why don't you come to me? Why?! His Majesty was puzzled and worried.     

He was waiting for the end and prepared for everything to be over, but… they did not come!     

How ominous! It was an indescribable feeling!     

"Your Majesty!" A guard came to report, but he frightened the emperor who was still lost in his thoughts. He trembled, jumped up from the chair, and said angrily, "What's the matter? What happened?"     

Just as he finished, he could feel the cold sweat on his back. I can also be afraid…     

"The Jun Family built a high platform in front of the palace and hung a flag written with 'Punish the rebels and warn other evil forces'. But we don't know what they really want to do." The guard was scared by the emperor. He quickly reported.     

"What? In front of the palace?" The emperor was shocked. His face suddenly turned more gloomy and hollered with a low voice, "The Jun Family! How dare you!"     

"The high platform is very high. It can be seen clearly from the high platforms in the palace…" The guard reminded the emperor as he remained kneeling on the ground.     

"I will go and see!"     

The busy construction site completely blocked the main entrance of the palace!     

Jun Moxie was wearing white clothes and a white coat. A light blue belt was around his waist. He was sitting on a very big armchair with his legs crossed. His black hair danced with the wind and he smiled mischievously as he chatted with Dugu Xiaoyi beside him in a manner that clearly disregarded everyone else around.     

Not far away, there were three corpses and the blood was glaring. They were the guards at the entrance of the palace. They came to stop Jun Moxie when the platform was about to be constructed but they were immediately killed! Then the guards from the Jun Family stood in two lines with the members of the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer encircling them. The palace guards dared not move a single bit from then on!     

The emperor made it to the top of one of the high platforms. The platform beyond the palace walls appeared right in front!     

It was very glaring!     

He understood that Jun Moxie wanted to humiliate him by building this platform before the palace gate!     

And now, he couldn't do anything when he was faced with this sort of humiliation. He could only accept it!     

If he couldn't control his anger and decided to attack, it would only accelerate the collapse of the Heavenly Scent Empire!     

The Jun Family now was different!     

Anyone of them could come out at night and slaughter the palace with little effort. They could easily chop his head off silently!     

The emperor shivered and his anger filled his chest, but he couldn't do anything!     

He felt the first sign of regret. If Jun Moxie sought revenge openly and killed him after torturing him, he wouldn't be so afraid like now!     

But he could hardly bear this sword of slow torment by humiliation!     

The emperor felt that he was like a joke that allowed everyone in the world to laugh at…     

He looked at the white figure on the armchair in the distance and his eyes were flaming!     

If his gaze could burn, Jun Moxie would have died many times!     

Coincidentally Jun Moxie's gaze met the emperor's after he turned his head nonchalantly! The emperor felt a pain in his eyes. Jun Moxie's gaze was like a dagger that pierced directly into his heart. He suddenly experienced difficulty breathing and could hardly stand.     

Jun Moxie looked over, and suddenly said with a sarcastic smile on his face, "Xiaoyi, look over there, it's our emperor! Haha, that yellow robe makes him look like a bear…"     

Then, he unscrupulously pointed… with his middle finger!     

Dugu Xiaoyi leaned over to watch and said, "Where? Where? Where's the bear?"     

"Oh, isn't that it? A big bear!" Jun Moxie pointed with his hand again. Dugu Xiaoyi and everyone around looked in the direction.     

"Hahaha…" Jun Moxie laughed loudly and he suddenly stretched out his left arm, and hugged Dugu Xiaoyi over by her slim waist. He asked gently, "Did you see?"     

Dugu Xiaoyi felt weak and leaned against him as she was suddenly pulled over. She said shyly, "Hey, how dare you… so many people are watching."     

In spite of what she said, the little girl did not struggle at all. She was in fact eager to let the whole world see her happiness. This is the first time he hugged me. Dugu Xiaoyi blushed and thought.     

"Hahaha… How comfortable! Holding the power to judge life and death, and the waist of a beauty! I decide what happens to the world and roam skies! With a flip of a hand, I shock the world! With a glare, I make the ghost cry! What else do I plead for with all these? Hahaha…"Jun Moxie laughed wildly, which sounded like sharp steel needles piercing to the emperor.     

"What's status, what's wealth? I don't need them!" Jun Moxie laughed, and he flipped his left sleeve as it extended out like flowing clouds. The wine cup beside him bounced up and landed in his right hand. He raised the cup forward and continued laughing loudly. "Your Majesty, it's rare that you have time to climb up high and look. Let me greet you with this cup of wine! Hahaha…"     

Master Jun's voice at the moment sounded extremely bold with a reluctance to follow the rules of nature. It spread out…     

Everyone looked in the direction he raised his cup at and they saw a yellow figure disappearing behind curtains.     

Jun Moxie's wild laughter did not stop. He drank all the wine in his cup and with a turn of his wrist, the cup flew out like a meteor before finally smashing into pieces at the window the emperor had stood at.     

The greatest humiliation!     

In the palace, His Majesty's face was green. His whole body was shaking with anger and his eyes were bloodshot! Crazily despaired and feeling humiliated, his breath sped up before he finally coughed violently and blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth…     

With this incident, if the imperial family couldn't get rid of Jun Moxie in a short period of time, the authority of the imperial family would be soon gone!     

But… how could he even get rid of Jun Moxie?     

Who could in this world?     

Why was Mr. Wen called back? Why did the Supreme Golden City make this decision?     

They were also afraid of the Jun Family and Jun Moxie! The emperor could not find any other convincing reason!     

Even the three Holy Lands could not deal with Jun Moxie! How could he, a secular king, do anything?     

But he felt like his chest was about to explode from anger if he couldn't vent it!     

The watching audience didn't know what was happening and was completely dumbfounded!     

Jun Moxie was being so lawless. How was this different from staging a coup?     

He didn't just build a high platform before the palace, he even humiliated the emperor. How ridiculous!     

There was a commotion surrounding the high platform. With the sound of footsteps, the big families of the city had come. It was very obvious to them. The Jun Family was declaring war with the Emperor!     

Upon seeing what happened, they immediately left! The situation was too complicated and they didn't want to be caught in it!     

First of January, what nice weather!     

As the sun rose higher, the cruel execution was beginning under the clear sky!     

As naked men were tied onto wooden poles on the platform one after another, the discussion among the audiences grew louder. There were in total one hundred and eighteen men, and Wen Cangyu was the last one!     

The Jun Family, led by Jun Zhantian, finally arrived!     

They were all excited and comforted!     

Ten years of hatred and today was the day they would seek revenge and justice!     

Before everybody's eyes, Jun Moxie jumped onto the top of the platform and waved his hand. A giant blood-red flag was raised ten meters high. Seven words were written on it: "Jun Wuhui, the General in White!"     

The words were golden and flickered under the rising sun! Flickering with brilliance, just like the bearer of the name, who had once shined upon the world!     

The audience finally realized something and the crowd was stirred up. The flag of the General in White which hadn't been raised in ten years—what did it mean for it to be raised again?     

Jun Moxie put on a solemn face and saluted the flag together with the whole Jun Family. Jun Zhantian couldn't help tearing up as he stared at his son's war flag with trembling lips. His white hair danced in the wind and he continued to fix his eyes on the flag, as if he could never stop watching!     

This was his eldest son, his greatest pride! Heavenly Scent's pride, and the pride of all soldiers in the world! Today, he could finally hold a memorial for his son properly!     

With the blood of enemies as sacrifice!     

The freezing wind hollered past.     

The war flag fluttered with the wind, just like how it was when it once conquered the world!     

"General! The General in White!" Suddenly, the crowd burst into a tsunami like a cry. All the soldiers present yelled, shouted, and screamed!     

Looking at the flag of the protector of the country, someone suddenly broke out crying and slowly knelt down. Many followed and soon everyone was down on their knees! With tears in their eyes, they sincerely thanked the unprecedented many years of prosperity and peace the General in White had brought them!     

"This flag is my father's war flag!" Jun Moxie stood up, his eyes grim, and shouted, "My father fought for Heavenly Scent and won many wars. But unfortunately in his middle age, he died and filled everyone with grief! But now I know that my father was murdered by someone else instead of being killed in battle!"     

"Murder? Ah?" How could these ordinary people know the secrets? They only knew that the General in White who never lost was finally defeated and died. Who could imagine that there was another conspiracy?     

"Who killed him?" Suddenly, a man who stood like an iron tower in the crowd stood up, his face grieving and angry. His veins bulged and he bellowed. The man was tall and strong, standing upright, with a fierceness on his face. Anyone could tell that he was once a soldier!     

"Who conspired against him?" The crowd roared angrily in unison.     

"It's them!" Jun Moxie turned and pointed at the hundred and eighteen men, gritting his teeth. "It was their loss of conscience and conspiracy that took my father's life! With all these hatred, they must die!"     

"Kill them! Kill them!…"     

"Dig out their heart and shred them!"     

"Show no mercy! Kill these bastards!"     

"Cut them to death slowly…"     

"My father had fought for Heavenly Scent and its people, bathing in blood everyday! But he was despicably plotted against by these bastards. If I don't avenge him, I am not a worthy son!" Jun Moxie roared hoarsely, "Now, under your witness, we are offering the blood of the enemy as sacrifices to the spirits of Father and other generals!"     

"Sacrifice! Sacrifice!"     

Countless people cried out loud, especially some soldiers who had followed the Jun Wuhui in the past. They gritted their teeth as only now did they know that their most beloved General was murdered in this manner…     

"Begin!" Jun Moxie's eyes were stone cold. He waved down his hand forcefully!     

A black fishing net was laid out, and covered all the men. It then tightened and slowly twisted, causing the prisoner's muscles to slightly bulge out from the holes in the net…     

Until this point of time, everyone knew what was happening! They were going to be killed by cutting slowly!     

The most cruel and inhumane way of execution!     

Everyone's breaths sped up!     

The executioners stretched out their hands together and pulled out the cloth stuffed in the prisoners' mouth. These people's dantian had all been destroyed by Jun Moxie. Their many years of Mystic cultivation had already vanished! But unexpectedly, none of them begged for mercy! Although some people were so frightened that they turned pale and trembled, they did not beg for mercy.     

They were assassins and they had witnessed so many deaths! Seeing what was happening, they knew that there was no use begging for mercy…     

"Kill!…" The crowd went mad.     

Jun Moxie raised his right hand, and sliced his hand down!     

Steel knives were raised!     

"Wait! Jun Moxie, I have something to say!" Wen Cangyu suddenly raised his head. He was so humiliated being naked that his face was distorted. "Jun Moxie, I abide by the rules for my entire life, and this is the only mistake I made in my life! And someone ordered me to do it; why don't you just simply kill me?"     

"Even if you are a saint for life, the last mistake was enough to make you as evil as you can be!" Jun Moxie looked at him coldly.     

"I am an expert from the Supreme Golden City! Can't you just kill me in a proper manner? Jun Moxie, why do you have to be so extreme?" Wen Cangyu screamed pathetically.     

"Ha! Trying to scare me with the Supreme Golden City! You must know that they can't frighten me!" Jun Moxie clicked his fingers and a flash of darkness shot into Yu Wen Cang's mouth. All his teeth were knocked off and were spat out with a mouthful of blood…     

He was trying to kill himself by biting off his tongue.     

Jun Moxie's white robe drifted as he took a few steps forward. He said indifferently, "If you want to bite your tongue and kill yourself, you can do it! But I want to tell you that if you stay put and let me cut you up, everything would be over! If you try to kill yourself, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I will kill every single member of your family! Don't think that I can't find them! I know where every single one of them is at! You can try! I don't mind!"     

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