The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Finishing Strike

Finishing Strike

In his life, Akshobhya has met many people but none as foul-mouthed as Kiba. Even during his worst psychic attacks on others, none of the victims have used as many varieties of curses as Kiba.     

When Kiba called him Shitfaced dimwit, Cocksucker, Asslicker, Dickless scum, Bastard, and Asshole; Akshobhhya could still handle the curses.     

He believed the kid was from a generation that was uncultured and lacked moral sensibility. So, as a monk, he tried to be broad-minded and didn't take any offense.     

But now Pedophile?!     

He has strictly followed celibacy and yet he was blamed for such abominable sin?! He felt offended and swore to torture the kid.     

Like this wasn't enough, the kid went a step beyond by calling him a disgrace to men who couldn't even last for a few seconds!     

Akshobhya has read memories of many male victims so he understood the hidden meaning of this insult! This hurt him more than being addressed as a pedophile.     

"Kid, even death couldn't clear your sins!" Akshobhya's last bit of consciousness merged with those of the young monks, "You would regret saying those words."     

"I don't know about me but you sure are going to regret your choice of words!"     

Kiba's eyes flashed with viciousness as he recalled Akshobhya's threat of dissecting his unborn daughter.     

"Time to end this play."     

He clenched his fist and the cyclones in the area started creating havoc as they moved towards the remaining eleven survivors.     

"I didn't want to resort to slaughter," Kiba leaped towards the sky, "But I can't have any loose ends here."     

"Please, sir!"     

"We won't reveal anything!"     


Kiba ignored their cries and dashed high in the sky. He didn't even glance back to see their fate for it was pretty much sealed.     

As he dashed charged at the sky, the struggle of golden lightning in the dark clouds reduced.     

Turbulent air currents greeted his face as he passed the stratosphere. From the ground, he looked like a thunderbolt striking the vault of heaven.     

Golden sparks covered his legs like wings and his speed increased. In less than a minute, he covered a distance of five thousand kilometers.     

"Ugh!" Kiba felt headache returning, "Is this the best you can do even after defiling the children!?"     

"Kid, your foul language knows no end!" Akshobhya was annoyed, "The young monks are my disciples and I will never commit such a grave sin!"     

"Fool the world with those lies," Kiba increased his speed, "By merging with their consciousness, you are making them mentally handicapped for life!"     

He pretty much understood Akshobhya how increased his psyche power. It was by merging with children who have telepathic or psychic abilities.     

The younger one was, the less complex the consciousness. This also meant low chances of backlash in merging with the young consciousness.     

Akshobhya might defuse with their consciousness, but how can the children bear the strain of merging with a powerful psychic? The strain was always shared by the weaker party and Akshobhya knew what awaited for the children.     

"Argh!" Kiba stopped after reaching ten thousand kilometers. He floated in the sky with his hands on his head, trying to fight the mental pain.     

The psychic attacks were invisible and formless. Even with the increase in his powers, his consciousness was still his weakest part.     

Akshobhya, on the other hand, didn't believe Kiba's consciousness was weak. The blood-red crystal cubes in the monastery cracked at a rate visible to the naked eye.     

A small crack appeared on the blue platform and Akshobhya dreaded the aftereffects.     

"I will definitely win but the price would be far too high!" Akshobhya didn't want to lose the technology the ancestors has retrieved from the meteorites, "I should stop now and make more arrangements before I take it to the final step!"     

He decided to retrieve his consciousness back but suddenly his body flinched.     

"Impossible!" Akshobhya was shocked, "You have established a reverse link?!"     

Kiba was in no state to answer. He concentrated all his energy to barge into Akshobhya's consciousness, ensuring the latter couldn't back away.      

"How could this be?" Akshobhya was sure his opponent didn't have any psychic ability, "Don't tell me you copied my ability?!"     

"Think what you want!"     

Kiba enveloped his body with a column of golden light and rushed up. Multiple sonic booms exploded and space flickered with terrifying energy fluctuations.     

"You were bidding for the time by distracting me with those curses!" Akshobhya was angered.     

He was now sure Kiba distracted him while learning his ability to counterattack!     

"Actually no," Kiba replied after crossing some twenty thousand kilometers, "I just love cursing."     

"You bastard!" Akshobhya cursed for the first time in decades.     

He understood there was no chance of stepping back now. If he tried to back away then the backlash would be far too much for him to handle due to the reverse link.     

Kiba continued to charge straight. Under his terrifying speed, the layers of gases shredded to pieces and exploded, shrouding the sky with multiple colors.     

Inside his consciousness, Akshobhya's consciousness opened his third eye. His pupil looked like a vortex of nightmares. From the center of the pupil, a beam of light streamed out and crashed into Kiba's consciousness.     

"ARGHH!" Kiba froze.     

"Live your worst time!" Akshobhya launched another attack.     

He didn't dare bring the memories from the mining expedition so he tortured Kiba with his earlier nightmares.     


Kiba cursed as the strange pupil engulfed him in nightmares.     

In the real world, his eyes shut as the past struck him. His willpower was strong but the attack of Akshobhya was far too strong.     

He lost focus and his body started falling down from over thirty thousand kilometers high above the ground. His consciousness remained oblivious as he relived the darkest times...     



The days of hunger and cold. The unbearable pain of starvation and weakness.     

The punishment, torture... the agonizing moments.     

"You want this piece of bacon!?" An overlord threw the bacon in a cage filled with two dogs, "Then take it from those wild dogs!"     

The pain of flesh being ripped apart by hungry dogs. The jeers of the spectators.     

"Slum insects, want the biscuits?" A man with a camera asked a group of slum dwellers, "Behave properly and you might get one!"     

The humiliation of being treated like animals. The realization that his life was nothing but enjoyment for others...     

The moments he wished to end his life to rid of the sufferings. The hope that the next life would be better than this one.     

"Everyone in this world should die!"     

The envy and hate at the unfairness of the world. The days when resentment turned into a curse against the people of the world. And a wish for the world to be exterminated...     



Meanwhile, inside his chest.     

The Cosmic Spark flashed with gray particles.      

As the nightmares brought out the resentment and hate inside him, a gray particle jumped out of one of the thin cracks. The gray particle resembled a cell, and in a flicker of a second, it mixed with his bloodstream...     


In the real world, Kiba continued to fall, enveloped by flames like a meteorite crashing down.     

"I'm not my past self!"     

Kiba fiercely opened his eyes.     

"Nor I'm a victim of some tragedy so stop trying to make me believe otherwise!"     

His body stopped a few thousand kilometers above the ground. Like a bolt of lightning, he once again flew up.     

His movements were fierce than before and so was his determination to end this. A deafening sound ringed out as he broke through the final layers of the atmosphere.     

In the monastery.     


Two of the three blood-red cubes exploded in fragments.     

"Cough!" Akshobhya coughed up blood. The backlash of his ability nullified affected both his body and consciousness.     

"If that kid hasn't copied my ability then I would have won!" Akshobhya cursed the luck of his enemy.     

Some distance away, Kurtis was terrified by the sudden destruction of the cubes. He refused to believe what the destruction signified.     

In the other part of the world, Kiba arrived above the Earth's orbit. Despite the protection of the golden column of light, he felt a bone-numbing chill.     

He ignored the chill and lifted his head. Some ten thousand kilometers away was the satellite enveloped with the blue crystalline layer.     

"You wanted to dissect me and my daughter to get my power, right?" Kiba's cold voice ringed inside the consciousness of Akshobhya. "Let me gift you this power."     

"What do you mean?" Akshobhya was confident Kiba couldn't reach the satellite. Ten thousand kilometers in space and Earth were different concepts.     

Akshobhya has felt the great power Kiba carried but he was sure he couldn't harm him physically. They were on opposite sides of the globe connected with nothing but a satellite.     

Kiba focused his attention on the satellite. His vision passed through the satellite and locked on the three blue cubes.     


Faint ripples of current appeared on the blue cubes, carrying a golden hue.     

As his gaze remained on the satellite, blood trickled down his eyes. Using power in space was more difficult than he thought, but he didn't back down.     

Back in the monastery, Akshobhya's body shuddered. Thousands of voltage swept into him from the crystal platform and blood-red cubes.     

Even in his worst nightmares, he has never thought someone was capable of using the reverse link in such a fashion.     

"Take my power if you can!" Kiba said as he transferred more of his strength into the blue cubes.     

He was ten thousand kilometers away from the satellite. To transmit his power at such a long distance and making sure it carried the desired effect, it took a heavy toll on him.     

Blood dripped from the corner of his lips and his body shivered. It was the first time he has felt such exhaustion after using his full powers.     


The blue in the crystal cubes was slowly replaced by the golden hue.     

Inside the monastery, the last blood-red cube and crystal platform similarly turned gold.     

Chi Chi Chi~     

Golden ripples slowly replaced the red and blue ripples connected to Akshobhya.     


The golden ripples slammed into Akshobhya. A decaying force erupted inside his body like a violent volcano.     


His eyes constricted as he realized what the enemy has planned.     


Akshobhya grabbed his neck to choke himself to death.      

"You can't die!" Kiba's faint voice ranged in his mind, "Not so easily after the words you spoke!"     

"Ple...ase!" Akshobhya couldn't even strangle himself under the pressure of golden ripples, "Don't you want to know---"     

"I don't care!" Kiba cut him. He made his intention clear by transmitting the last bit of his strength into the satellite.     

In the monastery, a final golden ripple originated from the platform and cube.     


The platform exploded and Akshobhya collapsed on the floor. The connection with the satellite and Kiba broke, but for him, there was hardly any good in it.     


Kurtis rushed forward to help.     

"Save me!"     

Akshobhya started aging rapidly, his organs decaying.     

From a middle-aged man, he turned into an old man at the twilight of his life. Every corner of his body was filled with a horrible sickness, and he further aged from an old man to an ancient man.     

"What?!" Kurtis instinctively backed away.     

In a matter of seconds, Akshobhya's face was covered with wrinkles with his eyes turning listless. The teeth from his mouth fell away like rotten shrimps.     

He wanted to beg for help but all he could do was flap like a dying fish...     

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