The Sinful Life of The Emperor



"I don't discriminate among beauties regardless of which ethnicity they belong to. It doesn't matter to me whether a woman is married or single," Kiba continued with a heavy expression. "I don't even care whether beauty is a virgin or not. For me, beauty is a beauty that has to be appreciated and loved."

Kiba sighed and shook his head as if no one in the world could understand the intensity of the burden he was carrying.

Carole: "...."

Jack and Richard couldn't speak. They didn't know how to counter such a shameless guy who was so thick-skinned that even a bullet couldn't penetrate his skin.

Even Eva - who knew Kiba the best - was speechless. If she didn't know him better, she would have actually thought Kiba actually meant what he said. But knowing his personality, she knew he was saying only to provoke Jack and Richard. Maybe others didn't know why, but she knew.

"You can say I am a universal acceptor of beauties," Kiba concluded.


Do you call your womanizing habits as a sign of universal acceptor?!?

How can the gods allow such a shameless guy to even exist in this world!?

He should be struck by a bolt of lightning for saying such words!

"Carole, let's go and meet that old man," Kiba reminded her. He has enough playing around for now so he just wanted to get done with his original goal.

"Ah, yes!" Carole regained clarity and replied with affirmation

A part of her regretted accepting the dating proposal.

"Surely he wouldn't act like this during the date, right?" Carole wondered in her heart.

From what she knew, he never spoke like this. She prayed for the best and guided Kiba to an elevator.

They were currently on the 83rd floor of White Angel Corporation.


Chairman Hank was waiting for them on the 90th floor. The entire floor was reserved for VIP guests with multiple lounges and entertainment facilities.

Kiba, Carole, Eva, Richard, Jake, and others arrived on the floor.

As the owner of the company, Hank has his pride, so he couldn't go out to personally welcome Kiba. But he also knew he has to please Kiba. This was why he was personally welcoming him here.

Hank Webley appeared to be in his early fifties. He was bald, and one could judge he was not active physically from his beer belly.

"Welcome to my poor abode," Hank said as he went ahead to hug Kiba.

"Poor indeed," Kiba was amused. "You are so poor that I envy your poverty."

He quickly freed himself from the hug. He only liked to hug women and not men.

"I am sure you can surpass me given time," Hank Webley said.

"Time will tell," Kiba replied. "Tell me one thing though."

"Ask me anything, my friend," Hank Webley said with a big smile.

"Is Eva really your daughter?" Kiba asked with a pondering expression.

"Of course she is my daughter," Hank proudly declared.

"That's truly surprising," Kiba has an amazed look on his face as he continued. "I can't understand how an ugly fish like you breed a beauty like Eva."

Carole, Eva, Jack, and Richard's faces twitched. They couldn't believe he actually insulted one of the strongest men in Delta City like it was nothing.

"Haha, Eva's mother was gorgeous, so she luckily inherited her genes," Hank replied with a laugh. He has plenty of experience dealing with Kiba, so he knew he has to indulge his eccentric personality.

It might seem like trash talk, but Hank knew Kiba was trying to anger him and make him commit some wrong moves. While Hank has excessive pride, he knew he couldn't be angered by such petty attacks.

People in high positions have to develop thick skin. If they were offended easily than their enemies would take advantage of them.

Hank sighed in his heart as he thought about the conduct of his son before. He couldn't help but feel disappointed at his son's performance.

Hank even wondered if his son was fit to be his successor, but he had no choice. Eva was a woman so how can he give his throne to her?

"I see," Kiba nodded in understanding. "Makes sense."

Richard clutched his fist tightly. Eva was his fiancee, and yet, Kiba was making remarks about her in front of him.

"Kiba, let's go. You must be exhausted from your battle with mutants from Sky Fiend Group," Hank guided Kiba to a lounge.

"You have no idea how tough my battles were," Kiba said as he recalled three rounds of 'battles' with Eva.

"I have prepared some refreshments for you!" Hank sported a smile that a man could understand easily.

"Oh?" Kiba was surprised. He could guess what type of refreshments Hank has prepared for him.

Hank ordered others to leave while he and Kiba entered the lounge. Carole gave a sigh, thinking Kiba can never really change.


The lounge was luxurious, filled with modern amenities and a minibar. There were two naked women behind the bar who were busy preparing three glasses of wine.

"l am sure you already know them from the movies but just in case let me introduce them to you." Hank Webley began the formal introduction.

The woman on left was Olivia while the one on right was Katey. They were actresses in mainstream movies.

Olivia was a brunette with beautiful blue eyes, a big ass, and even bigger titties. Katey was a blond with hypnotizing black eyes, natural breasts, and round booty. They lived up to the hype of the movie industry.

"Kiba, I shall leave you now in the ladies' care. I'm sure they are ready to serve you nice refreshments," Hank said as he left the lounge.

"I am sure they are."

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