Super Gene

Treasure in the Sea

Treasure in the Sea

The three sails rose at the same time. The mysterious and gorgeous crystal sailboat slowly rose from the bottom of the lake and floated in the water in a magical way, looking magnificent.     

"My girl, take us toward the ocean." Han Sen was incredibly excited. This crystal sailboat was much better than a submarine. It was an interstellar warship in the water.     

"Master, do you want to go above the surface?" asked Mermaid Princess.     

"No, let's stay on the bottom." Naturally, Han Sen wouldn't let the crystal sailboat go up to look for trouble.     

"Yes, master," replied Mermaid Princess and turned the rudder in her hand. The giant crystal sailboat suddenly sailed toward the ocean, following a channel connecting the lake and the ocean.     

The scenery at the bottom of the sea was indeed incredible. Han Sen saw a region of shellfish, which piled up like small mountains for hundreds of miles.     

All kinds of corals were colorful and glamorous. Schools of fish in the millions were playing games in the ocean, and giant monsters that looked like dragons were passing by, making one's heart tremble.     

Luckily, the Crystal Palace was indestructible. Otherwise, if it were hit by the horrendous beasts, it would be ruined before long.     

Boom boom!     

A dual-headed turtle that looked like a hill struck the Crystal Palace several times before moving away slowly.     

The number of creatures in the ocean was beyond Han Sen's imagination. However, he did not know the status of those creatures, and so he couldn't hunt as he wished to. In addition, Han Sen wanted to check out what the ocean had to offer first.     

All kinds of sea creatures that he had never seen before were swimming by. From afar, he saw something that looked like a red river flowing on the bottom of the sea. However, when he approached it, he found it was formed by numerous red-shelled prawns, each as thick as a motorcycle. They were swimming among the seaweed growing on the seabed. Han Sen could not see the end of them at first glance, and he did not know how many there were.     

Han Sen's mouth was watering so he commanded the Crystal Palace to stop. Turning off the function to avoid water, Han Sen opened up a channel that looked like a swimming pool. When one of the red shelled prawn passed by, Han Sen used the yin force to hit its head and kill it instantaneously.     

"Primitive creature fire prawn killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 primitive geno points."     

Han Sen pulled the prawn into the ship and shelled it to expose the jelly-like meat. He cut the meat into pieces and dipped it into some sauce. When he tried a piece, he found that the meat was sweet and tasty.     

"With such treasures, will I ever have to worry about a lack of resources?" Han Sen was overjoyed, and he commanded Mermaid Princess to begin moving the Crystal Palace forward along the bottom of the ocean again.     

There were many more creatures in the ocean than there were on land. They were beyond Han Sen's imagination. Many of them Han Sen had never heard of before.     

Humans did not have the ability to hunt creatures in the ocean yet. This might have been the first time that humans could hunt creatures in the deep sea.     

However, because most of the sea creatures were huge, Han Sen did not rush to hunt. He mainly came to check out the resources nearby first. When he found suitable creatures, he would do some hunting. If none were present, he was in no rush.     

The crystal boat was very fast under the water. In just five or six days, it had already sailed out of the area of the ice sea. The water gradually became warm, and the species of the creatures had also changed.     

Han Sen saw some blue balls glowing at the bottom of the sea. When he approached them, he saw they were giant jellyfish dancing in the water.     

Fish of different colors swam in groups, and some shellfish were opening up at the bottom of the sea. Han Sen saw there were several shiny pearls inside a scallop that was the size of a bowl. Feeling interested, he swam out of the Crystal Palace and tried to grab the pearls. However, the scallop quickly shot closed, trying to break Han Sen's hand.     

Luckily, Han Sen jerked his hand back fast enough, and then took the closed scallop back to the sailboat.     

Placing the scallop on a crystal table, Han Sen hit it with the yin force and suddenly heard the voice.     

"Mutant creature treasure scallop killed. No beast soul gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 mutant geno points."     

Han Sen was very happy. He did not expect it to be a mutant creature. There was not much meat inside the scallop, so he should be able to finish it in one meal. This would give him at least seven to eight mutant geno points.     

Opening up the scallop, Han Sen took out the pearls. There were three in total, all round and shiny. These would be rare in the Alliance.     

"Is this gear as well?" Han Sen thought to himself. He was not sure whether these pearls could be counted as gear.     

Han Sen retrieved several more scallops. However, after killing them, he found that not all of them were mutant creatures. Most of them were just primitive creatures, and only the treasure scallops with silver pearls were mutant ones.     

There were tens of thousands of treasure scallops in this region. Han Sen took a dozen back to eat himself and commanded the Crystal Palace to go forward.     

After traveling for a few more days and eating many sea creatures, Han Sen had gained a dozen mutant geno points, raising his mutant geno point total to thirty-three.     

That day, he saw from afar that in the deep ocean, there was a huge city that looked like a gigantic beast crawling on the bottom of the sea.     

"An underwater shelter!" Han Sen glanced at it from afar and commanded the Crystal Palace to turn around, not daring to approach the shelter.     

Judging by its size, it was at least a royal shelter. Han Sen was alone at this point and he was underwater as well. There was no way he could conquer the royal shelter.     

Because the royal shelter had blocked the way of the Crystal Palace, Han Sen could only try to sail to the side. However, the water became more and more shallow, and he eventually reached the shore.     

Han Sen glanced at the shore from afar and found many humans, which he had not expected. To Han Sen's joy, he saw a castle next to the shore, which should be a human shelter.     

The icefield was surrounded by ocean and blocked from other places by the royal shelter. There was no way for the icefield to contact the outside. However, now Han Sen could drive the Crystal Palace and come out from the bottom of the sea. This was a great business route. If he used it well, it would be easy to make money.     

Parking the Crystal Palace at the bottom of the sea, Han Sen rode the silver eel back to the shore. He swam to the shore and planned to ask where he was. However, when he approached the shore, he found the situation was quite different than he had imagined. The reason there were so many people was that they were trying to conquer the shelter on the shore.     

In front of the shelter, there were many creatures that looked like porcupines, covered in spikes which could be shot like arrows. The humans charged several times but failed to break through the rain of spikes. Many people were getting hurt.     

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