Otherworldly Evil Monarch



But she was not the only one who was staying at the Jun Family and refused to leave. The old man Dugu Zongheng, the real master of the Dugu Family also refused to leave. It was really awkward for the Jun Family to have him there. After all, he should be the one who was in charge of the whole Dugu family during the new year period.     

But the old man had a good reason. All his sons were coming back during the new year and they would definitely fight and make a mess. He really didn't want to stay at home and get angry at them. Having Dugu Wudi at home was enough!     

And his concerns were real.     

When Dugu Wudi came to find their old man, he was badly bruised. Seeing this, the old man took a stick and beat his son out the door.     

What happened was that when Dugu Wudi's two brothers returned, he, who had endured a year with the old man, wanted to show his authority as the eldest brother and finally negotiate about who would stay at home the next year.     

At first, the two brothers were still obediently listening to what their elder brother had to say with their heads down. But no one wanted to stay at home for the next year. Dugu Wudi, of course, was not willing. "Oh, you all hide far away and enjoy the leisure, but what about me?" He had said. "Why do I have to endure all this alone? Do I have to be abused for being the eldest?" So he began to scold his brothers loudly and tried to convince them. But they were also firm and simply shook their heads vigorously.     

Having no better way, Dugu Wudi decided to result to violence! He tried to beat his brothers up; they were not willing to give in, after all, it was about a whole year of livelihood. So they had a tacit agreement and jointly fought their elder brother. With the three of them fighting, the seven younger ones outside, of course, were going to help their respective fathers regardless of their usual good relationship. They also held a debate, which soon evolved into an assault.     

They stopped only when the old madam came out with her walking stick and beat them up. Being tired and angry at the same time, the old madam could not help pant vigorously. She then decided to call the old man back.     

The whole family was a mess, like they had just left the battlefield. The only person who was still presentable was Dugu Wudi, so he was indisputably chosen. Furthermore, he was marrying a daughter of the Jun Family, so wasn't he the best choice in the first place?     

But when Dugu Wudi came, Dugu Zongheng was immediately enraged. Look at the Jun Family, so peaceful and lovely. And then look at my son, bruised all over on the day before new year. He's really losing my face!     

So he went for the sticks without saying anything. He was so fierce that it looked like he wanted to break Dugu Wudi's legs. Dugu Wudi's bruises got new company… he didn't get to stay for a minute before he was beaten away.     

For a long while, Dugu Zongheng continued to scold under his breath and was really unhappy. Disgrace to the family! Unfilial sons! Disobedient sons!     

Dugu Xiaoyi comforted him gently and laid on Grandpa's lap to make him happy. And it still took a while before the old man became slightly happier.     

Mu Xuetong was also at the Jun Family and was having a nice conversation with Jun Wuyi. Ever since Jun Moxie announced his plans to the whole continent, Mu Xuetong and Han Yanmeng were relieved. Although they were still concerned about the Silver City, they knew that now there wouldn't be anymore trouble in the Silver City!     

This was because no matter how stupid the Xiao Family was, they would still not create conflict in the Silver City at this point of time! They might even have planned to let the Han Family face the Jun Family head-on…     

As for Han Yanmeng, just as she stepped into the hall, Jun Moxie, who had been avoiding her recently took the initiative to talk to her. He was in fact exceptionally enthusiastic. "Wow! Isn't this Miss Han? You have become more beautiful just in a few days! So, when are you going to tie my mistress up and send her to my room? I am waiting everyday! Please, just do it as soon as possible, alright?"     

Han Yanmeng's tender face blushed and she felt that she had no where to stay. She almost went for the door and escaped.     

She really regretted it. I shouldn't have bet with this guy that day. This guy is so treacherous! He was waiting for me to fell for his trap all along, and I was still so foolishly thinking that I am winning'     

And then I had lost myself to him and became his mistress! I promised! I promised in the name of the supreme reputation of the Silver City! And I even need to tie myself up and get onto his bed…     

This… this is too embarrassing…     

Seeing his young sister-in-law in this helpless state with trembling lips, a bowing head, a blushing face, and a reluctance to face others with no more past cunning and arrogance, Jun Wuyi hurriedly comforted her.     

Only then did the little girl sit down uneasily. She sat for a while with her head down, and when she saw that nothing else happened, she mustered courage to raise her head. Her face was as red as a monkey's buttock, but she gave Jun Moxie a glare when Jun Moxie was not looking.     

Jun Moxie turned around and immediately cried out, "Why are you like this? The bet is over, but you don't fulfill it. You are willing to bet, but refuse to lose. You dare to stare at me! Quick, quick, send me my mistress? I want her tonight! You quickly tie her up and send her to me, hum, don't forget your oath…"     

"I… I didn't stare at you…" The little girl was about to cry and defended herself with little confidence.     

"I don't care. I want my mistress tonight. You have to do it anyway, but you promised it!" Gentleman Mo Xie Yin laughed and looked at her proudly and said, "How nice it would be to have the first night with my mistress tonight? It's amazing to think about it. No wonder everyone says that, no matter whether you have money or not, marry a girl and celebrate new year. What a truth! Having the first night with my mistress on New Year's eve, that's double the celebration!"     

Han Yanmeng's eyes reddened and burst into tears. She looked very bitter. Jun Wuyi and Mu Xuetong tried to comfort her and looked at Jun Moxie as if blaming him. Jun Moxie spread his hand and looked very helpless.     

"Mistress?" Du Gu Xiaoyi was on guard immediately and looked at Jun Moxie with her big, bright eyes. "Brother Moxie, where did you get a mistress? Why don't I know? Who is she? I want to meet her!" The little girl had a murderous look on her face.     

Jun Moxie felt numbness on his scalp. He was teasing too happily and forgot about her presence! With a second glance, he saw Guan Qinghan had also leaned closer and seemed to be listening with great interest. As for his mother Dongfang Wenxin, she was even more concerned…     

Gosh, I am just joking around… Jun Moxie felt a sense of loss in scoring his own goal.     

"What's happening?" Dongfang Wenxin came and sat beside his son and asked with great curiosity, "Who is it? Since when did you get a new mistress?"     

"Erm… it's actually like this…" seeing that Han Yanmeng was on Mu Xuetong's lap and refused to raise her hand, Jun Moxie lowered his voice and explained. These women are not going to let me go if I don't explain properly today…     

"Haha…" Dugu Xiaoyi giggled and trembled, "She lost herself to you in a bet? That sounds really creative…"     

Jun Moxie put on a bitter face and spread his hands, "That's all. I am also very helpless you see…"     

"Hum, who didn't know that you're a playboy?" Guan Qinghan said in an unfriendly tone, "Perhaps you already have a crush on her, seeing that she is so pretty. And you planned everything to get her."     

"You understand me wrong! How could I possibly do such a thing as such a pure, upright, and respectable gentleman?" The whole hall burst into laughter after hearing what Jun Moxie had said.     

If he was "pure, upright, and respectable," then everyone in this world was going to be a saint…     

"I see!" Dongfang Wenxin was really entertained, "That's my son! So good at getting girls, haha… but poor little Meng, how did she even lose herself to you…"     

Dugu Xiaoyi thought about the whole thing again and pouted, "She even has to tie herself up onto your bed… I thought I was stupid enough, but she's worse! This is really an eye-opener!"     

Everybody looked at her, as if saying "you finally know how stupid you are." Then everyone laughed uncontrollably.     

Amidst the laughter, Dongfang Wenxin hugged Han Yanmeng and comforted her softly. But she suddenly said, "Actually, little Meng, when you send him his mistress, don't tie too tightly, or she will be uncomfortable. She's also my daughter-in-law, so I will feel pity. Is that alright? Not too tight…"     

Han Yanmeng opened her eyes in astonishment. She didn't expect that Jun Moxie's mother had also recognized this. She was obviously unwilling and started to twist around in Dongfang Wenxin's laps to act in a pettish manner, "I don't care! Sister-in-law, you are also bullying me. Tell your son to stop bullying his elder…"     

"Why are you still calling me sister-in-law?" Dongfang Wenxin frowned and pretended to be agitated. "You lost yourself to my son to be his mistress… You can't call me sister-in-law anymore. And don't try to be an elder anymore in the future…"     

Han Yanmeng was even more embarrassed, and her whole body heated up. She twisted and turned on Dongfang Wenxin's lap, and refused to raise her head no matter what.     

Jun Moxie was also stunned. What? Mother is taking it seriously?     

At this time, the Dugu Xiaoyi also held the shoulder of Dongfang Wenxin, and announced loudly: "Mother, I am your real daughter-in-law; I am… I've been looking forward to it for years… And sister Qinghan, she is the real deal, she had already done that thing…"     

Everyone was practically sweating bullets…     

She really dared to speak. How impressive!     

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