The Sinful Life of The Emperor

The Revolutionary!

The Revolutionary!

"Only naive maidens will fall for your words!" Eva took her dress from the desk, "Or women hypnotized by your charm!"     

"I wasn't lying!" Kiba ran a hand across her neck.     

Eva let him go on as she dressed up.     

"There is something I wanted to ask," Kiba's expression turned solemn, "Do you know about Dharma Chakra?"     

"What?" Eva was startled.     

"Dharma Chakra," Kiba repeated again. He was sure she knew something given her reaction.     

"I heard you the first time," Eva's expression turned normal, "Just surprised you will be interested in it given your dreams."     

"I am forced to have some interest," Kiba gave a sigh as he briefly explained about the attack of Psychic Hunter.     

"Dharma Chakra is an organization with very strict requirements for enrollment," Eva explained what she knew, "Technically, it is similar to the religious sects of the past. Anyone who joins it has to respect the Cause of Dharma Chakra."     

"How powerful is it?" Kiba didn't care about the belief of the organizations.     

The vision and objectives of organizations were just to fool lower rank members. The true belief of any organization was always profit and power for the top echelons.     

"I don't know," Eva shook her head, "But it has the support from the Nine Families and other factions."     

"Why would the Nine Families support an independent organization when they have the World Government?" Kiba asked, surprised.     

"No idea," Eva answered, "Maybe due to internal rivalry or perhaps it has something to do with the Cause of Dharma Chakra."     

"I see," Kiba sighed in disappointment. He hasn't learned anything substantial.     

"Most likely that monk is a member for Dharma Chakra.. that would explain his reverence and fear," Eva concluded.     

"Yeah," Kiba could only let go of Dharma Chakra for now, "Time to prevent another trouble before it bites me."     


Dream Rise House.     

"Never thought the 'borrowing' we did will be used in such a fashion!" Kiba's attention was on the virtual screen as he made arrangements. "This should be enough to make sure nothing goes wrong!"     

[[I feel bad for both sides]]     

"The choice is between them and us!" Kiba said as a droid cut his hairs short and then dyed them black, "Would you prefer to use our other arrangements for their sake?"     

Kiba further wore brown eye lens while taking on a black jacket and covering his hands with dark gloves.     

[[Of course not.]]     

"Then let's proceed with this," Kiba put a heavily modified Guy Fawkes mask on his face, "I have always wanted to do some role-playing."     


Delta Police Headquarters.     

Fifth Floor.     

Three main investigators, two junior investigators, and ten local police members came out of the forensic room.     

In the corridor, dozens of police staff proceeded with their duties. There were even civilians on the floor; they were mainly the spouses of the investigators and local officers. They were here to meet them during lunchtime since they lack free time due to the busy investigation.     

"Davis, can we really get something useful from the brain of that slum insect?" A woman named Tamara asked. She was the wife of Davis and they were both parts of the main investigation team.     

"I don't know," Davis answered, "But we have to reinvestigate everything."     

"With a fresh perspective!" A man named Allan added. He was a junior investigator.     

"Yeap," A woman in thirties named Ellen agreed. She was a civilian but could be here since she was a fiancee of Allan.     

"Let's wait for the result," Davis glanced back at the forensic room, "Doctor will be able to retrieve the memories in few hours."     


The entire floor shook heavily while the ceiling started cracking. Dust and debris filled the air as the rumbling increased further.     

Everyone lost their balance. They either collided against the walls or collapsed on the floor.     

"What's going on!?" Allan was horrified as he tried to stand.     

"Are we under attack?!" Ellen took the support of a chair.     

"It shouldn't be!" An officer name Jason said, "There are multiple layers of force field outside. We will know long before an attack!"     

"Yeah but how will you explain this?!" Tamara cleaned the dust from her clothes.     

The floor was in chaos while the emergency measures activated. The alarms turned intense and officers regained their composure to find out the truth.     

"Here is a gift!" A loud voice came from the end of the floor, "Please enjoy!"     

"What?!" Allan's eyes turned wide open as he saw fifteen grenades rushing towards them. Their speed was too fast as they swept forward like laser beams.     

Allan gritted his teeth and laid down on the floor. His body dissolved into the floor, becoming one with it.     

Tamara's body turned a mirage of light as she dodged the grenades. Davis' outer body transformed into a rock shell. The remaining mutants similarly used their abilities to protect themselves.     


Green flames of explosion engulfed the entrance of the forensic room. The glass doors melted like wax and the walls burned like they were made of oil.     

Inside, a sixty-year-old doctor scanned the contents on the digital screen. Some distance away, an old man was strapped on the examination chair.     

The doctor's eyes bulged in shock as he saw rays of white light covering the old man. The next moment, the old man vanished as if he was a phantom.     

"No!" The doctor rushed to the chair but then he sensed something. He turned around in complete horror to see green flames rushing at him, ready to devour him.     

"AHHHHH!" The doctor released heart-wrenching screams as his body incinerated into ashes...     

Outside, Allan, Tamara, Davis, and others were startled to see themselves completely safe. They looked back and saw the green flames wreaking havoc in the forensic room.     

"Doctor!" Allan shouted.     

"The aim was the forensic room!" Jason shouted in realization.     

"Hey, don't be so jealous!" The voice from before reverberated on the floor, "We have gifts for you as well.!"     

The survivors turned around and saw a man with Guy Fawkes mask walking forward. He was accompanied by twelve droids, their guns pointed at the people on the floor.      

"We have to distribute gifts in order of seniority," The masked man explained, "The doctor was the oldest so we had to entertain him first."     

"Who the heck are you?!" Davis snapped at the damage. Not only they had lost the doctor and the forensic facility, but also the memories of the slum dweller.     

"We're the foot soldiers of the revolution!" the masked man answered, "The ones who will gift you deaths for the atrocities you have committed!"     

"You are a terrorist?!" Allan asked in shock.     

"No!" the masked man replied, "We are revolutionaries!"     

"Don't give yourself a fancy name!" Davis' hand bulged as it transformed into a rock hammer, "Everyone from The Nation of Terror is a terrorist!"     

"That's a funny thing to say!" the masked man said as he stepped forward. "Your government has committed the worst crimes on humanity! Yet you call us terrorists when we are trying to free this world!?"     

"Save your speech for the afterlife!" Davis and others were ready for the battle, "You are not going to survive!"     

"We live and die for the revolution!" The masked man took out another grenade from his jacket, "What about you?!"     

Davis and others flinched and rushed back. They had witnessed the might of grenades so they knew the explosives were stronger than their handling capacity.     

"Such corrupt men!" The masked man removed the firing pin from the grenade. "Only a corrupted heart fears death!"     

"Fuck! He is a fanatic just like those in the explosion at Sakura City!" Allan merged with the floor once again. He didn't dare face a madman directly.     

Others used their abilities as well, afraid of suffering the fate as the doctor in the forensic room.     

Everyone was terrified as they waited for the grenade to explode. Each second felt like hours as their bodies trembled due to incoming explosion.     

Tick tock.     

The only sound on the floor was the clock ticking. There was complete pin drop silence otherwise.     

After two minutes~     

"It is not working!?"     

The masked man exclaimed seeing the grenade in his hand didn't explode.     

"I apologize!"     

"Motherfucker!" Jason was sure the masked man was toying with them. Others gritted their teeth in frustration for being deceived.     

They used to brag how they never feared death in their line of duty, but now they were terror-struck by a madman's play!     

They looked at each other and nodded their head as a common decision was made. This bastard needed to be killed!     

"Die!" Davis rushed forward with his fist targetting the masked man. From the other end, Tamara became a mirage of light as she charged at him.     

The others similarly attacked; some aiming at the masked man while others at the droids.     

A local police officer collided his fist and yellow waves originated from the point of contact. The waves rippled towards the masked man.     


The floor shook and the tiles shattered while dust and smoke filled the floor.     

"Impossible!" Davis' eyes almost left the socket as the smoke cleared, "How can this be?!"     

The masked man stood with a relaxed attitude, his right hand stretched forward. A single finger had collided with the fist!     

He was sure his rock fist would smash into the masked man, exploding his body. The attack had indeed landed but it was stopped by a single finger!     

The outcome?     

The rock hand burst apart as a powerful force originated from the finger.     

"URGHH!" Davis' entire hand broke in fragments of rock.     

Meanwhile, Tamara who had rushed at the masked man with a speed of light was stuck in mid-air. Her face was devoid of any color as she struggled to breathe.     

She looked below and saw a hand clenching her neck.     

"How can he counterattack despite my speed!?" Tamara wondered as she struggled to grasp air.     

At the same time, the yellow waves of destruction bounced back at the officer who created them.     

"NOOOO!" The officer cried as the waves crashed onto him. His body bulged like a balloon and then exploded into a shower of blood and gore!     

The others were slightly better with droids not killing them. They were only overpowered.     


"The power of the revolution would not be stopped by the might of corruption!" The masked man declared as he released his grip on Tamara.     

He snapped his fingers and a gale of air erupted in the room.     


The gale carried the pressure of a mountain as it brought every single individual to their knees.     

"You son of a bitch!" Jason cursed loudly, "We are not corrupted!"     

"Yes," Davis chimed in, suppressing the pain, "We live an honest life with our families!"     

"My husband is right!" Tamara added as her face regained color.     

"Is that so?" The masked man looked around the room where both civilians and officers were on the floor, "This entire room is filled with greed and corruption, and yet, you claim otherwise."     

"We have done no wrong!" Davis disagreed.     

"Really?" The masked man crouched in front of him. "You have a beautiful wife. Yet so many men out there are single, without ever tasting the sweetness of a woman."     

"What are you talking about!?" Davis couldn't understand how his marital status has anything to do with revolution.     

"Isn't it greed that you keep your wife for yourself... when countless other men have never enjoyed a fine woman as yours?!" The masked man asked.     

"YOU!" Davis looked at him, tongue-tied with hate.     

"Then there is you!" The masked man gazed at Tamara. "There are so many men with better personality and appearance! Yet you only cling to your husband! Isn't this sign of a corrupt heart that discriminates!?"     

Tamana's heart beat rapidly as the words set in her mind.     

How can the selection of her husband be discrimination against other men?     

No! Just what type of corruption and greed this man was even talking about?!     

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