Otherworldly Evil Monarch

So Powerful!

So Powerful!

"What a pity!" Jun Moxie felt a sense of regret in his heart. After the old fellow sent him back, he had to leave immediately for some urgent matters and would not return for another six months! If he was around, his unparalleled tracking skills would certainly have come in handy right now…     

Jun Moxie looked over at his own guards. These men were specially picked by Grandfather Jun himself. With a Gold Mystic user and seven Silver Mystic users, their strength was considered quite impressive. At least in the Heavenly Scent Empire, they were sufficient to protect Jun Moxie from most threats. "As though I even need them for protection."     

However, Jun Moxie knew that it would be irrational to order these men to track the movements of those killers.     

Even if these men managed to keep up and catch up to them, they would simply become eight corpses in the blink of an eye! According to Jun Moxie, each of the three men had been at the pinnacle of the Gold Mystic realm cultivation. In addition, they were all professional killers.     

However, once a threat had been discovered, it must be exterminated instantly! It would be foolish to stay passive and allow the threat to grow stronger!     

"No matter what, I must find a way to trace these people! I must least lay my hands on those Mystic Beast's tendons! Even if I can't obtain them, I must find ways to destroy them! After all, the consequences which these weapons can bring about are far too disastrous!"     

As the thought of killing grew in Jun Moxie, he involuntarily released a dense killing intent into his dispersed spiritual sense!     

Suddenly, Jun Moxie felt an enormous spiritual pressure descending upon him. The spiritual pressure drifted towards him directly, following the trail of his own killing intent. Its target was clearly and undeniably Jun Moxie himself. It was so precise that even Tang Yuan, who was standing right beside him, did not sense any difference in the atmosphere at all!     

This spiritual sense was far more powerful than the two mysterious characters who spoke in the Magnificent Jewel Hall earlier!     

This strong spiritual sense surprised Jun Moxie immensely! "This mysterious master from the Magnificent Jewel Hall is certainly far stronger than Grandfather Jun Zhantian! Could this actually be the legendary Divine Mystic master himself?"     

Jun Moxie could vaguely guess the rationale for the appearance of this spiritual sense. When the three killers left the auction hall, he had dispersed his spiritual sense in the hope of tracking them. However, when he released his killing intent, it led to the fluctuation of his spiritual sense. This fluctuation, containing a faint killing intent, must have been felt by this mysterious master instantly!     

Due to the nature of Jun Moxie's Mystic Qi, experts below the Divine Mystic realm were absolutely unable to detect his spiritual sense! Hence, Jun Moxie simply used it without second thoughts. Little did he expect himself to be caught! It was evident that the strength of this mysterious man was certainly exceptional!     

However, the Magnificent Jewel Hall had always been concerned about the items available for auctions. Since Jun Moxie was clearly tracking a departing guest, it was not surprising for him to be found out, especially by the powerful spiritual sense of a formidable master!     

However, Jun Moxie was very certain that this man had only detected his spiritual sense but had not been able to identify him as Jun Moxie! To identify him, the opposing party must have a spiritual sense that was similar to the nature of his! Jun Moxie firmly believed that his Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune was unique in this world! Therefore he was confident that he had not exposed his identity despite exposing his killing intent!     

Yet at this moment, the strong suppressive force was still weighing down on Jun Moxie. Jun Moxie felt uneasy. "If I do not fight back, my psychological state will be severely damaged. However, even if I retaliate or defend using my spiritual awareness, it will stand no chance against the potent force of the enemy's spiritual awareness. Although mine is unique and mystical, the opponent's was far stronger than mine! What should I do?"     

While he was deliberating, the strong spiritual sense was rapidly closing in on Jun Moxie!     

At the final moment, the Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda suddenly started rotating at full speed deep inside Jun Moxie's consciousness. At the same time, it emanated a rainbow-colored brilliant light in all directions, engulfing his consciousness in a whirling stream of Qi. Jun Moxie could feel this force gradually approaching and confronting the oppressive force that was closing in on him.     

As the strong spiritual sense came crashing down on him, the light from the Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda intercepted it. In the brief moment, the foreign spiritual sense seemed like a little snowflake falling on a red-hot stove. It disappeared without a trace! Not even a single remnant of it remained!     

This ancient treasure was a relic left behind by the powerful deity Hua Xia. How can the mere strengths of an ordinary Spirit Mystic expert be compared to the immense power of this legendary artifact that had existed since the beginning of time? Even if all the Spirit Mystic experts in this world gather together, they would simply be a piece of cake for the enigmatic Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda!     

The light from the Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda slowly withdrew. As it disappeared, Jun Moxie simultaneously disabled his spiritual awareness.     

However, only Jun Moxie himself understood perfectly everything that just occurred. Even the mysterious expert who had been counterattacked was clueless about what exactly just happened!     

In a hidden underground chamber within the Magnificent Jewel Hall, an old man sat cross-legged with his eyes completely closed. All of a sudden, he shuddered violently and his eyes opened swiftly. A look of disbelief filled his eyes. Apprehension and horror were drawn across his face as beads of cold sweat started pouring down his forehead.     

After all, he was a Divine Mystic expert himself. But while his spiritual sense was oppressing someone, the opposing party had effortlessly repelled and nullified it! It seemed as if his spiritual power was just an inconsequential speck of dust in the eyes of the opponent! What did this imply?     

"Peak of the Divine Mystic realm! Only a person at the peak of the Divine Mystic realm would be able to nullify my spiritual pressure with such ease and yet escape my detection. It is the only possible way to explain this situation!" The white-haired old man cried in shock, "Why would there be such a potent figure in Heavenly Scent Empire? Is a storm imminent in Heavenly Scent Empire?"     

"Jun Moxie!" A clear and distinct voice rang out. Jun Moxie turned and was surprised to find Dugu Xiaoyi walking over with a fierce look on her. "Oh… so you are not… yet." She was about to say 'you are not dead yet' but she could not bring herself to say it. The word 'dead' seemed morbid and inauspicious. As such, she was extremely reluctant to associate this word with Jun Moxie even if it was meant to be a joke.     

"Oh it is Miss Dugu Xiaoyi," Jun Moxie smiled as he studied her. "After not seeing Miss Dugu for so long, you seem to have become more beautiful! You simply make my heart melt."     

Overhearing the conversation, Tang Yuan was taken aback! He could not help but stare at Jun Moxie. "Jun Moxie, how could you even have the guts to flirt with this young lady? Have you not gotten enough beatings previously?"     

Even Jun Moxie's grandfather, a Heaven Mystic master and an expert at fighting, only held the second place in his heart. The most cherished person in Jun Moxie's heart had always been the vicious and heartless Dugu Xiaoyi. This was something Tang Yuan knew very well.     

However, the subsequent events almost let Fatty Tang believe this was all a dream. Dugu Xiaoyi was surprisingly not angered by Jun Moxie's ridiculous words. Instead, she blushed slightly and her fierce expression was completely erased. She looked down shyly and asked, "Really? Do I really look more beautiful than before? Why do I not realize it when I have been looking in the mirror every day?"     

"What?" Tang Yuan groaned and momentarily lost his balance. "What am I hearing? Is this even Dugu Xiaoyi? Could she be her twin sister or something?"     

Jun Moxie also broke into a cold sweat and was momentarily stunned. "What tricks is she playing today?" Nodding slowly he forced a reply, "Yes, yes. It's true, it's true."     

"I must have slimmed down successfully! I shall continue to lose weight and slim down even more!" Dugu Xiaoyi jumped excitedly. But as she landed, a thought seemed to come to her mind. The next moment, she glared viciously at Jun Moxie with her large eyes and snapped, "Jun Moxie! What did you just say? How dare you try to take advantage of me? Have you lost your mind? You've really gotten bold!"     

Jun Moxie was increasingly certain that something was wrong with this girl today. With her attitude switching between the extreme ends, she was certainly making things difficult for him.The next moment, there was a motion from beneath Dugu Xiaoyi's arms. A small, snow-white head stuck out. It had small ears, a small nose, a small mouth, a lovely pink tongue and an adorable pair of eyes. Waving its little paws wildly, the little creature could easily melt the hearts of anyone seeing it.     

"A Mystic Beast! Oh my God!" Tang Yuan screamed as his eyes widened, "An Iron Winged Panther's cub!"     

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