Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Meeting Xiaoyi Once More

Meeting Xiaoyi Once More

"Hmm…" A flash could be seen in Tang Wanli's eyes as it squinted. "Continue speaking."     

"Finished," Tang Yuan replied abruptly.     

"Finished?! You bastard! You actually have nothing to say after reaching the key point? You want to die?"     

Tang Wanli lashed out with a kick onto Tang Yuan's buttocks with rage.     

"How can you suspect this Qin Hu's Northern City Clan with just this few things? What exactly happened? Start from the beginning! And explain everything clearly, if there are any parts I don't understand, I will rip out your fat skin!"     

Tang Yuan became helpless. After seeing his plan failing, he obediently reported everything that had happened.     

Tang Wanli listened carefully before squinting his eyes. After hearing about Jun Moxie giving the idea to Tang Yuan, he interrupted Tang Yuan and asked. "Could it be that bastard Jun Moxie has any disputes with the Northern City Clan?"     

"Huh? No! How could that be? With his character, if the Northern CIty Clan had any feud with him, he would have personally destroyed that little clan a long time ago. How could the Northern City Clan still survive if that was the case?" Tang Yuan quickly denied.     

"Indeed, Jun Moxie should not be trying to frame Qin Hu. Just with his family's power, there was no need for him to let our side handle it. However, I have some doubts about that Jun Moxie. That being said, he should not be capable of creating such a strategy to harm others." Tang Wanli stroked his beard.     

"But… Grandpa, to our family, the Mystic Core is indeed too valuable. At such a critical time, it would be better to chase after every little information that we have." Seeing his plans close to succeeding, Tang Yuan quickly added on.     

"Correct! I would rather have something to believe in than nothing at all! Besides, the one I am dealing with is but a small clan, can I not handle them if I wish to? This is but just an act of helping the common man get rid of an evil tumor!" Tang Wanli violently stood up.     

"Just based on that incident alone, saying that they are connected is indeed too far-fetched. However, it is true that the great clans within the city had been presumptuous lately. Especially this Northern City Clan; I have heard that they have done no small amount of evil deeds recently. Since I had also missed these few small clans during my investigation. I might as well start from the Northern City Clan and question them first. Hopefully, a lead could be found there,"     

Tang Wanli thought about it. Even though he did not place many hopes into it, if there was even a glimmer of hope, then he had to at least check it out.     

"Relay my orders, all those at the Ninth Mystic Qi and above are to assemble immediately. We will be taking action tonight! Remember that, until the matter is over, they must not kill senselessly! I will need them to be alive for me to gather information!"     

"Understood!" Tang Yuan was overjoyed. Third Young Master Jun's plan was indeed amazing. His grandfather had already changed his treatment of him. Haha…     

This plan from Jun Moxie was fundamentally born of his distaste of the Northern City Clan. Those that had managed to earn the Evil Monarch's ire can forget about living.     

However, Jun Moxie had too many concerns about the aftermath of moving against them himself. Thus, he had pushed it to Tang Yuan to handle.     

As for Tang Yuan, the reason he had easily accepted this role was simply to make his life better. He could no longer stand being treated like a mouse in his own home, fearing being beaten and having others curse at him every day.     

As for Tang Wanli, he decided to act on it because he was holding on to the hope that it was related to the Mystic Core. After all, having some hope is always better than having no hope. Besides, even if they were not involved, he could also use this opportunity to wipe out a harmful group for the sake of the common man. No matter what result this incident brought, as long as he could publicize crimes that the Northern City Clan had committed, the reputation of the Tang Family would surely rise. That way, regardless of what he did to them, the masses would gladly accept it.     

Besides, Northern City Clan was the weakest amongst the six great clans; they did not even have any supporting powers behind them. There was not even a need for discretion in moving against them! In addition, there was a possibility that if it turned out that this action would bring a potential lead towards the Mystic Core.     

However, Jun Moxie, Tang Yuan, and Tang Wanli did not know something. They expect that this action that they have taken would end up being a lucky hit! This would end up becoming an unexpected surprise for them! The conclusion to their actions would all come tonight.     

As for Li Youran's arrangement to have Qin Hu investigate Jun Moxie, his instructions had only just arrived at Qin Hu. But unfortunately, Tang Wanli had already mobilized his forces…     

It would appear that Li Youran's plans would be foiled yet again. Without any rhyme or reason, his plans would be torn apart. All because of two debauchees, one who could not tolerate the sinful existence of Northern City Clan, while the other who had just wanted to get rid of his miserable situation at home. These two selfish debauchees had somehow managed to destroy a plan that was meticulously thought up by Li Youran…     

Is this what Heaven's will is like?     

Jun Moxie proceeded slowly along the way. The Divine Weapons Store was just ahead. Before the shop was a luxurious carriage bearing a crest with two crossed swords!     

This was the special crest belonging only to the Dugu Family! Someone from the Dugu Family was here!     

Jun Moxie was shocked but did not pay it any attention as he slowly strode inside. If this was the original debauchee, Jun Moxie, he would not dare to cross paths with a member of the Dugu Family. However, this Jun Moxie was different! What does he need to fear from the Dugu Family?     

"Dear Young Master, what kind of weapon are you looking for?" As he entered the shop, a middle-aged man came forth. There was no small number of Young Masters like Jun Moxie within the city. All of them favored the habit of carrying a magnificent looking sword. However, these swords would only have the purpose as a decorative item with no real ability to kill. Naturally, these weapons had no real practicality.     

"I am not here to buy ready-made weapons. I am here to inquire; do you have the cold iron for sale? Money is not an issue!" Jun Moxie laughed out, portraying a look of wealth and power.     

The man's eyes flashed as he thought to himself: I thought this kid was just a debauchee. Could it be that he is actually an experienced professional? I cannot afford to make this mistake! He appraised Jun Moxie once more before replying.     

"It turns out that Young Master here is a professional. However, our shop currently does not have any cold iron, as it is something too hard to procure normally. Would a Hundred Tempered Steel Iron suffice instead?"     

Jun Moxie chuckled and replied.     

"If it has truly been tempered a hundred times… then it would suffice, however, this Hundred Tempered Steel Iron… has it truly been tempered a hundred times?"     

The middle-aged man's face showed an awkward expression of embarrassment.     

"Young Master here is a true professional. Although my shop's Hundred Tempered Iron has only been tempered around ten times, the quality is indeed above the norm. Even if it is to be compared to others around the world, it can be considered one of the best."     

"Ten times… I understand. In that case, what about Mysterious Iron? Do you have any?" Jun Moxie sighed. How terrible! Could the technology of this world be lacking by ten thousand years as compared to Earth? Putting his hopes into their forging methods would be hopeless. As of right now, all he could do was hope to find some special metals! When it comes to special metals, the Mysterious Iron was the best!     

"There is none in this shop…" The middle-aged man wiped his sweat. Why was this man asking for all sorts of materials that were hard to procure? He suddenly remembered something. "But a few days ago, we received a piece of Meteoric Iron. Would that be good enough?"     

"Meteoric Iron?!" Jun Moxie's eyes lit up. "Let's me go and take a look!"     

When asking for the Mysterious Iron back then, Jun Moxie was only hoping for a "what if". He had fully expected there to be none. Unexpectedly, they had managed to have the Meteoric Iron! Even though the Mysterious Iron was rare, the rarity of the Meteoric Iron was even higher. It seemed that his luck was quite good!     

Jun Moxie followed the middle-aged man through the storeroom as they walked into the store behind the shop. Before they had even reached the storeroom, a clear voice could be heard from within. "Excellent! I want this Meteoric Iron."     

The owner of the voice was someone that Jun Moxie had feared the most – Dugu Xiaoyi of the Dugu Family!     

Why am I always bumping into her? How frightening!     

Jun Moxie's heart started beating hurriedly; he quickly stepped through the door. Without waiting for anyone to say anything, he quickly opened his mouth. "Hahaha… Miss Dugu, I did not expect that we would meet again in such a place. This must truly be fate."     

"It is you? Jun Moxie?" Dugu Xiaoyi turned around, her eyes sparkled as she straightened her chest. "Jun Moxie, you are far too irregular. Why is it that I would end up meeting you no matter where I go, you are just like a clingy ghost! How strange!" Suddenly, she jumped, pushing her face before Jun Moxie, asking viciously. "Jun Moxie, you are not stalking me on purpose, are you?"     

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