The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Losing Sanity

Losing Sanity

(A/N: This chapter is a bit sad & tragic as it deals with a minor plotline. Something I had to right due to the main story. You can skip it.)     

The entire house seethed with blue flames. Black smoke trailed out, rushing into the night sky. People from the neighborhood noticed the flames, alarmed.      

The flames spread, but very slowly.      

Parents grabbed their children and left their homes. Many were in nightclothes and some even naked as they rushed out.     

The dread of flames left them no time to contemplate about their losses.     

"Gas explosion!"     

"Damn! The flames are spreading to my home!"     

"They began at Athol's house!"     

"Is Athol inside?"     

"I don't know!"     

"Call the fire department!"     


Inside Athol's home, the flames continued its onslaught of destruction.     

Athol wriggled in agony, unable to mutter a single word. His skin melted and blood evaporated, making him experience a pain he never thought was possible.     

Even though his nervous system was burned, the pain didn't disappear. He felt he was literally fried.     

Athol wanted to die but the flames didn't allow him yet. Not even in his worst nightmare, he expected time will come when he wanted to beg for death.     

Kiba looked at Athol without any emotions on his face. He didn't think he was doing anything extreme by giving Athol such a death.     

If he was going to kill someone, he wished to enjoy the feeling. This feeling was ethereal, something that satisfied the very core of his being.     

Whenever he took a life, every single cell of his body would burst with joy. The sensation of taking a life was no less heavenly than sensual pleasures.     

He didn't want to admit, but he really enjoyed this sensation. He no longer knew who enjoyed this sensation: his true self, or his powers.     

At times like this, he could no longer differentiate between his nature and the urges created by power Cosmic.     

When he killed, he felt free. It was like some shackles he never knew existed were removed. The feeling was liberating.     

Meanwhile, inside his brain. The gray particle flashed, pulsing with vitality. It was like it thrived on the sensation enjoyed by Kiba.     

As the gray particle flashed, he felt a strong urge to kill. He wanted to destroy and kill these insignificant beings outside.     

He was like a hunter, sighting countless prey. The prey that didn't deserve to live in this world!     

Unconsciously, he clenched his fist and the flames around the house turned violent, absorbing energy from him.     

Outside, the people retreated, Their eyes turned wide in horror as the flames expanded at an unbelievable rate.     

Furthermore, it seemed the flames had consciousness of their own as they moved from the houses to target those on streets!     

"What's going on?!"     

"How can flames leave the houses and come after us?!"     

"The fire trucks would take a long time before they arrive!"     

"We have to do something!"     

"Watch out!"     



"Someone help please!"     

A male mutant formed a protective barrier around him and his children. Similarly, a female mutant surrounded herself and her boyfriend with layers of soil.     

A middle-aged man, meanwhile, waved his hands towards the sky, and the next moment, heavy rain started pouring.     

A young girl spun her hands in a circular motion to summon columns of air in order to dissipate the fire.     

Inside the house, Kiba's eyes turned cloudy. There was no clarity in them, just like his muddled thoughts.     

"Annoying insects!" Kiba muttered as he clenched his another fist tightly, "None of them deserve to live!"     

He was like a hunter offended by the sight of struggling prey, someone whom he deemed to be insignificant.     

Outside, the flames raged in excitement as their might suddenly increased. It was like a young dragon evolving into its mature phase.     


"W-what?" The mutant protecting his children with the water barrier felt the water evaporating.     

He clenched his teeth and used further power to enhance the barrier, but in response, the flames grew stronger. He refused to give up and enforced the barrier...     

The middle-aged man who had summoned the rain felt a chill down his spine.     

"Just what type of flames are they?" He thought with deep dread as he found himself engulfed by the flames.     

"Damn!!" The female mutant and her boyfriend cried as the flames destroyed the layers of soil. They created another layer and backed away.     

"No!" The teenage girl backed away with tears in her eyes. The column of air she had summoned proved no longer useful against flames. She snapped her teeth and summoned another column.     

The entire street was in a frenzy as flames turned wild.     

Inside Athol's house, Athol was dead, leaving behind nothing but a skeleton.     

Some distance away from the skeleton, Kiba has a smirk on his face as he sensed a few people dying. Many still remained, and even though only 2-3 died so far, he felt good.     

"Haha!" Kiba let out a burst of laughter filled with joy, "This is so much fun!"     

There was a negligible trace of gray in the half-blue portion of his irises as he laughed.     


The silver bracelet on his wrist buzzed. Strong vibrations surged out, invading his skin and coursing through his nerves that joined his brain.     

His body jolted from the resulting effect.     

"Argh!" Kiba looked at the bracelet with a struggling expression. "Damnit!"     

He brought his other hand to destroy the bracelet, but just then, far more powerful vibrations rippled out.     

"Stop it, Claudia!" Kiba grabbed his head.     

All traces of joy vanished under a severe headache. The gray particle dimmed and stopped glowing, once again becoming dormant.     

Kiba's face soaked with sweat as he regained clarity. As if sensing his state, the bracelet stopped emitting vibrations.     

Kiba closed his eyes and swept his senses out. As the flames were about to envelop the father protecting his children, the boyfriend-girlfriend pair, and the teenager... he extinguished the flames.     

Still, 2-3 people had died, all of them innocents!     

"How can I do such a thing!?"     

Kiba opened his eyes, unable to believe the deaths he had caused. All he planned was to kill Athol and not the bystanders.     

This was why, at the start, he purposely allowed the flames to slowly spread and give enough time for people in surrounding houses to escape.     

But now...     

Kiba gritted his teeth in anger and frustration at his own actions. His expression turned unsightly as he imagined the horror the innocents suffered due to him.     

He might not be a sage, but he hated killing innocents...     

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