The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Get Ready

Get Ready

Death was painful for only a moment but having a baby was torture that lasts for years, if not decades. Taking care of a child while losing all the sleep was not something he wanted to experience.

He believed life turns into hell after having a child since the parent has to make the child the center of his world. A parent can no longer give priority to his own dreams as the entire focus was reserved for 'the bundle of joy'. He could never understand why parents would sacrifice and suffer so much for the sake of their child.

Perhaps living the life of an orphan - despite having parents - made it difficult for him to understand how a parent-child relationship worked. While he hated his own parents for what they did, he has never let his hate turned into a bias.

Otherwise, he would not have been touched by the actions of that woman in the slum. She has distributed the food among her children while she slept empty stomach.

When he helped the woman and saw the look of joy on her face, he felt happy.

He may be fascinated by the love a parent can have for the child but that didn't mean he wanted to experience the love of becoming a father. The only love he truly wanted was the love between the thighs of a woman.

At least that's what he thought...


Zed wiped his tears and regained his composure.

"Can we resume breakfast if your tears of joy have stopped?" Felicity asked in a cold voice. Her expression showed how displeased she was with the behavior of Zed.

"Yes," Zed replied with a forced smile.

They resumed their breakfast but other students were still focused on the TV screen. The female anchor and Erone haven't stopped the discussion on the 'breaking news'.

"Sir Kiba knocked out Jack with a single slap," Erone has the expression of a devotee as he continued, "I hope that slap has opened Jack's eyes so that he would no longer get in between a father and a child."

"I am hoping for the same but I am afraid it is no longer possible," the female anchor claimed bitterly.

"What do you mean?" Erone asked.

"Our sources have reported that Jack's father-Hank- has a falling out with Kiba yesterday," the female anchor answered.

"Sir Kiba and Hank have a professional relationship from years but now it is broken?" Erone has a shocked expression on his face.

"From what our sources have gathered, Kiba and Hank had an ugly fight. Reportedly, Kiba told Hank that Agatha should be with him since she was pregnant with his child," the female anchor explained.

Zed was drinking a glass of juice but his attention was still on the news. He couldn't believe just to what extent the media were lying.

The fight between him and Hank was for a totally different reason and the media should have known it. And yet again they manipulated the facts to their own advantage.

"Felicity, I have a few calls to make," Zed excused himself from the table.

"Sure, but don't forget we have a history class at 9 am and a battle training session at 10 am," Felicity reminded him about the class schedule. There were around fifteen minutes before the classes started.

"I will join you in the class," Zed reassured her before leaving.


He walked into the parking space of the academy campus. The sensors of his hovercraft detected his presence and the door opened automatically.

Zed sat on the driving seat after which he transformed into Kiba. The design of hovercraft and its management by Claudia made sure his secret was safe.

"Claudia, call Agatha," Kiba commanded.


A minute later, a virtual screen appeared in front of him as the video call started.

"Agatha," Kiba slowly said. He could see from the video feed that she was exhausted.

"Kiba, why have you called?" Agatha asked.

She could pretty much guess why he has called but nevertheless, she didn't really want to talk about it. From the last twenty minutes, her life has turned into hell with all the calls from media, her friends, and family. 

"I have called to apologize," Kiba answered. His eyes and voice were filled with guilt.

Agatha has been far too good to him but he has wrecked her life. Yesterday, when he told her about his past, she has hugged him to tell him that he was no longer alone. That gesture was something that touched his heart.

Even before the affair and yesterday's event, he has known her far too well. She has only done good things for him so how could he not feel guilty for harming her?

"You don't need to apologize," Agatha continued with a sigh," In the end, it was my decision to have an affair with you. I have no right to blame you for something I did out of my own free will, much less ask you to apologize."

"You already know the media talk was not due to the affair. It was due to the stupid act I pulled yesterday," Kiba said.

When Jack informed him that Agatha was pregnant, Kiba had said things like, 'No one told me I was going to become a father', 'Are you sure the child is not mine?', ' I remember Agatha telling me that I have reached a spot no man has ever reached!'

Kiba has a great time taking pleasure in Jack's reactions but now he knew his actions have also costed Agatha. He didn't regret what he did to Jack but he regretted harming Agatha.

"I know, but you don't need to apologize for that either since you have already apologized yesterday," Agatha said while thinking about the conversation she had with him at the balcony.

"Agatha, if there is anything I can do please tell me...anything you want!" Kiba said seriously.

He knew the media news today would result in a stigma on Agatha for forever. Perhaps even her child would suffer due to this.

There would always be people in society who would open the old wounds for their pleasure. The men were rarely scrutinized for having an affair but for women it was different.

Agatha could tell from his expression and voice how guilty he felt. She knew about the life he has lived and the dreams he sought.

"If I ever need help, I will ask you," Agatha forced a smile.

The current situation made it impossible for her to smile but she knew she has to try. She was already suffering and she didn't want to see him suffer due to her. There was no need for more sufferers in this world.

"Thanks. I have an urgent call to make so please excuse me," Kiba ended the video call.

He could pretty much guess how hard it has been for her to take his call and speak with him nicely. Dragging the conversation any longer would have only made it difficult for Agatha so he decided to end it.

He sat with his eyes closed as he contemplated about Agatha and the news regarding him. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes.

"I don't like being used much less when it harms someone I care about!" Kiba's eyes turned cold. It was the first time in his life that he felt true guilt.

"Claudia, find me the details of news---"

[[I have already collected the details. Just waiting for you to ask.]] Claudia didn't allow Kiba to complete his words.

"You really know me well," Kiba smiled. He was sure she has found out details the moment the news came out.

[[That's my duty, sir. Anyways, here is what you need to know: SBC News is owned by Daniel Enfiled. From the elementary data I have hacked through the SBC News server, it is evident that Daniel was the main culprit for your trouble today."

"Is he married?" Kiba asked.

[[Yes. He is married to Sarah and she is very hot.]]

The virtual screen flashed with images of Sarah.

"Good," With a smile, he continued," Now call that Daniel."

A minute later, the video conference started with the virtual screen acting as the interface.

Daniel has a smile on his face as he took the first step in the conversation," I am honored that a great man like you called me."

"Has anyone told you that your face looks like shit?" Kiba asked in a casual voice.

The smile on Daniel's face stiffened. He has heard that Kiba was someone who would take revenge at the slightest offense but he wasn't worried.

In the end, the power of a single mutant couldn't rival an organization. Not unless they were Divine rank mutants like from the government, nine aristocratic families, or mysterious heritage.

Daniel was sure Kiba wasn't that strong from the information he has gathered. He believed Kiba was among the top three strongest mutants of the city based on the recent activities, so he was powerful but not as powerful to eradicate SBC News.

While he knew Kiba would get offended by the news but he never thought Kiba would use insulting remark from the very start.

"Kiba, I am aware you might be angry due to the news but please know I have no hand in it. I don't manage the daily activities of my channel," Daniel tried to be patient.

He didn't show his anger for he knew anger makes a man vulnerable.

"Of course, you have no hand in it," Kiba waved his hand as if it was something obvious," In fact, my call is for a totally different reason."

"A different reason?"

"Yeap. And it isn't about your face resembling shit. I am sure you hear about that all the time so I don't need to call you for that."

"Tell me what you want," Daniel said while trying to control the anger boiling inside him.

"I want nothing. I just wanted to tell you to get ready," Kiba replied.

"Ready for what?" Daniel asked.

"Becoming a cuckold."

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