Otherworldly Evil Monarch



"This despicable brat actually dares to do this?!" Xiao Buyu roared with a desire to crack him open.     

After all, that man was his grandson…     

He could feel his courage failing since things were out of his control now. In fact, he felt as if his heart was being twisted. The old man was so mad that he started to burn with a maddening rage. Xiao Buyu's hair had stood up… it seemed as if he had been struck by lightning…     

Yet, he could only get enraged and show it. But, he couldn't do anything else. In fact, he didn't even dare to do anything else. And, that was because the Solitary Eagle's tyrannical attack had collided with the Xiao Elder's palms like a storm a moment ago.     

A Great Master had struck back with all his strength. How could it be an ordinary attack? Xiao Buyu's strength was only a step away from that of a Great Master's. And, he even had seven skilled people at his side. However, the situation on the battlefield still didn't seem optimistic.     

It appeared as if an atomic bomb had exploded from the center of their battle!     

The eight people were thrown backwards into eight different directions because of the explosion!     

The Solitary Eagle stood heroically at the center. He was motionless, and his hair was fluttering in the wild wind. In fact, they seemed to resemble the seaweed that whip-about in the sea-bed water currents during a storm.     

One of the greatest Mystic experts of his generation hadn't retracted a single step in the face of powerful attacks from his eight opponents.     

The corners of Xiao Buyu's mouth streamed with blood as he flew backwards. But, he didn't have time to check his own injuries… or even put a check on his momentum as he flew backwards. Instead, he gave a long and miserable scream as he pounced towards Xiao Han's direction.     

His face was twisted, aggrieved, and had a brutal expression on it…     

Jun Wuyi had gained an overwhelming advantage over Xiao Han in their fight, and had given his opponent a thorough beating thereafter. He had broken Xiao Han's arms and legs, and had also struck his nether regions. Xiao Han's meridians had also been shattered into many pieces. Therefore, he had become an out-and-out cripple!     

However, Jun Wuyi hadn't killed his enemy; he had only crippled him. Killing Xiao Han wouldn't be bad enough as a punishment. So, Third Master Jun wanted his enemy to suffer his pain before he killed the man. He wanted to vent out his anger in this manner… even if it was dragged out.     

The degree of Xiao Han's deformity was greater than what Jun Wuyi had suffered earlier.     

And, Xiao Buyu had understood Jun Wuyi's intentions very clearly. Therefore, he wasn't being irascible. Xiao Han wouldn't be able to do Mystic training after this. But, Xiao Buyu knew that his grandson had the aid of the Xiao Family's Replenishing Jade. Therefore, he was convinced that there was hope for the injured Xiao Han's recovery.     

However, Jun Wuyi didn't know this fact!     

Xiao Buyu had also planned to resolve the conflict between the Jun and the Xiao Family by using this matter as a pretext. After all, Xiao Han had been the root of everything that had happened. It wasn't that Xiao Buyu wanted to take it lying down… or intended to renounce Xiao Han… Rather, it was because of that awfully tyrannical and unrivalled mysterious person who was backing the Jun Family!     

[Things will become easier between the two families if this matter is resolved.]     

In fact, Xiao Buyu was very relieved. Xiao Han had surely been crippled. Moreover, he had also been insulted by Jun Wuyi very badly. However, he didn't feel the need to worry about his grandson's life. And, this was because Xiao Buyu clearly understood the Third Master Jun's personality.     

Jun Wuyi and Xiao Han had deep hatred towards each other. But, Jun Wuyi had always been someone with a noble character. And, no one could deny that fact. [A man of noble character may wish to torture an enemy a little. He may even decide to kill his enemy, but such a person would never go the extreme lengths of torture…]     

Therefore, Xiao Buyu had felt increasingly relieved after he had seen Jun Wuyi inflicting only pain to Xiao Han. After all, Jun Wuyi didn't intend to kill him. Xiao Han wouldn't be permanently crippled either. In other words, Xiao Han would suffer serious injuries, but he wouldn't die at the end of the day…     

However, Xiao Han had fallen into Jun Moxie's hand now. So, things had changed!     

In fact, they had changed very drastically!     

Who was Jun Moxie? He was the most cruel and unscrupulous man ever born. The manner in which he dealt with people was very different from that of Jun Wuyi's style. In fact, they couldn't be compared since the younger Jun was too spiteful and cruel…     

In fact, his methods could send shivers down anyone's spines!     

Jun Moxie had tossed everything in this move. He had tricked Xiao Buyu, and had turned towards Xiao Han. In fact, he had intended to use this method to enrage Xiao Buyu this entire time. And, he would later use this instance to kill him once the opportunity would arise.     

The Blood of Yellow Flame was the best sword in the entire world. And, Jun Moxie wanted a Spirit Mystic expert to be its first tribute in terms of blood!     

However, Jun Moxie's mindset went through a turbulent change the moment he arrived in front of Xiao Han. And, his heart was swept over with sorrow and grief…     

His thoughts were suddenly run-over with a thirst to commit cruelty. In fact, this desire had even overshadowed his very soul!     

The image of a lofty and formidable white-clothed middle-aged man appeared in front of him. His gaze was mild, yet sharp. He stood tall and proud like a mountain. The man waved his hand, and a huge army of bloodied men attacked triumphantly in the battle. Nothing could defeat his army's attack. And, the men deferentially addressed the white-clothed man as the White-Commander!     

However, the cruel-hearted Xiao Han had gotten such an open-hearted man… a man who was like the patron saint of Heavenly Scent… killed!     

Jun Moxie's eyes became red.     

His mind suddenly found itself filled with resentment, violent rage, and an endless desire to kill!     

In fact, that anger and hate filled his very heart and guts.     

Then, another mighty and bright figure appeared in front of his eyes. It was his second uncle—Jun Wumeng!     

The scene in his mind changed again, and a gentle and virtuous woman appeared. She was giving him an exceptionally loving look. Her gaze was extremely doting, loving, and affectionate. In fact, this love was as vast as the oceans. After all, it was the love of a mother… [Mother…?]     

Then, two handsome youngsters showed up. They looked almost the same as him. And, they were looking at him with hope and expectation…     

[Take revenge! Take revenge!]     

These cries suddenly filled Jun Moxie's mind like a tsunami. And, those words started to echo inside his head.     

Only those two words…     

Nothing, but those two words!     

Jun Moxie didn't know how those images… those scenes… and, those voices had appeared to him so suddenly.     

However, these exceptionally abrupt and mysterious recollections had sourced from his own memory. After all, his memory had been fused with those of this body's previous owner. Therefore, he had retained these beautiful images as well. But, these recollections had given rise to bitter hatred in the backdrop of the events of the past!     

[That unrivalled hero and that peerless beauty were wronged and killed because of the conspiracies of this lowly and despicable Xiao Han!]     

Jun Moxie suddenly felt that his veins would explode. He felt indescribable grief and indignation. That feeling then bubbled-forth towards his heart. Then, it proceeded towards his mind, and he broke away from his original intention when that happened…     

[Take revenge!]     

[How can those heroes die in vain? How could those heroes be wronged?]     

Jun Moxie roared, and his eyes reddened as he raised his sword.     

Xiao Buyu turned to look, and saw Jun Moxie pierce Xiao Han's eyes. And then, he heard the chillingly fierce words, "Xiao Buyu! I wish for your grandson to never see again! This sword of mine shall take revenge for the thousands of soldiers who were killed by you!"     

The unconscious Xiao Han was met with a painful awakening when his eyes were taken away. And, he gave a bitter, desperate, and blood-curdling screech. Then, there was a loud explosion as he gnashed his teeth into pieces. His blood-covered face looked extremely miserable as he screamed with incomparable hatred, "I will take revenge for this hatred, Jun Wuyi! I will make slaves out of all men and women of the Jun Family! Aaargh…!"     

Murderous intentions flourished in Jun Moxie's eyes, and the murderous aura inside his body became even more concentrated.     

Xiao Buyu roared, and flew forth with increased urgency.     

[My grandson!]     

"Jun Moxie, stop! Or… I will cut your body into a million pieces!"     

But, Jun Moxie was already next to Xiao Han. So, it was too easy for him. He slashed his sword on each of Xiao Han's arms. And, these slashes were answered by a scream of pain, and the splutter of blood. Xiao Buyu's body trembled violently, and he vomited blood as he helplessly looked-on.     

"Xiao Han! I have taken-away your arms now! Xiao Han! You want to take revenge? I will chase you to the ends of this world! I will wipe out my family's disgrace with this sword!"     

Jun Moxie gnashed his teeth, and gave a sinister and fierce laugh before he said, "Xiao Buyu! Aren't you a Spirit Mystic expert? Aren't you the greatest of the senior generation? Come quickly and save your grandson! Come on! Can't you dare to?!"     

"I will even take away your legs! This strike is for my uncle! This is for the ten years of confined suffering that he had to go through!" The sword flashed twice, and tendons of Xiao Han's legs were cut off. Jun Moxie's eyes were abnormally clear as the corners of his mouth curled into a ferocious smile. His narrowed eyes then quickly turned to the anxiously speeding Xiao Buyu as he sneered and roared, "And, this strike is for my father! You won't be able to hear from now on, Xiao Han!"     

"Don't!" everyone from the Silver City cried out in unison.     

However, Jun Moxie's sword flashed again, and Xiao Han's ears flew away from his head. Then, the sword flashed again, and Xiao Han's nose also flew out. Then, his teeth came flying out of his mouth… And, they were followed by his tongue a moment later…     

"You can't speak now!" This was for the debt to my Second Uncle!" Jun Moxie proclaimed with somewhat a savage delight, and laughed wildly.     

Xiao Buyu's blood boiled. The injuries he had suffered from his collusion with the Solitary Eagle weren't serious. But, they were still internal injuries at the end of the day. He was a Spirit Mystic expert, but even he couldn't help his blood steam at the sight of his grandson's misery. Therefore, he couldn't prevent his Mystic Qi from acting up and scattering inside his meridians.     

He was still some distance from Jun Moxie when he staggered and fell over. Then, Xiao Buyu stood up with difficulty, and raised his head before spraying a mouthful of blood. He could only see a golden light of confusion flashing in front of his eyes. The old man helplessly looked at Jun Moxie. He then gnashed his teeth in hatred before he spoke-up in a low voice, "Why are you so cruel, Jun Moxie? Don't you fear karma? Don't you fear retribution?"     

Jun Moxie gave him a cruel look and laughed, "You are mentioning karma and retribution, Xiao Buyu? Did your Xiao Family not think of this day when you were plotting against our Jun Family? Didn't you think it was cruel when hundreds of thousands of soldiers died for the selfishness of this one man? … When countless men were torn apart from their families… when families were ruined and their men died! Weren't you happy then? Weren't you happy?"     

"What right do you have to call me cruel? There are hundreds of thousands of orphans and widows in this world because of your wicked selfishness. Many men were humiliated to death! And, many of those brave soldiers were made martyrs!"     

"Many heroes of this world were wronged because of you! Everything happened because you were stronger! You were stronger, right? Fu*k you! You're nothing more than trash! A mix of refuse! A bunch of green-haired cuc*olds!"     

"Do you like it when you watch your grandson under my feet… neither alive nor dead? Huh?! Do you like it or not? You old bastard! You think your grandson will be enough?! He isn't! Just wait! This will happens to all of your progeny! And trust me… you will start enjoying this once you have seen it often-enough!"     

Jun Moxie gave a loud, shrill, and mournful laugh. An ominous light flickered in Xiao Buyu's eyes. He had already decided to take a decisive action. He had decided to take a decisive action against Jun Moxie!     

"You're not far from here, Second Elder! I have made arrangements to ensure that this man can neither see nor hear. He can't even use any of his limbs! But, I will make him even more of a cripple! I will ensure that he can't even have children! I will make him into an object of ridicule! I will make completely useless!"     

Jun Moxie looked up and gave a fierce roar. Blood dripped from his sword as he pointed it to the sky! Then, there was flash. And, it was followed by a splutter of blood. Xiao Han's crotch spurted blood with that flashing sword. A lump of flesh flew and fell at Jun Moxie's foot. He kicked it straight into the air. This action of his' covered the sky with blood and dust.     

Xiao Han had no strength to do anything. However, he hadn't died yet. In fact, it would've been much better for him if he had died a painful death than to be alive in the condition that he was presently in…     

The moonlight shone over the land. Everyone had gone silent with fear… their bodies were trembling, while their faces had gone pale!     

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