Reverend Insanity

Food Path Inheritance

Food Path Inheritance

Tai Bai Yun Sheng carried Fang Yuan as he sprinted and escaped.     

Hei Lou Lan took one final look at the grey fog, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's pitiful childhood made Hei Lou Lan feel a sense of understanding due to her similar experience.     

For some reason, the grand tribulation, earth collapse, did not affect them.     

Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan made use of this chance to escape, running away while feeling shock and joy.     

The ten extreme formation was in its critical moment, it could not restrict the surroundings, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan escaped very easily.     

Soon, the battle of Yi Tian Mountain was thrown to the back of their minds.     

In a few minutes, they could no longer see the grey clouds in the sky.     

"Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan, wake up!" Hei Lou Lan slapped Fang Yuan's face, but he was not responding, he was sound asleep.     

Without Fang Yuan's Fixed Immortal Travel, they could not leave Southern Border.     

Unless they crossed the regional walls.     

But that would cause too much losses.     

"Gu Immortals from Northern Plains?!" A voice could be heard from afar.     

Next, three Southern Border Gu Immortals landed.     

Seeing Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng in a pathetic state full of injuries, the leading Gu Immortal was shocked: "Looking at your injuries, did you come from Yi Tian Mountain? Speak! What actually happened there?"     

Tai Bai Yun Sheng had an expression of wariness.     

Hei Lou Lan smiled coldly: "You want to know what happened, go there and see for yourselves."     

The three Southern Border Gu Immortals snorted, they did not have high cultivation level, they were here to investigate because the Gu Immortal experts of their respective clans had gone to Yi Tian Mountain and lost all traces of communication with them.     

No matter which super force it was, they were very concerned about the ownership of Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.     

Furthermore, Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng's auras were very weak, they were covered in injuries and were not in their best condition.     

"We are asking you to speak, you had better obey us."     

"Northern Plains Gu Immortals coming to Southern Border and still acting so arrogantly!"     

"Attack!! Take down the three of them."     

Thus, a battle occurred out of nowhere.     

And in Yi Tian Mountain's battlefield, the grey fog was still spreading.     

The situation was in a stalemate.     

No matter how hard the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals tried, they could not go out of their phantom form.     

Ying Wu Xie and Bo Qing were all immobilized on the ground because of earth collapse.     

Waves of grey fog coiled around immortal zombie Bo Qing as they shined with bright lights, showing constantly changing scenes.     

These were Mo Yao's memories, as a variant human, she had suffered a fate of being ostracized.     

Speaking of which, it was strange, Bo Qing's immortal zombie body actually had Mo Yao's remnant soul. What happened in the past to Bo Qing during his tribulation was unknown.     

But Mo Yao, who was now present, had to endure the attack, because her remnant soul was in the grey fog, the most painful memories in her mind was drawn out.     

"Hmph." Immortal zombie Bo Qing snickered.     

Facing these sad traumas in her life, Mo Yao's remnant soul showed her strong-willed personality.     

"Strange, why are you unaffected by the grey fog?" Bo Qing looked at Ying Wu Xie who was beside him.     

Ying Wu Xie was staring at Bo Qing's grey fog intently.     

"I don't know." Ying Wu Xie shook his head, he pointed: "Yours is pretty interesting."     

Bo Qing snorted: "It seems that because you were just born, and only have eighteen hours to live, you had no time to experience these things."     

Saying this, Bo Qing's face was full of worries.     

The myriad tribulation grey memory was not a threat to Ying Wu Xie. That was because he was too young, he did not have much life experience.     

But it was a completely different story for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable!     

"This second myriad tribulation is truly vicious! Once you are within the grey fog, not only are your past traumas revealed, the deepest emotions in your mind will be drawn out, you will experience the emotions that you once felt. My memories have already caused me to feel upset. If the recollection was on my lover, I might… If I am already this affected by it, then for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, who has had a longer life and much more experience, how would he deal with it?" Thinking about this, Mo Yao's remnant soul looked up by moving the immortal zombie body.     

Inside the grey fog, Spectral Soul was like a tall mountain, he was unmoving, like a dormant volcano.     

Surrounding him, the grey fog was rumbling, countless rainbow lights were shining. This fog showed all kinds of images, Spectral Soul had already become a Gu Immortal.     

Inside Earth Abyss.     

"Youngster, you want to obtain my inheritance?" In the darkness, two eyes shined brightly like lanterns.     

"Yes." The Gu Immortal spoke concisely. He wore a black robe with messy shoulder length hair, his expression was cold, bright light shined in his eyes from time to time.     

"Hehehe… hahaha!" In the darkness, a crazed laugh could be heard, it got louder and louder, it caused one's eardrums to tremble.     

After a while, the laughter stopped.     

"It seems you have made your decision! Then this is your inheritance test. Roar!" Following a loud roar, a strange beast came out of the darkness.     

This beast had four limbs, its body was covered in scales, it had a crocodile's head.     

Its huge crocodile-like mouth had sharp teeth inside, they were shining with cold light, like blades of daggers.     

Above its head, it had two curly dragon horns.     

But from its body, there was the aura of a Gu Immortal.     

Evidently, this was a beastman Gu Immortal.     

Beastmen were a type of variant human, in history, they were the most targeted during the era of the three Demon Venerables. Who could have thought that Spectral Soul encountered a beastman Gu Immortal during his life.     

This beastman Gu Immortal with dragon horns and a crocodile's head opened his mouth, biting at the Gu Immortal's soul.     

But Gu Immortal Spectral Soul did not dodge or evade.     

The beastman bit, tearing apart Spectral Soul's arm.     

Blood spewed out.     

Crack, crack.     

The beastman chewed, under the grinding of his sharp teeth, Spectral Soul's arm was torn to shreds, blood oozed out of the space between his teeth, flowing everywhere.     

Gulp, the beastman swallowed, sending the blood and flesh, along with the bones, down its throat.     

"Delicious! I have not eaten such fresh food in a long time!" The beastman Gu Immortal shouted, pouncing again.     

Spectral Soul did not retreat, he allowed him to continue biting.     

The beastman Gu Immortal quickly ate his other arm, and his two legs, devouring them.     

Assaulted by intense pain, Spectral Soul was expressionless, he did not even frown at all.     

Instead, the beastman Gu Immortal showed some shock on his face.     

"You are different from those previous people." The beastman Gu Immortal stopped eating, he assessed Spectral Soul as he spoke with a tone of praise: "You have no emotion of fear at all. You know, I invented food path, I did a lot of research on eating. Many people wanted to obtain my inheritance, they allowed me to eat them, they looked very tough on the outside with no expression, but they were filled with pain and fear on the inside."     

"Don't think that emotions can be concealed so easily. Actually, this kind of flesh tastes sour and disgusting, it is not delicious at all, I can tell when I eat it."     

"Then, is my flesh delicious?" Spectral Soul asked.     

The beastman Gu Immortal frowned, he spoke: "Honestly speaking, your flesh feels cold, your bones are too tough, they are not delicious. They taste like the icicles that I ate during my childhood, when I was hunted down by you humans in frozen lands while escaping in hunger."     

"But forget it. Hahaha, I have been trapped here, I have not eaten anything fresh in a long time. How can I not be satisfied with this? Furthermore, what I love eating most are the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys, they are my favorites, hahaha. Lad, you want to obtain my inheritance, there is a price to pay! Don't die at the last moment!"     

Saying this, the beastman Gu Immortal scratched, tearing open Spectral Soul's stomach, pulling out his large and small intestines.     

Next, in front of Spectral Soul, he sucked them into his mouth, crying out that they were delicious.     

Spectral Soul had a pale face, but his expression was still cold, as if those were not his intestines.     

Deep in the beastman Gu Immortal's eyes, there was a flash of panic.     

He cackled, brandishing his claws, pointing at Spectral Soul's chest: "Next, I will eat your lungs, you have to endure it!"     

"What can I not endure?" Spectral Soul smiled coldly: "In this special environment, even if I am eaten until only my head is left, I can still grow back. And by then, I would obtain your inheritance. After that, you would lose all value to me, you should worry about yourself."     

The beastman Gu Immortal's movements froze for a second, he went into a rage, his eyes were spewing fire: "Lad! You talk big! I want to see how long you can endure this for?"     

He purposely moved slowly, causing friction in Spectral Soul's body, making him feel that his intestines and organs were being held, and his bones were being scratched, to try to generate fear and panic in him.     

The beastman Gu Immortal took out Spectral Soul's organs and ate them one by one. In front of him, he opened his mouth from time to time, letting Spectral Soul see the miserable state of his organs that were crushed to bits.     

Spectral Soul's calm expression slowly changed, turning into one of interest.     

The beastman Gu Immortal saw this gaze and had a change of expression: "What are you thinking of?"     

"I find it interesting."     

"I am eating your flesh, I am eating your organs, you find it interesting?" The beastman Gu Immortal looked at Spectral Soul with a disbelieving expression.     

"Of course, eating is natural in this world, but on the other side of eating, there is killing. We eat meat, we have to hunt. When we eat vegetables, we have to uproot them, that is also killing. Even if we eat nothing but wind and drink nothing but water, we are still swallowing and digesting them. All in all, eating is killing. Of course, killing is not just eating, thus, your food path is inferior to my killing path."     

"I have eaten many things, but I have never been eaten by another individual. You are eating me now, that is the same as killing me. Similarly, I have killed many life forms, but I have never been slowly killed by anyone else. This allowed me to understand the feeling of being killed, it is a form of enjoyment. Those who kill have to be prepared to be killed. Simply by killing others, I cannot fully comprehend killing. Thank you for letting me comprehend a deeper meaning in killing."     

The beastman Gu Immortal heard this and opened his eyes wide, he looked at Spectral Soul like he was seeing a nightmare, a monster!     

Cold sweat began to form on his head.     

He felt that he could not swallow the young man in front of him anymore.     

He gulped, feeling that his throat was blocked.     

"Lad! I will eat your upper body now, let's see how arrogant you can be!!" The beastman Gu Immortal shouted, devouring with a frenzied gaze, his eyes were reddened.     

Soon, Gu Immortal Spectral Soul had only his head left.     

Seeing this, all of the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, along with immortal zombie Bo Qing and Ying Wu Xie, were silent.     

Even though he only had a head left, Gu Immortal Spectral Soul was still calm and at peace.     

"This, what sort of willpower…" Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were lost for words.     

Earlier, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal who was very confident of the myriad tribulation grey memory saw this and his expression turned dark, he lost his confidence.     

But at this moment, the beastman Gu Immortal laughed wildly.     

He laughed in an insane manner, he was so happy, tears were flowing out of his eyes.     

It was filled with a tone of mockery.     

"Hahaha, you were deceived, but don't be upset, you are the two hundred and seventieth person who was deceived. Hahaha!"     

Spectral Soul's gaze flashed: "Is this inheritance fake?"     

"Of course it is real! Back then, I cultivated to rank eight, Barbarian Jiu Lie tried to trap me instead of killing me, he was after my food path, hmph! I could not beat him, but he could not obtain what he wanted so easily either. I established an agreement with him, I would pass the food path inheritance to future humans, but not him. And the inheritor must endure my eating test."     

"After making the agreement, I have been trapped here, many humans came here in order to pass the test, to obtain knowledge of food path. But even Barbarian Jiu Lie could not understand my true ability. Hehehe, my entire body is full of food path dao marks, I have reached a level that has never been achieved by anyone before me. I can consume rocks and wind to fill my stomach. I can even consume Gu worms to increase the dao marks on me. I ate dao marks non-stop, and finally, after a thousand years, I broke the agreement that we had made."     

"Hahaha! So do you get it? Next, I will eat your head and turn you into my nutrients and nourish me, to allow me to recover. Don't worry, I will remember you, you are one of the most unique among the pitiful people that I have eaten."     

"So that is it." Spectral Soul still had a plain expression, he was very calm.     

The beastman Gu Immortal's expression froze, he grabbed his throat, shouting anxiously: "What is going on? What is going on?!"     

Spectral Soul laughed coldly: "I would never allow another person to determine my life and death. Not to mention an old agreement. You think my flesh is so easy to consume? Every piece of flesh that you eat contains a part of my soul. You are a great expert in food path, but coincidentally, I also have some attainment in soul path."     

"Soul path? When did such a path appear?! The splitting of the soul will cause you pain that is immensely higher than the tearing of your flesh!"     

"I'll let you know, I am the founder of soul path. As for that bit of pain… only by experiencing it will I enjoy the amazing feeling of killing, isn't that right?" Spectral Soul said as the beastman Gu Immortal's expression turned ashen, he stopped moving.     

He was dead.     

His eyes were opened wide, staring at Gu Immortal Spectral Soul.     

Even though the other party only had his head left.     

In the beastman Gu Immortal's eyes, there was only fear.     

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