Reverend Insanity

Stealing Bo Qing's Immortal Gu

Stealing Bo Qing's Immortal Gu

"This is the immemorial desolate beast myriad eyes clear bull?!" Fang Yuan looked at Falling Heavenly River, as a sinking bull head attracted his attention.     

He quickly hurried over, using his methods to pull up this bull head.     

An immemorial desolate beast was a strong life form that could rival rank eight Gu Immortals.     

The myriad eyes clear bull had a large body. Just this head already was like a small hill.     

And it was very heavy.     

Fang Yuan had once pulled up Luo Po valley, but this bull's head alone was heavier than the valley.     

"This bull head's weight is mostly on the horns. Incredible, the horns were already cut by the sword light and only half remain, but it is still so heavy!"     

Fang Yuan gasped.     

The bull's horns were rank eight immortal material, they were filled with metal path and earth path dao marks.     

And the bull's skin was very rare, it was full of water path dao marks. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan only had part of the skin from the bull's head. If it was the skin of the bull's body, not only would there be water path dao marks, there would also be light path dao marks, it was very useful for the refinement of investigative Immortal Gu!     

But the eyes of the bull were the most valuable part of the myriad eyes clear bull.     

The two eyes were dark and deep, they were full of dark path dao marks. When Fang Yuan obtained them, there were many dark path wild mortal Gu inside, mostly rank five, they could not escape in time.     

The eyes of the myriad eyes clear bull could not see.     

They were blind to begin with.     

The mechanisms through which the myriad eyes clear bull truly perceived vision were the eye tattoos on its thick skin.     

They were very mystical.     

The dao marks that were on such rank eight level lifeforms already had functions helpful to them.     

For example, the ten thousand li earthworm was also an immemorial desolate beast, it had extremely strong regenerative abilities. As for what gave it this ability, it was the wondrous dao marks on it. Only by destroying these dao marks can the ten thousand li earthworm truly be killed.     

But ten thousand li earthworms were hidden deeply inside Earth Trench or Earth Abyss, they did not exist in Falling Heavenly River.     

The lifeforms in Falling Heavenly River were mostly related to water path, followed by earth path, metal path, wind path, light path and dark path. There were few fire path lifeforms here.     

"Eh? This is the right arm of an ancient desolate beast, icefall divine ape."     

"This is the tail of an ancient desolate beast, snow soil crocodile."     

"What is this? Never mind, I will collect it first."     

Fang Yuan was prepared, he rapidly looted.     

These were all severed portions of bodies, Fang Yuan could recognize some of them, but not all.     

They were mostly ancient desolate beasts and desolate plants, with a few of immemorial desolate level among them. But these rank eight immortal materials, even if they were small in quantity, had immense value.     

Fang Yuan felt great joy every time he saw one.     

"Oh my! This seems to be a life and death kun-peng!" Fang Yuan gasped in surprise.     

When he was almost done collecting all of the immortal materials floating on the river, he found his nineteenth rank eight immortal material.     

This was a grey fish with the size of a boat.     

It did not have gills, in place of them, there were dao marks in the shape of feathered wings.     

"The life and death kun-peng is a law path immemorial desolate beast, it is very special. Its body is filled with life and death dao marks, it has two forms. One is a fish, the other is a bird. It lives as a fish for eight thousand years before turning into a bird after dying. After living for another eight thousand years, it will die for real. This life and death kun-peng seems to be close to becoming a bird, it is probably more than seven thousand years old." Fang Yuan sighed.     

Humans were the spirit of all beings, but they had short lifespans. Meanwhile, immemorial desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts would often have thousands or tens of thousands of years to live.     

Not to mention plants.     

The most famous example was Ku Mu Mountain in Northern Plains.     

It was not a mountain, but an old earth wood tree.     

This tree had a million years of history, because it had grown extremely large, it was called a mountain!     

Compared to it, Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable, who had the longest lifespan among venerables, only lived for twenty five thousand years. Red Lotus Demon Venerable with the shortest lifespan lived for three thousand years, it was barely a fraction of that of the old earth wood tree!     

This life and death kun-peng had a well preserved corpse, only the fish head was partially cut away, the rest of its entire body was still around.     

Together with the life and death dao marks that it had, this special type of rule path dao mark was very rare in the entire world, thus it was very valuable.     

"This life and death kun-peng is probably my biggest gain in this trip." Keeping the life and death kun-peng in his aperture, Fang Yuan sighed internally.     

At this moment, the bloody water in Falling Heavenly River was frothing.     

Large numbers of fierce beasts and immemorial level aquatic plants were fighting over the severed limbs and corpses.     

Fang Yuan had insufficient battle strength, he could only work quickly and collect the immortal materials that floated to the surface.     

From time to time, some immortal materials floated up.     

These immortal materials were mostly taken by Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan wisely left some alone due to the might of the fierce beasts and plants underwater that sought them.     

Gradually, under the river, there was growing chaos.     

These severed limbs and flesh were good food for these living beings.     

As their food decreased, they engaged in fierce combat that caused bloodshed.     

Sometimes, some dead ancient desolate beast corpses would float up to the river's surface. Fang Yuan would take them away and earn a heavy sum.     

As time passed, Fang Yuan's gains decreased, while the risk of collecting immortal materials became larger.     

He was a bit hesitant, wanting to leave while it was safe, but on the other hand, he wanted to explore the riverbed.     

After all, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's second sentence seemed to be referring to Bo Qing's immortal zombie body.     

But it was all only a guess, he was uncertain.     

Right at this time, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's singing voice appeared in his head again.     

"Fallen songs and despondent heroes, difficulty in resisting the trials of fate."     

"Bent swords sink in the sand, rising and falling from ancient times, the rumbling of an unceasing heavenly river."     


"Spectral night carries a soul into endless dreams, where can one rest in peace?"     

"During spring and autumn body and mind shifts, only heaven's will remains vast and boundless."     

As the voice faded, a second wave of mysterious information entered Fang Yuan's mind.     

"Sword Immortal Bo Qing, Mo Yao's remnant soul!" Fang Yuan was shocked, his eyes shone with brilliant light.     

"So what if I take another risk? As long as I can obtain Sword Immortal Bo Qing's sword path Immortal Gu, even if I am unable to display their true power, it could be comparable to part of an Immortal Gu House."     

Fang Yuan was very resolute, he immediately left this part of the river's surface, choosing a faraway place and diving deep into the river.     

Because the sword lights had rampaged and almost all of the fierce beasts were gathered at that segment of the river fighting for resources, Fang Yuan could dive in very safely now.     

In fact, he even picked up some naturally present immortal materials.     

Like snow soil, unchanging water, qilin ice and others.     

Arriving at the location indicated by the mysterious information, Fang Yuan stopped moving in the river.     

He took out Mo Yao's fake will.     

"Fang Yuan, what do you want…" Mo Yao's fake will was at first indignant, but she was quickly weakened by Fang Yuan's methods, she was defenseless and at his mercy.     

"It seems that somehow, everything has a connection. Mo Yao, your fake will caused me to topple Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, today, I will return you that favor."     

Mo Yao's fake will was captured by Fang Yuan, it dissipated slowly, as an intense aura spread out.     

Sensing this aura, a beam of light appeared, as an incomparable sword qi burst into the sky.     

Fang Yuan was startled and almost retreated, but the sword qi did not attack him, it only cleared the surroundings and was very gentle towards him.     

In the beam of light, Sword Immortal Bo Qing's immortal zombie body slowly appeared.     

Fang Yuan held his breath, looking at Bo Qing's immortal zombie body tightly.     

The latter did not open his eyes, they were still closed. This meant that the remnant soul of Mo Yao inside the body was still in a semi-conscious state.     

This remnant soul only felt a familiar aura and was drawn over by Fang Yuan's methods, arriving in advance.     

His surroundings were covered in sword light, Fang Yuan could only move three steps closer.     

This distance was his limit.     

Any closer and Fang Yuan would not be able to conceal it. After all, he was relying on just a fake will that Mo Yao had left behind.     

And this fake will had been weakened and tortured by Fang Yuan countless times.     

"Basically all my other methods are unusable. Only through using Mo Yao's will can my aura be disguised and the Immortal Gu in Bo Qing's immortal zombie body be lured out."     

Fang Yuan moved carefully, he was afraid that enough of a disturbance would wake up the other party.     

Actually, the most drastic method against immortal zombie Bo Qing was to take away all of his rank eight immortal essence.     

That way, even if he has Immortal Gu, he would not be able to do anything.     

Although that did not account for special existences like dream wings Immortal Gu.     

Immortal zombie Bo Qing had died for a long time, his immortal aperture was completely gone. If not for the layers of sword light around his body, Fang Yuan could even capture him alive.     

But reality was not as Fang Yuan hoped.     

The thick sword light protected immortal zombie Bo Qing, anyone who breached it would be attacked by the countless sword lights.     

According to the mysterious information in his mind, Fang Yuan used his method and quickly saw effect, he lured out an Immortal Gu.     

This Immortal Gu was like a swan's egg, it was translucent, and from the outside, jade light could be seen in it. When it was close, Fang Yuan could feel a bone chilling coldness emitting from this Immortal Gu.     

Fang Yuan was overjoyed.     

Even though he did not know what Immortal Gu this was, or what use it had, the aura of the Immortal Gu told him that it was a rank seven Immortal Gu!     

What sort of person was Bo Qing? Even in history, he was known as among the strongest people beneath the venerables. Even though he was not invincible, he could still easily dominate and suppress all of Central Continent.     

None of the Immortal Gu that he used was rank six. They were at least rank seven, and his core sword path Immortal Gu would certainly all be rank eight. If not for that, he would not have that terrifying battle strength which he was famous for.     

Fang Yuan enveloped this Immortal Gu in Mo Yao's aura, before using wisdom path methods to seal it completely.     

These seals were very fragile, they were deceptive in nature.     

He was deceiving the consciousness of the Immortal Gu, making it feel that it was still in its owner's hands, that it had not been taken away by a stranger.     

Fang Yuan could not touch this Immortal Gu yet, he kept it in his immortal aperture.     

Soon, he repeated it again and used his method on Bo Qing.     

This time, after a long while, a second Immortal Gu was drawn out by Fang Yuan.     

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