The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Sweet Love

Sweet Love

Jessica and Loren were startled by the dare Zed gave.     

He was asking the investigators to frame him, and even called them dumb idiots?!     

What truly shocked them further was how silent Athol and the investigators have become.     

Athol and the investigators didn't do anything to stop Zed as he left the room. They had prepared an elaborate plan to frame him but now they no longer dared to follow it.     

"From the very start, he played us!" Percy's mother whispered.      

She now realized Zed intentionally provoked Athol in order to record his activities. If the video was shared, there would be irrevocable damage for Athol and them.     

"That's not the worse part!" Edgar's father said with a deep frown. "He wasn't relying on the video when he dared us to frame him!"     

"Yes!" Percy's mother nodded her head.     

She was sure Zed had a powerful card in his hand. Only that would explain why he discarded the video as a childish trick!     

"What do we do!?" Athol finally got his wits together.     

"Nothing for now!" One of the investigators answered.     

"We're leaving!" Suzane interjected in between their conversation, "Unless you wish to seek our daughters' statement."     

Suzane decided to help Jessica and Eloise out of goodwill. She was the wife of an investigator so she knew how the police will try to exploit the two of them.     

"There is no need," Athol decided to not record their statements for now.     

"Goodbye then!" Suzane, Eloise, Jessica, Loren, and Olly took their leave.     

"I won't let this insult pass!" Athol muttered in his heart after everyone left.     

He promised to retaliate...     


Outside the police station.     

Zed sat opposite the gate. He didn't really fear the police nor the investigators.     

The only reason he wished to avoid them was to protect life has built here. In the last four years, he has invested far too much in the city to allow it to be taken away by the government.     

This was why he initially decided to spare the previous principal and his wife even though they were responsible for the current situation.     

He didn't wish to bring attention to his current form since there was a chance of his association with Castor Damon being exposed.     

Now, he didn't have that fear after the preparations he has made along with the crisis he had created for the investigators.     

He can handle anything as long as it didn't concern his secret. The investigators enjoyed unlimited authority for their main investigation and not for other matters.     

"You didn't leave?" Jessica's voice came from behind.     

"Obviously not," Zed turned around. "Remember we were going for drinks?"     

Jessica and others were startled. Did he wish to have a drink after all this!?     

Beer was rather a common drink in households so even the parents have no excuse to refuse.     

"Yes, we were," Jessica answered after some time, "Loren is joining us as well, right?"     

"I..." Loren didn't know whether she should agree or not.     

"Of course, she is joining us!" Zed then gazed at Olly. "Her brother is accompanying us as well!"     

"I am!?" Olly asked, surprised.     

He wasn't even acquainted with Zed, and yet, he was invited?     

Suzane, on the other hand, sighed in relief. Earlier, she was trying to think of excuses to not allow her daughter to visit a bar, but now she was no longer bothered.     

If her son was accompanying her daughter, then there was nothing to worry about!     

"Let's go," Zed motioned them towards his hovercar...     

Eloise and Suzane looked on as their children left with Zed.     

"That kid is difficult to understand!" Eloise remarked, thinking of his behavior inside the police station and outside.     

"Yes!" Suzane agreed, "He is strange!"     


Sweet Love was a popular club in Central District. It was always overcrowded thanks to the ambient environment and the wonderful drinks it offered.     

In the present, a long queue of people stood outside the club, waiting for a chance to enter. More than ten bouncers overlooked the queue to ensure no trouble.     

Then there were the surveillance drones and help from humanoid droids to further help the bouncers.     

"We won't get an entry!" Olly said as he left the car along with others. "And there are no VIP entries either!"     

He knew the popularity of the club, so he wasn't least bit surprised by the crowd outside. He also knew status here was useless, as he and his friends have tried to use it, with no success!      

"Let's try anyway," Zed didn't join the queue. He directly went to the entrance.     

Loren and others looked at each other and then decided to tag along. Olly knew they would become a laughing stock, but he joined his sister nevertheless.     

Olly's fear came true and soon the people in the queue started laughing.     

"Dream on, kid!"     

"Hahaha, I have been waiting here for an hour, and you think you can directly enter!?"     

"I have a good background, but even I couldn't enter!"     

"Stupid assholes!"     

"Those girls are dumb to tag along!"     


Jessica and Loren's faces turned hot from anger. Even Olly felt insulted by the jeers of the crowd.     

"We shouldn't embarrass ourselves further!" Olly muttered as Zed reached the entrance.     

Three bouncers in black guarded the entrance. They stared at Zed with deep scowls on their faces.     

"Kid, there is no special treatment here," One of the bouncers said in a heavy voice.     

Zed didn't say anything. He only took out a black card from his purse.     

"He thinks a card can change the rules here!?" Someone from the queue shouted.     

"The club is known for its fairness!"     

"Stop being delusional!"     

"Even if you are mayor's son you won't get an entry---"     

The crowd suddenly turned silent. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a look of total disbelief.     

The head bouncer opened the entrance of the club! Not only that, but the bouncer also showed a respectful attitude.     

Zed remained silent as he entered the club, followed by Olly and others. Behind them, the bouncer closed the entrance.     

The crowd got their wits back as they saw the entrance being locked again.     


"This is unfair!"     

"It is against the rule!"     

"Get that kid out!"     

"We will protest!"     

"Yes! We will boycott the club unless you get them out!"     

The head bouncer gazed at the crowd with a mocking expression.     

"You think I will give more preference to your protests than the owner of the club?" The bouncer asked with a smirk.     


"That kid owns this place!?"     

"No way!"     


"No wonder he didn't give a damn!"     

"The world is unfair!"     



The club was spacious with two floors, filled with people to the brim. Multiple lights flashed on the disco floor.     

At the far right corner, the DJ made sure people had more than worth the money as he adjusted the music to give them the fun of their lifetime.     

From the opposite side, Olly, Loren, and Jessica entered the club.     

They were in a state of disbelief by the special treatment they received. They earlier believed the club offered no special treatment, and yet they were made exceptions!     

This was definitely something to brag about since the club was one of the most popular ones in the city!     

"You own this club?" Jessica asked, surprised by the sheer size of the club.     

It was her first time entering a club, and she was startled by the glamor and vanity.     

"Yeap," Zed stepped towards the bar counter.     

Rows of liquor bottles were placed behind the bar. Beers, wines, whiskey, vodka, and many other beverages were displayed on the glass shelf.     

The bar counter was made from glass with a virtual interface to allow the patrons to choose their drinks. Seven bartenders made the drinks in a fully professional manner.     

"No wonder you are so rich!" Loren muttered as she glanced at the prices of the drinks and the size of the crowd.     

There was hardly any empty space inside and there were more people waiting outside. While the patrons here were rich, the cost was still high than most clubs she knew of.     

"Why wouldn't you allow VIP treatment for selected few?" Olly asked as he sat on a stool.     

He felt the club can earn a lot more by giving special treatment to the rich and powerful.     

From what he knew, no one was given special privileges. Except for today, of course.     

This was such a wasted opportunity, and he felt, if he was in charge, then he could earn more.     

"Actually not giving special treatment is more profitable in the long run!" Zed answered with a smile. "This makes a visit to the club as a privilege issue for spoiled brats!"     

Spoiled brats?     

Olly felt like he was kicked in his guts. He has tried to come here many times but with rare success.     

This only made his desire to enter the club stronger and when he did, he felt the reputation of the club was well deserved.     

"Forget this boring stuff," Zed shook his head, "Let us have a drink."     

"Club Special!" Olly loudly placed his order before others could even check the menu.     

Jessica and Loren looked at Olly in dismay.     

Why was he suddenly acting like a country bumpkin?!     

"It is the best choice for beer!" Olly pointed towards the menu on the glass interface. "Most people here come for only this!"     

"Is it really that good for you to act in such a fashion!?" Loren was displeased by her brother's conduct.     

Zed ignored the banter between brother-sister. He turned towards the chief bartender and said, "Club Special for all of us."     

"Understood, sir" The chief bartender was a man with a square face and short brown hair.     

He was acquainted with Zed, unlike the bouncers at the entrance. This was why he gave more attention to Zed from the start.     

A minute later~     

Four glasses of beer were placed on the counter. The first characteristics anyone notice would be - boozy, roasted malt, and dark fruit aroma!     

Olly has never smelled a more alluring perfume from a beer. He slowly sipped in a mouthful.     

"Amazing!" Olly closed his eyes as he savored the rich and creamy taste. The beer was smooth, fragrant, and full of complex hop flavor.     

"Truly the best!" Jessica added. She felt refreshed and light as she devoured the entire glass of beer.     

"Can we have one more?!" Loren asked the chief bartender. She now felt her brother's earlier behavior was only natural.     

The beer felt lightly sour, lightly sweet, distinctively spicy, and a little bit funky. A rare among rare, truly worthy of its reputation!     

Loren had checked the rules on the virtual interface so she knew Club Special was limited to one glass per customer.     

This rule ensured customers never had enough of this flavor, and hence offering them a strong reason to return again.     

The bartender didn't answer Loren's request. He glanced at Zed.     

"It is fine," Zed signaled him with a smile. "Make an exception for them."     

"Yes, sir!" The bartender nodded before proceeding to make another set of drinks.     

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